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From the Office of the Ecumenical Primate
Archbishop Dr. Karl Rodig
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¡Gracias!Si prega di condividere con tutti, e se possibile tradurre nella tua lingua locale. Grazie!
Моля, споделете с всички и, ако е възможно, преведете го на вашия местен език. Благодаря ти!
Будь ласка, поділіться з усіма, і, якщо це можливо, перекладіть на свою місцеву мову. Дякую!
Пожалуйста, поделитесь со всеми и, если возможно, переведите на свой местный язык. Спасибо!
Education Campaign:
We wanted to remind you and emphasize the beauty and importance of Education, be it you are a seminarian, a lay person, or as continued education program.
We have a great School that is very happy to receive you online around the world!
Please contact the School, or refer others, and if you know members of other Churches who seek education, we welcome them, we are ecumenical.
For our weekly Cathedral bulletin, please visit:
February 22nd, Feast of the Cathedra Petri, A. D. 2025
Peace and greetings, dear Sisters and brothers in Christ and all people of good will. We always pray and hope that you are all well and the Good Lord is keeping you in His Love.
It is with great joy to announce:
-We have received into Full Union to our ECCC the Liberal Independent Syriaque Orthodox Church in Congo with Archbishop ++Prince Marie Armel Paterne Sita with his clergy and faithful from the archdiocese of Brazzaville in Congo. Archbishop ++Prince Marie Armel Paterne Sita is in the USA and will serve as Auxiliary bishop at the Cathedral of St. Anthony.
-We have elevated today our brothers to the Office of Archbishop:
Bishop Edik Baroni will be Archbishop for the Worldwide Prelature of the Persian Catholics in the USA, Europe and the Middle East.
Bishop Manuel Teruel will be Metropolitan Archbishop of The Philippines in our Archdiocese in Bataan.
Bishop Didier Amou'ou will be Archbishop for the Archdiocese of the Order of St. Augustine in Cameroon.
Vicar General Fr. Ted Asis, NOFS is bishop elect for our Order and their missions of St. Francis in the Philippines.
Congratulations to you all and may you grow deeper into the Service of the Good Shepherd.
We also congratulate Archbishop Dr. Tony Scuderi who serves as Chancellor of our Cathedral of St. Anthony Liturgical House of Studies. The School is making progress and if you have any seminarians or lay people who want to study, please contact the administration office of Mr. Gary Staszak: St. Anthony's Cathedral Liturgical House of Studies
Wishing you all a blessed Sunday and week. In Christ's Love
Nativity of our Lord and Savior, A. D. 2024 (Please translate into your languages, thank you)
Hodie Christus Natus est! Alleluja, Alleluja
Peace, and greetings on this Holy Day of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sending you, your loved ones and all whom you serve for the Kingdom of God, a blessed and joyous Christmas Season. May the Joy over the Birth of Christ Jesus bring you all the Grace of God's unending Love. All of us are called to pray for a more peaceful world as we watch the horrors of ravaging wars in the Ukraine, in Gaza, in Sudan and in so many conflict ridden places around the world. Our thoughts are with so many innocent people who are being slaughtered in front of our eyes, the powerlessness we feel as the world is responding with reluctance towards the menace of Tyrants and their followers that have no respect for life at all. The prophecy of old has warned us of all this and yet we live as it is not bothering us. We do need to urge the free world to act in midst of such atrocities being committed and work toward a more peaceful world. We face the horrendous effects of climate change as storms grow bigger, ocean sea levels rising, people in the Islands are fleeing to higher grounds...We are being reminded to be good stewards of this our temporary earthly home and not destroyers. The widening of a social egotistic world, the lack of a well formed consciousness, the neglect for a sense of community and the common good brings forth all the negative energy that we see all around us and that we really don't want. As faith communities we are more than ever called to bring Hope to a world of "no future". The light that shines forth from the Newborn King in Bethlehem brings this hope towards us creating within us the longing for Love, Peace and Justice. May we see in the humility of the Holy family -who had no place to go as Mary was in labor, and became refugees because of the menace of the selfish king Herod...- our own way of a new calling. "The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is Humility" wrote St. Vincent de Paul. This is what millions and millions of Christians lived by throughout the centuries. May we rediscover the same essential Christian attitude, and lay down the destructive weapons of a false pride, the constant wanting of more and not sharing with others who have nothing, the delusion as there is no afterlife, and the list goes on...
I wish you all for the New Year 2025, Peace and Health and your continuous humble and faithful journey with Jesus.
With my benedictions and prayers,
June 27th, A. D. 2024
Peace and Greetings to you all, beloved sisters and brothers in Christ!
It is with great joy to announce the First European Synod and the Middle East of the ECCC in
Rome from October 30 through November 3rd with participants of the clergy and laity.
And with the adjusted words of Pope John XIII at the opening of Vatican II, I am addressing
you all around the World solemnly:
Venerable brothers and sisters, such is the aim of our Synods of the ECCC, which, while
bringing together our Church's best energies and striving to have people welcome more
favorably the good tidings of salvation, prepare, as it were and consolidate the path toward
that unity of mankind which is required as a necessary foundation, in order that the earthly
city may be brought to the resemblance of that heavenly city where truth reigns, charity is
the law, and whose existence is eternity. (See the beginning of our ECCC Manifesto)
We had planned the worldwide Synods a few years ago, and with the Covid19 Pandemic we
had to postpone it.
At our Synodal gatherings -this will also be the model for all 5 Continental Synods of the
ECCC in the coming years-, as we are united in the Holy Spirit, we moving forward to new
Horizons as the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ to: Assess, Discuss, and Elaborate on
our local pastoral situations for each country. From there, we will explore the needs of a new
phase in our ministries: how to better meet the spiritual and social needs of God’s people in the
21st century. We shall find new ways in our inclusive ways of Church outreach for the
marginalized, the oustracized in society, and widen our inclusive ways for women in ministry.
Through different workshops, in prayerful and active meetings, our Results will be presented
to: The Plenary Sessions with ECCC worldwide Representatives -after the 5 Continental
Synods are completed. This will bring the necessary and new pastoral approaches to light in
order to fulfill the Evangelization under Christ's Command for our time. The Plenary session
will issue the final Document sharing it with the whole Church.
This Document will be of uttermost importance as it will create a new Pastoral Plan/Approach
for our ECCC in today’s World, including and respecting the worldwide cultural diversities in
our Church Communion.
For some it seems we are having a parallel Synod to the Roman Church. Yet, we can say
with assurance that some Ideas of our ECCC Church Manifesto that started in 1998 has finally
reached the Roman Church..., laity in church governance, ideas of more participation of
women in the church, the Synodal Church, the laity, the struggle for women ordination,
inclusiveness of all of God’s people...
I am adding a short article that just came out of Rome:
“A church alive and on the move” Work of the group of theologians concluded Vatican, June 14, 2024
"The Holy People of God has been set in motion for mission thanks to the synodal experience. In
the reports there were enthusiastic and creative responses offered as well as some with resistance
and concern. Most reports, however, show the joy of the journey that has given new life to many
local communities and also provoked significant changes on their way of living and being Church.
The seeds of the Synodal Church are already sprouting!" said Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich S.J.,
General Rapporteur of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, at the
conclusion of the work of the group of theologians who, from June 4 to 14, worked on the reports
that reached the General Secretariat of the Synod in preparation for the Second Session of the XVI
Assembly (Oct. 2-27, 2024). The group of theologians (women and men, bishops, priests,
consecrated men and women, and lay people) from different continents worked on the 107 reports
from the Bishops' Conferences and from the Eastern Catholic Churches, the contribution of the
USG-UISG (the International Union of Major Superiors and the International Union of Superiors
General, respectively), and the more than 175 submissions, from international realities, university
faculties, associations of the faithful or of individual communities and persons. Another significant
source of reflection was the reports presented by the parish priests at the three-day working
session of the Parish Priests for the Synod meeting. These reports are the fruit of the work that
local churches have done since the Synthesis Report of the First Session of the 16th Assembly.
They show a Church that is alive and on the move. Among the themes most frequently mentioned
are: formation for synodality, the functioning of participatory bodies, the role of women, young
people, attention to the poor, inculturation, transparency and a culture of accountability on the part
of those who assume ministry in the Church, but also catechesis and Christian initiation,
collaboration among churches, the figure of the bishop, etc....These reports are also rich in
testimonies. "The reports often recount the experience of people who have made a real personal
conversion. Others, however, are of people who continue to experience confusion, worry or
anxiety. In particular, there is a fear that what is sent is not taken seriously or that ideologies and
lobbies of the faithful may exploit the synodal path to impose their own agenda," says Cardinal
Mario Grech, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Synod. Continuing, he said,
"That is why it is good to remember that the October Assembly is not about this or that issue, but
about synodality, about how to be a missionary Church on the way. All the theological issues and
pastoral proposals for changes have this purpose. The Assembly will first and foremost be a time
when each participant, placing one’s self within a journey that began in 2021 and bringing the
'voice' of the people of God from where each one comes, will invoke the help of the Holy Spirit and
that of his brothers and sisters to discern God's will for His Church, and not an opportunity to
impose one’s own vision of Church." The process of drafting the Instrumentum Laboris will
continue with other stages: at this moment, which has seen the articulation of the material received
by this group of theologians, the Ordinary Council will carry out an initial discernment of what has
been drafted. This will be followed by the stages of drafting the actual document and a system of
wide-ranging consultation until the Ordinary Council approves the document to be submitted to the
Holy Father for final approval. "The Instrumentum Laboris for the Second Session of the XVI
Assembly will look different from the previous one. If for the First Session it was important to bring
out the wide-ranging themes, to be addressed, the working document for the October session
intends instead to highlight some knots to be unraveled in order to answer the question, How to be
a synodal Church in mission, taking in the path made so far and proposing theologically grounded
arguments together with some concrete proposals to help the discernment entrusted to the
members of the assembly," says Msgr. Riccardo Battocchio, Special Secretary of the XVI
Assembly. The work, held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Synod, was led by
the two Special Secretaries of the XVI Assembly, Msgr. Riccardo Battocchio and Fr. Giacomo
Costa S.J., and was attended by Cardinal Mario Grech and Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich S.J.”
(Also attached below find also an article from Catholic Church Reform International in which
some of us also participate. It highlights also the demand and struggle withing the Roman
Church about the Synodality of the Church, etc. Some of the demands look very familiar as we
have them already in our Church Manifesto and Canon Laws. Still it also gives ideas one can
explore. Yes there is hope.)
It is evident that there is a lot of movement in local roman diocesan church gatherings
where people speak up and demanding their voices being heard, and yet there is a lot of
resistance from ultra right roman bishops...Blessed is our Church, The ECCC, as we approach
our Church path forward where we do listen and take more serious all people who sincerely
seek necessary changes in the church.
Wishing your local preparatory synodal gatherings much success as they will produce
fruits in the Holy Spirit leading to our European Synod in Rome, and thereafter in our Synods in
Asia and Pacific, Africa, South and North America.
With my Apostolic Blessings a
nd Prayers promised,
Remaining yours faithfully,
+Dr. Karl Rodig
Ecumenical Primate ECCC Given at the Holy See, The Cathedral of St. Anthony, The Day of Saint Anectus of Caesarea,
June 27th, A. D. 2024
Attached Article:Submission from Catholic Church Reform International (CCRI) Agenda Issues for
2nd Assembly of the Synod on Synodality. May 13, 2024The following submission responds to the directions approved by the Ordinary Council of the
General Secretariat of the Synod in “HOW can we be a synodal Church in mission?” This
document signifies global discernment of crossgenerational, cross-continental, cross-cultural
reflections upon which, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we reached full consensus of the
faithful. CCRI requests that these matters named below be included in the agenda for the 2nd
Assembly. Key Terms The terms Synodality, Clericalism, Subsidiarity, Governance, and Sense of
Faith of the Faithful (Sensus Fidei Fidelium) are key to issues addressed by the Synod; meanings
are appended.* Principles, Issues and Actions The Synthesis Report of the 1st Assembly includes
a wide range of substantial proposals. We submit our priorities for what we believe are the central
issues, reflecting teachings of Vatican II and the ‘sense of faith of the faithful’*. In that regard, after
numerous online synodal gatherings representing different countries, ages, and cultures, our
global consensus strongly agrees that the most urgent priority of the 2nd Assembly to be held in
2024 is the equality of women in governance and ministry. Principles and priorities must guide the
wide-ranging agenda of reform if the extensive issues in the 2023 Synthesis Report are to be
properly addressed. Further, the ten study groups recently established by Pope Francis should not
in any way pre-empt consideration of matters by the 2nd Assembly. The following five agenda
principles are accordingly proposed, identifying key issues and priority actions to achieve “a
synodal Church in mission.”
1. Our God-given Mission ISSUES below identify fundamental failings we experience in pursuing
our Christian mission: i. Our Church far from being “a missionary Church capable of transforming
everything” as noted in Evangelii Gaudium ii. The Church’s loss of trust, credibility, and relevance
amongst the faithful and in dialogue with the wider world iii. Massive alienation of Catholics,
particularly young people, from the Church in many countries iv. Dysfunctional Church
governance* as shown by clerical sexual abuse and particularly the widespread cover-up v.
Considerable financial malpractice and numerous bankruptcies in the Church vi. Many bishops’
loss of their moral footing, pastoral legitimacy, commitment to synodality, and listening to the
sensus fidei fidelium. * ACTIONS we submit that the 2nd Assembly propose to Pope Francis: i.
Synodality* to be the core element of all Church structures, practices, and culture including small
Christian communities. ii. Strong accountability, transparency, and inclusion while recognizing
subsidiarity.* iii. Involve the faithful in the selection and evaluation of bishops and parish
priests/pastors. iv. Standing up for all social justice issues and educating the faithful of its primary
purpose in the mission of the Church. v. Due process of sexual abuse issues given to civil
authorities even amid financial bankruptcy, prioritizing care of victims. vi. A committee established
of staff and the faithful to evaluate the bishop and parish clergy every 2 years. vii. National synods
called to address the massive loss of Catholics from the Church viii. Strategically respond to the
needs of young adults for whom the Church has become increasingly irrelevant. ix. Pursue the
Church’s mission synodally* by both teaching and modelling the example of Jesus Christ.
2. Equality of all, ensuring gender diversity in governance and ministry - rejecting male clerical
autocracy ISSUES below identify fundamental failings we experience in pursuing our Christian
mission: i. Male clerical autocracy is neither theologically nor biblically based on clear teachings of
Jesus, is anti-synodal, and reflects past cultural practices now exposed as inadequate and
discriminatory. ii. Male autocracy dismisses the voice of women and is damaging to institutional
decision-making and efficacy. iii. Critical issue of women’s equality in leadership roles within the
Church is still being approached as a matter for analysis and study as opposed to being viewed as
a matter for immediate, strategic action. iv. Consideration of women only as deacons is in itself
inadequate. v. The exclusion of women from Church ministry (c. 1024) and Church governance
(cc.129 and 274§1), and from preaching the homily (c.767§1), deprives the Church of the benefits
of gender diversity and balance in leadership, as well as being contrary to the inclusivity of Jesus’
teachings. vi. Dissonance between welcoming LGBTIQA+ and simultaneously judging them to be
“intrinsically disordered” vii. Ongoing refusal to return mandated man-made priestly celibacy to
optional as done in 23 eastern rites. ACTIONS we submit that the 2nd Assembly propose to Pope
Francis: i. Replace male autocracy with co-responsible models of ministry as we are all
created/baptized as equals. ii. Canon law revised to enable deliberative participation of laity and
clergy at every level of leadership. iii. All synodal structures and practices must be truly inclusive of
all. iv. Repeal canon 1024 which excludes women from sacred ordination. v. Repeal canons 129
and 274§1, which exclude women from governance. vi. Amend cc.767§1 to permit qualified non-
ordained to preach the homily. vii. Following the example of the Eastern rites, amend cc.194 and
1394 to remove the ban on marriage of priests. viii. Take tangible steps to increasingly do together
ecumenically what we do not need to do apart (cf. Lund Statement 1952). ix. Actively welcome
divorced /remarried, LGBTIQA+ Catholics, young people, and the marginalized.
3. Synodal structures and practices at every level of the Church ISSUES below identify
fundamental failings we experience in pursuing our Christian mission: i. Church’s lack of a synodal
approach in its structures, devalues sensus fidelium, and prejudices Church’s efficacy. ii.
Widespread active resistance of many bishops to the call to synodality. iii. Many bishops appoint
as delegates to synodal structures only those who align ideologically with them. iv. Many dioceses
lack effective and monitored diocesan pastoral councils despite the default provision of canon 511.
v. The current male governance and leadership model adopted by bishops is autocratic and the
antithesis of synodality. vi. “Shortage of priests” caused by current institutional restrictions is
creating Eucharistic famine in parts of the world. vii. Parish pastoral councils, although provided
for, are not required by canon law. viii. Finance Committees often operate independently of the
Pastoral Council. ix. The faithful are inadequately involved in diocesan and parish administration.
x. Liturgies are often overly stereotyped with language much too formal and exclusive. xi. The
essential nature of Small Christian communities is inadequately recognized in the Church.
ACTIONS we submit that the 2nd Assembly propose to Pope Francis: i. Synodal structures and
practices be canonically mandated, guided by pastoral inclusion rather than episcopal control. ii.
Delegates to synods and consultative bodies be chosen synodally by both clergy and faithful. iii.
Representative body of the parish/diocese be given deliberative authority when serving on pastoral
councils. iv. Bishops to be accountable to their council for adoption of diocesan councils, synodal
structures, and culture in their dioceses. v. Structures and practices to reflect the principles of both
synodality and subsidiarity, respecting the sensus fidelium and ensuring Christian discernment
through Conversations in the Spirit. vi. Eucharistic famine in Global South to be addressed by
appointing qualified candidates to serve as presbyters. vii. Diocesan and parish pastoral councils
to be mandated with responsibilities for local decision-making with regular synodal reporting to the
faithful. viii. Mandate Finance Committees to serve the mission of pastoral councils. ix. Priority
given to the education of the whole People of God in scripture, theology, synodality, and
subsidiarity. x. Mandate diocesan synods to be convened every 3 years. xi. Periodic dialogue
about the day’s readings needed to discern among the faithful how to live out the Gospel in their
lives. xii. Liturgies to be more diverse and participatory, accessible, and responsive to local needs
and cultures. xiii. Canonical endorsement of Small Christian Communities essential as part of a
synodal Church structure.
4. Clericalism to be eradicated ISSUES below identify fundamental failings we experience in
pursuing our Christian mission: i. Clericalism is a social sin rooted in a medieval mindset reinforced
by the structure of the Church and male autocracy. ii. Clericalist attitudes reinforced by clergy’s
pressure/incentive and silent complicity of laity conditioned over centuries. iii. Clericalism, in an
effort to control the faithful, often neglects teaching the primacy of conscience, and leads to a
massive loss of talent that could build up the Body of Christ. iv.The concept of a presbyter as
ontologically different is a catalyst for clericalism, the antithesis of synodality. v. The baptismal call
of “Priesthood of the faithful” is ignored in the current structure of the Church. ACTIONS we submit
that the 2nd Assembly propose to Pope Francis: i. Create specific structures that enculturate
synodality, including both women and men in governance and ministry. ii. Accountable, inclusive,
humble, and accessible leadership as an active remedy for clericalism and male superiority. iii.
Education of clergy and laity be required in the synodal process for the church to become a
synodal community. 3 iv. Co-responsible pastoral leadership to become normative in every diocese
and parish, having additional benefit for parishes without priests. v. Seminaries completely
reformed to integrate with university programs intermingling their studies with women and men. vi.
Beginning in seminaries, priesthood taught to follow Christ’s example “by taking the very nature of
a servant.” (Phil 2:7)
5. Enculturate synodality (1-4 above) throughout the Church and reinforce the sensus fidelium
ISSUES of concern that must be addressed: i. Effective Church reform requires a shared culture of
synodality, valuing cultural diversity, rejecting male autocracy. ii. The actions in 1-4 above will
require both decrees and synodal programs of learning throughout the Church from Small
Christian Communities to parishes to dioceses, all the way to the Vatican in accord with Pope
Francis’s example. ACTIONS we submit that the 2nd Assembly propose to Pope Francis: i. A
qualified, synodally approved program of learning for bishops, priests, and laity, including all
church organizations ii. Ongoing servant leadership formation at every level iii. Review of all
catechetics and Church activities including liturgy to achieve understanding and commitment to the
actions proposed in #1-4 above to achieve: “a synodal Church in mission.” *
Key Terms Synodality (cf. International Theological Commission and the Catechism) pertains
to the essence of the Church, and every aspect of the Church’s life and mission, and means
“walking together”. It is a constitutive dimension of the church. The concept of synodality was
implicit in Vatican II’s teaching, meaning much the same as communion, or union with God the
Trinity and union with others in the Church. Consulting and listening to the faithful, who make up a
great majority of the church, before the hierarchy makes decisions at all levels of the Church, is an
essential aspect of the synodal process. The whole body of the faithful cannot err in matters of
belief. This characteristic is shown in the sensus fidei of the whole people of God. Clericalism is
the antithesis of synodality. Clericalism involves an expectation that ordained ministers are better
than and should rule over everyone else among the People of God. Pope Francis has stated: “It is
impossible to think of a conversion of our activity as a church that does not include the active
participation of all the members of God’s people...Such is the case with clericalism, an approach
that not only nullifies the character of Christians, but also tends to diminish and undervalue the
baptismal grace that the Holy Spirit has placed in the heart of our people.” (Letter to the People of
God, August 20, 2018). Sexism and misogyny are corollaries of clericalism among some clerics.
Subsidiarity is a social principle that ensures individuals, groups, and associations have maximum
freedom to exercise personal responsibility as they pursue their goals, consistent with the
requirements of the common good. The principle was expressed by Pope Pius XI 1931 in a papal
encyclical Quadragesimo Anno: Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can
accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice
and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a greater and higher
association what lesser and subordinate organizations can do. (n.79). Governance is a concept
encompassing all the means by which an organization is directed and controlled to achieve its
mission and strategic objectives. Good governance has regard to leadership, authority, processes,
systems, structures, relationships, standards, delegations, and organizational culture; these are
the tools of good governance. Organizational leaders are responsible for all aspects of the
organization’s performance and ethical standards. Good governance requires high standards of
accountability, transparency, and inclusiveness, with full regard to gender balance and diversity,
and guided by the principles of synodality and subsidiarity. Sense of Faith of the Faithful – ‘sensus
fidei fidelium’ (cf. International Theological Commission) The Church teaches that the congregation
of the faithful cannot err in matters of faith. While the faith of the universal Church is authoritatively
expressed by her prelates, each believer has a personal instinct of faith. The ITC further stated
that the sense of faith of the faithful "is a sort of spiritual instinct that enables the believer to judge
spontaneously whether a particular teaching or practice is or is not in conformity with the Gospel
and with apostolic faith. While the validity and importance of different church teachings cannot be
the subject of a popular vote, the degree to which they are or are not accepted by most Catholics
is important.” The Second Vatican Council's teaching regarding the laity, the document on
Revelation says: "All of the baptized participate in the prophetic office of Jesus Christ...The Holy
Spirit anoints them and equips them conferring on them a very personal and intimate knowledge of
the faith of the Church... As a result, the faithful have an instinct for the truth of the Gospel, which
enables them to recognize and endorse Christian doctrine and practice, and to reject what is
false." For information or clarification: Rene Reid, Catholic Church Reform Int’l director. May 13,
Easter 2024
Alleluja, Alleluja, Christus resurrexit vere.
Peace, Pax, Paix, Pace, Paz, Frieden, Irene, Mir, Salam, Shalom in the Risen Lord,
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ and all people of good will around the World!
We celebrate Easter, the highest feast of the Church year, a feast that never ends as it is willed to us by God that we honor and joyfully accept, the gift of Salvation that we receive through Christ's suffering, his dead on the Cross and his resurrection. My thoughts and prayers go to our world of suffering, to the people of the Ukraine, to the Middle East, to Africa, to Haiti, and other places around the world, and to people we personally know who are stricken by pain, losses and desperation. In all of this, we shall never cease the unbreakable hope expressed in the words of the Son of God, "I have loved you as the Father has loved me, remain in my love..." This words of Jesus were sealed with his actions, his compassion, his empathy for a broken world back then and today. This divine love of the Messiah is eternal, and we as His followers can rely on it because the world cannot offer anything like it!
I wanted to thank you all for your faith and hope in the Risen Lord, who has shown so many people throughout the centuries His divine presence, His enduring love and guidance in the Holy Spirit towards Eternity. Believing is not trusting some "empty words" the world offers, but in taking the Words of Jesus serious and to convert them into our daily actions. This is how the early church grew so fast and spread throughout the Middle East, Europe, and Northern Africa. Seeing the Chorus of Martyrs, the innumerable flocks of followers that found purpose in the Good News of Jesus, that saw a new love that is deeper than anything this world can offer, that experience of a loving and accepting community where people from different nations, different backgrounds are coming together and building the Universal Ekklesia, the body of the faithful, the body of Christ.
Let us continue to build this Church for all people of good will, let us work to ease the suffering and poverty of so many among us, let us love as Christ keeps loving us without end until we reach the heavenly Kingdom where we see from eye to eye the Glory of God.
Wishing you and your loved ones, a blessed and joyous Easter Season.
With my prayers and Love
ECCC NEWS: Latin America: Mexico:We welcome wholeheartedly the Incardination of, H. E. +Mons. Sebastián Zeferino Estrada, his clergy, seminarians, and all beloved faithful with their parishes of the Old Catholic Diócesis Inmaculado Corazón de Maria in Mexico. We are very happy to have you on board of the ECCC. We looking forward to walking together towards God's Kingdom with you all. We give special thanks to our Apostolic Nuncio for Latin America, H. E., ++Sebastian Pla for being instrumental for this work of Union. Africa:Democratic Republic of Congo: Our School and Orphanage in Congo has been accepted by the State, and with its board of directors, including the USA under the leadership of Rev. Deacon Damas, Mr. Gary Starzak is moving to new horizons. Kenya: The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kenya under the leadership and Apostolic Nuncio for Africa, ++Godfrey Siundu is growing, and it has many pastoral activities for old and young. Always good to see your church expanding the pastoral activities. Cameroon: Our Diocese of St. Augustine in Yaoundé is growing, also participating with ecumenical gatherings, including the Roman Catholic Church.
Congratulations to our apostolic Nuncio for the USA, archbishop ++Dr. Tony Scuderi for his new book , it has beautiful poetry and thoughts for life. Congratulations to the book of our Presiding bishop of the Armenian Prelature worldwide, Bishop Edik, about the Armenian and Assyrian Genocide (see picture below), it is a thorough historical recount of what happened to 1,5 Million Armenian and Assyrian Christians having been murdered over a hundred years ago.
Bishop Emmanuel has built a new church for his dioceses in Bataan. Congratulations and blessings to all faithful. Bishop Armando is expanding his missions and work of evangelization. Blessings for this precious endeavor. Vicar General and Provincial of the New Order of St. Francis and St. Clair receiving new members.
Synods: Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North AmericaAs we had planned Synods for the ECCC just before the Pandemic, we now renew our commitment for it. Therefore: Europe: The first Continental Synod of the ECCC in Europe will take place in 2024.I thank Archbishop our apostolic Nuncio ++Agostino from Italy and bishops in Europe for organizing the Synod. More information will follow. The other Synods for each continent will convene in the following years. I will contact the local Nuncios in this matter to find the dates. Thank you all for your service in this matter!
Spain:Bishop Adalberto of our Diocese in Spain is building his first Cathedral. The consecration is set for August 15th. Please, if you have any news in your missions you would like to share, contact us. Thank you!
From the Ecumenical PrimateThe Holy See of the ECCC Lent A. D. , 2024
Peace and greetings, dear sisters and brothers in Christ and all people of good will at the Beginning of this Lenten Season.
Hope you are all doing well, and had a good start for this Lent.
In today's world of Wars with the massacres on civilians, the utterly destructions of cities, communities and God's creation, the deepening divisions in societies, driven by hate and ignorance, the effects and devastating consequences of Global warming, we as Christians are even more compelled to show a new way of love in brother- and sisterhood for new and caring world communities in God's Creation. In order to be this ferment in our societies that can bring peace and stability, we are reminded in the Gospels that in order to celebrate Easter, the highest Feast in Christendom, God's ultimate sacrifice of Love and Peace, we need to look more inward and reflect more closely on our life before God and each other. Christ invites us to walk with him in this holy time, he shows us the way to retreat into the desert of our lives, how to fight off temptations that can destroy us and people close to us...
This exciting time of Lent is an opportunity for all of us to see who we are, what is my Christian believe, how do I fulfill my baptismal pledge to grow in faith, to be part of God's family, and to live a peaceful life pleasing to God and each other. Let us take our Baptism serious, where God opened for us the door to the Kingdom. For so many of us, long ago, we started our journey of a growing faith that seeks God and his Grace within us. In Baptism we acknowledged our dying with Jesus, and our raising up to new life eternal with him, being a royal priesthood of believers anointed with the holy oil of Chrism, a community that strengthen each other; indeed this needs our solemn pledge to always be renewed as long as we live on this earth.
May we take much time for discernment and inner reflection by avoiding too many earthly engagements, but to keep the focus on Jesus and his calling for each one of us.
Wishing you all a blessed Lenten Season, Let us all pray for Peace in the World
At the Cathedral and Holy See of the ECCC
Ecumenical Primate
ECCC world News:
Latin America:
Congratulations to H. E., Archbishop Sebastian Pla and bishop Vladimir Jimenez Lorenzo for having been nominated Chaplains for the United Nations, Archbishop Sebastian Pla as Mayor Chaplain for Costa Rica and the international confederation, bishop Lorenzo for the Dominican Republic and the international confederation as Colonel Chaplain, both chaplaincies are involved for human rights, building alliances with institutions, and building world peace...
A big thank you to bishop Luis Leiva Friedman from Costa Rica, who sent us the translation of our Canon Law. It is for all of the Spanish tongue, it is attached below.
Our Apostolic Nuncio for Latin America, H. E. Archbishop Sebastian Pla is in dialog -on behalf of the Ecumenical Primate-, with the Old Catholic Diocese of Mexico to enter our Worldwide ECCC/ICEC into Full Communion. God's blessings for this precious task. Bishop Sebastian Z. Estrada of the Old Catholic Diocese, his clergy, and congregations shall know that we welcome them wholeheartedly into our ECCC.
Our apostolic Nuncio for the USA, H. E. Archbishop Tony, Bishop Edik, and the Primate, we are planning to find ways to reach out to more Roman Catholics who have left the Church and seek new faith communities. It is a taunting task as in our secular society, religious belonging becomes less and less important for so many people. You might be aware that there are roughly a thousand churches for sale in the USA as so many closing due to lack of congregants and financial support...
Here at the Cathedral of St. Anthony in Detroit, we have started with our websites provider to give them a facelift. Hope fully soon, it will be finished, and I will share them with you.
St. Anthony's Cathedral Liturgical House of Studies is enrolling new Students. Please, if you know someone who wants to study theology, let them know and go to the website to apply for different studies and degrees. The Administration staff, Mr. Gary Starzak, will guide you.
H. E. Archbishop Dr. Tony Scudery has been nominated to be the Rector of our School. Wishing him and all the staff much success and God's richest blessings.
ECCC worldwide:
Our dioceses and mission of the ECCC, are growing, including our orphanages and schools. If you know some donors who want to support these projects, please let us know, and we direct you. Thank you!!
The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior, A. D. 2023
Peace and greetings, dear sisters and brothers in our worldwide Church Communion of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, and all people of good will!
As we celebrate the Birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, and awaiting His Second coming, we are all preparing ourselves for this moment of joyful celebrations.
This Feast is a time to reflect also on our own life before God and each other. We are grateful for our faith and the holy mysteries the good Lord has endowed us with.
And yet, we see the world around us that is run by greed, materialism, abuse of powers, wars, terrorism, mass-killings, and pure ignorance for the value of the life of immigrants, the destruction of God's creation with Global warming on the march, an increasing hopelessness among young people...
My thoughts and prayers go out to the thousands and thousands of innocent Children and civilians of Gaza who are being slaughtered in front of our eyes, and the West-bank of Palestine where Palestinians are living under oppression and apartheid, and as the world stands by doing nothing to stop it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Ukrainian people, a sovereign nation, where the madman of Russia waging war and slaughters so many innocent people who need to defend themselves. My thoughts and prayers go out to Africa where so many people look for a life in democracy and freedom, yet more and more countries being drawn into civil wars, persecutions of minorities, and coup d'é·tat depriving people of their basic human rights...
We ask ourselves what kind of Peace has our Savior promised for humanity as it is entangled in so much misery? If it wouldn't be not in our faith, we would be indeed a people without hope! It is our faith in a God of Love, Peace and Justice, a God who has been, is and will be the Sovereign over history, not in human intellectual terms, but in the mystery of His Love for His children that we are able to discover by following Jesus more closely.
Let us all have a prophetic voice for the Kingdom of God and let us not be silent, but to speak up when we see injustice and evil. Satan still tries desperately to corrupt as many hearts and minds as possible. We as Christians do have the calling to fight this evil with the power of Love that Jesus has shown through his suffering, dying on the Cross, and his powerful resurrection defeating Satan's grab for absolute dominance.
In these days of Christmas, it fills us all with great joy to see how our Worldwide Church Communion is growing.
I want to take this moment to thank you all, our bishops, priests, deacons, pastoral assistance and you our beloved faithful who have shown so much work in our Church ministry, and give Her a voice for the poor, the orphans, the marginalized, and downtrodden.
As we approaching an other year, I wanted you to continue to reach out to others who seek a new spiritual home of love and acceptance where there is no hate, but love for all seekers of God.
I want to take this opportunity of let you know that we did a worldwide survey of our Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ in the Fall of 2023. We have so far over One Hundred Thousand members, and I am still awaiting for some to report to us with their faithful members.
We want to welcome our new Bishop +Jorge Ramon Defelice Guillen, consecreated on December 1st, A.D. 2023. He is the first bishop for Paraguay Cordial congratulations, and we all sending you our appreciation and blessings for your new ministry for our new diocese in Paraguay.
We welcome bishop elect, +Msgr. Vincent de Paul for our Diocese of St. Augustine in Yaoundé, Cameroon under our good diocesan brother bishop Didier. Welcome and cordial congratulations from us all.
As per new inquiry about our Canon Laws by some of our ECCC in different countries, we have them on our websites, under "Church Documents", please study them. I wanted to thank again our Archbishop and Nuncio for the USA, ++Dr. Tony Scudery, our Canon Lawyer who put them together so diligently! I have attached them in PDF format in this email for you to read, and I do hope it is possible to translate them into your local languages.
For those who are new clergy in our Church and use the catholic Rite for celebration Mass, please be aware to use the insert in the Eucharistic Prayers that we use worldwide, and those of the Orthodox, Anglican, and other Catholic Rites in our Worldwide Communion of the ECCC, please adjust accordingly.As you can see, we pray for the Pope, the Eastern Patriarch, the Anglican Archbishop, the Primate of the ECCC followed by your local ECCC bishop, and if your are only a Vicariate, then for the ECCC Primate only.
As I am often overwhelmed with your inquiries in Church matters, please be advised to contact always your Apostolic Nuncio pertaining to your territories first. They are located on our Websites under "International Church". I am inserting them here as well.
Wishing you all a Blessed Christmas Season, Peace, Health and always God's Love in 2024
Thank you all for your tireless service for the Kingdom of God.
With my prayers promised,yours
Ecumenical Primate
From the Ecumenical Primate
The Holy See of the ECCC
The High Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, A. D. 2023
(Please translate into your own languages, thank you!)
Christus Resurrexit Vere, Alleluja!
Christ Is Truly Risen, Alleluya!
Peace and greetings, dear sisters and brothers in Christ, the Risen Lord!
As we celebrate this joyous Feast of our Lord's resurrection, we call to mind that it is Him who also will make our own resurrection happening at His calling.
Today, I would like to thank you, our clergy around the world, in your tireless service for the people of God, in your diverse ministries. Your ministry is not a profession that the world has in mind, it is a calling that is being tested over and over in order to show that you are following Jesus and serving the people of God with all your heart. Jesus, who was shunned, betrayed, persecuted, tortured, and killed. And yet he is triumphant. Our calling takes us into this Paschal Mystery when we celebrate Mass. When we assist the people of God in our pastoral care, spending the Holy Sacraments, suffering with the ill and abandoned in society, and be joyous with those around us who found the Lord.
It is my deep gratitude to you our faithful in our Worldwide Church Communion who celebrate Christ in your midst on all Five Continents as far as Vanuatu of the Eastern Pacific.
You can see on our worldwide website the different countries with our ministries, be it the care in our orphanages, in our schools, in our many missions.
In all our doing, the way we live, the way we celebrate and serve each other is part of Christ's resurrection in our life, personally and in community. The Risen Lord is present in our communities in the Holy Eucharist elevated for us, the Lamb of God, present in the Tabernacle of our Churches, present among us in His lifegiving Word. He is present when we care for each other, and especially those who seek him, don't know him, or being lost. He is present in those who are imprisoned in this world because they follow him, or suffering because of him.
Let us be joyful in this Easter Season as we recall His mandate, "Go into all the world and preach to all creation..."
(Mark 16:15),
"Go... baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...I am with you always to the end of the world."
(Matthew 20:18-20)
His sacrificial Love, God's power of the Resurrection, and His enduring Word give us the assurance that our faith in Him, and in His teaching creates an everlasting hope and joy that we are his beloved Children wherever we are in this world.
Wishing you all our beloved a blessed and Joyous Easter Season,
With my apostolic Benedictions
Your servant of God,
The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior, A. D. 2023
Peace and greetings, dear sisters and brothers in our worldwide Church Communion of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, and all people of good will!
As we celebrate the Birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, and awaiting His Second coming, we are all preparing ourselves for this moment of joyful celebrations.
This Feast is a time to reflect also on our own life before God and each other. We are grateful for our faith and the holy mysteries the good Lord has endowed us with.
And yet, we see the world around us that is run by greed, materialism, abuse of powers, wars, terrorism, mass-killings, and pure ignorance for the value of the life of immigrants, the destruction of God's creation with Global warming on the march, an increasing hopelessness among young people...
My thoughts and prayers go out to the thousands and thousands of innocent Children and civilians of Gaza who are being slaughtered in front of our eyes, and the West-bank of Palestine where Palestinians are living under oppression and apartheid, and as the world stands by doing nothing to stop it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Ukrainian people, a sovereign nation, where the madman of Russia waging war and slaughters so many innocent people who need to defend themselves. My thoughts and prayers go out to Africa where so many people look for a life in democracy and freedom, yet more and more countries being drawn into civil wars, persecutions of minorities, and
coup d'é·tat depriving people of their basic human rights...
We ask ourselves what kind of Peace has our Savior promised for humanity as it is entangled in so much misery? If it wouldn't be not in our faith, we would be indeed a people without hope! It is our faith in a God of Love, Peace and Justice, a God who has been, is and will be the Sovereign over history, not in human intellectual terms, but in the mystery of His Love for His children that we are able to discover by following Jesus more closely.
Let us all have a prophetic voice for the Kingdom of God and let us not be silent, but to speak up when we see injustice and evil. Satan still tries desperately to corrupt as many hearts and minds as possible. We as Christians do have the calling to fight this evil with the power of Love that Jesus has shown through his suffering, dying on the Cross, and his powerful resurrection defeating Satan's grab for absolute dominance.
In these days of Christmas, it fills us all with great joy to see how our Worldwide Church Communion is growing.
I want to take this moment to thank you all, our bishops, priests, deacons, pastoral assistance and you our beloved faithful who have shown so much work in our Church ministry, and give Her a voice for the poor, the orphans, the marginalized, and downtrodden.
As we approaching an other year, I wanted you to continue to reach out to others who seek a new spiritual home of love and acceptance where there is no hate, but love for all seekers of God.
I want to take this opportunity of let you know that we did a worldwide survey of our Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ in the Fall of 2023. We have so far over One Hundred Thousand members, and I am still awaiting for some to report to us with their faithful members.
We want to welcome our new Bishop +Jorge Ramon Defelice Guillen, consecreated on December 1st, A.D. 2023. He is the first bishop for Paraguay. Cordial congratulations, and we all sending you our appreciation and blessings for your new ministry for our new diocese in Paraguay.
We welcome bishop elect, +Msgr. Vincent de Paul for our Diocese of St. Augustine in Yaoundé, Cameroon under our good diocesan brother bishop Didier. Welcome and cordial congratulations from us all.
As per new inquiry about our Canon Laws by some of our ECCC in different countries, we have them on our websites, under "Church Documents", please study them. I wanted to thank again our Archbishop and Nuncio for the USA, ++Dr. Tony Scudery, our Canon Lawyer who put them together so diligently! I have attached them in PDF format in this email for you to read, and I do hope it is possible to translate them into your local languages.
For those who are new clergy in our Church and use the catholic Rite for celebration Mass, please be aware to use the insert in the Eucharistic Prayers that we use worldwide, and those of the Orthodox, Anglican, and other Catholic Rites in our Worldwide Communion of the ECCC, please adjust accordingly. As you can see, we pray for the Pope, the Eastern Patriarch, the Anglican Archbishop, the Primate of the ECCC followed by your local ECCC bishop, and if your are only a Vicariate, then for the ECCC Primate only.
As I am often overwhelmed with your inquiries in Church matters, please be advised to contact always your Apostolic Nuncio pertaining to your territories first. They are located on our Websites under "International Church". I am inserting them here as well.
Wishing you all a Blessed Christmas Season, Peace, Health and always God's Love in 2024
Thank you all for your tireless service for the Kingdom of God.
With my prayers promised,
Ecumenical Primate
From the Ecumenical Primate
The Holy See of the ECCC
The High Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, A. D. 2023
(Please translate into your own languages, thank you!)
Christus Resurrexit Vere, Alleluja!
Christ Is Truly Risen, Alleluya!
Peace and greetings, dear sisters and brothers in Christ, the Risen Lord!
As we celebrate this joyous Feast of our Lord's resurrection, we call to mind that it is Him who also will make our own resurrection happening at His calling.
Today, I would like to thank you, our clergy around the world, in your tireless service for the people of God, in your diverse ministries. Your ministry is not a profession that the world has in mind, it is a calling that is being tested over and over in order to show that you are following Jesus and serving the people of God with all your heart. Jesus, who was shunned, betrayed, persecuted, tortured, and killed. And yet he is triumphant. Our calling takes us into this Paschal Mystery when we celebrate Mass. When we assist the people of God in our pastoral care, spending the Holy Sacraments, suffering with the ill and abandoned in society, and be joyous with those around us who found the Lord.
It is my deep gratitude to you our faithful in our Worldwide Church Communion who celebrate Christ in your midst on all Five Continents as far as Vanuatu of the Eastern Pacific.
You can see on our worldwide website the different countries with our ministries, be it the care in our orphanages, in our schools, in our many missions.
In all our doing, the way we live, the way we celebrate and serve each other is part of Christ's resurrection in our life, personally and in community. The Risen Lord is present in our communities in the Holy Eucharist elevated for us, the Lamb of God, present in the Tabernacle of our Churches, present among us in His lifegiving Word. He is present when we care for each other, and especially those who seek him, don't know him, or being lost. He is present in those who are imprisoned in this world because they follow him, or suffering because of him.
Let us be joyful in this Easter Season as we recall His mandate, "Go into all the world and preach to all creation..." (Mark 16:15), "Go... baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...I am with you always to the end of the world." (Matthew 20:18-20)
His sacrificial Love, God's power of the Resurrection, and His enduring Word give us the assurance that our faith in Him, and in His teaching creates an everlasting hope and joy that we are his beloved Children wherever we are in this world.
Wishing you all our beloved a blessed and Joyous Easter Season,
With my apostolic Benedictions
Your servant of God,
From the Ecumenical Primate
The Holy See of the ECCC
January 25th, The conversion of St. Paul, Apostle, A. D. 2023
Peace and greetings, your brother archbishops, bishops, Fathers, Deacons and beloved faithful of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ,
Some time ago our communion passed a resolution to require that all students who are in pursuit holy orders would need a bachelor’s degree of theology. This requirement was met with widespread approval and appreciation from our worldwide communion of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ.
Our institution of choice has been our own St. Anthony’s Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies (SACHLS). Our institution offers training for all people who are pursuing Minor and Holy Orders, including aspirants, and those who are interested in growing and developing spiritually and academically in service to the communion and wider Christian circles. Therefore, I am urging all clergy members to participate in sending students to the school who need seminary training and who need courses to augment their formation and their training from parish leaders.
You will find attached a flyer from our institution, which can be printed and shared with all potential students and interested persons. If you have access to the Internet, you can also share the school’s website at or enter into conversations with school officials at its Facebook page (
There are certification programs in the House of Studies and professional and academic degrees, ranging from the bachelor’s degree, including the Bachelor of Theology and Baccalaureate of Theology, to the Masters of Divinity and to a research degree known as the Doctor of Theology (Th. D.). Some of our student body are to be found throughout the world in the following countries: Haiti, Vanuatu, Kenya, and multiple states within the United States.
We also would like to devote an education week with a worldwide electronic-virtual synod, where local parishes and study groups of our communion could participate and interact with faculty members of our institution. All archbishops, bishops, individuals, and interested parties would be invited to participate in this communion-wide education week. If this sounds appealing to you, please contact Monsignor Tom Roberts, PhD., D. D., for more information:
Below attached, please find a Flyer in PDF format that you can use to spread the good news as much as possible!
Looking forward that you can bring students, young and older to this great opportunity of studies! Wishing all much success in their spiritual growth Blessings in the Good Lord ++Dr. Karl Rodig Ecumenical Primate
The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior, A. D. 2022
Please translate into your languages, thank you!
Peace and greetings, dear sisters and brothers in our worldwide Church Communion of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, and all people of good will!
Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas Season and a healthy and peaceful 2023
As we celebrate this Nativity of our Lord as Christians have done for so many centuries, we think of the significant meaning of this High Feast. God came into our world prophesized through the prophet Isaiah 2700 years ago. We celebrate Christ's coming into the world as human and divine, and we are aware that this is not only an historic moment, but an ongoing happening in our life, Christ needs to be born into our lives every day, we need to welcome him with heart, mind and soul, accepting his love that guides us toward His Kingdom that starts here and now.
We look for more peace for our families, our neighborhoods, and the whole world, we long for true love among each other, and the understanding of the beauty of our human diversity that the creator has bestowed in Creation. Only if we see this colorful mosaic of God's creation in its entirety can we find peace, and see the world through the lenses of that inclusive divine love that is coming toward us every day.
In the face of new wars, famine, and so much injustice the world is facing, we are compelled to bring this pure love from Bethlehem to all the world seeing his poverty and the innocence of the baby Jesus. The rejection of the holy family by all around them seeking a home for his birth, gives us hope that we too shall seek all in simplicity as Christ was born in a poor and simple manger. In our Cathedral of St. Anthony, we have the manger with Jesus right next to the big cross reminding us of his salvific task he is about to live for, including the brutal death on the cross, followed by his glorious resurrection. Birth and death are his divine fate, salvation is our reward, and the call to follow him is our destiny to rise one day from death into new life.
We pray in this time also for Peace for the people of the Ukraine who suffer so much under the attacks by the Russian Tyrant's murderess army that commits so many war crimes against the civilian population. We pray for peace in the Middle East, for peace on the African Continent, and for an end of the famines around the world.
Dear friends, let us in this Nativity of our Savior renew our commitment to follow him with a humble heart, seeking always his love, living in simplicity, and serving the people in this world by example of an inclusive spirit seeking peace with each other and be good and responsible stewards in His beautiful Creation, our earthly home.
I will announce the Christmas Greetings in Languages from around the world at Sunday Mass.
ECCC News from around the World
Congratulations to our Archbishop and Apostolic Nuncio for India, Dr. Sunny Alappat who consecrated his cathedral church and archdiocesan center for our Church in Kerala in India. Welcome to our new Deacon, Rev. Paul Maria of the Religious Order, he is finishing his Ph.D. in Psychology, he is very devoted to the Franciscan Spirituality. Fr. Donald is continuing with great success his church in Mumbai.
Bishop +Manuel has completed his new Cathedral Church and more people are coming to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. We have nominated Fr. Ted Asis, NOSF to be the Provincial of the NOSF for the Philippines. His congregations are growing and he is expanding his mission work receiving new members in the Order as well. Congratulations to you all!
Sri Lanka:
Fr. Nicholas, our Vicar General in Sri Lanka is doing very good spiritual outreach and awareness programs for so many. Fr. Michael has expanded his missions in Central Sri Lanka with many new ministers in the mission work and new congregations. After a heavy storm his Church roof has been restored.
African Continent:
The Prelature of St. Augustine under the leadership of Bishop Didier has been elevated to the Diocese of St. Augustine. We welcome also the new auxiliary bishop for the diocese, +Jean Baptiste Nxegue Mimon. He is serving our communities in South Cameroon. We also welcome the newly ordained deacon, Rev. Pere Vincent Mbom, and the incardination of Father Bruno Jacques Baheng. We pray for the passing of Fr. Pere Thomas Solifack. The orphanage and school in the diocese of St. Augustine is doing well under the leadership of bishop Didier and his staff with a lot of activities and ecumenical outreaches.
Archdiocese of Yaoundé: We have appointed archbishop ++Jean de la Resurrection of Yaoundé in Cameroon to be our Apostolic Nuncio for the French speaking countries in Africa, and to be the ambassador for Peace for Africa. We pray for the passing of Fr. Abbe Magloire Besala Djanna.
We wholeheartedly welcome into our Church with the Concordat of Full Union in the ECCC, The United Liberal Catholic Church of the Democratic Republic of Congo, under their leadership of Archbishop ++Jean-Pierre Kajembe in Kinshasa with clergy and missions.
Our orphanage and school in Congo that was destroyed by a fire has been rebuilt. Thanks to those who helped, especially, Rev. Deacon Damas. Also the Orphanage has received its tax exempt status, thanks to the efforts of Gary Starzak, congratulations to you all!
Burkina Faso:
We welcome to our new missions in Burkina Faso, Fr. Raphael Botioni who was ordained to the priesthood by our Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Godfrey Siundu from Kenya. Congratulations!
Our apostolic Nuncio for Africa has been very busy dealing with all the referrals I mailed him to make all the new clergy in different parts of Africa possible. Thank you! The Archdiocese of Kitale-Bungoma is doing very well with new lay groups being established among the adult and the youth faithful with special gatherings and seminars. Also a new home and school for battered women has been established.
We also welcome wholeheartedly the new ordained priests and deacons in the archdiocese:
We wholeheartedly welcome for our new missions, Fr. Steven Tiyesere Kathiti.
We wholeheartedly welcome for our new missions, Fr. Cedric Inkoromatima
We wholeheartedly welcome our new clergy for the missions in Uganda, Fr. Francis Ochom, Fr. Ukach Kizito Akachukwu, Rev. Deacon Robert Orwaja together with Fr. John Musaazi they will spread the ECCC in Uganda.
South Africa:
Bishop +Mukize Khumalo is the ordinary of our new diocese of Pretoria in South Africa, he and his clergy serving many faithful in of South Africa.
We wholeheartedly welcome the incardination of our new auxiliary Bishop Dom Pier Mario Lippi who has a community in Siena: community of Saint Benedict and Bruno. We welcome wholeheartedly the incardination of Father Vito Sollucente and his community in Bari: St. Nicola and Giovanni di Dio.
Congratulations to the ordination of our new deaconess Rev. Rosalia Maria Pia Dipace for the new community of Novara: Holy Mary mother of the joy.
We pray for the ordination of the new deacon, Rev. Pietro Corposanto on January 21st, he will have his new community in Taranto: St. Lucy.
New Mission of San Lazaro opened in Benidorm, southern Spain, under the leadership of Fr. Adalberto. They are getting doing very well with new members coming in to the Church.Congratulationsto all!
Through our Nuncio for Eastern Europe, we wholeheartedly welcome the incardination of our new Pastor for Jerusalem, Rev. Zachar Prav.
New Mission opened in Andorra by our archbishop ++Antonio Jimenez Aguado. Congratulations!
Latin America and Caribbean:
Costa Rica:
The archdiocese of Costa Rica under the leadership of Archbishop Sebastian Pla has two new auxiliary bishops, bishop +Enrique Vasquez and bishop +Luis Leiva. Congratulations to your consecrations! Prayers for the ordinations of the new deacons for Costa Rica Manuel Alejandro Zamora Santana.
Through our Apostolic Nuncio for Latin America, Archbishop ++Sebastian Pla, we welcome the Intercommunion with Vetero Iglesia Catolica Hispana under the leadership of Archbishop ++Jose Luis Miralles Castro. The archdiocese is also very involved with projects for the immigrants and the poor street children.
Colombia, Spain, Portugal, Ecuador, and Andorra:
We have received Archbishop ++Antonio Jimenez into our Church and established for his church the Prelatura Fraternidad Sacerdotal de Santa Filomena with missions in Colombia, Spain, Portugal, Ecuador, and Andorra.
Congratulations to the consecration of our first bishop for Cuba, bishop +Vladimir Jimenez Lorenzo for our Orthodox Diocese in Cuba and the Caribbean! They also involved with the elderly in our Church in the Dominican Republic. Prayers for the ordination of the new deacon in Cuba in January, Rev. Jesus Hernandez.
Prayers for our mission in Haiti who lost their church building due to storms.
Through the efforts of our Apostolic Nuncio for Latin America, A new mission in Honduras will be opened for our Church. Congratulations!
Bishop +Rodolpho is involved with the human rights groups for the indigenous in different parts in Mexico, and he works very well with the Jesuit priests as well.
Fr. Roberto is continuing his youth ministry for the university campus in Leon.
Puerto Rico:
Prayers for Bishop +Angel Munoz and his people as they went through floods due to the Hurricane.
We welcome our new brothers who have done their vows through our Provincial for the USA, Archbishop Dr. Tony Scudery, NOSF for the Franciscan Order of the NOSF Br. Abel A. Soto and Br. Steve Forry. At the Cathedral Church in Detroit, we have had a lot of repairs for the roof due to storms and plumbing and electrical repairs as well. With the help of volunteers, our outreach for the poor and homeless people has been very successful providing food and clothes and social assistance. Our online school is doing very well under Chancellor Dr. Tom Roberts and the Administrator Gary Starzak and the great faculty! We also have a new mission in the
Our Vicar General, Rev. Yuri has been very active with ecumenical relations and joint prayer events in the Ukraine and beyond with the Major Orthodox Churches. It is a remarkable sign of unity expressed in the gatherings between our Churches. Thank you for your ministry!
Eastern Pacific:
Vanu Vatu:
Opening of new mission. Congratulations!
Easter, Pascua, A. D. 2022
Alleluja, Alleluja, Christus resurrexit vere.
Peace, Pax, Paix, Pace, Paz, Frieden, Irene, Mir, Shalom, dear sisters and brothers in Christ around the World!
Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
May our hearts be filled with a inner joy that shall not end until we see Him in His Glory, the Kingdom of Heaven.
We are praying in this Holiest of Seasons especially for Peace. Easter is the beginning of Peace as Christ greeted his followers after the resurrection, "Peace I leave you, Peace I give you". Today's world with its horrors of wars and destructions, especially the current barbaric war attack on so many civilians, children, women, and the elderly in the Ukraine by an evil dictator, cries out to the Lord for Peace. The world was blindsided by this man who has so much blood on his hands, in Syria using cluster bombs and chemical weapons against thousands of civilians, in Georgia where he destroyed and leveled the entire city of Grozny filled with civilians...Lucifer is at work in this Russian president and uses his words and speeches to force him to evil actions! All evil dictators have fallen in history! Evil will not succeed, this is the message from Easter, as Satan has been defeated by the Sacrifice of Christ, the Son of God Most High!
Let us also pray for peace in Yemen, a war that has cost so many lives. For an end of the civil wars in Ethiopia, Mali and Sudan.
Every time when humans are in love with power and fall in temptation for the disregard of basic human rights, we see destruction, selfish exploitations of the poor, the abuse of the common Good and indescribable atrocities against our sisters and brothers around the world.
Easter calls for a new beginning for Humanity, for a love that is filled by God's Holy Spirit. A love that is selfless, a love that bares fruit for all of God's children in this world! In the eyes of God it is not our color of the skin, it is not our ethnic background, it is not our belonging to a particular nation, but our hearts that He seeks, His love to share with each other. Let us walk with Jesus and strife for a better future for all of humanity, let us be a people who see with the eyes of love and peace, and justice.
Let us pray and work for a better world that Christ has envisioned for all of humanity,
Let us all be missionaries being an instrument of Peace,
Each of of you is in my prayers,
Be all blessed on this Season of Christ who is risen so that we shall rise to new life with him here and now and to eternal life!
March 12th, Saint Vindicianus, A. D. 2022
(Please share with all your people! Por favor compartir con toda su gente!)
Peace, and greetings, dear brothers and sisters in the service of the Lord, and all our beloved faithful in this Holy Season of Lent!
As we all have started our Lenten Season with reflection and renewal of our lives, especially our spiritual way of living and devotion to God, I would like to share with you some thoughts that came through my mind in this past days. We have Lent, Quaresima, because in Scripture it is Jesus who leads us in our fight for not falling into temptation, resisting the forces of evil that can destroy body and soul! As clergy and as Christians we made a choice to follow Jesus and live through him as a shining light for this world. Yet, we might be frustrated at times to see that there is so much of a broken world, a new war that massacres innocent people in the Ukraine, orchestrated by a madman who fell into the temptation of building an empire based on lies and deceit; we see how people are being exploited from their fair share on the common good, as quite a few have fallen into the temptation of greed and trying to control a never before seen wealth that puts more people into poverty...We see climate change is a reality that Nature is being polluted on all fronts, air, water, and our living space in this creation of God! We ask ourselves where will this end? How can we fast and reflect on our lives as we see all this destruction around us? Many of us think that we are helpless, and we are not able to see a better world for tomorrow... Yet it is the our faith that is tested here not to fall in the temptation to be controlled by hopelessness, it is our trust in God through our inner connection with Yahweh. I saw on TV an old mother crying in the Ukraine saying, "I am not afraid of dying or being killed, I am afraid of my children and grant children..." And she repeated it. In her heart she knew that faith was stronger than the enemies at her door trying to kill her... This reminds me on Psalm 18, 1- 30. We shall pray it more often. I will post the verses here as a reminder that this prayer is what we need to find ourselves again in harmony with God: " 1 I love you, Yahweh, my strength (my Saviour, you have saved me from violence). 2 Yahweh is my rock and my fortress, my deliverer is my God. I take refuge in him, my rock, my shield, my saving strength, my stronghold, my place of refuge. 3 I call to Yahweh who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my foes. 4 With Death's breakers closing in on me, Belial's torrents ready to swallow me, 5 Sheol's snares every side of me, Death's traps lying ahead of me, 6 I called to Yahweh in my anguish, I cried for help to my God; from his Temple he heard my voice, my cry came to his ears. 7 Then the earth quaked and rocked, the mountains' foundations shuddered, they quaked at his blazing anger. 8 Smoke rose from his nostrils, from his mouth devouring fire (coals were kindled at it). 9 He parted the heavens and came down, a storm-cloud underneath his feet; 10 riding one of the winged creatures, he flew, soaring on the wings of the wind. 11 His covering he made the darkness, his pavilion dark waters and dense cloud. 12 A brightness lit up before him, hail and blazing fire. 13 Yahweh thundered from the heavens, the Most High made his voice heard. 14 He shot his arrows and scattered them, he hurled his lightning and routed them. 15 The very springs of ocean were exposed, the world's foundations were laid bare, at your roaring, Yahweh, at the blast of breath from your nostrils! 16 He reached down from on high, snatched me up, pulled me from the watery depths, 17 rescued me from my mighty foe, from my enemies who were stronger than I. 18 They assailed me on my day of disaster but Yahweh was there to support me; 19 he freed me, set me at large, he rescued me because he loves me. 20 Yahweh rewards me for my uprightness, as my hands are pure, so he repays me, 21 since I have kept the ways of Yahweh, and not fallen away from my God. 22 His judgements are all before me, his statutes I have not put away from me. 23 I am blameless before him, I keep myself clear of evil. 24 So Yahweh repaid me for acting uprightly because he could see I was pure. 25 You are faithful to the faithful, blameless with the blameless, 26 sincere to the sincere, but cunning to the crafty, 27 you save a people that is humble and humiliate those with haughty looks. 28 Yahweh, you yourself are my lamp, my Godlights up my darkness; 29 with you I storm the rampart, with my God I can scale any wall. 30 This God, his way is blameless; the word of Yahweh is refined in the furnace, for he alone is the shield of all who take refuge in him..." As we walk in our faith with hope, and with that everlasting love that God keeps pouring out into our hearts through his beloved Son in the Holy Spirit I find myself in Luke 21, 9-28 as he is spot on, when all this things happen, in the end "stand upright...your liberation is near at hand", 9 And when you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified, for this is something that must happen first, but the end will not come at once.' 10 Then he said to them, 'Nation will fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes and plagues and famines in various places; there will be terrifying events and great signs from heaven. 12 'But before all this happens, you will be seized and persecuted; you will be handed over to the synagogues and to imprisonment, and brought before kings and governors for the sake of my name 13 -and that will be your opportunity to bear witness. 14 Make up your minds not to prepare your defense, 15 because I myself shall give you an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to resist or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relations and friends; and some of you will be put to death. 17 You will be hated universally on account of my name, 18 but not a hair of your head will be lost. 19 Your perseverance will win you your lives. 20 'When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you must realize that it will soon be laid desolate. 21 Then those in Judaea must escape to the mountains, those inside the city must leave it, and those in country districts must not take refuge in it. 22 For this is the time of retribution when all that scripture says must be fulfilled. 23 Alas for those with child, or with babies at the breast, when those days come! 24 'For great misery will descend on the land and retribution on this people. They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive to every gentile country; and Jerusalemwill be trampled down by the gentiles until their time is complete. 25 'There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; on earth nations in agony, bewildered by the turmoil of the ocean and its waves; 26 men fainting away with terror and fear at what menaces the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand upright, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand.'May we be faithful to our God, and may HE grant Peace to the People of the Ukraine and all people around the World.Wishing you all a blessed remaining Lenten Season leading us to Easter.In Christ's LoveYours,+Karl
Please, I cannot urge you enough to find ways and channels to expand our St. Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies: to enroll more students from around the world, to connect with other institutions that can cooperate with our school. This letter from the Chancellor of our School, Msgr. Dr. Tom Roberts is an invitation to you all:
Your Holiness, Your Eminences, Excellencies and Archbishops and all other concerned clergy and fellow educators, Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and May His Blessings be given to you all. I am Monsignor Tom Roberts, PhD, DD. As many of you know, I represent St Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies as Chancellor. Our faith community is The Worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ under the auspices of His Eminence Primate Archbishop Karl Rodig. Our worldwide communion is interested in the collaboration of educational and inter-faith and collegial efforts. We have a growing seminary that offers certificates of study through a Doctorate of Theology with four language components. We are dedicated to the preparation of students for scholarly work. As Chancellor, I have been commissioned to reach out to other jurisdictions for the creation of an environment of scholarship and cooperation. It is certainly no surprise to anyone in the Reformed or Old Catholic Movements to understand that there has been much division as well as splits in many faith communities. My fellow clergy and educators, in my professional opinion, we should do everything we can to reverse these trends by creating a mutual professional relationship which would overcome our historical challenges. We have already begun the process of opening extensions of our seminary in several nations and are working on concordant agreements with other jurisdictions to share faculty and to create joint or dual degree programs where our academic policies coincide with the standards of other institutions. Would you be interested in working with us to continue this process? We would love to find other qualified men and women who desire to bring quality education to their jurisdictions. This can be accomplished not only online and through mentorships but also through training within the parish itself for residential requirements. Most of our courses consist of a blended format with online classroom hours combined with independent study and collateral reading. If one reviews our seminary website, it can be seen that through our rigorous degree programs and flexible tuition structure that we take education extremely seriously. We have plans to join academic and professional associations as well as ASIC for accreditation in the future. Please review our website at We are currently authorized to grant degrees through a religious exemption from the State of Virginia, USA. Please consider bringing our seminary to your parish. St Anthony's House of Liturgical Studies also invites qualified educated clergy to join our growing worldwide academic faculty. Please feel free to share this email with any interested party. May we work together to reverse the tide of division and unnecessary competition among jurisdictions who should join with each other to bring glory to Christ and His Kingdom and act as the Body of Christ in the common goal to fulfill the Great Commission through ministry and education (Matt 28:19).
If I may be of any assistance to any of you regarding this matters, please feel free to reply to this email: or contact me at my home telephone number 208-549-2351. Sincerely In Christ's Holy Name, Monsignor Tom Roberts, PhD, DDChancellor St Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies
Latin America and Europe:
Incardination into the ECCC/ICEC
We have incardinated through our Apostolic Nuncio in Costa Rica our new Archbishop ++Antonio Jimenez with the Prelature of the Fraternidad Sacerdotal Apostolica de Santa Filomena with members of priests, nuns and missions in Ecuador, Colombia, Spain and Portugal.
A Wholeheartedly Welcome to you all to our worldwide ECCC/ICEC!
Request for Incardinations:
The following incardiantions are being in progress through our Apostolic Nuncio for Africa, Archbishop Godfrey Siundu.
Democratic Republic of Congo:
Bishop +Donatien Abel Tshitanta Musungayi, including the congregation of the Sisters of Mary.
We are in dialog for incardination with
Rev Fr Aloysius Chinoso MSF the Coordinator of Missionary of Stevenist Fathers Libreville Gabon.
We pray that your journey into our Communion will be blessed!
Archbishop Dr. Tony Scuderi who just published the new book for our ECCC/ICEC, "A Text Commentary and Cannon Law of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ Worldwide", it enlightens us on the meaning of the Canon Law and guides us. This book is very important to you all around the world! It is based on our Church Manifesto, our restrictives, the Roman CIC, and other Denominations. (A separate book of Cannon Law Volume I will follow soon) Archbishop Tony is also working on the Pontifical for liturgies for our ECCC which of course respects the different liturgical Rites that are present in our Church, catholic, orthodox, old catholic, Anglican, and other eastern Rites. I bought 20 copies of it which I will distribute to you bishops, Please provide me with your proper mailing address!
If you would like to purchase the Book, please do so, it is available on Amazon!
Dear sisters and brothers around the world of our beloved Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
Christus natus est, Alleluja!
As we celebrate Christ's Incarnation, the Son of God, our Savior, the light of the World, the Prince of Peace, King of Kings, brother, sacrificial Lamp... We are also reminded that it our lives' purpose to live toward his second coming in Glory.
You, our church members, families and friends, serve God and so many people in a new Way that calls to mind the way the early Christians lived, sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, becoming more Christlike, giving Light to the World, and being less part of a material and mortal world that tries to dominate peoples lives.
Everywhere we look, we see wars, famine, disasters, corruption, dictators, the pandemic, crimes against humanity, and yet as Christians, we do not lose hope, because we believe that God's message of Love and Peace from Bethlehem is our new way of life that calls for Justice for the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for the ill, and live towards Peace with God, ourselves, our neighbor, and with Nature.
May Christ in his humble coming on this earth always remind us that we are not alone in a world, as he brings love and a message of a new dignity for all of humanity.
Let us receive this newborn Child in our hearts, this Prince of peace, who encourages us to follow always the Light that has overcome darkness.
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous celebration of the Birth of the Son of God, the Messiah who has changed so many millions of lives. May the New Year bring to all of us, health, peace and God's abundant Love
With my Prayers
and Apostolic Benedictions,
From the Ecumenical PrimateThe Holy See of the ECCC November 28th, 1st Advent , A. D. 2021
Please share with all your people! Por favor compartir con toda su gente!
Peace, and greetings, dear brothers and sisters in the service of the Lord, and all our beloved faithful in this Holy Season of Advent!
In this Holy Advent Season, I greet you with the Words of St. Paul in his Letter to the Thessalonians from the first chapter:
"We always thank God for you all, mentioning you in our prayers continually.
We remember before our God and Father how active is the faith, how unsparing the love, how persevering the hope which you have from our Lord JesusChrist.
We know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that you have been chosen,because our gospel came to you not only in words, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit
and with great effect. And you observed the sort of life
we lived when we were with you, which was for your sake.
You took us and the Lord as your model, welcoming the word with the joy of the Holy Spirit in spite of great hardship.
And so you became an example to all believers...and how you are now waiting for Jesus, his Son, whom he raised from the dead, to come from heaven. It is he who saves us from the Retribution which is coming."
These words do recall all of your Christian lives and your ministries in your dioceses and missions in the ECCC around the World!
You all have received the Word of God and your faith has grown into unsparing love, you all have persevered in hope because of our Savior Jesus Christ. For this you all have been chosen to actively spread the Good News empowered by the Holy Spirit. Indeed your example of life following Jesus is before all believers your testimony for a loving God who will reward you despite all the hardships you endure on this earthly journey while awaiting with joy the 2nd coming of Christ. This is happening because Christ lives within us and works through us.
In this Adventus Domini Season let us be a reflective people who renew their commitment to Christ and our Church, the ECCC, that is growing because God has a plan for all Churches in this World.
Wishing you a blessed Season for the celebratory preparation of His first coming into this world -when people did not recognize him-, and so may our lives be more ready to welcome Him in his Second coming in Glory.
With my prayers and apostolic benedictions,
And please be all safe out there!
-Bishop Manuel in Bataan opened his new Church which has successfully drawn new people to God. Congratulations!
-We welcome our new bishop in the Philippines, +Arthuro B. Costillas who works in close consultation with bishop Manuel.
-Bishop Aramando and his Church in the Manila area is extending their work with the faithful.
-We have nominated Fr. Ted Asis to be the First Provincial of our Franciscan Order, NOSF for the Philippines. He has many activities for the poor, and the members of the Order are increasing.
Blessings to you all!
Our Nuncio for Asia in India, H. E. Archbishop ++Dr. Sunny Alappat has given us an update of the ECCC Metropolitan Archdiocese in India, this includes also our first members of the NOSF Franciscan Order in India:
1. We have established our First Cathedral House (5,000 Sq. Ft Building) at Pullurampara, Calicut - Kerala
(Still the registration is not yet completed, the balance payment has to be paid approx.. 80K USD)
Upon completion of registration
2. We are approved by Section 80 G Tax exemption to those who donate the fund to the Church.
3. Presently 17 priests are incardinated. 4 Brothers are studying Theology and 1 Sister joined in our Sisters Community.
4. We could open a church for our communities in Mumbai - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Church, Vassai, Mumbai. Fr. Donald is appointed as Parish Priest & Vicar General of Mumbai.
5. New Religious house is opened for NOSF Friars (One Brother- Bro. Paul is joined. Vestation Ceremony is over) at Calicut , Kerala
6. We are provided with a small piece of land in the hill area of Calicut. Registration process is going on. Once registration is completed we may build a small alter to pray / celebrate holy mass .
7. We are praying / discussing with the benefactors to begin a project for the church (Residential School / Retirement Home / Retreat Centre / Farming) . All Facilities are in the single plot. Land cost is estimated by Approx. 100,000/- USD for 5 Acre size. We request your prayer support always.
We thank and praise our Lord Jesus Christ. And We thank and appreciate your leadership support and work for the growth of ECCC.
Many blessings to you all for the good work in the Lord!
we receiving new members for our Church in Pakistan, including seminarians for the priesthood study.
-Rev. Fernandus D. Gill has attended interfaith conferences in an ecumenical spirit. Despite the hard work for his faithful and the poor, he is marching on with deep faith!
Sri Lanka:
Fr. Michael has done Church roof repairs as they were taken off by a storm. He has 17 missionaries in outstations for evangelization. Despite the hardship they are all in they work with Christian courage for the Kingdom of God.
Vanuatu, Pacific Islands: We have received our first seminarian, Br. Rex for the study to the Priesthood in the Far East. Congratulations. May we reach the ends of the earth for Christ!
Our both Nuncios for Eastern and Western Europe, H. E. Archbishop Hristo and H. E. Archbishop Agostino de Caro are expanding the ECCC in Europe and Ukraine and Russia.
-Archbishop ++Hristo is connecting the Slavic Seminary Schools with our St. Anthony Liturgical House of Studies in the USA in order to reach more seminarians and lay people who would like to study.
-Archbishop ++Agostino de Caro has expanded the ECCC in Italy and has received also new members of the NOSF.
-We have nominated archbishop Agostino to be the First Provincial for the NOSF in Europe.
Paris - Catania: After we have signed the Intercommunion with the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church in France, His Beatitude, Nicholas, archbishop Agostino and the Patriarch Nicholas had a cordial and ecumenical meeting with the faithful in Catania, Sicily.
We have elevated H. E. Archbishop ++Winkler Thomas A. Sebastian to a Prelature whit her Episcopal Seat in Germany which includes provinces in other countries.
His Prelature is expanding as we speak. Congratulations and may God always guide you in your precious ministries.
-Bishop Amou Didier with his missions in Yaoundé will be elevated to a Diocese in the summer of 2022.
Bishop Amou attends also interfaith meetings with other Catholic denominations, like the Anglican Church, etc. Keep the good Work!
-We thank him and his clergy and good people for taking care of the new Orphanage and School of Saint Koorilose.
Democratic Republic of Congo:
-Rev. Deacon Damas Mukamba and his brothers and sisters of the NOSF are expanding their mission work, and taken good care of the
archbishop Dr. Karl Rodig school and orphanage. Despite extreme poverty and hardship they are moving forward with God's work. Our Nuncio for Africa, H. E. archbishop Godfrey Siundu is preparing Rev. Damas for the sacred priesthood.
-H. E. Archbishop Godfrey Siundu has expanded the school and orphanage in Kitale and finished the archdiocesan Cathedral and Center in Bungoma, it includes also a center for job training for women. After a lot of sweat and efforts, it has become a main center for many Catholics in Western Kenya! Many blessings.
Latin America:
Costa Rica:
-Our Nuncio, H. E. Archbishop ++Sebastian Pla has recommended Fr. Laiber Ismael R. Rojas in Colombia to be our bishop for the ECCC in
. We have accepted. Congratulations bishop elect Laiber!
We have nominated Fr. Desiderio Vargas Perez, NOSF as the First Provincial of the NOSF for Colombia. His missions are expanding and he is receiving new members for the NOSF in Colombia. Congratulations for your good work!
Bishop Ivan M. Aragon is expanding his ministry and is very dedicated to the cry of the poor! Many blessings to you and all who serve in this precious ministry!
Archbishop Sebastian Pla has recommended our Orthodox priest in Cuba, Fr. Vladimir J. Lorenzo to be the first bishop for the ECCC in Cuba. We congratulate bishop elect +Vladimir! He, and his clergy are very active in their ministry on the Island.
Havanna - Moscow
: bishop elect, +Fr. Vladimir has visited our orthodox Church in Russia, he received a very warm welcome and shared his ministry with our Russian orhtodox bretheren in Moscow, a good ecumenical progress.
Mina Gerais:
Our Nuncio for Brazil, H. E. Archbishop Dom Lucas of the Anglican Church has received a new bishop! Congratulations. The ministry of the Metropolitan Archdiocese is growing.
Ceara: Bishop Dom Antonio has had major repairs on his Cathedral and hasalso created a Radio Station in the North East of Brazil to spread the Good News! congratulations!
-Our Nuncio, H. E. Archbishop ++Dr. Tony Scuderri has finished for our Church Manifesto "Text and Commentary on the Manifesto and the Canon Law of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ Worldwide". It is almost 200 pages, and with the Approval of the Ecunenical Primate it will be published soon and contributed to all the bishops of the ECCC. This book is very important as it our canonical guide for the ECCC and her global work! Thank you Archbishop Dr. Tony for this high task!
-Archbishop Tony has been appointed Provincial of the ECCC in the USA. Congratulations.
-Fr. Edik Baroni from Pasadena, CA has been elected bishop, he will receive his consecration in 2022. He will form a Prelature to serve the Persian Christian communities in the USA and beyond. Congratulations bishop elect, +Edik! May your ministry be be blessed with many years of service in the vineyard of the Lord!
We have given Fr. Tom Roberts, Ph. D. the Title of Monsignore for his outstanding work in educational ministry and outreach. He is also the Chancellor of our School for liturgical Studies and has written books with lasting impact on burning issues for our times, like marriage...
-We have received in the NOSF in the USA:
Brother Abel A. Soto, NOSF
Brother Stephen Forry, NOSF
Congratulations and God's blessings on your way with Saint Francis!
Fr. Anthony Capretta, OFM, Ph. D. has repaired his Church in Crestline, OH. Congratulations!
-Detroit Holy See Cathedral of St. Anthony:
After many months with: repairs on the bell towers, the tall chimneys, and the monastery roof, plumbing, and electrical work, we can finally breath again.
-Since the pandemic has brought for many churches a decrease in congregants, we are with the help of God rebuilding our church community/ies.
-We have started earlier this year a Sunday live streaming of our cathedral mass that you can follow on our Facebook:
You can see many pictures from all the countries in which the ECCC reside on our international website: see above, and for the Cathedral in Detroit also see above.
June 22nd, Saint Paulinus, A. D. 2021 The Ecumenical Primate Dr. Karl Rodig
+In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen Peace to you all brothers and sisters in the Good Lord!
It is with a heavy heart to let you know that our beloved brother, Fr. Dr. Rogelio Carrera, NOSF, has just passed away of complication due to the covid19 virus. I was contacted by his son Leo. Fr. Rogelio was so proud of his 4 sons and family. He has been a Franciscan in our Order since 2016. He was a very humble priest and he loved our Church. He supported our outreach for the poor and never stopped to let us know how thankful he was for the gift of humility and service for so many who were in his care as a Family Doctor.
Our Condolences go out to his family and friends. Here
is a little bit from our brother's obituary:
Fr. Rogelio "Roger" L. Carrera, MD, age 69, of Knoxville, TN entered the loving arms of Jesus on June 18, 2021. Born August 22, 1951, in Havana, Cuba, he was the son of Dr. Rogelio H. Carrera, MD and Asuncion Diaz Carrera. As a young child, he fled to the United States with his family before the borders closed following the fall of Batista. He obtained his Bachelor's degree at Tulane University, and his Medical degree at Compultense University of Madrid in Spain. He was a proud veteran of the U.S. Army, Marine Corps and Air Force, where he served as a flight surgeon earning a Bronze Star and the Air Medal. He owned a family practice off of John Sevier Highway in Knoxville, TN prior to serving in Operation Desert Storm.
Upon returning home, he practiced as an emergency room physician across the country. His passion was family and serving others. He was beloved by all who knew him. He was a life-long member of the Catholic Church, and he was an ordained priest in the New Order of St. Francis and St. Clare of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ. He was preceded in death by his parents; He is survived by his sister, Alina (Jack) Grier; his sons, Scott, Leopoldo, Adam, and Jeremy Carrera; several grandchildren; and countless close friends that he considered family.
May you rest in the peace of our Good Shepherd who called you to the heavenly Kingdom, and may the angels and saints sing the Hymn of Glory when you enter.
Well done, good servant of God and His people.
We will miss you greatly.
We will have a requiem mass for his repose this coming Sunday.
Please be all safe out there.
Prayers promised,
remaining yours with my benedictions
Ecumenical Primate
Blessed Feast of our Cathedral Patron Saint Anthony of Padua
The Ecumenical Primate Dr. Karl Rodig +In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Peace to you all brothers and sisters in the Good Lord!
It is with a heavy heart to write to you about the repose of our beloved bishop in Panama, +Julian Castillo.
We are in sorrow of a good man, wonderful preacher of the Word of the Lord, and pastor and great theologian that is greatly missed by his people and by us! He suffered from Leukemia and it has taken its toll. We want to express our condolences to his family and all who were in his care. Please say a mass in his memory this coming Sunday, the Feast of the Corpus Christi. May he rest in the Peace of His Savior, the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ! R.I.P
Some ECCC News: On more joyful occasions: With great Joy we receive and celebrate communions:
-On June 1st A. D. 2021, we have received in our Church Communion Die Keltische Katholische Kirche and die Selbstaendige Katholische Kirche with their Leader, Archbishop Thomas Andrew from Germany. The SKD/KKD is a full member in the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ and is canonically a Prelature in the ECCC.
-On April 30th A. D. 2021, we have signed an Intercommunion with The Traditional Anglican Church in Colombia, with their leader, Archbishop Archimedes Gomez Rojas.
-On May 30th A.D. 2021 we have signed an Intercommunion with The Orthodox Church Patriarchate of Nations in France with their leader, His Beatitude, Patriarch Nicola I.
-We working on our Membership with the WCCC in Geneva.
-We working on the legalization of our New Church in Egypt with their leader, Archbishop Mina Tawfik.
-After communications, we finalizing to receive our first ECCC community under Rex Thomas in Vanuatu, the Eastern Pacific.
-We have received the priest, Fr. Zachar with a community in Jerusalem, the Holy Land.
I wanted to thank again our Nuncios: ++Agostino, ++Hristo, ++Sebastian, ++Godfrey who assisted in all of this.
You may see more of it on our international website with the respective countries.
We are eternally grateful to God Almighty who keeps giving us unworthy servants Grace after Grace in all we do.
At last but not least, I wanted to emphasize -as in previous letters- the beauty and importance of Education, be it for seminarians, lay people, or as continued education program. We have a great School that is very happy to receive you online wherever you are in this world! Please contact them, refer students, lay people, your seminarians, and if you know other Churches who struggle with education means, we welcome them, we are ecumenical after all :o)
Please contact either: Mr. Garry Staszak who is more than happy to assist you.
Thank you all for your service for God's people! Sending you my apostolic benedictions Remaining your servant of God
+Karl Ecumenical Primate
Pentecost, A. D. 2021
Peace, and Greetings, dear beloved in the service of the Lord, and all our beloved faithful on this Birthday of all Christian Churches around the World!
It is my sincere hope that you are all well and that you are able to celebrate with each other this day of the sending of the Holy Spirit by Jesus to the Church with all the gifts that empowers us to be a loving and caring people of God. Jesus knew that he had to go home to God, and he gave us the Holy Spirit so that we will never be alone, but always conscious of His presence within us and his church communities.
As we recall, Easter is the fifth and final season of the Church year as it celebrates the last stage in Jesus’ life when he did three things -
he rose from the dead, -ascended into heaven, -sent the Holy Spirit on his followers.
These are three different historical events but also three aspects of the one “mystery” of Jesus’ triumph over death.
-The resurrection reminds us that his tomb was empty, death had no power over him.
-The ascension that he was no longer limited to one place and time but was at the right hand of the Father and at the same time “with” his followers as they went out into the whole world “making disciples of all nations”.
-The sending of the Spirit that he was now really present within them – the “short time” had passed and they could “see him” again (cf. John 16:17).
The sequence of the different aspects of the Easter event varies in the New Testament accounts. St Luke’s gospel (which we read on the feast of the Ascension in Year 2) tells us that Jesus ascended on Easter Sunday, and in the gospel readings for the feast of Pentecost St John relates that Jesus Breathed the Spirit on the disciples on “the evening of the same day” – Easter Sunday. It is also significant that, according to the lectionary, we read the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit in the first reading of Easter Monday, and that of Jesus’ promise to send the Spirit on the Sundays and weekdays of the fifth and sixth weeks of Easter time.
The sending of the Holy Spirit gives us some important pointers on how we are to understand this event. I will just mention three.
-People sometimes refer to Pentecost as “the feast of the Holy Spirit”, but that is not a good expression. It is a feast of Jesus, the “mystery” of his sending the Holy Spirit on his followers, the moment when he became present to them in a new way – by being with them.
-We too come to a stage in our lives as parents, teachers, church ministers and spiritual guides, when we have to let go of those God has entrusted to our care and let them live their own lives. Like Jesus, we must “breathe on them”, so that they may be guided inwardly by the values we taught them. Like Jesus too we can do that only if we have first given our lives for them - which will include being crucified.
-The coming of the Holy Spirit is an event in our lives as it was for Jesus’ disciples. It is the moment when we realize that following Jesus is not a matter of keeping commandments but of having him live within us. The experience is always the culmination of a journey - we first have to look wonderingly at an empty tomb; to see the risen Jesus and then to have him vanish from our sight; to wait a long time in Jerusalem, trusting that the Lord’s promise will be fulfilled.
Wishing you all this Love that God gives us every day anew in the presence of the Holy Spirit, God's Advocate for us.
It is the Spirit that makes Jesus known to us and the whole world.
Blessings and Prayers promised,
ECCC News:
A cordial Welcome to the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Egypt with her leader, Archbishop Mina, his clergy, seminarians and faithful who have been incardinated into our ECCC. (in the international website you can see also some pictures). May you all grow in the love for God and his Church on Earth. Special Thanks to our Apostolic Nuncio in Italy, Archbishop Agostino who was instrumental for the incardination process!
A cordial welcome to the Iglesia Tradicional Anglicana from Colombia under the Leadership of Archbishop Arquimedes who signed with our Church Intercommunion. Special Thanks our Nuncio for Latin America, Archbishop Sebastian for the dialog and final draft for the Document.
We have appointed our Archbishop in Brazil, Dom Lucas to be the Apostolic Nuncio for Brazil. We wish him many blessings for his service to grow the ECCC in Brazil.
We are in dialog and close consultation for an Intercommunion with Patriarch Nicolas and his Patriarcat Orthodoxe des Nations, including bishops, clergy and faithful. Thanks to our Apostolic Nuncio for Western Europe, Archbishop Agostino who is in dialog with them!
We are in dialog with the Primas Archbishop Thomas from the Keltische Katholische Kirche. We welcome them! In a Concordat we will establish a Personal Prelature for them in the ECCC.
We wish much success for the ongoing Synod in Italy. May their gatherings be blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit!
(Please share with all) Easter A. D. 2021
Christus Resurrexit Vere! Alleluja! Peace and Greetings in the Name of the Risen Lord to you all, beloved brothers and sisters of our Worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
It fills me with great joy to greet you all on this blessed High Feast of the Church as we celebrate our Savior Glorious Resurrection! We are at aw at this wonder of all wonders that God who gave all He had, Himself for our Salvation through His beloved Son who suffered, died and rose for us in the Holy Spirit. There is no other Feast in the World that can show such deep Love of God for us, there is no other happening in any religion that can describe this deep meaning of God's Love for the world which He created. As Christians we are filled with an inner spiritual awakening that will not end, we are drawn to God's presence in Christ Jesus among us caused by that Fire of the Holy Spirit.Oh Love divine, how can we acknowledge such mystery given to us, oh beauty of this everlasting Joy that fills our hearts. My dear brothers and sisters around the world, God has spoken to us through a final act of Redemption, God has delivered us from the claws of the Devil, God has shown us that He will never give up on us, pouring out this everlasting Love toward us and so that we are able to seek Him. Therefore, one day the Kingdom of Heavens will be filled with the unending number of faithful that returned this Love for God and Neighbor. I wish you all a blessed Easter Season as you all celebrate within our Church families of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ around the World. May you all be filled with the Spirit of the Powerful Message of Christ: Peace be with you! May your brother and sister-hood be filled with the sincere desire to live toward the Kingdom of God that is for all of His Children born into this world. Despite the Pandemic and all the restriction we need to abide in order to save lives, we are able to pray and celebrate with each other in a safe way the Risen Lord in His loving presence within our midst. As Christians we are Easter People, may we therefore all grow in and through Christ for a more loving world, may we rise to the Way, the Truth, and the Life that He always will be for us. May we speak up when injustice attacks our world and wars slaughter our brothers and sisters, may we help as we can those who endure famine and expulsion, those who are homeless, those who are fleeing their countries seeking a better life for their families. May we always see when evil tries to tear us apart as brothers and sisters. We shall always let our faith speak with the Heart of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I can't wait to see you all again in your countries, and also meet the many new members who have entered our Church in many parts of the world. Greetings to all in your care, sending you my apostolic benedictionsYour Servant of Christ+Karl
With the request and the acceptance by the 6 Nuncios of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, the Nuncios will serve on the advisory board for the Ecumenical Primate Africa: Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kenya:Congratulations to our Nuncio for Africa, Archbishop Godfrey Siundu for his book, "The Power of Deliverance" he just finished! The expansion of our Orphanage and School is ongoing, and the Completion of the New Cathedral is celebrated. The faithful have grown in great numbers. Archbishop Godfrey could also welcome the Deputy Prime Minister of Kenya. Our Nuncio is also in talks with new bishops and church members from other churches who would like to join the ECCC in different parts of Africa. He is also in communication with the Orthodox Leader in South Africa who wants to join our ECCC. Blessed talks, our prayers are with you. Cameroon:Bishop Didier is working hard to expand his religious Order of the Companions of St. Augustine. His orphanage and school are blessed with the beloved orphans, children and care takers. Democratic Republic of Congo:Rev. Deacon Munembwe Mukumba Damas has build up our school in Bukavu which he named after the Ecumenical Primate, Archbishop Dr. Karl Rodig Primary School. We send them all our prayers and love! Looking forward to visiting you all! Liberia-Sierra Leone- Ghana:Fr. Emmanuel, Rev. Deacon Martin and the brothers and sisters are helping refugies and persecuted Christians. Our Prayers are with you always! Europe:
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Italy:
Our Nuncio for Europe, Archbishop Agostino Di Caro has been appointed Provincial of the NOSF (New Order of Saint Francis) for Europe. He has received new members of the Order in Italy and Hungary. As Nuncio I have asked him to be in communication with bishop Mina, his clergy, seminarians in Cairo, Egypt, and clergy members in Lebanon and Jordan. I was informed the negotiations for full communion with our Church are moving forward. Blessings and welcome to Bishop Mina and his Church!
Bulgaria:Our Nuncio and Archbishop Hristo has communicated with Archbishop Agostino to have new communities of our NOSF into the East: Bulgaria, Russia and the Ukraine.Archbishop Hristo has also a priest in Jerusalem who will start a community of the NOSF in the Holy Land. Congratulations to you all for expanding the NOSF.Blessings.
Asia: India: Metropolitan Archdiocese of India: Congratulations Archbishop Dr. Sunny has acquired and renovated with his clergy and church members their new Arch
diocesan Center in Kerala. He is also on Board for the Human Rights and Social Justice Commission for India.Dr. Sunny has also a Sister religious Orden who wanted to join our Church in India. Prayers for you all.
Sri Lanka:
Fr. Michael is working tirelessly for his mission that have expanded!
Vicar General Nicholas has revived his monastic life and creating a new spiritual environment for many to witness.
I am also wanted to extend greetings from our Fr. Dilkushan.
The Philippines:
Bishop Manuel is spreading the Good News of our Church at the Cathedral of the Sacrifice Valley. We wish him all the blessings in the large area of Bataan where he is serving so many.
Bishop Armando with his cathedral church is serving many people in the Luzon and Manila area.
Our Provincial for the NOSF, Fr. Ted has expanded our Franciscan Mission work and received new members in our religious Order. Welcome and many blessings to you all.
Latin America:
Our Nuncio and Archbishop Sebastian works tirelessly to travel and support out missions in Latin America. He went recently to Cuba to organize our missions there, expand our religious Order of the NOSF as well.
We have received a new priest, Fr. Leiber in Cucuta. Welcome!
We also in talks with a new priest in Bogota who will join us soon.
Blessings to you all.
Archbishop Tony from California has been appointed Nuncio for the USA and her territories. His installation will take place at our Cathedral in Detroit on Pentecost. Congratulations and Blessings to your new task. Archbishop Tony is also working on our Manifesto for the Layman. And is in preparation for developing a cannon law department for our School.
Please pray for our bishop Jeffrey from Texas who is battling cancer!
Our Saint Anthony's Cathedral Liturgical House of Studies is doing very well! We seek to expand worldwide and are in communication in various Countries.
Please when you have students who seek a study online, please contact our school, either Mr. Garry Staszak. This is a great opportunity to seek a degree and expand your horizons in theological, biblical and spiritual fields!
Peace and Greetings in this Holy Seasons to you all in our
Worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
A.D. 2020
It is my sincere prayer and hope that you are all safe and well in this time that has become so different from times past. Our Advent's reflections this year might have been different this year as we had to take into account the onslaught of the Pandemic that has taken so many lives, and shown so much suffering and makes us speechless. We ask ourselves where can there be joy that we used to had, where are the big and happy family gatherings that we always were looking forward to...? Many of our church families had to form new ways of coming together for Sunday service, or have it suspended because of the danger of gatherings that could cause harm to others spreading the covid19 virus.
An yet, in all of this we are reminded that we can still find joy that is nearer than expected, a joy that is different from just casual social happiness, it is a joy of a deeper spiritual awakening that touches our hearts and moves our spirits. It comes from a Love that God has shown throughout the centuries, a Love that needs a response from us, and here is the key that changes our so settled minds. In the Gospel of Luke the well known Magnificat of Mary shall help us. What went through Mary's mind? She, like Anna in the book of Samuel (name meaning "God heard") giving their Sons to God, not holding back, but letting God lead in it all, becoming aware of a promise that finds fulfillment.
Only in her humility can Mary accept God's will expressed by the Archangel Gabriel. The struggle of the mind is present till she speaks this YES to God's Will and it changes everything that was not planned, that makes the ordinary extraordinary. For us this YES to God will lifts also our spirit removes the veil of our blindness caused by self-absorption and confusion, the worries that overtake our daily lives, the uncertainties toward what lies ahead for ourselves and our loved ones, our communities, our world...
Mary's and our unconditionally Yes to God is the breakthrough to a inner joy that others might call crazy, useless, misguided, etc.
Only in this simple yes to God find we the true meaning of the birth of Christ: our Savior is born! All the glitter and worldly glamour that we have become so keen to, as nice as it is, will no longer be the main reason why we celebrate Christmas, but our personal relationship to the human and divine Jesus of Nazareth will be our focus. And this can and will change us and the world around us when we take these words serious and make them our own: "
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid." This rejoicing shall be ours in these trying times, in our loneliness, in our despair, in our personal struggles, in our quest for the answers of the meaning of life, in our search for true and unconditional love, and the list goes on...
Our Yes to God is already the answer, and to whatever calling we find ourselves in, God will give us this inner joy that helps us to walk through this dark times, and to find new longing for a better world that has written justice and peace on its banner, becoming more and more His hands of a loving people.
The Magnificat has touched me this year more than ever. Ask yourself, what word of Scripture can and will touch you to find an awakening toward God's message shown us in the birth of His beloved Son, born to bring a New Way of Life, sent to us to find meaning in His Word and Action, seeing in His suffering the agony and loneliness of the Cross, and yet in this darkest of moments the Light of that eternal Love of the Father ever present keeps the promise of the resurrection and our Salvation. You might find solace and inspiration in one of the great prophets like Isaiah, or other writings in Scripture that have changed the lives of millions of Christians in the history of Salvation.
In this year's so fast changing world, we are being reminded that fear and suffering of this eon have not the last word, but that we shall become more aware, like Mary, in her Yes to God shown in her life's experience standing by her son's suffering, as he is put to death, and resurrect from the death beyond human imagination, she realizes that God's Love is always stronger than death, greater than earthly happiness, this Love that overcomes hate, denial, injustice, wickedness, deceit, war, cruelty and destruction... This God of so many names, so many mysteries, is the one that changes us, because "
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of His mercy even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever."
From the bottom of my heart I wanted to thank you all for your great dedication in so many different services in our beloved Church, be it in the pastoral ministry, education, or social services, in the cultural and social environments we find ourselves in.
Wherever you are in this world, from the Philippines to Sri Lanka, to India, Pakistan, Europe, Africa, Latin America and North America, I want to thank you for the so many letters you have written throughout the past year, expressing your gratefulness for being in our Church, your Concerns, and your Joys. I see your love and honesty toward the hard work you are doing for the poor, the marginalized, the downtrodden, the abundant in society in building new communities, being present for the street children. I want to thank our St. Anthony's liturgical house of studies that has taken of ground and is expanding, and it will reach the ends of our worldwide church. I want to thank so many of you in your episcopal leadership of our Nuncios, and our bishops for welcoming in an ecumenical spirit clergy and faithful from other denominations finding a home in our ECCC, be it our brethren of the Orthodox Churches who have signed the Tomos with our Church, members from the Lutheran and Anglican Churches that have joined our Church, and the list goes on.
At this moment, let our entire Church pray for our Synod in Italy that started in September 2020. It has been in preparation for quite some time. May it bear lots of fruit! God given, I shall be there for the Concluding Session in June of 2021.
Wishing you all a Blessed and Joyous Feast of our Savior's Birth.
May He be reborn in our hearts, so that we can see anew with the eyes of Love.
And as this Pandemic has hopefully changed the way of living and thinking of so many in the World, may the New year bring for all of us and all of humanity a better and deeper understanding of a world where we are all God's Children that belong to each other.
May God give the Grace to see each other again and the so many I have not met yet.
With my Apostolic Benediction
Servus Dei
+Karl Ecumenical Primate
The Ecumenical Primate, Dr. Karl Rodig has recommended that Fr. Dr. Tom Roberts be the new Chancellor for our St. Anthony's Cathedral Liturgical House of Studies, and Archbishop Dr. Sunny Alappat from India to be on the Board as well.
We have a new Seminarian joining our ECCC in California, Brother Alexey coming from Utah, he will be trained and guided under the auspicious of our Metropolitan Archbishop for California, ++Dr. Tony Scuderri in Sacramento.
Our Parish in Los Angeles, Archangel, with pastor, Fr. Jacob, is under Archbishop ++Dr. Tony Sucerri's episcopal and diocesan leadership.
I want also to congratulate Archbishop Tony for his new book he just published, "
And What Peace Can I Receive From God: The
Miracle of Francis and the Leper"
Despite the Pandemic, our Cathedral of St. Anthony in Detroit, Michigan, has been distributing clothes and food for many homeless. We also have prepared Christmas gifts for over 50 Children.
Our Cathedral was hit by a heavy storm in November of this year, it has ripped of the roof of one of the Bell towers, and also damaged some of the upper windows. We have organized a fundraising to help pay the repairs.
India: Our Nuncio and Archbishop Dr. Sunny Alappat has shown great work by reaching out and receiving more clergy and religious into our Worldwide Communion: 3 Benedictine Anglican Friars with the leadership of Bro. Robin Sebastian, are becoming one of our religious communities. Legal documents of the religious trust registration are in process. Once the legal formalities in India is completed, there would be diaconate ordination to 3 members. Later completion of theological studies (3 years) we would proceed with priestly ordination. We are praying for the church infrastructure in India, we are having the first cathedral religious house with a chapel at Kerala In India (Plot Size 8,700 Sq ft Appx. 5,000 Sq ft Building) . We have paid 70% of the amount and the balance 30% will be paid in Dec and the registration of the building will take place together with the last payment. All the funds are borrowed. We would run some services to generate income and return the borrowings. As directed / verified / informed by Fr. Fernandez in Pakistan, there are 3 brothers ready for diaconate ordination. And there is a sister for her first profession of vows. He has invited me to Pakistan. According to the pandemic situation / international flight schedules on convenient travelling, further programs would be scheduled / organized. Congratulations also to Archbishop Dr. Sunny Alappat for having become a member for the Human Rights Commission for India.
Pakistan:Fr. Fernandez in Pakistan serves many poor people and has expanded his services. We have also received new inquiries for seminarians wanting to be in our Church. 3 brothers are ready for diaconate ordination and a Sister for her first religious vows.
Sri Lanka:Fr. Nicholas, a former Benedictine Monk wants to revive the Order in his Country. Prayers and best wishes.Fr Michael has expanded his mission and has 9 new lay ministers assisting him with the school and the new missions. Blessings for your work!
Africa:Kenya: Our beloved Nuncio for the African Continent and Metropolitan Archbishop of Kenya, ++Godfrey Siundu, has been very active on many fronts, he is finishing the Church construction in Bungoma.He had been chosen by different church and religious leaders, including the Roman Church to lead an ecumenical Conference in Kenya that was very successful. He also welcomed the Deputy President of Kenya and his delegation. Our Church is growing and showing her presence with a lot of respect by other denominations, religions, and politicians.Thank you for your wonderful Work!
Cameroon: The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cameroon under the leadership of Archbishop Jean de la Résurrection AMOUGOU will ordain Father Ferdinand KOA to the sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ on December 31, 2020. This brings the number of priests of the archdiocese to 13. We congratulate you and all your wonderful people! Msgr. Didier with the Religious Order of the Companions of St. Augustine with their missions in Cameroon has become a Prelature. This will be a first step to establishing a new Diocese. Congratulations!Thank you for taking care of the orphanage and school for the poor children! Ivory Coast, Senegal:Fr. Emmanuel is working very hard for the poor in his country, especially for the abundant children. Prayers for all his good work!
Democratic Republic of Kongo:Rev. Brother Munembwe Mukamba Damas, NOSF 2020-2021 School year, Monsignor Karl Primary School opened its doors in Kabare for orphaned and most vulnerable children of society.From March 2021, the Reverend Deacon MUNEMBWE MUKAMBA DAMAS will make pastoral trips to the following provinces: Maniema Province, Greater Katanga Province and North Kivu...Thank you for all your good work! Be all blessed, especially the abundant children!
Latin America:Thanks to all the efforts of our beloved Archbishop and Nuncio for the Territories of Latin America, ++Sebastian Pla, we can report the following: The Ecumenical Seminary founded in Costa Rica by Archbishop Sebastian Pla is providing service to seminarians in Central America and the Caribbean, to date we have 24 seminarians, we also provide training when requested by a brother Bishop of the church within our territory. Central America and Caribbean: Active missions in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti
Bishops in South America, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Mexico, a new Vicar General in Colombia, Father Leiber Rojas.
Cuba: The NOSF, and the Ecumenical Franciscan sisters having an new Mother Trinidad Mora Cabrera, the Orthodox Rite and the Latin rite are under Mons Fanurios Bishop Elect for Cuba and Canon Mons Stefanos. Archbishop ++ Sebastian Pla has ordained 3 deacons in December 2020, including members of the NOSF.The Latin rite is growing on the island. Mons Fanurios has worked very hard for the Church in Cuba, there were also confirmations and baptisms during Archbishop Sebastian's Pla visit in Cuba. A special Thank you also to Fr. Adalberto who has been instrumental for this event. The names of the new deacons are:
Rev. Jesús Díaz Hernández
Rev. Maykel Crúz Rodríguez
Rev. Jorge Luis García Cesar (C. C. Brother Bernardo)
Congratulations for the Priestly ordination of Fr. Adalberto conducted in Italy by our Archbishop Agostino de Caro in Sicilia. Many years in the vineyard of the Lord!
Costa Rica:Besides our missions in Costa Rica, there is also public soup kitchen for the poor within social works.We have developed Catechesis, social pastoral, vocational pastoral, we have generated teaching and regulations based on the manifesto that has allowed us to regulate and govern the church in the territories added to this the result of the two local synods. We formed the Ecclesiastical Tribunal for the dissolution of the bond, by 2021 we are fostering our efforts for the expansion of the church.
El reporte de la administración apostólica y la Arquidiocesis Metropolitana de Costa Rica
Seminario Ecuménico fundado en Costa Rica bajo mi episcopado esta brindando servicio a los seminaristas de América Central y el Caribe, hasta la fecha tenenos 24 seminaristas, también brindamos la formacion cuando nos es solicitada por algún hermano Obispo de la iglesia dentro de nuestro territorio. Tenemos activas las misiones en Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Panamá, Cuba, República Dominica y Haiti Lógicamente existen Obispos en Sur América, Perú, Ecuador, un Vicario en Colombia que es Padre Leiber Rojas, Venezuela y México. En el territorio Cubano existe NOSF, y las hermanas Franciscanas Ecuménica teniendo a la Madre Trinidad Mora Cabrera y tememos el Rito Ortodoxo y el rito latino con el apoyo de Mons Fanurios Obispo Electo para Cuba y Mons Stefanos Canónigo, En Costa Rica existen misiones y un comedor público para pobres dentro de las obras sociales, hemos desarrollado Catequesis, pastoral social, pastoral vocaciónal, henos generado magisterio y reglamentos basados en el manifiesto que nos ha permitís normar y regir la iglesia en los territorios sumado a esto el resultado de los dos sinodos locales. Conformamos el Tribunal Eclesiástico para las disoluciones del vínculo, para el 2021 estamos dirigiendo nuestros a la expansión de la iglesia
Archbishop ++Sebastian Pla ordenado 3 diáconos entre ellos miembros de la NOSF, el rito latino está creciendo alla en la isla y hemos tenido el apoyo de Mons Fanurios Obispo Auxiliar Electo de nuestro Rito Ortodxo para con ellos, Mons Fanurios es una persona que se ha esforzado y trabajado muy duro por la Iglesia en Cuba, tendremos confirmaciones y bautizos en m visita, la Madre Trinidad superiora de las franciscanas Ecuménica le envía su saludo, se hace necesario realizar estas 3 ordenaciones por necesidad pastoral para poder atender adecuadamente las comunidades de rito latino. Gracias tambien por Fr. Adalberto and Mons. Fanurios que eran instrumental por este eventos. Los nombres de los nuevos diáconos son: 1. Rev. Jesús Díaz Hernández 2. Rev. Maykel Crúz Rodríguez 3. Rev. Jorge Luis García Cesar ( C. C. Hermano Bernardo)
Europe: Italy: 1. In oct. 4th we begun the N.O.S.F. The two friars: fr. Andrea and fr. Pietro 2. We have ordained as a deacon rev. Piero Barulli 3 we have incardinated Rev. Mother Maria Vittoria Longhitano from the Anglican Church in Italy. 4. We begun the experience of the theological study within the St. Anthony's Liturgical House of Studies with our seminarians On October 4th we will have the profession of the first two Italian friars of the new order of St. Francis and St. Clare. On September 28th we will give the cassock to three new seminarians who will begin their formative journey with us this year. They are very motivated and enthusiastic. In all, at the moment our Archdiocese has 5 seminarians (4 men and 1 woman), one of them will be ordained deacon in December. Almost all the offices are now open, albeit with many limitations, so finally on September 30th at 12.00 we will be in front of the public official to sign the founding act of the church .. after two years of hard work! Attached in this email you also can see the planning and order of the Metropolitan Synod for Italy under the leadership of Archbishop ++Agostino di Caro Archbishop di Caro is also appointed to be the Provincial for the New Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, NOSF, for Europe helping to better organize our Religious Order.
Rev. Akos Konya, NOSF who is a hospital chaplain, has reported of the sacrifices that the Pandemic has brought upon so many. He is doing his work with great vigor. Blessings and stay safe with your family!
Holy See of The Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ
September 28th, Saint Wenceslaus, A. D. 2020 Peace and Greetings to my beloved brother in Christ, Archbishop Agostino, my beloved Priests, Deacons, Religious, Seminarians and all beloved faithful in the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Italy.
It is with great joy to greet you all on the Eve of your Metropolitan Archdiocesan Synod for Italy that will bring deep spiritual moments of prayer gatherings, fruitful discussions, a new outlook for your ministry in Christ and a stronger sense of being growing and loving communities.
Again, I want to greet you all with the beginning of the letter to the Philippians by Saint Polycarp, bishop and martyr (Cap. 1, 1-2, 3: Funk 1, 267-269)
"From Polycarp and his fellow presbyters to the pilgrim church of God at Philippi: May you have mercy and peace in abundance from Almighty God and Jesus Christ our Savior.
I rejoice with you greatly in the Lord Jesus Christ because you have assumed the pattern of true love and have rightly helped on their way those who were in chains. Such chains are becoming to the faithful; they are the rich crown of the chosen ones of our Lord and God.
I am glad, too, that your deep-rooted faith, proclaimed of old, still abides and continues to bear fruit in the life-giving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. He, for our sins, did not refuse to go down to death, and God raised him up after destroying the pains of hell. With a glorious joy that no words can express you believe in Christ without seeing him. This is the joy in which many wish to share knowing that it is by grace that you are saved and not by works, for so God has willed through Jesus Christ.
So prepare yourselves for the struggle, serve the Lord in fear and truth. Put aside empty talk and popular errors; your faith must be in him who raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and gave him a share in his own glory and a seat at his right hand. To him everything was made subject in heaven and on earth; all things obey him, who will come as judge of the living and the dead. All who refuse to believe must answer to God for the blood of his Son.
He who raised him from the dead will raise us too if we do his will and keep his commandments, loving what he loved, refraining from all wrongdoing, fraud, avarice, malice and slander. We must abstain from false witness, not returning evil for evil, nor curse for curse, nor blow for blow, nor denunciation for denunciation. Always remember the words of the Lord, who taught: Do not judge and you will not be judged; forgive and you will be forgiven; be merciful and you will find mercy; the amount you measure out to others will be the amount measured out to you. Blessed are the poor and those who suffer persecution, for theirs is the kingdom of God."
Saint Polycarp's words are uplifting for our faith life -as they were 1900 years ago- when we want to get rid of the chains of our modern society and some extreme religious authorities posturing in their prejudices: hate, persecution and exclusion because of what one is and believes differently as a Christian, and so we experience often the chains of hopelessness. It is therefore the manifestation of our very existence that we believe in this Love of Christ that will liberate us and show us a light that shines for all of God's Children in this world who seek understanding, acceptance, and a life in love.
A your Synod is guided by the Holy Spirit, it will open new horizons for the deepening awareness of Christ's Love and presence among you.
It is my desire that you all read and deepen the spirit of our Church "Manifesto" and the different documents of our Church guidelines which can be easily accessed on our international website.
May you find through your Synodal gatherings a better understanding of our Ecumenical Spirit as a Church in this earthly home, like:
The Christian Church is Ecumenical in Nature; Peace and Unity among all Churches; All are welcome means inclusive; A permanent way of living as a Catholic Christian: Renewed daily - A ministry of Hope through Christ Jesus - No matter what.
Our Cathedral Mission Statement of St. Anthony may enlighten a little what we are all striving for, and what we represent:
The Cathedral Family of Saint Anthony is centered in Christ,
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, anchored in the Holy Bible,
And nourished by the Sacraments.
We proclaim, witness, and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ in her liturgical services
And community efforts shall advance the peaceful
And continued building of the Kingdom of God.
In our ecumenical relationships with other Church Denominations,
We celebrate Church Unity to the Glory of our loving God.
Dear beloved Sisters and Brothers, it is my prayerful wish that you are all -whatever the the state of your life might be right now- discover anew this inclusiveness and love that Christ showed us, that you bare rich fruits in the Holy Spirit, and that you always seek this unity of charity among you on your journey with your ordinary archbishop Agostino Caro, and with me your Ecumenical Primate, as we walk together towards the heavenly Kingdom.
I pray for you and hope, God willing, I can be present at the conclusion of your Synod to which I look very much forward.
I want to conclude with the letter of Saint Augustine in his famous words, "For you I am a bishop; with you I am a Christian" from his
Sermon 340,1 PL 38, 1483-1484
"The day I became a bishop, a burden was laid on my shoulders for which it will be no easy task to render an account. The honors I receive are for me an ever present cause of uneasiness. Indeed, it terrifies me to think that I could take more pleasure in the honor attached to my office, which is where its danger lies, than in your salvation, which ought to be its fruit. This is why being set above you fills me with alarm, whereas being with you gives me comfort. Danger lies if the first; salvation in the second.
To be honest with you, my obligations involve me in so much turmoil that I feel as though I were tossed by storms on a great ocean. When I remember by whose blood I have been redeemed, this thought brings me peace, as though I were entering the safety of a harbor; and I am consoled, as I carry out the arduous duties of my own particular office, by the blessings which we all have in common. By finding my chief you therefore in the redemption, which I share with you, and not in my office, which has placed me over you, I shall the more truly be your servant; and so not only fulfill the Lord’s command, but also show myself not ungrateful to him for making me your fellow servant. For my Redeemer has a claim upon my love, and I do not forget how he questioned Peter, and asked:
Do you love me, Peter? Then feed my sheep.
He asked this once, then again and then a third time. He inquired about his love, and then he gave him work to do; for the greater one’s love is, the easier is the work.
How shall I repay the Lord for all the blessings he has given me?
I could say perhaps that I repay him by feeding his sheep, but even though I do this,
it is not really I who do it, but the grace of God within me.
So when all that I do is the gift of God’s grace, how can I possibly repay him? As a matter of fact, I hope to be repaid myself, and this for the very reason that I love him freely and feed his sheep. But, you may ask, if I feed his sheep because I love him freely, how can I demand payment for feeding them? It is indeed unthinkable to ask for a recompense for love freely given unless that recompense is the loved one himself.
But even if feeding his sheep could repay him for redeeming me, what could repay him for having made me his shepherd? To be a good shepherd I depend entirely on his grace, for without his help I should be a very bad one, there is so much evil in me. Pray, then, that I may not be a bad shepherd, but a good one.
And for you, my brothers and sisters...
Make my ministry a fruitful one. You are God’s garden, and you should therefore welcome the laborer who does the visible work of planting and watering the seed, even though the growth comes from one who works invisibly within you. Help me both by your prayers and by your obedience, for then it will be a pleasure for me, not to preside over you, but to serve you."
Sending you all my Apostolic Benedictions
With my prayers united in your journey
In Christ, our Savior
Pentecost, A. D. 2020 (Please share with all your people! Por favor compartir con toda su gente!)
Peace and greetings to you all throughout our worldwide Church Communion, on this Holy Feast of Pentecost as we celebrate the Coming and the Works of the Holy Spirit, the Birthday of the Christian Church!
Thinking of you all in our different churches across the world, I am always touched by your love and service for all of God's people, and with whom we walk united toward the heavenly Kingdom.
Through my personal contacts with our Nuncios, and the many of you who write me personally, we are connected through a sacred bond that the Holy Spirit bestows on us, the Love of God that emanates for us without cessation. It is exactly this divine presence of the Holy Spirit among us that keeps building our Church, and we see more and more people come to us seeking a place of a loving and accepting community where one can also find healing.
Today's Feast of the Holy Spirit reminds us of that divine power that we can experience in our lives, the gifts that he/she shows each one of us according to our needs and abilities.
Let us all reflect a little bit on the Holy Spirit with Saint Basil the Great, a bishop from the 4th Century who write so beautifully about the work of the Holy Spirit:
"The titles given to the Holy Spirit must surely stir the soul of anyone who hears them, and make him realize that they speak of nothing less than the supreme Being. Is he not called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, the steadfast Spirit, the guiding Spirit? But his principal and most personal title is the Holy Spirit.
To the Spirit all creatures turn in their need for sanctification; all living things seek him according to their ability. His breath empowers each to achieve its own natural end.
The Spirit is the source of holiness, a spiritual light, and he offers his own light to every mind to help it in its search for truth. By nature the Spirit is beyond the reach of our mind, but we can know him by his goodness. The power of the Spirit fills the whole universe, but he gives himself only to those who are worthy, acting in each according to the measure of his faith.
Simple in himself, the Spirit is manifold in his mighty works. The whole of his being is present to each individual; the whole of his being is present everywhere. Though shared in by many, he remains unchanged; his self-giving is no loss to himself. Like the sunshine, which permeates all the atmosphere, spreading over land and sea, and yet is enjoyed by each person as though it were for him alone, so the Spirit pours forth his grace in full measure, sufficient for all, and yet is present as though exclusively to everyone who can receive him. To all creatures that share in him he gives a delight limited only by their own nature, not by his ability to give.
The Spirit raises our hearts to heaven, guides the steps of the weak, and brings to perfection those who are making progress. He enlightens those who have been cleansed from every stain of sin and makes them spiritual by communion with himself.
As clear, transparent substances become very bright when sunlight falls on them and shine with a new radiance, so also souls in whom the Spirit dwells, and who are enlightened by the Spirit, become spiritual themselves and a source of grace for others.
From the Spirit comes foreknowledge of the future, understanding of the mysteries of faith, insight into the hidden meaning of Scripture, and other special gifts. Through the Spirit we become citizens of heaven, we enter into eternal happiness, and abide in God. Through the Spirit we acquire a likeness to God; indeed, we attain what is beyond our most sublime aspirations—we become God." (
From the treatise On the Holy Spirit, Cap 9, 22-23)
May we all pray for receiving more gifts of the Holy Spirit that God wants us to share and edify our Community, the Church.
Especially in these trying times of humanity through the pandemic, let us be steadfast in our Faith, grounded in the Holy Scripture, always ready to serve, and filled with the divine love that draws us near to God.
I want to sent you all these words from the first Letter of the Apostle John (4: 7-21)
"7 My dear friends, let us love one another, since love is from God and everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 Whoever fails to love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is the revelation of God's love for us, that God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him. 10 Love consists in this: it is not we who loved God, but God loved us and sent his Son to expiate our sins. 11 My dear friends, if God loved us so much, we too should love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God, but as long as we love one another God remains in us and his love comes to its perfection in us. 13 This is the proof that we remain in him and he in us, that he has given us a share in his Spirit. 14 We ourselves have seen and testify that the Father sent his Son as Saviour of the world. 15 Anyone who acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God remains in him and he/she in God. 16 We have recognised for ourselves, and put our faith in, the love God has for us. God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him/her. 17 Love comes to its perfection in us when we can face the Day of Judgement fearlessly, because even in this world we have become as he is. 18 In love there is no room for fear, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear implies punishment and no one who is afraid has come to perfection in love. 19 Let us love, then, because he first loved us. 20 Anyone who says 'I love God' and hates his brother/sister, is a liar, since whoever does not love the brother/sister whom he can see cannot love God whom he/she has not seen. 21 Indeed this is the commandment we have received from him, that whoever loves God, must also love his brother/sister."
With my continued prayers, and apostolic benedictions
united in the Holy Spirit
May the new service of our Archbishop Tony be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Metropolitan Archdiocese of the USA:
Br. Morgan Meis, NOSF
Prayers and Blessings
A special invitation to our local dioceses throughout the world:
Please check out our theological courses that are being offered in our online study programs. Our metropolitan archdiocese in the USA, and Italy have started to be involved with the Programs.
St. Anthony's Cathedral Liturgical House of Studies will focus on preparing students for ministry and laity for deepening their studies.
Please contact, Mr. Gary Stasack:
to find out more and to seek advice if you have seminarians, or lay people, who would like to attend courses.
The variety of biblical, theological, and liturgical studies are a great way to help one prepare for ordinations. And if you do not want to be a minister in the church, but would like to widen and enrich your understanding in these study fields, this is a great opportunity we offer for you. We also working on a Spanish translation for the courses.
I really wanted to encourage you to become part of our study programs. You will love it.
How we say in English: Go for it!
It is never too late to study.
I have studied 11 years at three different Universities for Master, and two Doctorates :o)
Congratulations to the ordination of Diaconate of Rev. Fabio Mascaro in June 2020, in Calabria, by our Metropolitan Archbishop, ++Agostino Caro. Many blessings upon your new ministry. Sending you our prayers and greetings.
Our Archdiocese of Western Kenya has expanded their school/orphanage buildings, and almost finished the new cathedral building in Bungoma. Our local Christians work so hard to accomplish this task. Thank you all for your love and labor!
We are getting new inquiries from former Roman priests into our Archdiocese of India.
Special Prayers for all our Christians in Africa who are suffering and being persecuted by war, famine, and hate!
Last: as per new inquiries by new members of our Church, a reminder for our Eucharistic Celebrations in the different Catholic and Orthodox Rites:
In our ecumenical liturgical prayers within the Eucharist where we commemorate the living in the Church we always say,
"We pray for the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, for the Eastern Patriarch, Bartholomew, for the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Justin, for our Ecumenical Primate, Archbishop Karl,..(which is followed by mentioning your local bishop of the ECCC) and your people you have summoned here before you in faith, and gather all your children throughout the world"
Thank you!
Paz y saludos a todos ustedes a través de nuestra comunión eclesial mundial, en esta Santa Fiesta de Pentecostés mientras celebramos la Venida y las Obras del Espíritu Santo, el Cumpleaños de la Iglesia Cristiana!
Pensando en todos ustedes en nuestras diferentes iglesias en todo el mundo, siempre me conmueve su amor y servicio para todo el pueblo de Dios, y con quienes caminamos unidos hacia el Reino celestial.
A través de mis contactos personales con nuestros Nuncios, y los muchos de ustedes que me escriben personalmente, estamos conectados a través de un vínculo sagrado que el Espíritu Santo nos otorga, el Amor de Dios que emana para nosotros sin cesar. Es exactamente esta presencia divina del Espíritu Santo entre nosotros la que sigue construyendo nuestra Iglesia, y vemos cada vez más gente que viene a nosotros buscando un lugar de una comunidad de amor y aceptación donde también se puede encontrar curación.
La Fiesta del Espíritu Santo de hoy nos recuerda ese poder divino que podemos experimentar en nuestras vidas, los dones que nos muestra a cada uno de nosotros según nuestras necesidades y capacidades. Reflexionemos un poco sobre el Espíritu Santo con San Basilio el Grande, un obispo del siglo IV que escribe tan bellamente sobre el trabajo del Espíritu Santo:
"Los títulos dados al Espíritu Santo deben seguramente conmover el alma de cualquiera que los escuche, y hacerle comprender que hablan nada menos que del Ser supremo. ¿No se le llama el Espíritu de Dios, el Espíritu de la verdad que procede del Padre, el Espíritu inquebrantable, el Espíritu guía? Pero su título principal y más personal es el Espíritu Santo.
Al Espíritu se dirigen todas las criaturas en su necesidad de santificación; todos los seres vivos lo buscan según su capacidad. Su aliento capacita a cada uno para lograr su propio fin natural.
El Espíritu es la fuente de la santidad, una luz espiritual, y ofrece su propia luz a cada mente para ayudarla en su búsqueda de la verdad. Por naturaleza el Espíritu está más allá del alcance de nuestra mente, pero podemos conocerlo por su bondad. El poder del Espíritu llena todo el universo, pero sólo se da a los que son dignos, actuando en cada uno según la medida de su fe.
Simple en sí mismo, el Espíritu es múltiple en sus obras poderosas. Todo su ser está presente en cada individuo; todo su ser está presente en todas partes. Aunque compartido por muchos, permanece inalterable; su entrega no es una pérdida para sí mismo. Como el sol, que impregna toda la atmósfera, se extiende sobre la tierra y el mar, y sin embargo es disfrutado por cada persona como si fuera sólo para él, así el Espíritu derrama su gracia en plena medida, suficiente para todos, y sin embargo está presente como si fuera exclusivamente para todos los que pueden recibirlo. A todas las criaturas que participan en él les da un deleite limitado sólo por su propia naturaleza, no por su capacidad de dar.
El Espíritu eleva nuestros corazones al cielo, guía los pasos de los débiles y lleva a la perfección a los que progresan. Ilumina a los que han sido limpiados de toda mancha de pecado y los hace espirituales por la comunión con él.
Así como las sustancias claras y transparentes se vuelven muy brillantes cuando la luz del sol cae sobre ellas y brillan con un nuevo resplandor, así también las almas en las que habita el Espíritu, y que son iluminadas por el Espíritu, se vuelven espirituales ellas mismas y una fuente de gracia para los demás.
Del Espíritu surge la conciencia del futuro, la comprensión de los misterios de la fe, el entendimiento del significado oculto de la Escritura y otros dones especiales. A través del Espíritu nos convertimos en ciudadanos del cielo, entramos en la felicidad eterna, y permanecemos en Dios. A través del Espíritu adquirimos una semejanza con Dios; de hecho, alcanzamos lo que está más allá de nuestras más sublimes aspiraciones: nos convertimos en Dios". (Del tratado sobre el Espíritu Santo, Cap 9, 22-23)
Que todos recemos para recibir más dones del Espíritu Santo que Dios quiere que compartamos y edifiquemos nuestra Comunidad, la Iglesia.
Especialmente en estos tiempos difíciles de la humanidad a través de la pandemia, seamos firmes en nuestra fe, basados en las Sagradas Escrituras, siempre listos para servir, y llenos del amor divino que nos acerca a Dios. Quiero enviarles todas estas palabras de la primera Carta del Apóstol Juan (4: 7-21) "7 Queridos amigos, amémonos los unos a los otros, ya que el amor viene de Dios y todo el que ama es hijo de Dios y conoce a Dios. 8 Quien no ama no conoce a Dios, porque Dios es amor.9 Esta es la revelación del amor de Dios por nosotros, que Dios envió a su único Hijo al mundo para que tuviéramos vida a través de él. 10 El amor consiste en esto: no somos nosotros los que hemos amado a Dios, sino que Dios nos ha amado a nosotros y ha enviado a su Hijo para expiar nuestros pecados. 11 Queridos amigos, si Dios nos amó tanto, nosotros también deberíamos amarnos. 12 Nadie ha visto nunca a Dios, pero mientras nos amemos, Dios permanece en nosotros y su amor llega a su perfección en nosotros. 13 Esta es la prueba de que permanecemos en él y él en nosotros, de que nos ha hecho partícipes de su Espíritu. 14 Nosotros mismos hemos visto y testificamos que el Padre envió a su Hijo como Salvador del mundo. 15 Todo aquel que reconoce que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios, Dios permanece en él y él en Dios. 16 Hemos reconocido por nosotros mismos, y hemos puesto nuestra fe en el amor que Dios nos tiene. Dios es amor, y quien permanece en el amor, permanece en Dios y Dios en él. 17 El amor llega a su perfección en nosotros cuando podemos afrontar sin miedo el Día del Juicio, porque incluso en este mundo nos hemos convertido en lo que él es. 18 En el amor no hay lugar para el miedo, pero el amor perfecto expulsa el miedo, porque el miedo implica un castigo y nadie que tenga miedo ha llegado a la perfección en el amor. 19 Amemos, pues, porque él nos amó primero. 20 El que dice "Yo amo a Dios" y odia a su hermano/hermana, es un mentiroso, ya que el que no ama al hermano/hermana que puede ver, no puede amar a Dios a quien no ha visto. 21 En efecto, este es el mandamiento que hemos recibido de él, que quien ama a Dios, debe también amar a su hermano/hermana."
Con mis continuas oraciones y bendiciones apostólicas
unidos en el Espíritu Santoel
EE.UU. California: Que el nuevo servicio de nuestro Arzobispo Tony esté lleno de los dones del Espíritu Santo.Estados Unidos: Nuestra Catedral de San Antonio está preparando a nuestros candidatos al Diaconado: Hermano Morgan Meis, NOSF ¡Felicidades!Oraciones y bendicione
Una invitación especial y muy importante a nuestras diócesis locales en todo el mundo: Por favor, vean nuestros cursos teológicos que se ofrecen en nuestros programas de estudio en internet. Nuestra arquidiócesis metropolitana en los EE.UU. e Italia han comenzado a involucrarse en los programas. La Casa de Estudios Litúrgicos de la Catedral de San Antonio. Por favor visita la página web arriba.
La Casa de Estudios Litúrgicos de la Catedral de San Antonio se centrará en la preparación de los estudiantes... Por favor, contacte con el Sr. Gary Stasack:Correo electrónico:
para saber más y buscar consejo si tiene seminaristas, o laicos, que quieran asistir a los cursos. La variedad de estudios bíblicos, teológicos y litúrgicos son una gran ayuda para prepararse para las ordenaciones. Y si no quiere ser un ministro en la iglesia, pero le gustaría ampliar y enriquecer su comprensión en estos campos de estudio, esta es una gran oportunidad que le ofrecemos. También estamos trabajando en una traducción al español para los cursos.
Realmente quería animarte a que formaras parte de nuestros programas de estudio. Te encantará.
Nunca es demasiado tarde para estudiar.
He estudiado 11 años en tres universidades diferentes para el Master, y dos Doctorados :o)
Italia:Felicitaciones a la ordenación diaconal del Rev. Fabio Mascaro en junio de 2020, en Calabria, por nuestro Arzobispo Metropolitano, ++Agostino Caro. Muchas bendiciones sobre su nuevo ministerio. Le enviamos nuestras oraciones y saludos.
Kenia:Nuestra Arquidiócesis de Kenia Occidental ha ampliado los edificios de su escuela y orfanato, y casi ha terminado el nuevo edificio de la catedral en Bungoma. Nuestros cristianos locales trabajan muy duro para llevar a cabo esta tarea. Gracias a todos por su amor y trabajo! India:Estamos recibiendo nuevas solicitudes de antiguos sacerdotes romanos en nuestra Arquidiócesis de la India. Oraciones especiales para todos nuestros cristianos en África que están sufriendo y siendo perseguidos por la guerra, el hambre y el odio! Por último: según las nuevas consultas de los nuevos miembros de nuestra Iglesia, un recordatorio para nuestras celebraciones eucarísticas en los diferentes ritos católicos y ortodoxos: En nuestras oraciones litúrgicas ecuménicas dentro de la Eucaristía, donde conmemoramos lo vivo en la Iglesia, siempre decimos, "Oramos por el Obispo de Roma, el Papa Francisco, por el Patriarca Oriental, Bartolomé, por la Comunión Anglicana, el Arzobispo Justin, por nuestro Primado Ecuménico, el Arzobispo Karl,... (que es seguido por la mención de su obispo local de la CCE) y su pueblo que ha convocado aquí ante usted en la fe, y reunir a todos sus hijos en todo el mundo" ¡Gracias!
Pace e saluti a tutti voi in tutta la nostra Chiesa mondiale, in questa Santa Festa di Pentecoste che celebra la Venuta e le Opere dello Spirito Santo, il Compleanno della Chiesa Cristiana! Pensando a tutti voi nelle nostre diverse chiese nel mondo, sono sempre commosso dal vostro amore e dal vostro servizio per tutto il popolo di Dio, e con il quale camminiamo uniti verso il Regno celeste. Attraverso i miei contatti personali con i nostri Nunzi, e con i molti di voi che mi scrivete personalmente, siamo legati da un sacro vincolo che lo Spirito Santo ci dona, l'Amore di Dio che emana per noi senza sosta. È proprio questa presenza divina dello Spirito Santo in mezzo a noi che continua a costruire la nostra Chiesa, e vediamo sempre più persone venire da noi in cerca di un luogo di comunità amorevole e accogliente dove si possa trovare anche la guarigione. La Festa dello Spirito Santo di oggi ci ricorda quel potere divino che possiamo sperimentare nella nostra vita, i doni che egli mostra a ciascuno di noi secondo i nostri bisogni e le nostre capacità. Riflettiamo tutti un po' sullo Spirito Santo con San Basilio il Grande, un vescovo del IV secolo che scrive in modo così bello sull'opera dello Spirito Santo: "I titoli dati allo Spirito Santo devono sicuramente agitare l'anima di chiunque li ascolti, e fargli capire che essi parlano di niente di meno che dell'Essere supremo. Non è forse chiamato lo Spirito di Dio, lo Spirito della verità che procede dal Padre, lo Spirito risoluto, lo Spirito guida? Ma il suo titolo principale e più personale è lo Spirito Santo. Allo Spirito si rivolgono tutte le creature nel loro bisogno di santificazione; tutti gli esseri viventi lo cercano secondo la loro capacità. Il suo respiro permette a ciascuno di raggiungere il proprio fine naturale. Lo Spirito è la fonte della santità, una luce spirituale, e offre la sua luce ad ogni mente per aiutarla nella sua ricerca della verità. Per natura lo Spirito è fuori dalla portata della nostra mente, ma possiamo conoscerlo per la sua bontà. La potenza dello Spirito riempie tutto l'universo, ma egli si dona solo a coloro che sono degni, agendo in ciascuno secondo la misura della sua fede. Semplice in se stesso, lo Spirito è molteplice nelle sue opere possenti. Tutto il suo essere è presente ad ogni individuo; tutto il suo essere è presente ovunque. Anche se condiviso da molti, egli rimane immutato; il suo dono di sé non è una perdita per se stesso. Come il sole, che permea tutta l'atmosfera, si diffonde sulla terra e sul mare, eppure è goduto da ciascuno come se fosse solo per lui, così lo Spirito effonde la sua grazia in piena misura, sufficiente per tutti, eppure è presente come se fosse esclusivamente a tutti coloro che possono riceverlo. A tutte le creature che condividono in lui egli dona un piacere limitato solo dalla propria natura, non dalla sua capacità di dare. Lo Spirito innalza i nostri cuori al cielo, guida i passi dei deboli e porta alla perfezione coloro che progrediscono. Egli illumina coloro che sono stati purificati da ogni macchia di peccato e li rende spirituali attraverso la comunione con se stesso. Come le sostanze chiare e trasparenti diventano molto luminose quando la luce del sole cade su di loro e risplendono di un nuovo splendore, così anche le anime in cui lo Spirito abita, e che sono illuminate dallo Spirito, diventano esse stesse spirituali e fonte di grazia per gli altri. Dallo Spirito viene la preveggenza del futuro, la comprensione dei misteri della fede, l'intuizione del significato nascosto della Scrittura e altri doni speciali. Attraverso lo Spirito diventiamo cittadini del cielo, entriamo nella felicità eterna e restiamo in Dio. Attraverso lo Spirito acquisiamo una somiglianza con Dio, anzi, raggiungiamo ciò che è al di là delle nostre più sublimi aspirazioni: diventiamo Dio". (Dal trattato sullo Spirito Santo, Cap. 9, 22-23) Preghiamo tutti per ricevere più doni dello Spirito Santo che Dio vuole farci condividere ed edificare la nostra Comunità, la Chiesa. Soprattutto in questi tempi difficili dell'umanità attraverso la pandemia, siamo saldi nella nostra Fede, radicati nella Sacra Scrittura, sempre pronti a servire, e pieni dell'amore divino che ci avvicina a Dio. Voglio inviarvi tutte queste parole della prima Lettera dell'apostolo Giovanni (4: 7-21) "7 Miei cari amici, amiamoci l'un l'altro, poiché l'amore è da Dio e tutti coloro che amano sono figli di Dio e conoscono Dio. 8 Chi non ama non conosce Dio, perché Dio è amore.9 Questa è la rivelazione dell'amore di Dio per noi, che Dio ha mandato il suo Figlio unigenito nel mondo perché noi potessimo avere la vita attraverso di lui. 10 L'amore consiste in questo: non siamo noi che abbiamo amato Dio, ma Dio ha amato noi e ha mandato suo Figlio per espiare i nostri peccati. 11 Miei cari amici, se Dio ci ha amati così tanto, anche noi dovremmo amarci l'un l'altro. 12 Nessuno ha mai visto Dio, ma finché ci amiamo l'un l'altro Dio rimane in noi e il suo amore raggiunge la sua perfezione in noi. 13 Questa è la prova che noi rimaniamo in lui e lui in noi, che ci ha dato una parte del suo Spirito. 14 Noi stessi abbiamo visto e testimoniamo che il Padre ha mandato suo Figlio come Salvatore del mondo. 15 Chiunque riconosce che Gesù è il Figlio di Dio, Dio rimane in lui e in Dio. 16 Noi stessi abbiamo riconosciuto e messo la nostra fede nell'amore che Dio ha per noi. Dio è amore, e chi rimane nell'amore rimane in Dio e Dio in lui/lei. 17 L'amore raggiunge la sua perfezione in noi quando possiamo affrontare il giorno del giudizio senza paura, perché anche in questo mondo siamo diventati come lui. 18 Nell'amore non c'è spazio per la paura, ma l'amore perfetto scaccia la paura, perché la paura implica una punizione e nessuno che ha paura è arrivato alla perfezione nell'amore. 19 Amiamoci, dunque, perché egli ci ha amati per primo. 20 Chi dice "Io amo Dio" e odia il fratello/sorella, è un bugiardo, perché chi non ama il fratello/sorella che vede non può amare Dio che non ha visto. 21 Infatti questo è il comandamento che abbiamo ricevuto da lui, che chi ama Dio, deve amare anche il fratello/sorella". Con le mie continue preghiere e le mie benedizioni apostolicheuniti nello Spirito Santoil vostro+Karl
NOTIZIE CCEC: USA California:E' con grande gioia che annunciamo che dal maggio 2020 il nostro Arcivescovo Dr. Tony Scuderi, NOSF, ha accettato di essere il Protettore dell'Ordine dei Francescani dell'Eucaristia/Ordine dei Francescani Ecumenici sotto la guida del Reverendissimo Abate Padre Michael Cuozzo, OFE, M. Div. a Corona, California, Provincia di Santa Maria Theotokos. Possa il nuovo servizio del nostro Arcivescovo Tony essere riempito con i doni dello Spirito Santo, e possano i membri sotto la guida del loro Abate Michael della Provincia di Santa Maria Theotokos crescere nel servizio del Signore. Saluti e benedizioni a tutti. Arcidiocesi Metropolitana degli Stati Uniti:Nostra Cattedrale di Sant'Antonio sta preparando i nostri Candidati per il Diaconato: Fratello Morgan Meis, NOSF Congratulazioni! Preghiere e benedizioni
Un invito speciale alle nostre diocesi locali in tutto il mondo: Vi preghiamo di dare un'occhiata ai nostri corsi di teologia che vengono offerti nei nostri programmi di studio online. La nostra arcidiocesi metropolitana negli Stati Uniti e in Italia ha iniziato a partecipare ai programmi. La Casa di studi liturgici della Cattedrale di Sant'Antonio si concentrerà sulla preparazione degli studenti al ministero e dei laici ad approfondire i loro studi. Si prega di contattare: Il signor Gary Stasack:E-mail:
P. Dr. Tom RobertsE-mail: per saperne di più e per chiedere consigli se avete seminaristi, o laici, che vorrebbero frequentare dei corsi. La varietà di studi biblici, teologici e liturgici è un ottimo modo per aiutare a prepararsi alle ordinazioni. E se non volete essere un ministro nella chiesa, ma volete ampliare e arricchire la vostra comprensione in questi campi di studio, questa è una grande opportunità che vi offriamo. Stiamo anche lavorando a una traduzione in spagnolo per i corsi. Volevo davvero incoraggiarti ad entrare a far parte dei nostri programmi di studio. Vi piacerà molto. Non è mai troppo tardi per studiare. Ho studiato 11 anni in tre diverse università per il Master e due dottorati :o)
Italia:Congratulazioni per l'ordinazione del Diaconato di Rev. Fabio Mascaro nel giugno 2020, in Calabria, da parte del nostro Arcivescovo Metropolita, ++Agostino Caro. Tante benedizioni sul suo nuovo ministero. Le inviamo le nostre preghiere e i nostri saluti. Kenya:La nostra Arcidiocesi del Kenya occidentale ha ampliato gli edifici della sua scuola/orfanotrofio e ha quasi finito il nuovo edificio della cattedrale di Bungoma. I nostri cristiani locali lavorano sodo per portare a termine questo compito. Grazie a tutti voi per il vostro amore e il vostro lavoro! India:Stiamo ricevendo nuove richieste da parte di ex sacerdoti romani nella nostra arcidiocesi dell'India. Preghiere speciali per tutti i nostri cristiani in Africa che soffrono e sono perseguitati dalla guerra, dalla carestia e dall'odio! Ultimo: come da nuove richieste di nuovi membri della nostra Chiesa, un promemoria per le nostre Celebrazioni Eucaristiche nei diversi Riti Cattolici e Ortodossi: Nelle nostre preghiere liturgiche ecumeniche all'interno dell'Eucaristia, dove commemoriamo i vivi nella Chiesa, diciamo sempre, "Preghiamo per il Vescovo di Roma, Papa Francesco, per il Patriarca orientale, Bartolomeo, per la Comunione Anglicana, l'Arcivescovo Justin, per il nostro Primate Ecumenico, l'Arcivescovo Karl,... (che è seguito dalla menzione del vostro vescovo locale dell'ECCC) e del vostro popolo che avete convocato qui davanti a voi nella fede, e riunite tutti i vostri figli nel mondo intero". Grazie!
August 5th, Saint Afra, A. D. 2020
(Please share with all your people! Por favor compartir con toda su gente!)
Peace to you, Sisters and Brothers in Christ!
Hope you are all doing well in this time of the pandemic. It does give us time of reflection and soul searching.
My prayer life has increased. God is leading in all.
I wanted to share with you a survey that I already too. As you know we are also consultors of the CCRI (Catholic Church Reform International) that has members of Roman Catholic Church and other Christian denominations as well.
The Reform issues that are shown the ones we have also in our Manifesto from 1999.
Please answer the survey, it would be a great help to foster the reforms within the Roman Church and the desire of so many Catholics to see a new Face of the Church.
I wanted also to welcome a New Congregation of Sisters in India who are joining our New Order of St. Francis, NOSF. Special thanks to our Nuncio for Asia, Archbishop Dr. Sunny Alappat who is guiding them and also will be their Superior as the Metropolitan Archbishop of India.
We also congratulate Fr. Adalberto from Cuba who was ordained by our Archbishop Agostino Caro in Licata, Italy.
We also welcome Fr. Frank Souza who is joining our worldwide Communion. He currently lives in Pennsylvania. With my prayers for you allBe blessed in our Good LordAnd stay safe in these trying times. Yours+Karl
Peace to you all,
Hope you are all doing well.
Sending you my greetings and best wishes for this 3rd sunday of Easter. In these trying times, please keep staying at home and be safe. We hear now that many young people are also having problems with the covid19 virus, from strokes to blood clotting, etc.
I want to also reassure you -contrary to some extremist evangelical preachers out there- that God is not an ally of misery and evil. The Pandemic has nothing to do with God's wrath for Humanity!
We have our free will, and morally speaking nature has a certain freedom as well, different from ours though. God wants healing among us and to restore our existence with health, Love and Peace.
I want to share with you an excerpt from a sermon of a Franciscan Priest, Fr. Cantalamessa (the house chaplain of the Pope), it is a little long, but I hope you take the time to read it, it is very helpful to understand a little of what is going on right now with the pandemic:
"The cross is better understood by its effects than by its causes. And what were the effects of Christ’s death? Being justified through faith in him, being reconciled and at peace with God, and being filled with the hope of eternal life! (see Rom 53:1-5).
But there is one effect that the current situation can help us to grasp in particular. The cross of Christ has changed the meaning of pain and human suffering—of every kind of suffering, physical and moral. It is no longer punishment, a curse. It was redeemed at its root when the Son of God took it upon himself. What is the surest proof that the drink someone offers you is not poisoned? It is if that person drinks from the same cup before you do. This is what God has done: on the cross he drank, in front of the whole world, the cup of pain down to its dregs. This is how he showed us it is not poisoned, but that there is a pearl at the bottom of this chalice.
And not only the pain of those who have faith, but of every human pain. He died for all human beings: “And when I am lifted up from the earth,” he said, “I will draw everyone to myself” (Jn 12:32).
Everyone, not just some! St. John Paul II wrote from his hospital bed after his attempted assassination, “To suffer means to become particularly susceptible, particularly open to the working of the salvific powers of God, offered to humanity in Christ.” Thanks to the cross of Christ, suffering has also become in its own way a kind of “universal sacrament of salvation” for the human race.
What light does all of this shed on the dramatic situation that the world is going through now? Here too we need to look at the effects more than at the causes—not just the negative ones we hear about every day in heart-wrenching reports but also the positive ones that only a more careful observation can help us grasp.
The pandemic of Coronavirus has abruptly roused us from the greatest danger individuals and humanity have always been susceptible to: the delusion of omnipotence. A Jewish rabbi has written that we have the opportunity to celebrate a very special paschal exodus this year, that “from the exile of consciousness”. It took merely the smallest and most formless element of nature, a virus, to remind us that we are mortal, that military power and technology are not sufficient to save us. As a psalm says, “In his prime, man does not understand. He is like the beasts—they perish” (Ps 49:21). How true that is! While he was painting frescoes in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, the artist James Thornhill became so excited at a certain point about his fresco that he stepped back to see it better and was unaware he was about to fall over the edge of the scaffolding. A horrified assistant understood that crying out to him would have only hastened the disaster. Without thinking twice, he dipped a brush in paint and hurled it at the middle of the fresco. The master, appalled, sprang forward. His work was damaged, but he was saved.
God does this with us sometimes: he disrupts our projects and our calm to save us from the abyss we don’t see. But we need to be careful not to be deceived. God is not the one who hurled the brush at the sparkling fresco of our technological society. God is our ally, not the ally of the virus! He himself says in the Bible, “I have . . . plans for your welfare and not for woe” (Jer 29:11). If these scourges were punishments of God, it would not be explained why they strike equally good and bad, and why the poor usually bring the worst consequences of them. Are they more sinners than others?
No! The one who cried one day for Lazarus' death cries today for the scourge that has fallen on humanity. Yes, God "suffers", like every father and like every mother. When we will find out this one day, we will be ashamed of all the accusations we made against him in life. God participates in our pain to overcome it. "Being supremely good” - wrote St. Augustine - “God would not allow any evil in his works, unless in his omnipotence and goodness, he is able to bring forth good out of evil.”[4]
Did God the Father possibly desire the death of his Son in order to draw good out of it? No, he simply permitted human freedom to take its course, making it serve, however, his own purposes and not those of human beings. This is also the case for natural disasters like earthquakes and plagues. He does not bring them about. He has given nature a kind of freedom as well, qualitatively different of course than that of human beings, but still a form of freedom—freedom to evolve according to its own laws of development. He did not create a world as a programmed clock whose movements could all be anticipated. It is what some call “chance” but the Bible calls instead “the wisdom of God.”
The other positive fruit of the present health crisis is the feeling of solidarity. When, in human memory, have the people of all nations ever felt themselves so united, so equal, so less in conflict than at this moment of pain? Never so much as now have we experienced the truth of the words of a great Italian poet: “Peace, you peoples! Too deep is the mystery of the prostrate earth.” Giovanni Pascoli.
The virus knows no borders. In an instant it has broken down all the barriers and distinctions of race, nation, religion, wealth, and power. We should not revert to that prior time when this moment has passed. As the Holy Father has exhorted us, we should not waste this opportunity. Let us not allow so much pain, so many deaths, and so much heroic engagement on the part of health workers to have been in vain. Returning to the way things were is the “recession” of which we should have the most fear.
The word of God tells us the first thing we should do at times like these is to cry out to God. He himself is the one who puts on people’s lips the words to cry out to him, at times harsh words and almost of accusation: “Awake! Why do you sleep, O Lord? / Rise up! Do not reject us forever! . . . Rise up, help us! / Redeem us in your mercy” (Ps 44, 24, 27). “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mk 4:38).
Does God perhaps like to be petitioned so that he can grant his benefits? Can our prayer perhaps make God change his plans? No, but there are things, St. Matthew explains, that God has decided to grant us as the fruit both of his grace and of our prayer, almost as though sharing with his creatures the credit for the benefit received. God is the one who prompts us to do it: “Seek and you will find,” Jesus said; “knock and the door will be opened to you” (Mt 7:7).
When the Israelites were bitten by poisonous serpents in the desert, God commanded Moses to lift up a serpent of bronze on a pole, and whoever looked at it would not die. Jesus appropriated this symbol to himself when he told Nicodemus, “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” (Jn 3:14-15). We too at this moment have been bitten by an invisible, poisonous “serpent.” Let us gaze upon the one who was “lifted up” for us on the cross. Let us adore him on behalf of ourselves and of the whole human race. The one who looks on him with faith does not die. And if that person dies, it will be to enter eternal life.
"After three days I will rise", Jesus had foretold (cf. Mt 9:31). We too, after these days that we hope will be short, shall rise and come out of the tombs our homes have become. Not however to return to the former life like Lazarus, but to a new life, like Jesus. A more fraternal, more human, more Christian life!"
Be all blessed +Karl
Easter , A. D. 2020
(Please share with all your people! Por favor compartir con toda su gente!) Alleluja, Alleluja, Christus resurrexit vere.
The Peace of the Risen Christ be with you all, dear brothers and sisters in the service of the Lord, and all our beloved faithful around the World, wishing you all a blessed and joyous Easter!
God has entered the world in His beloved Son, taking on and sharing our humanity while not leaving His Divinity. He walked among us as the living Word, preaching the Good News, suffering for us in unspeakable agony and humiliation, torture and cruel death in order to bring Salvation for us. He rose triumphantly from the dead, and sent us the Holy Spirit who groans within us in our earthly suffering as we joyful await His coming in Glory facing our own resurrection through Him. Easter is the feast that unites Heaven and Earth, the spiritual world and the earthly world. Easter is the moment that turns doubts into a manifestation of faith, showing that we cannot live by earthly evidence only, but by a spiritual awakening that shows that we are a New Creation in God. Easter is the Feast of the New and Everlasting Covenant that God has given us. It can never be reversed as it is God's sworn promise, sealed with His Son's own blood. Therefore this once and for all given Sacrifice established the new and everlasting Priesthood that has replaced the old priestly order and of a royal people that are freed from sin, sharing His Kingdom. Easter is our response in faith to a spiritual reality that seeks God first in all our wanting and doing. Easter is the beginning of a new life in this world reminding us that we are stuarts of God's creation and not dominators and destroyers of it. The three pictures you see on top of the letter shall remind us that Jesus is always near in our suffering, and with the empty tomb we have the chance to rethink our ways of life, including our ways of how to see mother Nature, not to exploit it in our selfish, self absorbed and greed driven ways...We need to respect Creation more than ever, including the the dignity and respect to the animal world. We have again reached a cross road for humanity as we face deadly deseases that affect the whole world. We keep wondering how to survive in all of this as we face the devastating consequences. We are compelled to see our life in a new way, to correct so many of our bad decisions... How important is it that we see in this Easter Message of the Risen Lord, "Peace be with you, my Peace I leave you, and My Peace I give you" a message that is based on Love, a call to a new world in which we care and serve each other in Love and Peace. How devastating is it when we face daily lies that control our world! I mentioned in one of the bulletins for Lent that we live in a post-truth era: entire nations are being misled, misinformed, and betrayed by ideological forces that make us believe in an alternative reality causing more suffering, showing disregard for the environment, in the end leading to a self-destructive behavior of humanity. One of the causes: An egocentric and self absorbed person with a narcissistic behavior that is driven by a self-made truth and reality. This person will do everything to dominate and to suppress the sincere desire for a deeper truth. This person will attack the facts, deny the evidence, mislead, confuse entire people, a constant liar in order to support its self-serving purpose...Such behavior evidently has demonic and evil roots. Only by the Grace of God can we as faithful see through it, not to follow blindly such a selfish person. And yet, many follow such a person as proven over and over in the history of humanity. The Resurrection of Christ with its divine presence among us encourages all people to face their demons, to awaken the Goodness within us, and to look towards new horizons in order to be a better human race that prays in the Holy Spirit to renew the Earth in a true Sisterhood and Brotherhood. For many of us around the world this Easter is so different. For the first time in our lives we are confined to our rooms, and sometimes frightened of what will happen next... It reminds me on the disciples after the crucifixion hiding in a room out of fear for the forces that can kill them...(As we say there is light at the end of the dark tunnel). It needed the presence of the Lord to remind them that they shall not be afraid, and that they had a task to fulfill to preach the Gospel and to be witnesses of the resurrection. He is alive, was the new message! He is not among the dead, but the living. We shall rise with Him! Here on earth we shall rise once again for the sake of the Gospel of the risen Lord to find ways to walk in a new togetherness toward the Kingdom. The current confinements give us an opportunity to reflect and find better ways and means for a humanity that cares for all, where the rich share with the poor, where we see more clearer that we are all together in this, not just a few privileged, where we rethink our behavior towards God and His creation so that future Generations can still live the dream of a dignified and caring life. One of our elderly homeless to whom I brought food over the past weeks has inspired me in so many ways as he wrote me with such a sincere heart words of faith and encouragement. He found in our church a place that gave him dignity and respect, a place where he could live the remaining years of his life in a loving church community. Easter is our Hope for our own resurrection. We share this hope with each other being assured in our faith that this current situation will pass, that our Life is not defined by death, but by God's enduring Love that has conquered death. I wish you all from the bottom of my heart a Blessed and Joyous Easter !May you all have the courage of faith to live toward a better future and care for each other as Christ cared for us giving us the promise that we are not left behind like orphans, but that we are called to be followers of this New Covenant of a holy people reconciled with God. With my prayers and apostolic benedictions until we shall see us again,Yours+KarlEcumenical Primate
On March 11th, A. D. 2020, the day of Saints Fina of San Gimignano and Euthymius II of Novgorod, We signed the Tomos with The Apostolic Orthodox Church of Russia represented by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Moscow and Primate, His Grace, Vitaliy Kujevatov. We welcome wholeheartedly our brothers and sisters in to our worldwide Church Communion. I wanted to give special thanks to our Nuncio for Eastern and Northern Europe, H. E. Archbishop ++Hristo Pissarov for his tireless work to have made this happen by the Grace of God! Over the past years, we have signed 2 Tomos and 2 Concordats of Full Union with 4 Orthodox churches of the East: The Orthodox Church of Bulgaria, Ukraine, and two Russian Orthodox Churches. May God bless our work toward Unity in diversity.
We welcome our new brother for the NOSF, Rev. Akos Konya, his wife and two sons into our Church. He serves as Hospital Chaplain in Hungary. May you all be blessed!
We welcome our new priests in India Fr. Philip Peter Lopez, Fr. Johnson Tomas! Blessings to the ordination of Rev. Shinto. This brings the number of Priests for our beloved Church in India to 15. Thanks to our good archbishop and Nuncio for Asia, ++Dr. Sunny Alappat who works tirelessly.
We welcome Fr. Frank Souza from the Orthodox Church who was referred to me by my good friend, H. E. Archbishop Mar Melchisedek.
Due to the Covid19 Pandemic, our Nuncio for Asia and I have decided to postpone the Synod to 2021. That means all other synods will follow a year later as well.
Cathedral of St. Anthony Communique Reducing the spread of infection: Clergy and congregation
You should always practice good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. Hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene are a series of actions to take which are designed to reduce the spread of disease, including COVID-19, to yourself and others. These actions include regular handwashing and covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or the bend of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Hand hygiene: Wash your hands regularly. You should wash your hands: after coughing or sneezing before, during and after you prepare food before eating after using the toilet before and after caring for sick individuals when hands are dirty after handling animals or animal waste Wash your hands with soap and running water when hands are visibly dirty. If your hands are not visibly dirty, wash them with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub. Respiratory hygiene: Cover your mouth and nose with a clean tissue when you cough and sneeze and then promptly dispose of the tissue in a bin and wash your hands. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow instead, not into your hands. Posters on preventing spread of infection are available on the HPSC website. Settings where religious services take place, including churches, should take the following actions
Religious leaders/clergy and congregation not to attend if they are ill. Supply tissues and alcohol based hand gel at religious services/gatherings. Provide bins for disposal of tissues at religious gatherings. Ensure hand-washing facilities, including soap and disposable towels, are well maintained. Ensure all hard surfaces that are frequently touched, such as door handles, hand rails, taps and pews are cleaned regularly with a household detergent. Have a plan for how the church will continue or suspend its activities in the event of religious leaders/clergy becoming ill with COVID-19. Religious leader/clergy administrations to sick laity should be carefully managed
Physical interaction during religious services, e.g. Sign of Peace
Most physical interaction during religious services, e.g. shaking hands while exchanging the ‘Sign of Peace’ in Christian religious services, involves a low risk of spreading the virus especially if members of the congregation who are unwell do not attend religious services while they are ill. However, because COVID-19 is a new disease that has not been seen in people before, we need to exercise extreme caution to limit the spread of the virus. Current information suggests that COVID-19 can spread easily between people and could be spread from an infected person even before they develop any symptoms. For these reasons we suggest that physical interaction during religious services, including the Sign of Peace, should be suspended. For Christian religious services, the priest may choose to give the congregation permission to carry out an alternative Sign of Peace that does not involve hand contact (such as smile/ nod/ bow) if so wished. The practice of shaking hands on greeting and departure at religious services/ gatherings should be suspended for both religious leaders/clergy and laity.
Communion Using communal vessels for food and drink during religious services, e.g. drinking from the Chalice during Holy Communion in Christian services To minimise the risk of spread of infection, the use of communal vessels should be suspended. For example, during Holy Communion in Christian religious services only the celebrant should drink from the Chalice. No one else should drink from the Chalice – this includes other priests, ministers of the Eucharist and members of the congregation. Alternatives to direct sharing of the Chalice should also be AVOIDED including: 1.Intinction, i.e.: the Communion wafer is dipped in the Chalice and administered into the hand or the Communion wafer is administered into the communicant’s hand and they dip it into the Chalice. 2.Distribution of Communion wine through individual small cups Everyone administering Holy Communion should wash their hands or use alcohol based hand gel before beginning. Holy Communion should be administered into the hands only and NOT onto the tongue
Thank you, Health and Blessings +Archbishop Dr. Karl Rodig
March 4th, Saint Casimir, A. D. 2020
Peace, and greetings, dear brothers and sisters in the service of the Lord, and all our beloved faithful in this Holy Season of Lent!
Hope you are all doing well, and that you all had a good start with the Lenten Season.
I wanted to share with you the letter for Quaresma in several languages from our Nuncio for Western Europe, Archbishop Agostino de Caro in Italy which you can read followed after the ECCC NEWS.
May you all enjoy the journey toward the Holy Feast of the Resurrection, bringing us closer to the Kingdom of Heaven.
ECCC Church News:
Announcement of the Asian Synod: Second Week of November, 2020 in Mumbai.
Preparations are on the way. We are also planing the consecration for the 2nd bishop for India to help in the pastoral needs of the country at the Synod.
Special Thanks to our Nuncio for Asia, Archbishop ++Dr. Sunny and his clergy and laity who work tirelessly for the growth of our Church in India.
We welcome also to the Church of India two New Priests:
Fr. Philip Peter Lopez and Fr. Johnson Thomas, and the ordination of Rev. Dn Shinto in April, 2020.
With the Metropolitan Archdiocese of India we have so far one Metropolitan Archbishop and 15 priests.
Congratulations for your growth. Thank you for your dedication to our Work of Christ in this World!
Our Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kenya under the leadership of Archbishop and Nuncio for Africa, ++Godfrey Siundu is growing is building the new Cathedral in Bungoma, Western Kenya, it can seat 1,000 people. An unbroken faith, hard work and dedication to our Church made it possible. The Orphanage and school in Kitale has been expanding. Archbishop Siundu also received bishop John Kamiri and is working with him to reopen our diocese in Nairobi.
We have elevated our Archbishop from Yaounde, ++Jan de la Resurrection to lead to the office of Metropolitan Archbishop to lead the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cameroon.
Bishop elect +Didier from the Order of the Companions of St. Augustin is preparing for his consecration being held in Kenya with Archbishop Godfrey as the main celebrant. We have elevated his Religous Order to a Prelature in order to serve the missions under his auspicious. We wish him, his clergy and all the faithful God's richest blessings.
Our new bishop in Congo, +Celestine O. Ewerum is growing his diocese in the Delta Region. God speed, good brother.
The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Italy, under the Leadership of our Nuncio for Western Europe, Archbishop ++Agostino is expanding.
Fr. Gabriel has been incardinated into our worldwide ECCC. He will be our first priest in France! Welcome and all the blessings in your service for the Lord.
We are also communicating with a Bishop in France who wants to join our Worldwide Church Communion.
Our Vicar General, Fr. Yuri is fostering our ecumenical relations with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and the Lutheran Church in the Ukraine. He is attending symposiums and attending ecumenical services among the main stream churches. The mutual respect between the churches shows growth in Unity.
Latin America:
Costa Rica:
I want to thank our Nuncio for Latin America, Archbishop ++Sebastian Pla for his tireless work with the clergy of our Church, and new members who like to join us which requires a lot of diligent.
Our bishop in Mexico has become of the years an important advocate for the rights of the indigenous in various area in Mexico. In dialog with our Nuncio for Latin America in Costa Rica and our Holy See in the USA, he is preparing his 2nd meeting with the Roman Catholic Nuncio for Mexico to further more cordial relations.
It is with great joy to announce: We have elevated Panama to a Diocese under the tireless work of Bishop +Julian Castillo!
Thank you to our Nuncio, Archbishop ++Sebastian Pla for Latin America who is instrumental in all of this. Many blessings on this new Journey!
Plans for the Continental Synods are: Updated June 2020
Asia: 2021
Europe, including Russia and Ukraine 2022
Africa 2022
Latin America 2023
I wanted to thank each one of you in our Worldwide Church Communion of the ECCC for your ministry. Many of you work quietly and with a dedicated heart in the vineyard of the Lord!
May you all be blessed
Remaining your humble servant
¡Paz y saludos, queridos hermanos y hermanas en el servicio del Señor, y todos nuestros amados fieles en esta Temporada Santa de Cuaresma!
Espero que todos estén bien y que hayan tenido un buen comienzo con la temporada de Cuaresma.
Quería compartir con ustedes la carta para Quaresma en varios idiomas de nuestro Nuncio para Europa Occidental, el Arzobispo Agostino de Caro en Italia, que pueden leer después de las NOTICIAS DEL ECCC.
Que todos disfruten el viaje hacia la Santa Fiesta de la Resurrección, acercándonos al Reino de los Cielos.
Noticias de la Iglesia ECCC:
Anuncio del Sínodo asiático en la segunda semana de noviembre de 2020 en Mumbai.
Los preparativos están en camino. También estamos planeando la consagración para que el segundo obispo de la India ayude en las necesidades pastorales del país. Un agradecimiento especial a nuestro Nuncio para Asia, Arzobispo ++ Dr. Sunny y su clero y laicos que trabajan incansablemente para el crecimiento de nuestra Iglesia en la India.
También damos la bienvenida a la Iglesia de la India a dos nuevos sacerdotes:
El p. Philip Peter Lopez y el p. Johnson Thomas, y la ordenación del reverendo Dn Shinto en abril de 2020.
Con la Arquidiócesis Metropolitana de India tenemos hasta ahora un Arzobispo Metropolitano y 15 sacerdotes. Enhorabuena por tu crecimiento.
Nuestra Arquidiócesis Metropolitana de Kenia bajo el liderazgo del Arzobispo y Nuncio para África, ++ Godfrey Siundu está creciendo y está construyendo la nueva Catedral en Bungoma, Kenia occidental, con capacidad para 1,000 personas. La fe inquebrantable, el trabajo duro y la dedicación a nuestra Iglesia lo hicieron posible. El orfanato y la escuela en Kitale se han expandido. El arzobispo Siundu también recibió al obispo John Kamiri y está trabajando con él para reabrir nuestra diócesis en Nairobi.
Hemos elevado a nuestro Arzobispo de Yaounde, ++ Jan de la Resurrection para dirigirlo a la oficina del Arzobispo Metropolitano para dirigir la Arquidiócesis Metropolitana de Camerún.
El obispo electo + Didier de la Orden de los Compañeros de San Agustín se está preparando para su consagración en Kenia con el Arzobispo Godfrey como celebrante principal. Hemos elevado su Orden Religiosa a una Prelatura para servir a las misiones bajo su auspicioso. Le deseamos a él, su clero y todas las bendiciones más ricas de Dios.
Nuestro nuevo obispo en el Congo, + Celestine O. Ewerum está creciendo su diócesis.
la Arquidiócesis Metropolitana de Italia, bajo el liderazgo de nuestro Nuncio para Europa Occidental, el Arzobispo ++ Agostino se está expandiendo.
Francia: P. Gabriel ha sido incardinado en nuestro ECCC mundial. ¡Será nuestro primer sacerdote en Francia! Bienvenido y todas las bendiciones en tu servicio al Señor.
También nos estamos comunicando con un Obispo en Francia que quiere unirse a nuestra Comunión Mundial de la Iglesia.
Nuestro Vicario general, p. Yuri está fomentando nuestras relaciones ecuménicas con la Iglesia ortodoxa ucraniana y la Iglesia luterana en Ucrania. Asiste a simposios y asiste a servicios ecuménicos entre las principales iglesias de la corriente. El respeto mutuo entre las iglesias muestra crecimiento en la Unidad.
America latina:
Costa Rica:
Quiero agradecer a nuestro Nuncio para América Latina, al Arzobispo ++ Sebastian Pla por su trabajo incansable con el clero de nuestra Iglesia, y a los nuevos miembros a quienes les gusta unirse a nosotros, lo que requiere mucha diligencia.
Nuestro obispo en México se ha convertido con los años en un importante defensor de los derechos de los indígenas en varias áreas de México. En diálogo con nuestro Nuncio para América Latina en Costa Rica y nuestra Santa Sede en los Estados Unidos, está preparando su segunda reunión con el Nuncio Católico Romano para México para promover relaciones más cordiales.
Es una gran alegría anunciar: ¡Hemos elevado a Panamá a una diócesis bajo el trabajo incansable de Bishop + Julian Castillo!
Gracias a nuestro Nuncio, Arzobispo ++ Sebastian Pla para América Latina que es instrumental en todo esto. ¡Muchas bendiciones en este nuevo viaje!
Los planes para los Sínodos continentales son:
Asia: 2021
Europa, incluidas Rusia y Ucrania 2022
África 2022
América Latina 2023
Quería agradecer a cada uno de ustedes en nuestra Comunión Mundial de Iglesias del ECCC por su ministerio. ¡Muchos de ustedes trabajan en silencio y con un corazón dedicado en la viña del Señor!
Que todos sean bendecidos
Quedando tu humilde servidor
+ Karl
Quería agradecer a cada uno de ustedes en nuestra Comunión de la Iglesia Mundial
From Archbishop Agostino de Caro in Italy
"A Church in walk in the school of the Crucified Christ"
Message on the occasion of the Lent 2020
My beloved, peace and good.
In undertaking once again the path that the Lord proposes to us for our growth in faith and love, my humble message reaches you so that together we can go to the desert, the place where we must be one, the angels of the others; to then immerse ourselves with courage and determination in the mystery of the passion and death of our Lord in anticipation of the descent of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, I would like to invite you to experience the path from Lent to Pentecost as a deeply unique time in the desert, like an image of our daily deserts that invites us to penetrate the presence of evil that makes the Innocent victims; it teaches us also to understand the mystery of forgiveness and of love and as we are called by name, we experience peace and the promises through the Comforter.
A time of extraordinary intensity awaits us, very unique; it must be lived fully in personal and common prayer, in the liturgy, in real and active charity.
Lent is a way that leads us from slavery to freedom, from sadness to joy, from death to life, from selfishness to love and opens our hearts to wider and more wonderful horizons because, through the breath of the Spirit, which is life, God saves us from the life which often tries to put out the flame of our faith, or to erase every little glimmer of hope that is able to diminish our works of charity.
Lent is the gift that God gives us of a new opportunity to start again!
The questions we ask ourselves then are: what to do? Where to start? We must start from Christ, the new Adam. Only in Christ and with his grace can we live our Lent as an authentic and flourishing life despite the evil that surrounds us. Unfortunately, we experience daily this evil, this perdition towards which the world seems to be rushing, but we Christians must have the ability to see beyond the darkness knowing that beyond Golgotha there is a heavy overturned stone and an empty tomb.
It is hope that characterizes our Christian thirst, the Samaritan's own thirst, that certain expectation that is not just a hypothesis but instead the certainty and the promises of God; the certainty that beyond the desert there is a promised land that awaits us. The certainty of a thirst-quenching water: the Holy Spirit.
This hope does not disappoint and is strengthened through our thirst for true life, for fullness that is founded in Jesus. And so our Lenten journey which is the prototype of the path of our whole life becomes preparation for an intense existence, a full existence, an existence with motivation and enthusiasm: a life with joy.
My beloved, sometimes it seems that there is no longer a meaning, we lose the meaning of our life annihilated by the exhaustion of the wind against disappointments, rampant evil, the wickedness that surrounds us and therefore the large stone that seals our sepulchers imprisons us . Unfortunately, we all experience facts, situations that break us down, destroy us, but the Lord always enters with strength, with friendship, with love, in our sepulchers, in our abatement conditions, in our sadness and fears, in our disappointments . If we allow the Lord to dwell in our sufferings, He will enter to free us, to make us go out.
Even Jesus, before to overturn the stone of the sepulcher, first had to enter dead. So do not be afraid to face daily death; we learn from the style of Jesus who is our "hero" of humility, poverty and simplicity.
Walking in the desert with him, and with him we enter the Jerusalem of our life and we will be able to celebrate Easter with Christ. Living his style, you will see that our life will be better.
So what is the style of Jesus that we must incarnate? "Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end." So the program is love, a love of which a tangible sign is a body given and blood shed on the cross. He gives himself to us and invites us to do the same, sending us to share his love, with generosity and without fear: "Do this in memory of me" and "so that you too may do as I have done to you". Here is our program: to transmit the love received and experienced by us. Commitment becomes urgent so that love and mercy can prevail without fear.
We must set out, not only towards the desert, but also running towards the sepulcher, otherwise we will never find it empty and we will never experience the Risen Lord.
We must overturn the stone of our sepulcher, we must overturn the boulders that hold our lives in check and seal it, so we experience the deepest hopes and expectations; we must strive to be witnesses of hope in a desperate and fearful world as Jesus did with the disciples of Emmaus.
It is not a question, however, of imitating the Lord, as if we were a kind of photocopies; but it is a question of letting ourselves be guided by the Spirit, so that the grace of God may act in us, overcoming our limits and with confidence we have our resistances therefore that, from this continuous intimacy with the Lord and his Word, the joy of life will spring abundantly with fire of the Holy Spirit who will help us to enlighten the world.
Good journey!
“Chiesa in cammino alla scuola del Cristo Crocifisso”
Messaggio in occasione del tempo di Quaresima 2020
Miei amati figli, pace e bene.
Nell’intraprendere ancora una volta il cammino che il Signore ci propone per la nostra crescita nella fede e nell’amore, vi giunga questo mio umile messaggio affinchè insieme si possa andare incontro al deserto, luogo in cui dobbiamo essere gli uni, gli angeli degli altri; per poi immergerci con coraggio e determinazione nel mistero della passione e morte di nostro Signore in previsione della discesa dello Spirito Santo.
Desidero dunque invitarvi a vivere il percorso dalla Quaresima alla Pentecoste come un tempo profondamente unitario che dal deserto, immagine dei nostri deserti quotidiani, ci spinge a penetrare il mistero del male che rende l’Innocente vittima che ci insegna a comprendere il mistero del perdono e dell’amore e che, chiamandoci per nome, ci dona la pace e ci promette il Consolatore.
Ci attende un tempo di straordinaria intensità, unico; che va vissuto in pienezza nella preghiera personale e comune, nella liturgia, nella carità reale e fattiva.
La Quaresima è una via, la via che ci conduce dalla schiavitù alla libertà, dalla tristezza alla gioia, dalla morte alla vita, dall’egoismo all’amore e ci spalanca i cuori ad orizzonti più ampi e meravigliosi poiché, attraverso il soffio dello Spirito, che è vita, Dio ci salva da questa vita che spesso tenta di spegnere la fiamma della nostra fede o di cancellare ogni piccolo barlume di speranza e in fine, uccide la nostra carità.
La Quaresima è il dono che Dio ci fa di una nuova opportunità di ricominciare!
Le domande che ci poniamo allora sono: cosa fare? Da dove cominciare?Bisogna ripartire da Cristo, uomo nuovo, nuovo Adamo. Solamente in Cristo e con la sua grazia possiamo vivere la nostra Quaresima come un’autentica rifioritura nonostante il male che ci circonda. Purtroppo facciamo quotidianamente esperienza di questo male, di questa perdizione verso cui il mondo sembra correre speditamente, ma noi cristiani dobbiamo avere la capacità di vedere oltre le tenebre sapendo che aldilà del Golgota c’è una pesante pietra ribaltata e un sepolcro vuoto.
E’ la speranza a caratterizzare la nostra sete cristiana, la stessa sete della Samaritana, quella attesa certa che non è un’ipotesi e che è invece certezza nelle promesse di Dio; la certezza che aldilà del deserto c’è una terra promessa che ci attende. La certezza di un’acqua che disseta: lo Spirito Santo.
Questa speranza non delude e si rafforza attraverso la nostra sete di vita vera, di pienezza che si fonda su Gesù. E così il nostro cammino quaresimale che è prototipo del cammino di tutta la nostra vita diventa preparazione ad una esistenza intensa, una esistenza piena, una esistenza con motivazioni ed entusiasmo: una vita con gioia.
Miei amati, a volte sembra che non ci sia più un senso, perdiamo il senso della nostra vita annientati dallo sfinimento del vento contrario delle delusioni, del male dilagante, della cattiveria che ci circonda e quindi la grossa pietra che sigilla i nostri sepolcri ci imprigiona. Tutti, purtroppo facciamo esperienza di fatti, di situazioni che ci abbattono, ci distruggono, ma sempre il Signore entra con forza, con amicizia, con amore, nei nostri sepolcri, nelle nostre condizioni di abbattimento, nelle nostre tristezze e paure, nelle nostre delusioni. Se permetteremo al Signore di abitare le nostre sofferenze, Egli entrerà per liberarci, per farci uscire.
Anche Gesù, per ribaltare la pietra del sepolcro, ha dovuto prima entrarvi morto, quindi non abbiate paura di affrontare la morte quotidiana e impariamo dallo stile di Gesù che è il nostro “eroe” di umiltà, di povertà e di semplicità.
Camminando nel deserto con Lui, con Lui entriamo nella Gerusalemme della nostra vita e potremo fare Pasqua con Cristo. Vivendo il suo stile, vedrete che la nostra vita sarà migliore.
Quale è allora lo stile di Gesù che dobbiamo incarnare? ”Avendo amato i suoi che erano nel mondo, li amò sino alla fine.” Quindi il programma è l’amore, un amore del quale segno tangibile è un corpo donato e il sangue versato sulla croce. Egli si dona a noi e ci invita a fare altrettanto, ci inviata a donarci con amore, con generosità e senza paure: “Fate questo in memoria di me” e “perché anche voi facciate come io ho fatto a voi”. Ecco il nostro programma: trasmettere l’amore ricevuto e di cui abbiamo fatto esperienza. Impegnarci diventa urgente per far prevalere l’amore e la misericordia senza più paure.
Bisogna mettersi in cammino, non solo verso il deserto, ma anche di corsa verso il sepolcro, altrimenti non lo troveremo mai vuoto e non faremo mai esperienza del Risorto.
Dobbiamo ribaltare la pietra del nostro sepolcro, dobbiamo rovesciare i macigni che tengono a scacco le nostre esistenze e sigillano, fino a renderle sterili, le speranze e le attese più profonde; dobbiamo sforzarci di essere testimoni della speranza in un mondo disperato e pieno di paure come fece Gesù con i discepoli di Emmaus.
Non si tratta però, di imitare il Signore, come fossimo una specie di fotocopie; ma si tratta di lasciarci guidare dallo Spirito, perché la grazia di Dio agisca in noi, superando i nostri limiti e le nostre resistenze sicuri e fiduciosi dunque che, da questa continua intimità con il Signore e la sua Parola, scaturirà la gioia di una vita abbondante infiammata dallo Spirito Santo che ci farà illuminare il mondo.
Buon cammino!
"Iglesia en camino a la escuela del Cristo crucificado"
Mensaje con motivo de la Cuaresma 2020
Mis amados hijos, paz y bien.
Al emprender una vez más el camino que el Señor nos propone para nuestro crecimiento en la fe y el amor, mi humilde mensaje los alcanza para que juntos podamos ir al desierto, el lugar donde debemos ser uno, los ángeles de los otros para luego sumergirnos en coraje y determinación en el misterio de la pasión y muerte de nuestro Señor en anticipación del descenso del Espíritu Santo.
Por lo tanto, me gustaría invitarlos a experimentar el camino de la Cuaresma a Pentecostés como un tiempo profundamente unitario que desde el desierto, imagen de nuestros desiertos diarios, nos empuja a penetrar en el misterio del mal que hace que la víctima inocente que nos enseña a comprender el misterio del perdón y de amor y que, al llamarnos por nuestro nombre, nos da paz y nos promete el Consolador.
Nos espera un tiempo de extraordinaria intensidad, único; que debe vivirse plenamente en la oración personal y común, en la liturgia, en la caridad real y activa.
La Cuaresma es un camino, el camino que nos lleva de la esclavitud a la libertad, de la tristeza a la alegría, de la muerte a la vida, del egoísmo al amor y abre nuestros corazones a horizontes más amplios y maravillosos porque, a través del aliento del Espíritu, que es la vida, Dios nos salva de esta vida que a menudo trata de apagar la llama de nuestra fe o de borrar cada pequeño destello de esperanza y al final, mata nuestra caridad.
¡La Cuaresma es el regalo que Dios nos da de una nueva oportunidad para comenzar de nuevo!
Las preguntas que nos hacemos son: ¿qué hacer? ¿Dónde comenzar? Debemos comenzar desde Cristo, el nuevo hombre, el nuevo Adám. Solo en Cristo y con su gracia podemos vivir nuestra Cuaresma como un auténtico florecimiento a pesar del mal que nos rodea. Desafortunadamente, experimentamos diariamente este mal, esta perdición hacia la cual el mundo parece correr rápidamente, pero los cristianos debemos tener la capacidad de ver más allá de la oscuridad sabiendo que más allá del Gólgota hay una piedra volcada y una tumba vacía.
Es la esperanza que caracteriza nuestra sed cristiana, la propia sed del la samaritana, esa cierta expectativa que no es una hipótesis y que, en cambio, es certeza en las promesas de Dios; La certeza de que más allá del desierto hay una tierra prometida que nos espera. La certeza de un agua que calma la sed: el Espíritu Santo.
Esta esperanza no decepciona y se fortalece a través de nuestra sed por la vida verdadera, por la plenitud que se funda en Jesús. Y así, nuestro viaje cuaresmal, que es el prototipo del camino de toda nuestra vida, se convierte en preparación para una existencia intensa, una existencia plena, Una existencia con motivación y entusiasmo: una vida con alegría.
Mis amados, a veces parece que ya no tiene sentido, perdemos el sentido de nuestra vida aniquilada por el agotamiento del viento contra las decepciones, el mal desenfrenado, la maldad que nos rodea y, por lo tanto, la gran piedra que sella nuestros sepulcros nos aprisiona.
Desafortunadamente, todos experimentamos hechos, situaciones que nos rompen, nos destruyen, pero el Señor siempre entra con fuerza, con amistad, con amor, en nuestros sepulcros, en nuestras condiciones de abatimiento, en nuestras tristezas y miedos, en nuestras decepciones.
Si permitimos que el Señor more en nuestros sufrimientos, Él entrará para liberarnos, para hacernos salir.
Incluso Jesús, para volcar la piedra del sepulcro, primero tuvo que entrar muerto, así que no tenga miedo de enfrentar la muerte diaria y aprendemos del estilo de Jesús, que es nuestro "héroe" de la humildad, la pobreza y la simplicidad.
Caminando en el desierto con él, con él entramos en la Jerusalén de nuestra vida y podremos hacer la Pascua con Cristo. Viviendo su estilo, verás que nuestra vida será mejor.
Entonces, ¿cuál es el estilo de Jesús que debemos encarnar? "Habiendo amado a los suyos que estaban en el mundo, los amó hasta el final". Entonces, el programa es amor, un amor cuyo signo tangible es un cuerpo donado y la sangre derramada en la cruz. Se entrega a nosotros y nos invita a hacer lo mismo, nos envía a darnos con amor, con generosidad y sin miedo: "Haz esto en memoria mía" y "para que tú también puedas hacer lo que yo te he hecho a ti". Aquí está nuestro programa: transmitir el amor recibido y experimentado por nosotros. El compromiso se vuelve urgente para que el amor y la misericordia prevalezcan sin temor.
Debemos partir, no solo hacia el desierto, sino también hacia el sepulcro, de lo contrario nunca lo encontraremos vacío y nunca experimentamos al Resucitado.
Debemos volcar la piedra de nuestro sepulcro, debemos volcar las rocas que mantienen nuestras vidas bajo control y sellar, hasta que estén estériles, las esperanzas y expectativas más profundas; debemos esforzarnos por ser testigos de la esperanza en un mundo desesperado y temeroso como lo hizo Jesús con los discípulos de Emaús.
Sin embargo, no se trata de imitar al Señor como si fuéramos una especie de fotocopias; pero es una cuestión de dejarnos guiar por el Espíritu, para que la gracia de Dios pueda actuar en nosotros, superando nuestros límites y nuestras resistencias seguras y confiadas, por lo tanto, de esta intimidad continua con el Señor y su Palabra, brotará la alegría de una vida. abundante inflamado por el Espíritu Santo que nos hará iluminar el mundo.
¡Que tengan un buen viaje!
"Kirche auf dem Weg in der Schule des gekreuzigten Christus"
Botschaft anlässlich der Fastenzeit 2020
Meine geliebten, Frieden und Gutes.
Wenn ich noch einmal den Weg beschreite, den der Herr uns für unser Wachstum im Glauben und in der Liebe vorschlägt, erreicht mich meine demütige Botschaft, dass wir gemeinsam in die Wüste gehen können, and dem Ort, an dem wir eins sein müssen mit dem Engel; um dann mit Mut und Entschlossenheit in das Geheimnis des Leidens und des Todes unseres Herrn einzutauchen, in Erwartung der Herabkunft des Heiligen Geistes.
Deshalb möchte ich Euch einladen, den Weg von der Fastenzeit bis zu Pfingsten als eine zutiefst einheitliche Zeit zu erleben, die uns aus der Wüste, dem Bild unserer täglichen Wüsten, dazu drängt, in das Geheimnis des Bösen einzudringen, das das unschuldige Opfer macht, das uns lehrt, das Geheimnis der Vergebung zu verstehen in der Liebe, die uns beim Namen nennt, uns Frieden gibt und uns den Tröster verspricht.
Eine Zeit von außerordentlicher Intensität erwartet uns, einzigartig; die Zeit vollständig im persönlichen und gemeinsamen Gebet, in der Liturgie, und gelebt in aktiver Nächstenliebe.
Die Fastenzeit ist ein Weg, der uns von der Sklaverei zur Freiheit, von der Traurigkeit zur Freude, vom Tod zum Leben, von der Selbstsucht zur Liebe führt und unser Herz für weitere und wundervollere Horizonte öffnet, da durch den Atem des Heiligen Geistes Gott uns rettet vor dem Leben, das oft versucht, die Flamme unseres Glaubens zu löschen oder jeden kleinen Hoffnungsschimmer aufzugeben, und am Ende unsere Nächstenliebe verwandelt.
Die Fastenzeit ist das Geschenk, das Gott uns eine neue Gelegenheit gibt, wieder von vorne zu beginnen!
Die Fragen, die wir uns dann stellen, sind: Was tun? Wo soll ich anfangen? Wir müssen von Christus ausgehen, dem neuen Menschen, dem neuen Adam. Nur in Christus und mit seiner Gnade können wir unsere Fastenzeit als authentisches Gedeihen trotz des Bösen leben, das uns umgibt. Leider erleben wir täglich dieses Böse, dieses Verderben, auf das die Welt zuzustürmen scheint, aber wir Christen müssen die Fähigkeit haben über die Dunkelheit hinaus zu sehen und zu wissen, dass es hinter Golgatha einen schweren umgestürzten Stein und ein leeres Grab gibt.
Es ist die Hoffnung, die unseren christlichen Durst kennzeichnet, den eigenen Durst des Samariters, diese bestimmte Erwartung, die keine Hypothese ist und die stattdessen Gewissheit in den Verheißungen Gottes ist; die Gewissheit, dass jenseits der Wüste ein gelobtes Land auf uns wartet. Die Gewissheit eines durstlöschenden Wassers: der Heilige Geist.
Diese Hoffnung enttäuscht nicht und wird durch unseren Durst nach wahrem Leben, nach Fülle, die auf Jesus beruht, gestärkt. So wird unsere Fastenzeit, die der Prototyp des Weges unseres ganzen Lebens ist, zur Vorbereitung auf eine intensive Existenz, eine vollständige Existenz, eine Existenz mit Motivation und Begeisterung: ein Leben mit Freude.
Meine Geliebten, manchmal scheint es, dass wir den Sinn unseres Lebens verlieren, durch die Erschöpfung von Enttäuschungen, das grassierende Böse und Schlechtigkeit, die uns umgibt, und daher der große Stein, der unsere Gräber versiegelt, vernichtet wird. Leider erleben wir alle diese Tatsachen und Situationen der Zerstörung, aber der Herr tritt immer mit Kraft, Freundschaft, Liebe, in unseren Gräbern ein, in unsere Minderungsbedingungen, in unserer Traurigkeiten und unseren Ängsten, und unsere Enttäuschungen. Wenn wir dem Herrn erlauben, in unseren Leiden zu wohnen, wird er eintreten, um uns zu befreien.
Sogar Jesus, um den Stein des Grabes umzuwerfen, musste zuerst den Tod erfahren. Hab also keine Angst vor dem täglichen Tod, da wir aus dem Stil Jesu lernen, der unser "Held" der Demut, Armut und Einfachheit ist.
Wenn wir mit ihm in der Wüste wandeln, betreten wir mit ihm das Jerusalem unseres Lebens und können Ostern mit Christus feiern. Wenn du seinen Stil lebst, wirst Du sehen, dass Dein Leben besser wird.
Was ist also der Stil Jesu, den wir erfahren dürfen? "Nachdem er seine eigenen geliebt hatte, die auf der Welt waren, liebte er sie bis zum Ende." Das Programm ist also Liebe, eine Liebe, von der ein greifbares Zeichen ein geopferter Körper mit dem Blut am Kreuz vergossen. Er gibt sich uns hin und lädt uns ein, dasselbe zu tun, sandte uns, um uns mit Liebe, Großzügigkeit und ohne Angst zu geben: "Tu dies in Erinnerung an mich" und "damit auch du tun kannst, was ich dir getan habe". Hier ist unser Programm: die von uns empfangene und erlebte Liebe zu übermitteln. Das Engagement wird dringend erforderlich, damit Liebe und Barmherzigkeit ohne Angst herrschen.
Wir müssen uns auf den Weg machen, nicht nur in Richtung Wüste, sondern auch in Richtung Grab, sonst werden wir es niemals leer finden und den Auferstandenen niemals erleben.
Wir müssen den Stein unseres Grabes umkippen, wir müssen die Felsbrocken umkippen, die unser Leben in Schach halten und versiegeln, damit die tiefsten Hoffnungen und Erwartungen lebendig werden; Wir müssen uns bemühen, Zeugen der Hoffnung in einer verzweifelten und ängstlichen Welt zu sein, wie es Jesus mit den Jüngern von Emmaus getan hat.
Es geht jedoch nicht darum, den Herrn nachzuahmen, als wären wir eine Art Fotokopie von ihm. Es geht darum, uns vom Geist leiten zu lassen, damit die Gnade Gottes in uns wirken kann und unsere Grenzen und unseren selbstbewussten Widerstand überwinden kann, damit aus dieser ständigen Vertrautheit mit dem Herrn und seinem Wort die Freude eines Lebens entspringt, reichlich entzündet vom Heiligen Geist, der uns die Welt erleuchten lässt.
Gute Reise!
"Eglise en route vers l'école du Christ crucifié"
Message à l'occasion du temps du Carême 2020
Mes bien-aimés, paix et bien.
En entreprenant à nouveau le chemin que le Seigneur nous propose pour notre croissance dans la foi et l'amour, mon humble message vous parvient pour qu'ensemble nous puissions aller dans le désert, le lieu où nous devons être un, les anges de la autres ; nous plonger ensuite avec courage et détermination dans le mystère de la passion et de la mort de notre Seigneur en prévision de la descente du Saint-Esprit.
Je voudrais donc vous inviter à vivre le chemin du Carême à la Pentecôte comme un temps profondément unitaire qui, du désert, image de nos déserts quotidiens, nous pousse à pénétrer le mystère du mal qui fait la victime Innocente qui nous apprend à comprendre le mystère du pardon et d'amour et qui, en nous appelant par son nom, nous donne la paix et nous promet le Consolateur.
Un temps d'une intensité extraordinaire nous attend, unique; qui doit être vécue pleinement dans la prière personnelle et commune, dans la liturgie, dans la charité réelle et active.
Le Carême est un chemin, le chemin qui nous conduit de l'esclavage à la liberté, de la tristesse à la joie, de la mort à la vie, de l'égoïsme à l'amour et ouvre nos cœurs à des horizons plus vastes et plus merveilleux car, à travers le souffle de l'Esprit , qui est la vie, Dieu nous sauve de cette vie qui essaie souvent d'éteindre la flamme de notre foi ou d'effacer chaque petite lueur d'espoir et au final, elle tue notre charité.
Le Carême est le don que Dieu nous donne d'une nouvelle occasion de recommencer!
Les questions que nous nous posons alors sont: que faire? Par où commencer? Nous devons partir de Christ, le nouvel homme, le nouvel Adam. Ce n'est qu'en Christ et avec sa grâce que nous pouvons vivre notre Carême comme un authentique épanouissement malgré le mal qui nous entoure. Malheureusement, nous vivons quotidiennement ce mal, cette perdition vers laquelle le monde semble se précipiter, mais nous chrétiens devons avoir la capacité de voir au-delà des ténèbres sachant qu'au-delà du Golgotha il y a une lourde pierre renversée et un tombeau vide.
C'est l'espérance qui caractérise notre soif chrétienne, la soif propre du Samaritain, cette attente certaine qui n'est pas une hypothèse et qui est plutôt une certitude dans les promesses de Dieu; la certitude qu'au-delà du désert il y a une terre promise qui nous attend. La certitude d'une eau désaltérante: le Saint-Esprit.
Cette espérance ne déçoit pas et se renforce à travers notre soif de vraie vie, de plénitude fondée sur Jésus. Ainsi notre voyage de Carême qui est le prototype du chemin de toute notre vie devient préparation à une existence intense, une pleine existence, une existence avec motivation et enthousiasme: une vie avec joie.
Mon bien-aimé, parfois il semble qu'il n'y ait plus de sens, nous perdons le sens de notre vie anéanti par l'épuisement du vent contre les déceptions, le mal rampant, la méchanceté qui nous entoure et donc la grosse pierre qui scelle nos sépulcres nous emprisonne . Malheureusement, nous vivons tous des faits, des situations qui nous anéantissent, nous détruisent, mais le Seigneur entre toujours avec force, avec amitié, avec amour, dans nos sépulcres, dans nos conditions de réduction, dans notre tristesse et nos peurs, dans nos déceptions . Si nous permettons au Seigneur d'habiter dans nos souffrances, il entrera pour nous libérer, pour nous faire sortir.
Même Jésus, pour renverser la pierre du sépulcre, devait d'abord y entrer mort, alors n'ayez pas peur de faire face à la mort quotidienne et nous apprenons du style de Jésus qui est notre «héros» d'humilité, de pauvreté et de simplicité. En marchant dans le désert avec lui, avec lui nous entrons dans la Jérusalem de notre vie et nous pourrons faire Pâques avec Christ. En vivant son style, vous verrez que notre vie sera meilleure.
Alors, quel est le style de Jésus que nous devons incarner? "Ayant aimé les siens qui étaient dans le monde, il les a aimés jusqu'à la fin." Le programme est donc l'amour, un amour dont un signe tangible est un corps donné et le sang versé sur la croix. Il se donne à nous et nous invite à faire de même, il nous envoie pour nous donner avec amour, avec générosité et sans crainte: "Faites ceci en mémoire de moi" et "afin que vous aussi puissiez faire ce que je vous ai fait". Voici notre programme: transmettre l'amour reçu et vécu par nous. L'engagement devient urgent de faire prévaloir l'amour et la miséricorde sans crainte.
Nous devons partir, non seulement vers le désert, mais aussi en courant vers le sépulcre, sinon nous ne le trouverons jamais vide et nous ne connaîtrons jamais le Ressuscité.
Nous devons renverser la pierre de notre sépulcre, nous devons renverser les rochers qui maintiennent nos vies en échec et scellés, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient stériles, les espoirs et les attentes les plus profonds; nous devons nous efforcer d'être des témoins d'espérance dans un monde désespéré et effrayant comme Jésus l'a fait avec les disciples d'Emmaüs.
Il ne s'agit cependant pas d'imiter le Seigneur, comme si nous étions une sorte de photocopies; mais il s'agit de se laisser guider par l'Esprit, afin que la grâce de Dieu agisse en nous, dépassant nos limites et nos résistances confiantes et confiantes donc que de cette intimité continue avec le Seigneur et sa Parole jaillisse la joie de vivre abondante enflammée par le Saint-Esprit qui nous fera illuminer le monde.
Bon voyage!
Christmas, Navidad, Natale, Noel A. D. 2019
(Please share with all, Thank you! Compartir con todos, Gracias!)
Hodie, Christus Natus est, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Et Pax Hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
Merry Christmas!
Afrikaans:Geseënde Kersfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Albanian: Gëzuar Krishlindjet Vitin e Ri!
Germany: Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein Gesegnetes Neues Jahr Euch allen Nah und Fern.Möge der Friede Christi in Euere Herzen einziehen!
Arabic: ميلاد مجيد
Bulgaria: Весела Коледа и благословена Нова година
Armenian: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Soorp Janunt
Esturian: Bones Navidaes & Gayoleru anu nuevu!
Belgium: Zalige Kertfeest
Catalán: Bon Nadal i feliç any nou!
Croatia: Sretan Bozic! Blagoslovljena i radosna božićna sezona, zdravlje i mir u novoj godini
Danmark: Glædelig Jul og godt nytår
English: Merry Christmas o Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year
Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon & Bonan Novjaron
Estonian: Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi ja Head uut aastat
Finland: Hauskaa Joulua
France: Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
Galic: Nadolig Llawen
Gallego: Bon Nadal e Bo Ani Novo
Georgian: გილოცავთ შობა-ახალ წელს
Holand: Hartelijke Kerstroeten
Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou
Hebrew: חג מולד שמח
Hungary: Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és Boldog újévet!
Greek: Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
Indonesia: Selamat Hari Natal & Selamat Tahun Baru
Irland: (Gaelic)Nollaig shona duit. Bliain úr faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit
Italy: Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Japan: メリークリスマス
Latin: Pax Hominibus bonae voluntatis
Lituania: Linksmu Kaledu ir laimingu Nauju metu
Luxemburg: Schéi Krëschtdeeg an e Schéint Néi Joer
Malaysia: Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru
Maori: Meri Kirihimete
Norway: Gledelig JulNavajo:Ya'at'eeh Keshmish Basque- Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!
Philippines: (Tagalog): Maligayang Pasko
Poland: Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
Portugal: Boas Festas e um Feliz Ano Novo
Rumania: Craciun fericit si un An Nou fericit!
Russin: Pozdravlyenie s Rozjdyestvom i s Novym Godom!
Spain: Feliz Navidadl! Feliz Año Nuevo!Que Cristo La Luz del Mundo sea presente in sus corazones por siempre!
Sri Lanka: Subha Nattalak Veva
Swahili: Krismasi Njema / Heri ya krismas. Heri ya mwaka mpya Wapendwa, Noeli iko mlangoni! Nawatakieni wote heri sana na baraka kwa sikukuu hii ya Noeli. Aidha nawaombeeni mwaka mpya wa furaha, na mafaniko.Sweden: God Jul och Gott Nytt ÅrTahiti: La ora i te Noere e ia ora na i te matahiti 'aTamil:Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal
Turkey: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Valencia: Bon Nadal i feliç any nouThai: Suk san wan-krit-maat lae sa-wat-dee bpee mai
Turkish: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun; Yeni Yilnizi Kutar, saadetler dilerim
Ukrainian: Srozhdestvom Kristovym
Vietnamese: Mung Le Giang Sinh. Cung Chuc Tan Nien Welsh - Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Peace and Joy to you all, beloved brothers and sisters or of our Worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
Wishing you all a very blessed and joyous Christmas Season, Health and Peace in A. D. 2020
Many wonder how shall we celebrate the birth of Christ this year in a world that has become very self seeking? How do we enjoy a Christmas knowing that so many children worldwide starving to death dying in warthorne regions? How can we celebrate when we know that thousands of refugee and migrant families have been ripped apart, children and babies separated from their parents? How in a world that has become very obsessed with new forms of extremism and an obsession for nationalism creating waves of hate and xenophobia, racism and violence against minorities? Many other thoughts come through mind...
Yet in all of this we see the light of Hope in the birth of our Savior, because he reminds us what it needs to be a child of God, poor, defenseless, having become a refugee fleeing to Egypt because of a rampant persecution of the innocent.
Our celebration of Christ's birth, God's coming into this world, will only be a heartfelt encounter for us when we see this mystery in its totality: The joy that came to us in the divine incarnation of God in HIS beloved Son who was before all times, Emmanuel, God with us, and who is destined to sacrifice his life through divine love for all of humanity as an act of redemption and liberation is this very reality that only we can accept in a growing faith. This is what our heart seeks in prayerful and active devotion for our work of the Gospel.
Every year we have the opportunity to grow a little bit more toward this divine Love that brings our personal suffering closer to God, wipes away our complaints and winning, and leads us to a deeper awareness of God's true presence in our lives.
It is my joy to know that we are all live and joined in this earthly pilgrimage through God's Grace bestowed on us as a people awaiting Christ's coming in Glory.
May we all seek with a humble heart this human and divine Love from the Child of Bethlehem that greets us with the smile of God.
May you always walk in the brotherly and sisterly love with each other so to enter one day that heavenly door to eternity.
With my Prayers and benedictions,
Prayers of thanksgiving to our new bishops in Africa:
Metropolitan Archbishop Jean of the Resurrection in our new Archdiocese in Yaounde.Bishop Elect (consecration in January 2020), Msgr. Amou Didier for the Prelature of the Order of The Companions of St. Augustine. Many blessings to you all!
Nigeria, Delta Region: Congratulations to the consecration of our First Bishop in Nigeria, Bishop Celestine Ewerum Onyekach. Many blessings!
Kenya: Bishop John Karimi has been appointed through our Nuncio for Africa, H. E. Archbishop Godfrey Siundu to lead the vacant archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya. Many Blessings!
Asia India:
We welcome the new priest, Fr. Rajkumar and Fr. Philip Lopez into our Metropolitan Archdiocese of India.We congratulate our Archbishop Dr. Sunny and his priests for the expansion of our Church into Mumbai.
The Philippines:
We welcome our new bishops, +Reynaldo Prima, +Juanito Tolentino, +Freddy C. Manucan, +Arthuro Banares CostillaWe thank Bishop Manuel for all his good work for our missions in the Philippines.
We congratulate Archbishop Agostino and his clergy for expanting in to Rome, Calabria and the North.
Latin America:
We welcome wholeheartedly the bishops and priests under the leadership of Bishop Ruben in Bogota to our Church.More priests are applying to our Church in Colombia as we speak.We welcome two deacons from a sister church in Ecuador into our diocese in Ecuador. Special thanks always to our Nuncio, H. E. Archbishop Sebastian Pla from Costa Rica for facilitating all the good work!
Costa Rica: We welcome our new Brother, Fray Carlos Centeno Prendas for our Franciscan Order NOSF
USAMichigan:We welcome Fr. Julio at our Cathedral as Spiritual director for the Monastery and helping to reach out to the Hispanic community.
Synod planning:I am sharing an excerpt of a letter to our Nuncios in regard to reflect and accommodate Continental Synods instead of a worldwide Synod: I wanted to take the occasion to communicate with you about the situation of our Synod that I announced a Year ago.As you know, we were planning a worldwide Synod for 2020. There are a few reasons that have emerged that changes the situation and calls for a different approach. Instead of having at this time a worldwide Synod, we should plan on Continental Synods instead. With some I have already communicated via phone. Some of the reasons are: Many of our bishops and clergy work in ministries with little income and have not the financial means to travel to other continents. And there are also Visa restrictions that are problems for many.
First: The Continental Synods are for: I. Asia, including India, The Philippines, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka II. African Continent III. Europe and Eastern Europe, including, Gerogia, Ukraine, and Russia IV. Latin American V. North America
It is very helpful that we plan accordingly on a timeline: I ask you to share with me and each other within the next 3 month an agreed timeline for each continental Synod.The Synods can be spread over a year, so I would be able to attend each Synod appropriately. So we would have by the Summer of 2021 the Final Document.
The Continental Synods will:
Discuss and elaborate on the local pastoral situations for each country.
Through different workshops in prayerful and active meetings, the results will be presented to:
The Plenary Sessions of the continental Synods.
This will bring the necessary and new pastoral approaches to light in order to fulfill the Evangelization under Christ's Command for our time.
Once all 5 Synods are completed, we can put the results together and have a final binding Document issued to share with all involved.
This Document will be of uttermost importance as it will create a new Pastoral Plan for our ECCC.
Paz y alegría a todos ustedes, amados hermanos y hermanas o de nuestra ECCC Mundial!
Deseándoles a todos una muy bendecida y alegre temporada de Navidad, Salud y Paz en el año 2020
Muchos se preguntan cómo celebraremos el nacimiento de Cristo este año en un mundo que se ha convertido en un mundo que se busca a sí mismo. ¿Cómo disfrutamos de una Navidad sabiendo que tantos niños en todo el mundo mueren de hambre en regiones en guerra? ¿Cómo podemos celebrar cuando sabemos que miles de familias de refugiados y migrantes han sido desgarradas, niños y bebés separados de sus padres? ¿Cómo en un mundo que se ha obsesionado mucho con las nuevas formas de extremismo y una obsesión por el nacionalismo que crea olas de odio y xenofobia, racismo y violencia contra las minorías? Muchos otros pensamientos pasan por la mente...
Sin embargo, en todo esto vemos la luz de la Esperanza en el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador, porque nos recuerda lo que necesita ser un hijo de Dios, pobre, indefenso, habiéndose convertido en un refugiado que huye a Egipto a causa de una persecución desenfrenada de los inocentes.
Nuestra celebración del nacimiento de Cristo, de la venida de Dios a este mundo, sólo será un encuentro sincero para nosotros cuando veamos este misterio en su totalidad: La alegría que nos vino en la encarnación divina de Dios en SU amado Hijo que fue antes de todos los tiempos, Emmanuel, Dios con nosotros, y que está destinado a sacrificar su vida a través del amor divino por toda la humanidad como un acto de redención y liberación es esta misma realidad que sólo nosotros podemos aceptar en una fe creciente. Esto es lo que nuestro corazón busca en la devoción orante y activa por nuestro trabajo del Evangelio.
Cada año tenemos la oportunidad de crecer un poco más hacia este Amor divino que acerca nuestro sufrimiento personal a Dios, borra nuestras quejas y victorias y nos lleva a una conciencia más profunda de la verdadera presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas.
Es mi alegría saber que todos estamos vivos y unidos en esta peregrinación terrenal por la Gracia de Dios otorgada a nosotros como pueblo que espera la venida de Cristo en la Gloria.
Que todos busquemos con corazón humilde este Amor humano y divino del Niño de Belén que nos saluda con la sonrisa de Dios.
Que caminen siempre en el amor fraterno entre ustedes para entrar un día en esa puerta celestial de la eternidad.
Con mis oraciones y bendiciones,
El tuyo,
Oraciones de agradecimiento a nuestros nuevos obispos en África:
Camerún: El Arzobispo Metropolitano Jean de la Resurrección en nuestra nueva Arquidiócesis en Yaoundé.
Obispo electo (consagración en enero de 2020), Mons. Amou Didier para la Prelatura de la Orden de los Compañeros de San Agustín. Muchas bendiciones para todos ustedes!
Nigeria, Región del Delta: Felicitaciones por la consagración de nuestro primer obispo en el Nigeria, Mons. Celestine Ewerum Onyekach. Muchas bendiciones!
Kenia: El Obispo John Karimi ha sido nombrado, a través de nuestro Nuncio para África, S. E. el Arzobispo Godfrey Siundu, para dirigir la arquidiócesis vacante de Nairobi, Kenia. Muchas bendiciones!
Damos la bienvenida al nuevo sacerdote, el P. Rajkumar y el P. Philip López a nuestra Arquidiócesis Metropolitana de la India.
Felicitamos a nuestro Arzobispo Dr. Sunny y a sus sacerdotes por la expansión de nuestra Iglesia en Mumbai.
Las Filipinas:
Damos la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos obispos, +Reynaldo Prima, +Juanito Tolentino, +Freddy C. Manucan, +Arthuro Banares Costilla
Agradecemos a Mons. Manuel por todo su buen trabajo para nuestras misiones en Filipinas.
Felicitamos al arzobispo Agostino y a su clero por su expansión en Roma, Calabria y el Norte.
América Latina:
Damos la bienvenida de todo corazón a los obispos y sacerdotes bajo el liderazgo del Obispo Rubén en Bogotá a nuestra Iglesia.
Más sacerdotes están solicitando su ingreso a nuestra Iglesia en Colombia mientras hablamos.
Damos la bienvenida a dos diáconos de una iglesia hermana en Ecuador a nuestra diócesis en Ecuador. Un agradecimiento especial siempre a nuestro Nuncio, S. E. Arzobispo Sebastián Pla de Costa Rica por facilitar todo el buen trabajo!
Costa Rica: Damos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo hermano, Fray Carlos Centeno Prendas de nuestra Orden Franciscana NOSF
Damos la bienvenida al P. Julio en nuestra Catedral como director espiritual del Monasterio y ayudando a llegar a la comunidad hispana.
Planificación del Sínodo:
Estoy compartiendo un extracto de una carta a nuestros Nuncios en relación con la reflexión y la adaptación de los Sínodos Continentales en lugar de un Sínodo mundial:
Quería aprovechar la ocasión para comunicarles la situación de nuestro Sínodo que anuncié hace un año.
Como ustedes saben, estábamos planeando un Sínodo mundial para el año 2020.
Hay algunas razones que han surgido que cambian la situación y que requieren un enfoque diferente. En lugar de tener en este momento un Sínodo mundial, debemos planificar en cambio Sínodos continentales. Con algunos ya me he comunicado por teléfono.
Algunas de las razones son:
Muchos de nuestros obispos y clérigos trabajan en ministerios con pocos ingresos y no tienen los medios financieros para viajar a otros continentes. Y también hay restricciones de Visa que son problemas para muchos.
Los Sínodos Continentales son para:
I. Asia, incluyendo India, Filipinas, Pakistán y Sri Lanka
II. Continente africano
III. Europa y Europa del Este, incluyendo, Gerogia, Ucrania y Rusia
IV. América Latina
V. América del Norte
Es muy útil que planifiquemos en consecuencia en una línea de tiempo:
Les pido que compartan conmigo y con los demás dentro de los próximos 3 meses un calendario acordado para cada Sínodo continental. Los Sínodos pueden ser distribuidos a lo largo de un año, de modo que yo pueda asistir a cada Sínodo de manera apropiada. Así tendríamos para el verano de 2021 el Documento Final.
Los Sínodos Continentales lo harán:
Y elaborar sobre las situaciones pastorales locales de cada país.
A través de diferentes talleres en reuniones activas y de oración, se presentarán los resultados:
Las sesiones plenarias de los Sínodos continentales.
De esta manera se darán a conocer los nuevos y necesarios enfoques pastorales para llevar a cabo la Evangelización bajo el mandato de Cristo para nuestro tiempo.
Una vez que los 5 Sínodos hayan sido completados, podremos juntar los resultados y tener un Documento final vinculante para compartir con todos los involucrados.
Este documento será de suma importancia ya que creará un nuevo Plan Pastoral para nuestro ICEC.
September 5th, A. D. 2019
(Please share with all, thank you! Si prega di condividere con tutti, grazie! Por favor, compártanlo con todos, ¡gracias! S'il vous plaît partager avec tous, merci! Por favor, compartilhe com todos, obrigado! Пожалуйста, поделитесь со всеми, спасибо!
कृपया सभी के साथ साझा करें, धन्यवाद!
Моля, споделете с всички, благодаря!
Будь ласка, поділіться з усіма, дякую!
გთხოვთ ყველას გაგიზიაროთ, დიდი მადლობა!
Peace, Greetings, and Blessing, brothers and sisters in Christ of our Worldwide Church!
Sending you all God's richest blessings. We are marching forward as a Church that is gaining more and more recognition from many members of the Clergy of the Roman Church, and other Churches as well.
Yet we do still experience hate from certain clergy of the Roman Church that is threatening with violence our people. This just happened in Kenya as our Nuncio for Africa reported it to me. We shall not be discouraged by such unchristian behavior as we seek to live according to the teaching of Christ, and the early church's teaching as well. It is of course puzzling that pastors call themselves Christian are acting in the contrary. Yet the words of Jesus will always be in our hearts, "Be not afraid...if they have persecuted me they will persecute you..." Let us carry our cross with confidence that God's grace will always be in our hearts as we love God and serve each other with love, respect, and dignity.
I. I wanted to remind you to re-read the letter I send you at the end of last year for our Synod to hold local meetings and explore with the faithful the issues how to better built local faith communities, and to see the burning issues within your communities in a social, religious and cultural context.
II. Soon I will present you a document that we have used many years ago for applications for joining the clergy education and formation process. This can be revised and shared according to your local context within the diocesan jurisdictions. I asked the Nuncios to work on a draft independently. Looking forward to hearing from it.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
On an other good note, I like to share with you a letter from the Roman Catholic Church's International Reform Movement to which we are a member of. It shows that we are walking in a similar way with all the struggles, and that we are the willing ones, and that we are loved by so many that our hearts overflow with joy.
Here is the letter from the Director of the Catholic Church Reform International, Mrs. Rene Reid,
"My life has taken me from the sublime of religious life to the rough-and-tumble world of politics. As a nun, I was taught to turn the other cheek. In politics, I learned that, when an opponent says something destructive about you, you must respond. Otherwise whatever was said goes down in the records as true. I have been banned from attending the ICRN meetings, first in Bratislava and now again in Warsaw. I’ve never been told what the ICRN organizers were told about me to disqualify me from the meeting. But knowing that I’ve spent much of my life working for reform in the Church, I can’t imagine why I would not be allowed to come . . . even if only as an observer.
In light of my being absent from the meeting, I would like to offer a couple of contributions for possible discussion. The first is the importance of concentrating our reform efforts on the grassroots. Having spent far too much energy over the past six years trying to interact with church hierarchy, we at CCRI have come to the conclusion that changing the Church from the top down is not likely to happen in our lifetime. We at CCRI are putting most of our energy into making what changes we can through the people by promoting lay-initiated activities such as building small faith communities and hosting Plenary Councils/Peoples Synods/meetings called by the people.
The second is the importance of working together. As some of you know, when CCRI first began back in 2013, we meet with many obstacles. I turned to someone for whom I have great admiration, Sr. Joan Chittister, and asked for help. She was excited about what we hoped to do, offered to become our Special Advisor, and wrote a letter that went out to leaders of church reform organizations worldwide. In the letter, she said: Until we raise a common voice we will not only not be heard, we will not even be listened to in the light of larger issues and larger groups, all clamoring for attention….I do think that our leaders should model together another way of being church…without competition, without distrust, without control….My hope is that by speaking out together – a strong chorus of calls for Reform – we can provide a common, a clear, a strong and ongoing voice for the yet incomplete vision of Vatican II….My hope is that in our desire to be heard on particular issues – all of them important – we do not lose the strength of our common voice by reducing it to a whisper. Even though each of us has our own unique causes, I continue to believe in Joan’s plea for reformers to come together … without competition, without distrust, without control, and without exclusion. I remember a moment in time when there was hope for this kind of collaboration among the reform community. Just after Sr. Joan’s letter went out, on September 4, 2013, over sixty of us came together on a teleconference call. Fr. Tony Flannery led us in prayer. We raised the question: Was there one issue that we could all put aside our unique causes and get behind a single common position? And the answer came rather quickly: “All Catholics have the right and responsibility, innately deriving from our baptism, to have an effective and deliberative voice in the decision-making of our Church. The full participation of the faith community is in accordance with the Gospel, the tradition of the early Church, and the vision of Vatican II.” Ten people from eight different countries were recommended by the group to serve on the drafting committee. On September 20th, the letter was hand-delivered to Pope Francis and 10 press conferences, all delivering the same message, were held in cities around the world. To read it in its entirety, click on:
I’m sure that ICRN feels that they are collaborating. But as long as other reform organizations and individuals are banned from being allowed to attend, we are ourselves are guilty of hypocrisy when we preach that we want a welcoming and inclusive church but fail to practice this among ourselves.
I offer my prayers for a successful outcome of your gathering. Although I will not be present, it is my hope that you will seriously consider my contributions to your meeting and conclude your conference with an agreed-upon resolution. In the peace and love of Christ,
Rene Reid CCRI director" August 31st, 2019
This letter of Rene shows also the obstacles and the problems that we all face with the Roman Hierarchy.
We are aware that Pope Francis is not like this. There are people around him who control certain issues and it is known that letters sent to the Pope are not even given to him unless they are hand delivered.
The ECCC is in a similar struggle, and we need to grow stronger to be more present in the world in order that our voices will be heard. In the meantime we give testimony to Christ and the people of God, and our humble and loving service will show the mighty ones what Christ has called us for.
We have received H. E. Archbishop Jean of the Resurrection, his clergy, missions, and institutions from Cameroon into our Worldwide Church Communion. We have elevated him to Metropolitan Archbishop for Cameroon with his See in Yaounde, Cameroon. We welcome you all and wish you God's richest blessings in your service in the ECCC!
According to old Church tradition, and for pastoral necessity, Fr. Amou'ou Didier has been elected Bishop for his Religous Order of the Companion of St. Augustine which has many missions with an expanding pastoral care service in Cameroon. He has been with our Church for a long time and shown great commitment to our Church in her ministry. We wish him God's Grace and blessings and congratulate him and his people!
We have appointed, H. E. Metropolitan Archbishop Agostino de Caro from Italy to be our New
Apostolic Nuncio for Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the
United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
As all Nuncios, he will work in close consultation with the Ecumenical Primate.
We thank Archbishop Agostino for accepting this important office, and we wish our brother God's guidance and the may the Holy Spirit bestow many gifts on him for his service!
Our Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kenya under the leadership of H. E. Archbishop Godfrey Siundu shows great success in the expansion of many more missions in Kenya and beyond. We have received in this many years since the founding of our Church in Kenya an other Roman Catholic group joining his Archdiocese and giving land to built a new parish church and a second orphanage. Yet, Archbishop Godfrey and others experience a lot of persecution from Roman Catholic clergy that tries to use threatening methods against our loving people. Such behavior is utterly unacceptable and is unchristian to say the least! This is not what Christ wants from the Roman Church to be hateful. Our Nuncio, ++Godfrey has contacted the local authorities to intervene. Please pray for the protection of our Church in Kenya.
Our Bishop, H. E. Ivan Marcapura Aragon, reminded me again for the location of the Synod in the fall of 202, that his country is a good place to chose. We still have the place in Rome as well available. I know that for some the travel will not be easy. This decision should definitely be shared with your local bishops, or Vicar Generals in order to have a better understanding what is best for all. It is not an easy undertaken to bring us together from all continents, but is is an important Synod that will focus on the present and future of our Worldwide Church. Please let us know soon which location you are in favor with.
We ask you all for your continuous prayers for our Bishop in Venezuela, H. E. Dr. Luis Andrade Rosales. He was viciously attacked for robbery and severely insured! May he recover soon, and may all his faithful and loved ones surround him in these difficult and painful days.
De la Santa Sede de la Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo
Oficina del Primado Ecuménico
Paz, Saludos y Bendiciones hermanos y hermanas en Cristo de nuestra amada Iglesia Mundial!
Enviándoles las bendiciones más ricas de Dios. Estamos marchando hacia adelante como una Iglesia que está ganando más y más reconocimiento de muchos miembros del Clero de la Iglesia Romana, y de otras Iglesias también.
Sin embargo, todavía experimentamos el odio de ciertos clérigos de la Iglesia Romana que amenazan con la violencia a nuestro pueblo. Esto acaba de ocurrir en Kenia cuando nuestro Nuncio para África me lo informó. No nos desalentaremos por un comportamiento tan poco cristiano como el que buscamos para vivir de acuerdo a la enseñanza de Cristo, y también a la enseñanza de la iglesia primitiva. Es por supuesto desconcertante que los pastores que se llaman a sí mismos cristianos estén actuando en sentido contrario. Pero las palabras de Jesús estarán siempre en nuestros corazones: "No temáis... si me han perseguido a mí, os perseguirán a vosotros...". Llevemos nuestra cruz con la confianza de que la gracia de Dios siempre estará en nuestros corazones cuando amemos a Dios y nos sirvamos los unos a los otros con amor, respeto y dignidad.
I. Quería recordarles que relean la carta que les envié a finales del año pasado para que nuestro Sínodo celebre reuniones locales y explore con los fieles las cuestiones de cómo construir mejor las comunidades de fe locales, y para que vean los temas candentes en la relación con sus comunidades en un contexto social, religioso y cultural.
II. Pronto les presentaré un documento que hemos utilizado hace muchos años para las solicitudes de ingreso al proceso de educación y formación del clero. Esto puede ser revisado y compartido de acuerdo a su contexto local dentro de las jurisdicciones diocesanas. Pedí a los nuncios que trabajaran en un borrador de forma independiente. Estoy deseando tener noticias suyas.
Esperamos tener noticias suyas.
Por otra parte, me gustaría compartir con ustedes una carta del Movimiento Internacional de Reforma de la Iglesia Católica Romana del que somos miembros. Muestra que estamos caminando de manera similar con todas las luchas, y que somos los voluntarios, y que somos amados por tantos que nuestros corazones rebosan de alegría.
Aquí está la carta de la Directora de la Reforma de la Iglesia Católica Internacional, Sra. René Reid, "Mi vida me ha llevado de lo sublime de la vida religiosa al mundo de la política. Como monja, me enseñaron a poner la otra mejilla. En política, aprendí que, cuando un oponente dice algo destructivo sobre ti, debes responder. De lo contrario, todo lo que se diga quedará registrado como cierto. Me han prohibido asistir a las reuniones de la ICRI, primero en Bratislava y ahora de nuevo en Varsovia. Nunca me han dicho lo que se les dijo a los organizadores de la ICRN sobre mí para descalificarme de la reunión. Pero sabiendo que he pasado gran parte de mi vida trabajando por la reforma en la Iglesia, no puedo imaginarme por qué no se me permitiría venir... aunque sólo sea como observador. A la luz de mi ausencia de la reunión, me gustaría ofrecer un par de contribuciones para una posible discusión. El primero es la importancia de concentrar nuestros esfuerzos de reforma en las bases. Habiendo gastado demasiada energía en los últimos seis años tratando de interactuar con la jerarquía de la iglesia, nosotros en el CCRI hemos llegado a la conclusión de que cambiar la Iglesia de arriba hacia abajo no es probable que suceda en nuestra vida. Nosotros en el CCRI estamos poniendo la mayor parte de nuestra energía en hacer los cambios que podamos a través de la gente, promoviendo actividades iniciadas por laicos, tales como la construcción de pequeñas comunidades de fe y la celebración de Consejos Plenarios/Sínodos de los Pueblos/Reuniones convocadas por la gente. La segunda es la importancia de trabajar juntos. Como algunos de ustedes saben, cuando el CCRI comenzó por primera vez en 2013, nos encontramos con muchos obstáculos. Me dirigí a alguien por quien siento gran admiración, hna. Joan Chittister, y pidió ayuda. Ella estaba entusiasmada con lo que esperábamos hacer, se ofreció a ser nuestra Asesora Especial y escribió una carta que fue enviada a los líderes de organizaciones de reforma de la iglesia en todo el mundo. En la carta, ella dijo: Hasta que levantemos una voz común no sólo no seremos escuchados, ni siquiera seremos escuchados a la luz de asuntos más grandes y grupos más grandes, todos clamando por atención.... Creo que nuestros líderes deberían modelar juntos otra forma de ser iglesia... sin competencia, sin desconfianza, sin control.....Mi esperanza es que al hablar juntos -un fuerte coro de llamados a la reforma- podamos proporcionar una voz común, clara, fuerte y permanente para la visión, aún incompleta, del Vaticano II....Mi esperanza es que en nuestro deseo de ser escuchados sobre temas particulares -todos ellos importantes- no perdamos la fuerza de nuestra voz común al reducirla a un susurro. Aunque cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propias causas, sigo creyendo en la súplica de Juana para que los reformadores se reúnan... sin competencia, sin desconfianza, sin control y sin exclusión.
Recuerdo un momento en el que había esperanza para este tipo de colaboración entre la comunidad reformista.
Justo después de que la carta de la Hna. Joan saliera, el 4 de septiembre de 2013, más de sesenta de nosotras nos reunimos en una llamada de teleconferencia. El P. Tony Flannery nos guió en la oración. Nosotros planteamos la pregunta: ¿Hubo una cuestión en la que todos pudimos dejar de lado nuestras causas únicas y apoyar una única posición común? Y la respuesta llegó bastante rápido: "Todos los católicos tienen el derecho y la responsabilidad, innatamente derivados de nuestro bautismo, de tener una voz efectiva y deliberativa en la toma de decisiones de nuestra Iglesia. La plena participación de la comunidad de fe está de acuerdo con el Evangelio, la tradición de la Iglesia primitiva y la visión del Vaticano II". Diez personas de ocho países diferentes fueron recomendadas por el grupo para servir en el comité de redacción. El 20 de septiembre, la carta fue entregada en mano al Papa Francisco y 10 conferencias de prensa, todas con el mismo mensaje, se celebraron en ciudades de todo el mundo. Para leerlo en su totalidad, haga clic en: Estoy seguro de que la ICRN siente que están colaborando. Pero mientras otras organizaciones reformistas y personas tengan prohibido asistir, nosotros mismos somos culpables de hipocresía cuando predicamos que queremos una iglesia acogedora e inclusiva pero no la practicamos entre nosotros. Ofrezco mis oraciones por el éxito de su reunión. Aunque no estaré presente, espero que consideren seriamente mis contribuciones a su reunión y concluyan su conferencia con una resolución acordada. En la paz y el amor de Cristo,
Rene Reid
Director del CCRI" 31 de agosto de 2019
Esta carta de René muestra también los obstáculos y los problemas que todos enfrentamos con la Jerarquía Romana.
Sabemos que el Papa Francisco no es así. Hay personas a su alrededor que controlan ciertos asuntos y se sabe que las cartas enviadas al Papa ni siquiera se le entregan a menos que se entreguen en mano.
Las ICEC están en una lucha similar, y necesitamos crecer más fuertes para estar más presentes en el mundo para que nuestras voces sean escuchadas. Mientras tanto, damos testimonio de Cristo y del pueblo de Dios, y nuestro humilde y amoroso servicio mostrará a los poderosos para qué nos ha llamado Cristo.
Recibimos a S.E. el Arzobispo Jean de la Resurrección, su clero, misiones e instituciones de Camerún en nuestra Comunión de la Iglesia Mundial. Lo hemos elevado a Arzobispo Metropolitano para Camerún con su Sede en Yaoundé, Camerún. Les damos la bienvenida a todos y les deseamos las más ricas bendiciones de Dios en su servicio en las ICEC!
Según la antigua tradición de la Iglesia, y por necesidad pastoral, el P. Amou'ou Didier ha sido elegido Obispo de la Orden Religiosa del Compañero de San Agustín, que tiene muchas misiones con un servicio pastoral en expansión en Camerún. Él ha estado con nuestra Iglesia por mucho tiempo y ha mostrado un gran compromiso con nuestra Iglesia en su ministerio. Le deseamos la gracia y las bendiciones de Dios y lo felicitamos a él y a su pueblo.
Hemos nombrado a S.E. el arzobispo metropolitano Agostino de Caro de Italia como nuncio nuevo apostólico para Italia, Malta, España, Portugal, Andorra, Francia, Bélgica, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Alemania, Austria y Suiza.
Como todos los Nuncios, trabajará en estrecha consulta con el Primado Ecuménico.
Agradecemos al Arzobispo Agostino por aceptar este importante cargo, y deseamos a nuestro hermano la guía de Dios y que el Espíritu Santo le conceda muchos dones por su servicio.
Nuestra Arquidiócesis Metropolitana de Kenia bajo el liderazgo del Excmo. Sr. Arzobispo Godfrey Siundu muestra gran éxito en la expansión de muchas más misiones en Kenia y más allá. Hemos recibido en estos muchos años desde la fundación de nuestra Iglesia en Kenia a otro grupo católico romano que se unió a su Arquidiócesis y le dio un terreno para construir una nueva iglesia parroquial y un segundo orfanato. Sin embargo, el Arzobispo Godfrey y otros experimentan mucha persecución por parte del clero católico romano que trata de usar métodos amenazadores en contra de nuestro amado pueblo. Tal comportamiento es totalmente inaceptable y es poco cristiano, por decir lo menos. Esto no es lo que Cristo quiere de la Iglesia Romana que sea odioso. Nuestro Nuncio, ++Godfrey, se ha puesto en contacto con las autoridades locales para intervenir. Por favor oren por la protección de nuestra Iglesia en Kenia.
Nuestro Obispo Iván Marcapura Aragón, me recordó de nuevo la ubicación del Sínodo en el otoño del 202, que su país es un buen lugar para elegir. Todavía tenemos el lugar en Roma disponible. Sé que para algunos el viaje no será fácil. Esta decisión debe ser compartida con sus obispos locales, o vicarios generales, a fin de tener una mejor comprensión de lo que es mejor para todos. No es fácil reunirnos de todos los continentes, pero es un Sínodo importante que se centrará en el presente y el futuro de nuestra Iglesia Mundial. Por favor, háganoslo saber.
Les pedimos a todos ustedes que oren continuamente por nuestro Obispo en Venezuela, S.E. Dr. Luis Andrade Rosales. Fue atacado con maldad por robo y severamente asegurado. Que se recupere pronto y que todos sus fieles y seres queridos le rodeen en estos días difíciles y dolorosos.
Que nuestro servicio a Cristo y al pueblo de Dios continúe con una fe inquebrantable.
Deseándoles a todos la Paz de Dios en sus corazones,
Te envío todo mi Amor y mis bendiciones apostólicas.
Permaneciendo como su Siervo de Dios
Primado Ecuménico ICEC
Dalla Santa Sede della Chiesa Cattolica Ecumenica di CristoUfficio del Primate Ecumenico 5 settembre, A. D. D. 2019
Pace, saluti e benedizioni fratelli e sorelle in Cristo della nostra amata Chiesa Mondiale!
Inviandovi tutte le più ricche benedizioni di Dio.
Stiamo marciando in avanti come una Chiesa che sta guadagnando sempre più riconoscimento da parte di molti membri del Clero della Chiesa Romana, e anche di altre Chiese.
Eppure sperimentiamo ancora odio da parte di certi ecclesiastici della Chiesa romana che minacciano con violenza il nostro popolo. Questo è appena accaduto in Kenya, come mi ha riferito il nostro nunzio per l'Africa. Non saremo scoraggiati da un comportamento così poco cristiano, mentre cerchiamo di vivere secondo l'insegnamento di Cristo e anche quello della Chiesa primitiva. Naturalmente è sconcertante che i pastori che si definiscono cristiani agiscono al contrario. Eppure le parole di Gesù saranno sempre nei nostri cuori: "Non abbiate mi hanno perseguitato, vi perseguiteranno....". Portiamo la nostra croce con fiducia che la grazia di Dio sarà sempre nei nostri cuori mentre amiamo Dio e ci serviamo l'un l'altro con amore, rispetto e dignità.
I. Volevo ricordarvi di rileggere la lettera che vi ho inviato alla fine dell'anno scorso per il nostro Sinodo per tenere riunioni locali ed esplorare con i fedeli le questioni su come costruire meglio le comunità di fede locali, e per vedere le questioni scottanti nel convivere con le vostre comunità in un contesto sociale, religioso e culturale.
II. Presto vi presenterò un documento che abbiamo utilizzato molti anni fa per le domande di adesione al processo di educazione e formazione del clero. Questo può essere rivisto e condiviso secondo il vostro contesto locale all'interno delle giurisdizioni diocesane. Ho chiesto ai Nunzi di lavorare su una bozza in modo indipendente. Attendo con ansia di sentirne parlare. In attesa di sentirvi.
Su un'altra buona nota, mi piace condividere con voi una lettera del Movimento Internazionale di Riforma della Chiesa Cattolica Romana di cui siamo membri. Dimostra che stiamo camminando in modo simile con tutte le lotte, e che siamo i volenterosi, e che siamo amati da così tanti che i nostri cuori traboccano di gioia.
Ecco la lettera della direttrice del Catholic Church Reform International, la signora Rene Reid,
"La mia vita mi ha portato dal sublime della vita religiosa al mondo della politica. Come suora, mi è stato insegnato a voltare l'altra guancia. In politica, ho imparato che, quando un avversario dice qualcosa di distruttivo su di te, devi rispondere. In caso contrario, tutto ciò che è stato detto è vero. Mi è stato vietato partecipare alle riunioni dell'ICRN, prima a Bratislava e ora di nuovo a Varsavia. Non mi è mai stato detto quello che gli organizzatori dell'ICRN mi hanno detto di me per squalificarmi dalla riunione. Ma sapendo che ho passato gran parte della mia vita a lavorare per la riforma nella Chiesa, non riesco a immaginare perché non mi sarebbe stato permesso di venire..... anche se solo come osservatore.
Alla luce della mia assenza alla riunione, vorrei offrire un paio di contributi per una possibile discussione. Il primo è l'importanza di concentrare i nostri sforzi di riforma sulla base. Avendo speso troppe energie negli ultimi sei anni cercando di interagire con la gerarchia ecclesiastica, noi del CCRI siamo giunti alla conclusione che cambiare la Chiesa dall'alto verso il basso non è probabile che avvenga nella nostra vita. Noi del CCRI stiamo impegnando la maggior parte delle nostre energie per realizzare i cambiamenti possibili attraverso le persone, promuovendo attività laiche, come la costruzione di piccole comunità di fede e l'organizzazione di Consigli Plenari, Sinodi dei Popoli e riunioni convocate dal popolo.
Il secondo è l'importanza di lavorare insieme. Come alcuni di voi sanno, quando il CCRI ha avuto inizio nel 2013, abbiamo incontrato molti ostacoli. Mi sono rivolto a qualcuno per il quale nutro grande ammirazione, suor Sr. Joan Chittister e ho chiesto aiuto. Era entusiasta di quello che speravamo di fare, si è offerta di diventare la nostra Consulente Speciale, e ha scritto una lettera che è andata ai leader delle organizzazioni di riforma della Chiesa in tutto il mondo. Nella lettera, ha detto:
Fino a quando non alziamo una voce comune non solo non saremo ascoltati, ma non saremo nemmeno ascoltati alla luce di questioni più grandi e gruppi più grandi, tutti che chiedono attenzione.....penso che i nostri leader dovrebbero modellare insieme un altro modo di essere chiesa....senza concorrenza, senza diffidenza, senza controllo........La mia speranza è che parlando insieme - un forte coro di appelli per la Riforma - possiamo dare una voce comune, chiara, forte e continua per la visione ancora incompleta del Vaticano II..... La mia speranza è che nel nostro desiderio di essere ascoltati su questioni particolari - tutte importanti - non perdiamo la forza della nostra voce comune riducendola a un sussurro.
Anche se ognuno di noi ha le proprie cause, continuo a credere nella richiesta di Joan di riunire i riformatori.... senza concorrenza, senza diffidenza, senza controllo e senza esclusione.
Ricordo un momento in cui c'era la speranza di questo tipo di collaborazione tra i riformisti. Subito dopo la lettera di Sr. Joan, il 4 settembre 2013, più di sessanta di noi si sono riuniti in teleconferenza. P. Tony Flannery ci ha guidato nella preghiera. Abbiamo sollevato la questione: C'era un problema che potevamo tutti mettere da parte le nostre cause uniche e ottenere una sola posizione comune? E la risposta è arrivata piuttosto rapidamente: "Tutti i cattolici hanno il diritto e la responsabilità, che deriva innatamente dal nostro battesimo, di avere una voce efficace e deliberativa nel processo decisionale della nostra Chiesa. La piena partecipazione della comunità di fede è conforme al Vangelo, alla tradizione della Chiesa primitiva e alla visione del Vaticano II".
Dieci persone provenienti da otto paesi diversi sono state raccomandate dal gruppo per far parte del comitato di redazione. Il 20 settembre, la lettera è stata consegnata a mano a Papa Francesco e 10 conferenze stampa, tutte con lo stesso messaggio, si sono tenute in città di tutto il mondo. Per leggerlo nella sua interezza, cliccare su: Sono sicuro che l'ICRN si sente di collaborare. Ma finché ad altre organizzazioni di riforma e ad altri individui è proibito di partecipare, noi stessi siamo colpevoli di ipocrisia quando predichiamo che vogliamo una chiesa accogliente e inclusiva, ma non lo pratichiamo tra di noi.
Offro le mie preghiere per un esito positivo del vostro incontro. Anche se non sarò presente, mi auguro che prendiate seriamente in considerazione i miei contributi al vostro incontro e concludano la vostra conferenza con una risoluzione concordata. Nella pace e nell'amore di Cristo,
Rene Reid
Direttore del CCRI" 31 agosto 2019
Questa lettera di Rene mostra anche gli ostacoli e i problemi che tutti noi dobbiamo affrontare con la Gerarchia romana. Siamo consapevoli che Papa Francesco non è così. Ci sono persone intorno a lui che controllano certe questioni ed è noto che le lettere inviate al Papa non gli vengono neppure consegnate a meno che non siano consegnate a mano. L'ECCC è in una lotta simile, e abbiamo bisogno di crescere per essere più presenti nel mondo affinché le nostre voci siano ascoltate. Nel frattempo rendiamo testimonianza a Cristo e al popolo di Dio, e il nostro servizio umile e amorevole mostrerà ai potenti ciò che Cristo ci ha chiamati a fare.
Abbiamo ricevuto S.E. Mons. Jean, Arcivescovo della Resurrezione, il suo clero, le sue missioni e istituzioni dal Camerun alla nostra Chiesa mondiale di comunione. Lo abbiamo elevato ad arcivescovo metropolita per il Camerun con la sua sede di Yaounde, in Camerun. Diamo il benvenuto a tutti voi e vi auguriamo le più ricche benedizioni di Dio nel vostro servizio nell'CCEC!
Secondo l'antica tradizione della Chiesa, e per necessità pastorale, P. Amou'ou Didier è stato eletto Vescovo per il suo Ordine Religioso del Compagno di Sant'Agostino, che ha molte missioni con un servizio pastorale in espansione in Camerun. Egli è con la nostra Chiesa da molto tempo e ha dimostrato grande impegno nei confronti della nostra Chiesa nel suo ministero. Gli auguriamo la grazia e le benedizioni di Dio e ci congratuliamo con lui e con il suo popolo!
Abbiamo nominato S.E. Mons. Agostino de Caro, Arcivescovo Metropolita dall'Italia, nostro Nunzio Neo-Apostolico per Italia, Malta, Spagna, Portogallo, Andorra, Francia, Belgio, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito, Irlanda, Germania, Austria e Svizzera.
Come tutti i Nunzi, lavorerà in stretta collaborazione con il Primate Ecumenico.
Ringraziamo l'Arcivescovo Agostino per aver accettato questo importante incarico, e auguriamo al nostro fratello la guida di Dio e che lo Spirito Santo gli offra molti doni per il suo servizio!
La nostra Arcidiocesi Metropolitana del Kenya sotto la guida di S.E. Mons. Godfrey Siundu mostra un grande successo nell'espansione di molte altre missioni in Kenya e oltre. Abbiamo ricevuto in questi molti anni dalla fondazione della nostra Chiesa in Kenya un altro gruppo cattolico romano che si è unito alla sua Arcidiocesi e ha donato terreni per costruire una nuova chiesa parrocchiale e un secondo orfanotrofio. Tuttavia, l'Arcivescovo Godfrey e altri sperimentano molte persecuzioni da parte del clero cattolico romano che cerca di usare metodi minacciosi contro il nostro amorevole popolo. Tale comportamento è assolutamente inaccettabile ed è a dir poco cristiano a dir poco! Questo non è ciò che Cristo vuole dalla Chiesa romana per essere odioso. Il nostro Nunzio, ++Godfrey ha contattato le autorità locali per intervenire. Pregate per la protezione della nostra Chiesa in Kenya.
Il nostro vescovo, S. E. Ivan Marcapura Aragona, mi ha ricordato ancora una volta per il luogo del Sinodo nell'autunno del 202, che il suo paese è un buon posto da scegliere. Abbiamo ancora il posto a Roma. So che per alcuni il viaggio non sarà facile. Questa decisione dovrebbe sicuramente essere condivisa con i vostri vescovi locali, o Vicari Generali, per avere una migliore comprensione di ciò che è meglio per tutti. Non è facile riunirci da tutti i continenti, ma è un Sinodo importante che si concentrerà sul presente e sul futuro della nostra Chiesa mondiale. Vi prego di farci sapere presto con quale sede siete a vostro favore.
Chiediamo a tutti voi per le vostre continue preghiere per il nostro Vescovo in Venezuela, S.E. Dr. Luis Andrade Rosales. È stato ferocemente aggredito per rapina e gravemente assicurato! Che si riprenda presto, e che tutti i suoi fedeli e cari lo circondino in questi giorni difficili e dolorosi.
Possa il nostro servizio a Cristo e al popolo di Dio continuare con una fede indistruttibile.
Auguro a tutti voi la pace di Dio nei vostri cuori,
Inviandovi tutto il mio amore e le mie benedizioni apostoliche.
Rimanere vostro Servo di Dio
Primate Ecumenico CCEC
Du Saint-Siège de l'Église catholique œcuménique du Christ
Bureau du Primat Oecuménique
Le 5 septembre de l'an 2019
Paix, salutations et bénédictions à vous, frères et sœurs en Christ de notre bien-aimée Église mondiale !
Je vous envoie les bénédictions les plus riches de Dieu. Nous marchons en avant en tant qu'Église de plus en plus reconnue par de nombreux membres du clergé de l'Église romaine, ainsi que par d'autres Églises.
Pourtant, nous éprouvons encore de la haine de la part de certains membres du clergé de l'Église romaine qui menacent de violence notre peuple. Cela vient de se produire au Kenya, comme notre Nonce pour l'Afrique me l'a rapporté. Nous ne nous laisserons pas décourager par un tel comportement non chrétien alors que nous cherchons à vivre selon l'enseignement de Christ, et aussi selon l'enseignement de l'Église primitive. Il est bien sûr curieux que des pasteurs qui se disent chrétiens agissent dans le sens contraire. Mais les paroles de Jésus resteront toujours dans nos cœurs : "Ne crains pas... s'ils m'ont persécuté, ils te persécuteront...". Portons notre croix avec confiance que la grâce de Dieu sera toujours dans nos cœurs, car nous aimons Dieu et nous nous servons les uns les autres avec amour, respect et dignité.
I. Je voulais vous rappeler de relire la lettre que je vous ai envoyée à la fin de l'année dernière pour que notre Synode tienne des réunions locales et explore avec les fidèles les moyens de mieux construire les communautés de foi locales, et de voir les questions brûlantes dans le contexte social, religieux et culturel de vos communautés.
II. Je vous présenterai bientôt un document que nous avons utilisé il y a de nombreuses années pour les demandes d'adhésion au processus d'éducation et de formation du clergé. Ceci peut être révisé et partagé en fonction de votre contexte local au sein des juridictions diocésaines. J'ai demandé aux Nuncios de travailler indépendamment sur un projet. J'ai hâte d'avoir de ses nouvelles.
Au plaisir de vous lire.
Sur une autre bonne note, j'aimerais partager avec vous une lettre du Mouvement international de réforme de l'Église catholique romaine, dont nous sommes membres. Cela montre que nous marchons de la même manière avec toutes les luttes, et que nous sommes les volontaires, et que nous sommes aimés par tant de personnes que nos cœurs débordent de joie.
Voici la lettre de Mme René Reid, directrice de Catholic Church Reform International, "Ma vie m'a fait passer du sublime de la vie religieuse au monde brutal de la politique. En tant que nonne, on m'a appris à tendre l'autre joue. En politique, j'ai appris que lorsqu'un adversaire dit quelque chose de destructeur à votre sujet, vous devez réagir. Sinon, tout ce qui a été dit est consigné dans les dossiers comme vrai. On m'a interdit d'assister aux réunions de l'ICRN, d'abord à Bratislava, puis à nouveau à Varsovie. On ne m'a jamais dit ce qu'on a dit aux organisateurs de l'ICRN à mon sujet pour me disqualifier de la réunion. Mais sachant que j'ai passé une grande partie de ma vie à travailler pour la réforme de l'Église, je ne peux pas imaginer pourquoi je ne serais pas autorisé à venir... même seulement en tant qu'observateur.
Étant donné mon absence à la réunion, j'aimerais offrir quelques contributions pour discussion éventuelle. Le premier est l'importance de concentrer nos efforts de réforme sur la base. Après avoir dépensé beaucoup trop d'énergie au cours des six dernières années à essayer d'interagir avec la hiérarchie de l'Église, nous, au CCRI, sommes arrivés à la conclusion qu'il est peu probable que l'Église change du haut vers le bas au cours de notre vie. Au CCRI, nous consacrons la plus grande partie de notre énergie à apporter les changements que nous pouvons par l'intermédiaire des gens en encourageant des activités initiées par des laïcs, comme la construction de petites communautés de foi et l'organisation de Conseils pléniers/Synodes des peuples/réunions convoquées par les gens.
La deuxième est l'importance de travailler ensemble. Comme certains d'entre vous le savent, lorsque le CCRI a vu le jour en 2013, nous avons rencontré de nombreux obstacles. Je me suis tournée vers quelqu'un pour qui j'ai une grande admiration, Sr. Joan Chittister, et a demandé de l'aide. Elle était enthousiasmée par ce que nous espérions faire, a offert de devenir notre conseillère spéciale et a écrit une lettre qui a été envoyée aux dirigeants des organisations de réforme de l'Église du monde entier. Dans la lettre, elle a dit :
Tant que nous n'élèverons pas une voix commune, non seulement nous ne serons pas entendus, mais nous ne serons même pas écoutés à la lumière d'enjeux plus vastes et de groupes plus importants, qui réclament tous de l'attention... Je pense vraiment que nos dirigeants devraient modeler ensemble une autre façon d'être Église... sans concurrence, sans défiance, sans contrôle.....J'espère qu'en parlant ensemble - un chœur fort d'appels à la réforme - nous pourrons donner une voix commune, claire, forte et continue pour la vision encore incomplète de Vatican II... Mon espoir est que dans notre désir d'être entendus sur des questions particulières - toutes importantes - nous ne perdrons pas la force de notre voix commune en la réduisant au silence.
Même si chacun d'entre nous a ses propres causes, je continue de croire au plaidoyer de Joan pour que les réformateurs s'unissent... sans concurrence, sans méfiance, sans contrôle et sans exclusion.
Je me souviens d'un moment où il y avait de l'espoir pour ce genre de collaboration au sein de la communauté réformiste.
Juste après l'envoi de la lettre de Sr Joan, le 4 septembre 2013, plus de soixante d'entre nous se sont réunis pour une téléconférence. Le P. Tony Flannery nous a conduits dans la prière. Nous avons soulevé la question : Y a-t-il une question sur laquelle nous pourrions tous mettre de côté nos causes uniques et soutenir une position commune unique ? Et la réponse est venue assez rapidement : "Tous les catholiques ont le droit et la responsabilité, qui découlent naturellement de notre baptême, d'avoir une voix efficace et délibérative dans la prise de décision de notre Église. La pleine participation de la communauté de foi est conforme à l'Évangile, à la tradition de l'Église primitive et à la vision de Vatican II."
Dix personnes de huit pays différents ont été recommandées par le groupe pour faire partie du comité de rédaction. Le 20 septembre, la lettre a été remise en main propre au pape François et 10 conférences de presse, toutes portant le même message, ont eu lieu dans des villes du monde entier. Pour le lire dans son intégralité, cliquez sur : Je suis sûr que l'ICRN pense qu'ils collaborent. Mais tant que d'autres organisations et individus réformateurs se voient interdire d'y assister, nous sommes nous-mêmes coupables d'hypocrisie lorsque nous prêchons que nous voulons une église accueillante et inclusive, mais que nous ne le faisons pas entre nous.
J'offre mes prières pour le succès de votre rencontre. Bien que je ne serai pas présent, j'espère que vous examinerez sérieusement mes contributions à votre réunion et que vous conclurez votre conférence par une résolution convenue. Dans la paix et l'amour du Christ,
René Reid
Directeur du CCRI " 31 août 2019
Cette lettre de René montre aussi les obstacles et les problèmes que nous rencontrons tous avec la Hiérarchie Romaine. Nous sommes conscients que le Pape François n'est pas comme ça. Il y a des gens autour de lui qui contrôlent certaines questions et on sait que les lettres envoyées au Pape ne lui sont même pas données à moins qu'elles ne soient remises en main propre. Les ECOEC sont dans une lutte similaire, et nous devons devenir plus forts pour être plus présents dans le monde afin que nos voix soient entendues. Entre-temps, nous rendons témoignage au Christ et au peuple de Dieu, et notre service humble et aimant montrera aux puissants ce que le Christ nous a appelés à faire.
Nous avons reçu S.E. l'Archevêque Jean de la Résurrection, son clergé, ses missions et ses institutions du Cameroun dans notre Communion Mondiale de l'Eglise. Nous l'avons élevé au rang d'archevêque métropolitain pour le Cameroun avec son siège à Yaoundé, Cameroun. Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue à tous et vous souhaitons les plus riches bénédictions de Dieu dans votre service au sein des ECOEC !
Selon la vieille tradition de l'Église et par nécessité pastorale, le P. Amou'ou Didier a été élu évêque pour son Ordre religieux du Compagnon de Saint Augustin qui a de nombreuses missions avec un service pastoral en expansion au Cameroun. Il est avec notre Église depuis longtemps et a fait preuve d'un grand engagement envers notre Église dans son ministère. Nous lui souhaitons la grâce et les bénédictions de Dieu et le félicitons, lui et son peuple !
Nous avons nommé Mgr Agostino de Caro, archevêque métropolitain d'Italie, nonce apostolique pour l'Italie, Malte, l'Espagne, le Portugal, Andorre, la France, la Belgique, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, le Royaume-Uni, l'Irlande, l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Suisse.
Comme tous les Nuncios, il travaillera en étroite collaboration avec le Primat œcuménique.
Nous remercions Mgr Agostino d'avoir accepté cette importante charge, et nous souhaitons à notre frère la direction de Dieu et que l'Esprit Saint lui accorde de nombreux dons pour son service !
Notre archidiocèse métropolitain du Kenya, sous la direction de S.E. Mgr Godfrey Siundu, archevêque, connaît un grand succès dans l'expansion de nombreuses autres missions au Kenya et au-delà. Depuis la fondation de notre Église au Kenya, nous avons reçu un autre groupe catholique romain qui s'est joint à son archidiocèse et a donné des terres pour construire une nouvelle église paroissiale et un deuxième orphelinat. Pourtant, l'archevêque Godfrey et d'autres personnes subissent beaucoup de persécutions de la part du clergé catholique romain qui essaie d'utiliser des méthodes menaçantes contre notre peuple aimant. Un tel comportement est tout à fait inacceptable et non chrétien, c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire ! Ce n'est pas ce que le Christ veut que l'Église romaine soit haineuse. Notre Nonce, ++Godfrey a contacté les autorités locales pour intervenir. Veuillez prier pour la protection de notre Église au Kenya.
Notre évêque Ivan Marcapura Aragon, m'a rappelé encore une fois pour le lieu du Synode à l'automne 202, que son pays est un bon endroit à choisir. Nous avons toujours la place à Rome aussi bien disponible. Je sais que pour certains, le voyage ne sera pas facile. Cette décision devrait certainement être partagée avec vos évêques locaux, ou vos vicariats généraux, afin de mieux comprendre ce qui est le mieux pour tous. Ce n'est pas une entreprise facile de nous rassembler de tous les continents, mais c'est un Synode important qui se concentrera sur le présent et l'avenir de notre Église Mondiale. Veuillez nous faire savoir rapidement avec quel endroit vous êtes en faveur.
Nous vous demandons à tous de prier continuellement pour notre évêque au Venezuela, S.E. le Dr Luis Andrade Rosales. Il a été violemment attaqué pour vol et sévèrement assuré ! Qu'il guérisse bientôt, et que tous ses fidèles et ses proches l'entourent en ces jours difficiles et douloureux.
Que notre service pour le Christ et le peuple de Dieu continue avec une foi inébranlable.
Je vous souhaite la paix de Dieu dans vos cœurs,
Je vous envoie tout mon Amour et mes Bénédictions Apostoliques.
Demeurer votre serviteur de Dieu
Primat Oecuménique ECOEC
Pentecost 2019
(Please share with all, Thank you! Compartir con todos, Gracias!)
Peace be with you, Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ!
On this Solemnity of Pentecost let us to reflect a little bit on the Holy Spirit.
As we know, The Holy Spirit is impossible to visualize, because the Spirit cannot be seen as such. Yet the Holy Spirit is profoundly real.
Many things in our universe are real even though invisible to the naked eye. What we see with our eyes is only a fraction of our physical world. The Holy Spirit belongs to the spiritual world, and it naturally cannot see the Spirit with our eyes. Yet, there are helpful ways of imagining the Holy Spirit. St Paul uses an image drawn from nature when he says that the Spirit bears fruit. He means the visible effect of the Spirit on one’s life. We may not be able to see the Holy Spirit, but we can see the effect of the Spirit in our life, just as we cannot see the wind but can see the effect of the wind on people and objects of various kinds. Paul is saying that wherever we find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control, the Spirit is there at work. The Spirit becomes visible in and through these qualities and virtues.
The person who most of all had those qualities was Jesus because he was full of the Holy Spirit, full of the life of God. The Holy Spirit is essentially the very life of God, and that life is a life of love. It is that divine life, that divine love, which was poured out at Pentecost, initially on the first women and men with Mary in their midst, but through them on all who were open to receive this powerful and wonderful gift. Paul expresses it simply in his letter to the Romans, ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us’. It is that Spirit of God’s love we have received who bears the rich fruit in our lives that Paul speaks about in today’s 2nd Reading. The Spirit is constantly at work in our lives, making us more like Jesus. Again, the ordinary, day to day expressions of goodness and kindness, of faithfulness and self-control, of patience and gentleness, are all manifestations of the Spirit that has been given to us by God. We can recognize the Spirit’s presence in the common happenings of everyday life. The spiritual is not something other-worldly; it is humanity at its best.
Humanity is at its best in today’s first reading (Acts of the Apostles). Pentecost brought about a wonderful bonding of people from all over the Roman Empire. They were united in admiring and praising the marvels of God. In spite of differences of language and culture there was a real communion among them. Wherever communion of heart and mind exist among people of different backgrounds, the Holy Spirit is at work. Unity in diversity is the mark of the Spirit!
Jesus points out another manifestation of the Spirit: the pursuit of truth. Only the Spirit can lead us to the complete truth. If someone is genuinely seeking for truth, and willing to engage in good works with others, there the Spirit is at work. Fullness of truth and love is always beyond us; but the Spirit is given to lead us towards the complete truth and love, in all its height and depth.
All our communities around the world live with the Holy Spirit in our midst. When I visited our Church community in Licata, Italy this past May, I saw the Spirit of love and care, I saw the wonderful leadership of our Metropolitan Archbishop for Italy, H. E. ++Agostino, the commitment of his clergy and the faithful to our cause of being an ecumenical catholic church that is here for all who seek a new dawn in the Church, an awakening through the Holy Spirit. (Some of the pictures I posted on Facebook: Karl Rodig, and our websites). It is especially a sign of the Holy Spirit to see our first Women Priest, Rev. Mother Raffaela in our Church. I asked myself often, why has the church ignored for so long the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the ministry of women in the Church.
Thank you all for being loving and caring church communities where all are welcome finding a spiritual home of Love and acceptance, where diversity is a gift.
Let us all pray that the God send us the the gifts of the Holy Spirit that will lead us to a renewed and transformation in the Church for the salvation of all of God's beloved people.
May we all seek this truth that the Holy Spirit shows us in order to come closer to God.
With my deep appreciation for all your service.
Remaining faithful yours,
Church News:
It is with great joy to announce the
between the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ and the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch under the leadership of H. E. Presiding Bishop Mark Elliot Newman.
We welcome our newly ordained priests in Italy, Fr. Fortunato (Calabria) and Fr. Francesco (Turin) to the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Italy. Congratulations and blessings for your new ministry. We also congratulate, Rev. Gaetano on June 23rd, 2019 in Licata, Italy.
To all in our worldwide church:
Please work all on the ideas expressed in my apostolic Letter I sent you for Christmas for our Worldwide Synod. Location and Time are not set yet. Thank you.
¡La paz esté con ustedes, queridas hermanas y hermanos en Cristo!
En esta solemnidad de Pentecostés, reflexionemos un poco sobre el Espíritu Santo. Como sabemos, el Espíritu Santo es imposible de visualizar, porque el Espíritu no puede ser visto como tal. Sin embargo, el Espíritu Santo es profundamente real.
Muchas cosas en nuestro universo son reales aunque sean invisibles a simple vista. Lo que vemos con nuestros ojos es solo una fracción de nuestro mundo físico. El Espíritu Santo pertenece al mundo espiritual, y naturalmente no puede ver el Espíritu con nuestros ojos. Sin embargo, hay maneras útiles de imaginar al Espíritu Santo. San Pablo usa una imagen extraída de la naturaleza cuando dice que el Espíritu fructifica. Se refiere al efecto visible del Espíritu en la vida de uno. Es posible que no podamos ver el Espíritu Santo, pero podemos ver el efecto del Espíritu en nuestra vida, al igual que no podemos ver el viento, pero podemos ver el efecto del viento en personas y objetos de diversos tipos. Pablo está diciendo que dondequiera que encontremos amor, alegría, paz, paciencia, amabilidad, bondad, confianza, amabilidad y dominio propio, el Espíritu está allí trabajando. El Espíritu se hace visible en ya través de estas cualidades y virtudes.
La persona que más que todo tenía esas cualidades era Jesús porque estaba lleno del Espíritu Santo, lleno de la vida de Dios. El Espíritu Santo es esencialmente la vida misma de Dios, y esa vida es una vida de amor. Es esa vida divina, ese amor divino, que se derramó en Pentecostés, inicialmente en las primeras mujeres y hombres con María en medio de ellos, pero a través de ellos en todos los que estaban abiertos para recibir este regalo poderoso y maravilloso. Pablo lo expresa simplemente en su carta a los romanos: "El amor de Dios se ha derramado en nuestros corazones a través del Espíritu Santo que se nos ha dado". Es el amor del Espíritu de Dios que hemos recibido quien da el rico fruto en nuestras vidas de lo que Pablo habla en la segunda lectura de hoy. El Espíritu está constantemente trabajando en nuestras vidas, haciéndonos más como Jesús. Nuevamente, las expresiones cotidianas de bondad y bondad, de fidelidad y autocontrol, de paciencia y gentileza, son todas manifestaciones del Espíritu que Dios nos ha dado. Podemos reconocer la presencia del Espíritu en los acontecimientos comunes de la vida cotidiana. Lo espiritual no es algo de otro mundo; Es la humanidad en su mejor momento.
La humanidad está en su mejor momento en la primera lectura de hoy (Hechos de los Apóstoles). Pentecostés produjo una maravillosa unión de personas de todo el Imperio Romano. Se unieron admirando y alabando las maravillas de Dios. A pesar de las diferencias de idioma y cultura, hubo una verdadera comunión entre ellos. Dondequiera que exista comunión de corazón y mente entre personas de diferentes orígenes, el Espíritu Santo está obrando. ¡La unidad en la diversidad es la marca del Espíritu!
Jesús señala otra manifestación del Espíritu: la búsqueda de la verdad. Solo el Espíritu puede llevarnos a la verdad completa. Si alguien está buscando genuinamente la verdad, y está dispuesto a participar en buenas obras con otros, allí el Espíritu está obrando. La plenitud de la verdad y el amor siempre está más allá de nosotros; pero el Espíritu es dado para guiarnos hacia la completa verdad y el amor, en toda su altura y profundidad.
Todas nuestras comunidades alrededor del mundo viven con el Espíritu Santo entre nosotros. Cuando visité nuestra comunidad de la Iglesia en Licata, Italia, en mayo pasado, vi el Espíritu de amor y cuidado, vi el maravilloso liderazgo de nuestro Nuncio y Arzobispo Metropolitano para Italia, ++ Agostino, el compromiso de su clero y los fieles a nuestra causa de ser una iglesia católica ecuménica que está aquí para todos los que buscan un nuevo amanecer en la Iglesia, un despertar a través del Espíritu Santo. (Algunas de las fotos que publiqué en Facebook: Karl Rodig y nuestros sitios web). Es especialmente una señal del Espíritu Santo ver a nuestra primera mujer sacerdote, la Reverenda Madre Raffaela en nuestra Iglesia. Me preguntaba a menudo, ¿por qué la iglesia ha ignorado durante tanto tiempo los dones del Espíritu Santo en el ministerio de las mujeres en la Iglesia?
Gracias a todos por amar y cuidar las comunidades de la iglesia donde todos son bienvenidos a encontrar un hogar espiritual de Amor y aceptación, donde la diversidad es un regalo.
Oremos todos para que Dios nos envíe los dones del Espíritu Santo que nos conducirán a una renovación y transformación en la Iglesia para la salvación de todos los seres queridos de Dios.
Que todos podamos buscar esta verdad que el Espíritu Santo nos muestra para acercarnos más a Dios.
Con mi profundo agradecimiento por todos sus servicios.
Permaneciendo fiel tuyo,
+ Karl
Noticias de la Iglesia:
Es con gran alegría anunciar la Intercomunión entre la Iglesia de Cristo Ecuménica Católica y la Iglesia Católica Apostólica de Antioquía bajo el liderazgo de H. E. Obispo Presidente Mark Elliot Newman.
Damos la bienvenida a nuestros sacerdotes recién ordenados en Italia, el Padre. Fortunato (Calabria) y el P. Alesandro (Turín) a la archidiócesis metropolitana de Italia. Felicitaciones y bendiciones por tu nuevo ministerio. También felicitamos al Rev. Gaetano el 23 de junio de 2019 en Licata, Italia.
A Todos en nuestra Iglesia mundial:
Por favor, trabaje en las ideas expresadas en mi Carta apostólica que le envié para Navidad para nuestro Sínodo Mundial. La ubicación y el tiempo aún no están establecidos. Gracias.
La pace sia con voi, care sorelle e fratelli in Cristo!
In questa solennità di Pentecoste lasciateci riflettere un po 'sullo Spirito Santo. Come sappiamo, lo Spirito Santo è impossibile da visualizzare, perché lo Spirito non può essere visto come tale. Eppure lo Spirito Santo è profondamente reale.
Molte cose nel nostro universo sono reali anche se invisibili ad occhio nudo. Ciò che vediamo con i nostri occhi è solo una frazione del nostro mondo fisico. Lo Spirito Santo appartiene al mondo spirituale e naturalmente non può vedere lo Spirito con i nostri occhi. Tuttavia, ci sono modi utili per immaginare lo Spirito Santo. San Paolo usa un'immagine tratta dalla natura quando dice che lo Spirito porta frutto. Intende l'effetto visibile dello Spirito sulla propria vita. Potremmo non essere in grado di vedere lo Spirito Santo, ma possiamo vedere l'effetto dello Spirito nella nostra vita, così come non possiamo vedere il vento ma possiamo vedere l'effetto del vento su persone e oggetti di vario genere. Paolo sta dicendo che ovunque troviamo amore, gioia, pace, pazienza, gentilezza, bontà, fiducia, gentilezza e autocontrollo, lo Spirito è lì all'opera. Lo Spirito diventa visibile in e attraverso queste qualità e virtù.
La persona che più di tutte aveva queste qualità era Gesù perché era pieno dello Spirito Santo, pieno della vita di Dio. Lo Spirito Santo è essenzialmente la vita stessa di Dio, e quella vita è una vita d'amore. È quella vita divina, quell'amore divino, che fu riversato a Pentecoste, inizialmente sulle prime donne e uomini con Maria in mezzo a loro, ma attraverso loro su tutti coloro che erano aperti a ricevere questo dono potente e meraviglioso. Paolo lo esprime semplicemente nella sua lettera ai Romani: "L'amore di Dio è stato versato nei nostri cuori per mezzo dello Spirito Santo che ci è stato dato". È questo lo Spirito di amore di Dio che abbiamo ricevuto e che porta il ricco frutto nella nostra vita di cui parla Paolo nella II lettura di oggi. Lo Spirito è costantemente all'opera nelle nostre vite, rendendoci più simili a Gesù. Di nuovo, le comuni espressioni quotidiane di bontà e gentilezza, di fedeltà e autocontrollo, di pazienza e dolcezza, sono tutte manifestazioni dello Spirito che ci è stato dato da Dio. Possiamo riconoscere la presenza dello Spirito negli avvenimenti comuni della vita quotidiana. Lo spirituale non è qualcosa di diverso dal mondo; è l'umanità al suo meglio.
L'umanità è al suo meglio nella prima lettura di oggi (Atti degli Apostoli). La Pentecoste ha prodotto un meraviglioso legame di persone provenienti da tutto l'Impero Romano. Erano uniti nell'ammirare e nel lodare le meraviglie di Dio. Nonostante le differenze di lingua e cultura, c'era una vera comunione tra loro. Ovunque vi sia comunione di cuore e mente tra persone di diversa estrazione, lo Spirito Santo è all'opera. L'unità nella diversità è il marchio dello Spirito!
Gesù indica un'altra manifestazione dello Spirito: la ricerca della verità. Solo lo Spirito può condurci alla verità completa. Se qualcuno cerca sinceramente la verità e è disposto a impegnarsi in buone opere con gli altri, lì lo Spirito è all'opera. Pienezza di verità e amore è sempre al di là di noi; ma lo Spirito è dato per condurci verso la completa verità e amore, in tutta la sua altezza e profondità.
Tutte le nostre comunità in tutto il mondo vivono con lo Spirito Santo in mezzo a noi. Quando ho visitato la nostra comunità di Chiesa a Licata, lo scorso maggio, ho visto lo Spirito di amore e cura, ho visto la meravigliosa guida del nostro Nunzio e Arcivescovo Metropolitano per l'Italia, Agostino, l'impegno del suo clero e dei fedeli per la nostra causa di essere una chiesa cattolica ecumenica che è qui per tutti coloro che cercano una nuova alba nella Chiesa, un risveglio attraverso lo Spirito Santo. (Alcune delle foto che ho postato su Facebook: Karl Rodig e i nostri siti Web). È soprattutto un segno dello Spirito Santo vedere la nostra prima donna sacerdote, Rev. Madre Raffaela nella nostra Chiesa. Mi sono chiesto spesso, perché la chiesa ha ignorato per così tanto tempo i doni dello Spirito Santo nel ministero delle donne nella Chiesa.
Grazie a tutti per essere state amorevoli e premurose comunità di chiese in cui tutti sono benvenuti a trovare una casa spirituale di Amore e accettazione, dove la diversità è un dono.
Preghiamo tutti che il Dio ci mandi i doni dello Spirito Santo che ci condurranno a una rinnovata e trasformazione nella Chiesa per la salvezza di tutto l'amato popolo di Dio.
Possiamo tutti noi cercare questa verità che lo Spirito Santo ci mostra per avvicinarci a Dio.
Con il mio profondo apprezzamento per tutto il tuo servizio.
Rimanendo fedele tuo,
Notizie della Chiesa:
È con grande gioia annunciare l'Intercomunione tra la Chiesa ecumenica cattolica di Cristo e la Chiesa cattolica apostolica di Antiochia sotto la guida di H. E. Presiedere il vescovo Mark Elliot Newman.
Accogliamo i nostri sacerdoti neo-ordinati in Italia, il Padre. Fortunato (Calabria) e P. Alesandro (Torino) all'arcidiocesi metropolitana d'Italia. Congratulazioni e benedizioni per il tuo nuovo ministero. Ci congratuliamo anche con il Rev. Gaetano il 23 giugno 2019 a Licata, in Italia.
A tutti nella nostra Chiesa Mundiale
Per favore, lavora sulle idee espresse nella mia Lettera Apostolica che ti ho inviato a Natale per il nostro Sinodo Mondiale. La posizione e l'ora non sono ancora state stabilite. Grazie
Apostolic Letter of the Ecumenical Primate,
H. E. Dr. Karl Rodig,
His Visit to our Metropolitan Archdiocese to Italy
May, 2019
Dear excellency Archbishop Agostino Caro, dear brothers and sister in the ministry of the Lord, dear brothers and sisters in christ!
It is with great joy to visit you all in this beautiful Land of yours!
I wanted to thank you for the invitation to meet you and to share with you this moment of our journey with Christ through this Easter Season! From all of our Church I bring you greetings and thanksgivings for your commitment to the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ.
My pastoral visit here is filled with love for you all because you all follow Jesus in a new an unique Christian way: It is your and our understanding of the Gospel that we are guided by Christ’s call to inclusiveness ! You have discovered and answered this calling: all who sincerely love God and neighbor find a spiritual family here in your local churches and throughout our worldwide Church community.
We journey together toward the Kingdom of God. We come from different upbringings, different views of life, experiences, and yet we gather before God in worship and praise with the same voice in brotherly and sisterly love.
Carissima Eccellenza Arcivescovo Agostino De Caro, cari fratelli e sorelle nel ministero del Signore, cari fratelli e sorelle in Cristo!
È con grande gioia che vi visitiamo tutti in questa bellissima Terra!
Volevo ringraziarvi per l'invito ad incontrarvi e per condividere con voi questo momento del nostro viaggio con Cristo in questa stagione pasquale! Da parte di tutta la nostra Chiesa vi porto saluti e ringraziamenti per il vostro impegno verso la Chiesa Cattolica Ecumenica di Cristo.
La mia visita pastorale qui è piena di amore per tutti voi perché tutti seguite Gesù in un modo nuovo e cristiano unico: è la vostra e nostra comprensione del Vangelo stesso che ci guida alla chiamata di Cristo al'inclusività! Avete scoperto e risposto a questa chiamata: tutti coloro che amano sinceramente Dio e il prossimo trovano una famiglia spirituale qui nelle vostre chiese locali e in tutta la comunità della Chiesa in tutto il mondo.
Camminiamo insieme verso il Regno di Dio. Veniamo da diverse generazioni, diversi punti di vista sulla vita, esperienze, eppure ci riuniamo davanti a Dio in adorazione e Lo lodiamo con la stessa voce nell'amore e fraterno.
As many of you have read and studied our church Manifesto, we are called to promote Christ’s Love to welcome all who suffer, struggle with life and identity, those who seek a more understanding church family where there is no hate, and no persecution.
We are aware that we also welcome Christians from other denominations as the word “Catholic” is not owned by a particular church, but it is universal in essence where all who sincerely seek Christ find a belonging. We therefore see in Christians from other denominations not enemies, but brothers and sisters.
We experience that the world in our days is getting smaller, and people everywhere meet others in different faiths. We need to keep the dialog open and find common understandings how to relate to each other in Peace and Love. Our brethren from the great monotheistic religions of Judaism and Islam shall see in us a welcoming and understanding community where we can have prayer and dialog that seeks unity in diversity.
Come molti di voi hanno letto e studiato nel nostro Manifesto di chiesa, siamo chiamati a promuovere l'Amore di Cristo per accogliere tutti coloro che soffrono, lottano con la vita e l'identità, coloro che cercano una famiglia ecclesiastica più comprensiva dove non c'è odio e nessuna persecuzione.
Siamo consapevoli che accogliamo anche cristiani di altre confessioni poiché la parola "cattolico" non è di proprietà di una chiesa particolare, ma è universalmente essenziale dove tutti coloro che cercano sinceramente Cristo trovano un'appartenenza. Vediamo quindi nei cristiani di altre denominazioni non nemici, ma fratelli e sorelle.
Sperimentiamo che il mondo ai nostri giorni si sta riducendo e la gente incontra dappertutto gli altri in diverse fedi. Dobbiamo mantenere aperto il dialogo e trovare comprensioni comuni su come relazionarci l'un l'altro in Pace e Amore. I nostri fratelli delle grandi religioni monoteistiche del giudaismo e dell'Islam vedranno in noi una comunità accogliente e comprensiva dove tutti possiamo pregare e un dialogo che cerca l'unità nella diversità.
We pray and live toward positive changes within the Catholic and Protestant Churches, we are aware of the difficulty that lies ahead of us.
A status quo mentality of many in the hierarchies has formed a Christian Mentality that in one way tries to proclaim the Gospel yet in many ways thinks and lives in an exclusive way that leaves no room for people who think differently. Many hear Christ’s commandment to love God and your neighbor, and yet live more by gossip, and looking down on others because of who they are...
To mind also comes the notion, “What do we gain from all the riches of the world when we lose our soul in it”...The church is us as a community, a family that is diverse in its nature yet sees together the need to serve those who are most vulnerable in society, the poor, the outcasts, the downtrodden...Pope Francis has seen this fundamental call since the beginning of his papacy, the call to live and act like Christ is present within us and among us. As yet he encountered a lot of resistance from those who live by the old status quo, who do not like to change as a positive way of living toward a better world.
Preghiamo e viviamo i cambiamenti positivi all'interno delle Chiese cattolica e protestante, siamo consapevoli della difficoltà che ci attende.
Una mentalità di status quo di molti nelle gerarchie ha formato una mentalità cristiana che, in un certo modo, cerca di proclamare il Vangelo ma in molti modi pensa e vive in un modo esclusivo che non lascia spazio a persone che la pensano diversamente. Molti ascoltano il comandamento di Cristo di amare Dio e il prossimo, e tuttavia vivono di più spettegolando e guardando gli altri a causa di chi sono ...
Alla mente viene anche la nozione, "Cosa guadagniamo da tutte le ricchezze del mondo quando perdiamo la nostra anima in esso" ... La chiesa siamo noi come comunità, una famiglia che è diversa nella sua natura e vede insieme il bisogno di servire coloro che sono più vulnerabili nella società, i poveri, gli emarginati, gli oppressi ... Papa Francesco ha visto questa chiamata fondamentale fin dall'inizio del suo pontificato, la chiamata a vivere e agire come Cristo presente in noi e tra noi. Come egli stesso ha incontrato molta resistenza da parte di coloro che vivevano secondo il vecchio status quo, a cui non piace cambiare in un modo positivo di vivere verso un mondo migliore.
Here we are all of us living in a worldwide church communion, a family of many that listens to the word of Christ, and tries everyday to live it anew. We see new ideas evolving because of the Gospel: old and new ideas can merge, and all the sudden, we as Christians live in a Spirit of seeing the world as our earthly home as a sacred place not to be destroyed by human greed, by power plays, and hate of nation against nation. We see the need to preserve God’s creation for future generations to come. We are stewards of this world, and not possessing and discarding it at our disposal. Climate change has become a reality that we need to address with all the Goodness that is left in Humanity. The poison and trashing of the oceans, the rivers, and the wastefulness with the earthly goods that is not shared with all, brings the world to the edge of new wars, because of famine and droughts in many countries.
Qui siamo tutti noi che viviamo in una comunione ecclesiale mondiale, la famiglia di tutti quelli che ascoltano la parola di Cristo e cercano ogni giorno di viverla di nuovo. Vediamo nuove idee che si evolvono a causa del Vangelo: vecchie e nuove idee possono fondersi, e inaspettatamente, noi come cristiani viviamo in un solo Spirito per vedere il mondo come la nostra dimora terrena come un luogo sacro da non distruggere per l’avidità umana, per giochi di potere e odio di nazione contro nazione. Vediamo la necessità di preservare la creazione di Dio per le generazioni future. Siamo amministratori di questo mondo e non lo possediamo e lo scartiamo a nostro piacimento. Il cambiamento climatico è diventato una realtà che dobbiamo affrontare con tutta la bontà che rimane nell'umanità. Il veleno e la distruzione degli oceani, i fiumi e lo spreco dei beni terreni che non sono condivisi con tutti, portano il mondo ai margini di nuove guerre, a causa della carestia e della siccità in molti paesi.
Closely connected with it is the new weapon races of the west against the east, and the trade wars that serve only the rich and leave the majority behind.
We see the rise and attempt of new dictatorial and autocratic governments that rule by slogan, and deceive the people of their democratic rights.
In all of this, we as Christians are called to bring the Good News of Christ to a world that is more and more on a road to selfishness and destructive behaviors.
Today we celebrate Christ, the Good Shepherd Sunday. He brings us the Good News which we hear in our church communities and this is the aim of our lives. Because there is a joy by which we live, there is a message in which we discover our own personal calling: to always care for each other, and to strive for peace that has its roots beyond this earthly home.
Christ, the Good Shepherd reminds us all that he will give us eternal life as seen in the Gospels narratives, but also that he wants to be close to us. His earthly journey shows us what he meant by that as he is engaged with different people:
We see this with Jesus’ encounter with the woman by the Well in Samaria.
Strettamente connesso con tutto questo son le nuove metodologie di armi dell'ovest contro l'est e le guerre commerciali che servono solo i ricchi e lasciano la maggioranza dietro.
Vediamo l'ascesa e il tentativo di nuovi governi dittatoriali e autocratici che governano con slogan e ingannano il popolo dei loro diritti democratici.
In tutto questo, noi cristiani siamo chiamati a portare la Buona Novella di Cristo in un mondo che è sempre più sulla strada dell'egoismo e dei comportamenti distruttivi.
Oggi celebriamo Cristo, la domenica del Buon Pastore. Egli ci porta la buona novella che sentiamo nelle nostre comunità ecclesiali e questo è lo scopo delle nostre vite. Perché c'è una gioia con la quale viviamo, c'è un messaggio in cui scopriamo la nostra vocazione personale: prenderci sempre cura l'uno dell'altro e cercare la pace che ha le sue radici oltre questa casa terrena.
Cristo, il Buon Pastore ci ricorda che ci darà la vita eterna come si vede nelle narrazioni dei Vangeli, ma anche che vuole essere vicino a noi. Il suo viaggio terrestre ci mostra cosa intendeva con questo mentre era impegnato con persone diverse:
Lo vediamo nell'incontro di Gesù con la donna presso il pozzo in Samaria.
Quando Gesù arrivò al pozzo lui e i suoi discepoli dovevano essere affamati perché i discepoli andarono al vicino villaggio a cercare cibo. Mentre essi erano lontani Gesù ebbe una bellissima conversazione con la donna e lei gli aprì il suo cuore sempre di più chiedendogli alla fine lei stessa acqua. Così quando i discepoli ritornarono e gli offrirono del cibo lui disse che aveva già avuto da da mangiare anche se non aveva mangiato niente. La donna samaritana gli aveva aperto il cuore e questo era il cibo e la bevanda che Gesù voleva per quel giorno. ed è ciò che Gesù vuole anche da noi: che gli apriamo i nostri cuori e stiamo vicini a lui sempre, proprio come lui è sempre accanto a noi. Zaccheo era curioso di vedere Gesù così si arrampicò su un albero ma Gesù voleva molto di più che essere visto da Zaccheo così gli chiese di invitarlo a casa sua. Gesù vuole anche che tu lo inviti nella tua casa e nel tuo cuore. Possiamo vedere la stessa cosa anche quando Gesù stava morendo sulla croce e ha detto “ho sete”. Naturalmente Gesù era disidratato e aveva sete ma soprattutto ci rendiamo conto, nelle ultime sette parole pronunciate da Gesù, che lui aveva sete di amore, di amicizia, di affetto . Come soddisfiamo questa fame e sete che Gesù ha di noi? trascorrendo tempo con lui nella preghiera ogni giorno, pregando non solo per alcuni minuti ogni mattina e ogni sera ma la preghiera deve caratterizzare ogni giornata nella sua interezza. E ancora soddisfiamo la fame e la sete di Gesù del nostro amore quando veniamo insieme come Chiesa e come famiglia a messa. Soddisfiamo la sua fame e sete quando leggiamo la sua parola del Vangelo, della sacra scrittura. Soddisfiamo ancora la sua fame e sete di noi quando riceviamo i sacramenti. ogni volta che noi cerchiamo Gesù in qualsiasi cosa che facciamo nella nostra quotidianità soddisfiamo la sua fame e la sua sete di noi e così come noi soddisfiamo la fame e la sete che Cristo di noi, Gesù il buon pastore continua ad amarci e a prendersi cura di noi chiamando uomini al sacerdozio e alla vita religiosa per prendersi cura di noi e per pascerci. il sacerdozio è un segno dell’amore di Dio e della sua Cura per noi. Preghiamo che molti vogliono rispondere alla chiamata del signore e a donare se stessi a lui nel ministero sia uomini che donne.
Dear brothers and sisters in beloved Italy, every time when you come together here at the altar of our Lord as you celebrate the divine mystery of his very presence in the sacrament of the eucharist you proclaim your very existence of being his body, the church, and becoming more and more the loving family of God. For this Christ suffered, died, and rose from the dead, so that we can live.
Let us live by this wonder of Love that we discover in these Good News of Christ: every time we pray with each other, every time we see someone in need and care for, every time we encounter someone who is lost, when we see sorrow that we console and not to be consoled, to give without to receiving.
Let us live as a Christian and catholic family that hears the word of God, and lives by it.
Since I was 17 years old, I have looked at the map of Italy and saw the cities and on the map of Southern Sicily, I always wondered what would I see there, and in the years followed, I have traveled to Italy for over 50 times as I was always amazed by the love of her people, and attracted by her beauty and history, but I never made it to Sicily.
Today I see a vision to be fulfilled: I am here in this beautiful part of Italy, and I am with a loving and caring Church family that is so welcoming that God can only love you all, and we are all in aw by it.
God love is ever present among all of us, because we have found it through Christ, the Good Shepherd, and it has become way of life for eternity.
It is our deep desire that we always live in God’s divine presence here in this earthly home, and to see His/Her face shining in each one of us.
Let us always be this loving and caring family which the early Christians were so known for it, and had grown so fast through the ancient world. Let us always find our way to the heard of God where we are all home.
I want to thank you for your commitment and love, and again to salute you with the Love and Peace of the Risen Christ that belongs to all of us. Amen
Cari fratelli e sorelle nell'amata Italia, ogni volta che venite insieme qui all'altare di nostro Signore mentre celebrate il mistero divino della sua stessa presenza nel sacramento dell'eucaristia, proclamate la vostra stessa esistenza come suo corpo, chiesa, e diventate sempre più l'amorevole famiglia di Dio. Per questo Cristo ha sofferto, è morto e risorto dai morti, affinché possiamo anche noi avere la vita.
Viviamo con questa meraviglia di Amore che scopriamo in questa Buona Novella di Cristo: ogni volta che preghiamo l'uno per l'altro, ogni volta che vediamo qualcuno nel bisogno e ce ne prendiamo cura, ogni volta che incontriamo qualcuno che si perduto, quando vediamo il dolore e diamo consolazione senza essere consolati noi stessi, abbiamo donato generosamente senza ricevere.
Viviamo come una famiglia cristiana e cattolica che ascolta la parola di Dio e vive con essa e di essa.
Da quando avevo 17 anni, guardavo la mappa dell'Italia e vedevo le città della Sicilia meridionale, mi sono sempre chiesto cosa avrei potuto vedere lì, e negli anni seguenti, ho viaggiato in Italia per oltre 50 volte e sono sempre rimasto stupito dall'amore della sua gente, attratto dalla sua bellezza e dalla sua storia, ma non ero mai arrivato in Sicilia.
Oggi vedo questo realizzato: sono qui in questa bellissima parte d'Italia, e sono con una famiglia di Chiesa amorevole e premurosa, così accogliente che Dio non può che amarvi tutti e di questo siamo tutti d'accordo.
L'amore di Dio è sempre presente in tutti noi, perché l'abbiamo scoperto attraverso Cristo, il Buon Pastore, ed deve diventare il nostro stile di vita per l'eternità.
È nostro profondo desiderio che viviamo sempre alla divina presenza di Dio qui in questa casa terrena per poi godere della visione del suo volto che brilla in ognuno di noi.
Cerchiamo di essere sempre questa famiglia amorevole e premurosa come i primi cristiani che erano famosi per questo, e la chiesa è cresciuta velocemente attraverso il mondo antico proprio grazie a questa testimonianza. Cerchiamo sempre la nostra strada mettendoci all’ascolto di Dio, per sentirci tutti a casa.
Voglio ringraziarvi per il vostro impegno e amore, e ancora salutarvi con l'Amore e la Pace di Cristo risorto che appartiene a tutti noi. Amen
Welcome Address for Ecumenical Primate Dr. Karl Rodig by H. E. Metropolitan Archbishop of Italy, ++Agostino Caro
Beloved and revered Archbishop, Dear Brother,
As pastor and bishop of this diocese, I wish to welcome you among us, among your people. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, he who comes to confirm us in faith. With gratitude we address the greeting of the Apostle Paul: "grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Lord" and together with you, I wish to address my cordial greeting to all and to offer them my sincere thanks for having accepted the invitation to be present at such an important event for our church.
First of all, beloved father, we wish to thank you for the trust you gave to us all when, last year, you raised our diocese to the rank of metropolitan archdiocese and then, through the dear Archbishop Apostolic Nunzio Francisco José , you invested me with the pallium , a sign of our total communion and of the responsibility that the good shepherd must bring to our Lord's model.
The Archdiocese of Italy is large, varied, complex. With its dramas and its joys, its problems and its resources. It is made by people who love the Lord, who want the presence of our beloved church to give love and hospitality without distinction.
It is made by priests of various ages, with different backgrounds and past histories, often linked together by experiences of pain, rejection or defeat. They are precious priests and of various charisms, which, at times, do not find the right harmony and peaceful agreement. This is why, in offering this greeting, the words of the "novo millenio ineunte" come to mind, in which the Holy Pope John Paul II invites us to the SPIRITUALITY OF COMMUNION, even going so far as to bring "one another's burdens". And I am a witness to this: my beloved presbytery is generous, made up of priests and deacons with a great heart and holy vocations, tried and tried like gold in the crucible. All as one person, they take each other with love and care. A small family where brothers and sisters compete to respect each other. Never before, has the dimension of communion, family and fraternity, to be emphasized in the Church.
It is in communion, in fact, that we find the drive and strength to walk on the roads of a world that offers only opportunities for weak relationships and tearing divisions. It is communion with you that are a caring brother for us, with the whole College of Bishops in the world, and among us that we want to continue living. Certain and grasped by the penetrating force of the Gospel of Christ; it is only grafted onto this joyful communion that we will be able to leave the temple, to stand in the churchyard, in the world, and "make the Church present and active in those places and in those circumstances, in which it cannot become the salt of the earth except through us"(cit. Lumen Gentium).
Dear brother, Italy is not a simple terrain in which to live our ministry in the independent Catholic movement since, obviously, the presence of the Vatican is prevaricating and often our people and especially our clergy suffer from ostracism and in some ways, even violence . We are missionaries and pioneers and therefore we ask you to support us with your prayer.
In many cases, due to economic problems, we cannot rent places for our churches and, like the first Christians, we gather in the Domus ecclesiae. I always tell my priests that our church is the road, everyday life and workplaces. We are all worker priests even if today, finding a job is very difficult and often with absurd schedules and salaries that do not allow us to face life with serenity, but we have faith and above all, we have our ministry.
Our humble work is to focus testimony and mission on the poor, on discriminated, on those who are rejected and on the Eucharist.
The poor, more and more, must be our mirror, our measure.
Many, perhaps, think that Italy does not experience phenomena of old and new poverty, of social marginalization, of exploitation. Here, too, there are those who not only struggle to get to the end of the month, but that do not even know how to start it.
But there is not only material poverty. The most difficult to deal with, is the poverty of a respectable society that lives by hypocrisy, by daily violence against those who are weaker. Today, unfortunately in Italy, there is a regime that is strong on people's fears: fear of the foreigner, fear of the different. We, with our spirituality of acceptance and inclusiveness, are, with humility, a sign and instrument of the tenderness of the Father who loves every one of his children without ifs and without but, without distinction, dispassionately. The Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ in the Archdiocese of Italy of Saints Sergius and Bacchus stands out in our country precisely because of this spirit of indiscriminate love, for a total acceptance and for the courage to embrace the lepers of our time.
Attention to the poor, however, engages us in the transforming logic of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Love. The Eucharist is the pivot around which the entire pastoral and evangelizing activity revolves. For this our earth, "the Eucharist is not only the source and summit of the life of the Church; it is also of his mission: "An authentically Eucharistic Church is a missionary Church” (cit. Sacramentum Caritatis).
It is also important and not secondary our ministry next to the discriminated people, the divorced, the unmarried couples, the people of the LGBT community who are often offended, violated, abandoned and discriminated or even worse removed and chased away. They find a safe place with us, welcoming communities and where they can experience the Father's tenderness.
Unfortunately in Italy we are still few and for this we must pray incessantly for the precious and rich gift of hope: vocations.
The Archdiocese is currently served by priests and deacons scattered throughout the various regions, although not all of us are present.
• Today we will ordain our beloved Don Francesco as a priest, after many years of zealous service, as a deacon, has matured, with our guidance, the desire for the priesthood. He serves with love and dedication the mission of Saints Francis and Clare in the territory of the North West (Val d’Aosta, Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria).
Father Luca in the North East Vicariate (Trentino, Veneto, Friuli, Emilia Romagna). He is an honorary priest and gave us the joy of a beautiful child, Edward who just turned one year old. Father Luca takes care of the holy family mission of Nazareth and in various regions, but thanking the Lord he is wonderfully assisted by his dear wife Elisa, together they are missionaries of joy.
In Emilia Romagna, in Riccione, we have the Agnus Dei mission where we do not yet have a priest, but a highly trained and enthusiastic seminarian: Gilberto.
The very young fr. Daniel serves the Lord in the community mother of perseverance in Rome.
Going down the boot, we have a great void from Rome to Calabria, where we have a wonderful mission: the Sant’Elia mission, which is lovingly served by don Fortunato, he will be ordained as a priest today.
Finally we are in Sicily where we have our first woman priest
Mother Raffaela, married to Alessandro and mother of three wonderful guys. Presbyter full of charisms and enthusiasm, she works strenuously in the Etna territory and serves the community of Saint Gemma.
The territory of Catania also has another precious gem: fr. David. He too is married to a wonderful woman, Miriam. Father Davide is a practical man, a strong priest, a priest who has exercised his ministry in the suburbs, always in the most difficult places. He is our father Metal.
In addition to serving the church with mother Raffaela in the Etna area, he is also in charge of the mission in the province of Ragusa, San Michele Arcangelo mission.
• And finally, Licata, with the community of the cathedral of San Damian where, besides me, there are the very dear Fr. Giuseppe, and the acolyte Gaetano, who will be ordained a deacon next June 23, there is the permanent deacon don Angelo Marco. Father Giuseppe and Gaetano are my arms, those who give freshness and enthusiasm to the activities of the parish. They are the delight of my daily life with their help and support.
The seminarians and vocations are my primary concern in prayer. Vocation ministry is central to our ministry because we realize that for a more incisive pastoral care in such a vast diocese, there must be more priests and deacons who with courage and self-sacrifice can be a sign and instrument of the Father's tenderness.
Dearest brother, support us in this task with prayer, we increasingly weld the communion between us and in the presence of the clergy and of the many faithful who have come from various parts of Italy, I renew my total obedience to you and to the Manifesto of the Church and walk this stretch together on the roads of history, to get to say, with Paul, "Our living is Christ" (Phil. 1:21). Amen. Alleluia
Easter 2019
Christus Resurrexit Vere Alleluja!
(Please share with all, Thank you! Compartir con todos, Gracias!)
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
Peace be with you all! With this Easter Greetings of the Risen Christ to His Apostles and Followers, I greet you on this holiest of holy seasons!
We have walked with Jesus through the Lenten Season experiencing his closeness with God, and teaching his followers. We have arrived at Easter. What we learn from here is our through encounter with the risen Lord. I want to share with you a letter that our Vicar General from Sri Lanka sent me from Henry Y. A. Nouwen. It is a good reflection for all of us.
Jesus Makes Our Deepest Self Known
"Our heart is at the center of our being human. There our deepest thoughts, intuitions, emotions, and decisions find their source. But it’s also there that we are often most alienated from ourselves. We know little or nothing of our own heart. We keep our distance, as though we were afraid of it. What is most intimate is also what frightens us most. Where we are most ourselves, we are often strangers to ourselves. That is the painful part of our being human. We fail to know our hidden center; and so we live and die often without knowing who we really are. If we ask ourselves why we think, feel, and act in such and such a way, we often have no answer, thus proving to be strangers in our own house. The mystery of the spiritual life is that Jesus desires to meet us in the seclusion of our own heart, to make his love known to us there, to free us from our fears, and to make our own deepest self known to us. In the privacy of our heart, therefore, we can learn not only to know Jesus but, through Jesus, ourselves as well."
Wishing you all a Blessed and Joyous Easter Season!
May we all grow deeper into the heart of Jesus which is the Heart of God.
First Synod in India in April 2019: Our Nuncio for Asia, H. E. Dr. Sunny Alappat with the Clergy were contemplating the Spiritual growth and Development of the ECCC in India. Archbishop Sunny and his current 12 priests are working with our Church Manifesto and its relevance to the Indian Culture, and with a Vision of Ecumenism, Evangelization and Unity of Churches in India.
Thank you all in our Church in India for your commitment and renewal in the Holy Spirit!
America Latina: Costa Rica: Our Apostolic Nuncio for Latin America, H. E. Sebastian Pla works with the different regions for the growth of the ECCC and strengthen the church through his guidance. Thank you for all the sacrifices! Brazil:H. E. Archbishop Dom Lucas has completed the bell tower for his Cathedral in Mina Jerais. He enjoying a growing membership with his church and brother bishops in Brazil! Thank you!
Colombia: Our bishops and clergy working in various places with projects for the poor, and building more missions! Thank you for your zealous work for God's people!
Peru: Our bishops and clergy reaching out to new communities furthering the spiritual needs of so many. Thank you so much brothers!Equador: The Church is growing! Thank you all for your ecumenical spirit!
Kenya: Our Nuncio for Africa in Kenya, H. E. Archbishop Godfrey Siundu has widened the missions in Kenya and has received new members for the ECCC, including ordinations. Democratic Republic of the Congo: We welcome wholeheartedly the New Order of St. Francis and Saint Clare with its growing membership under the leadership of Rev. Damas Mukumba. Thank you all for your love and dedication to the Work of Christ!
Nigeria: Mr. Joseph Goru is in diaolog with our Nuncio for Africa as he shows interest in the ECCC. There are more people in Africa who are now in dialog with our Nuntio for joining the ECCC.
Apostolic Visit of the Ecumenical Primate Dr. Karl Rodig to Italy in May 2019:
-Rome to the Grave of St. Peter.
-Pastoral Visit to our Metropolitan Archdiocese of Italy with her See in Licata, Sicily under the Leadership of H. E. Archbishop Agostino Caro. Looking very much forward to meeting you all!
We congratulate Rev. Mother Rafaela for her ordination to the Priesthood.
She is the first women priest in our ECCC! We are very happy and give thanks to God for the gift received in her! In the Name of Mary Magdalene, many blessings upon you!
Plans are considered to find a new Worldwide Headquarter for the ECCC. I am in contact with different realtors! The idea is the expansion of our ECCC. Prayers needed! May God's will be done.
Ongoing search for and old Monastery/convent or Church in Europe. Our Nuncio for Southern Europe, Archbishop, H. E. Francisco Bauselles from Catalonia is also searching for it.
Bulgaria:Our Nuncio for Bulgaria, H. E. Archbishop Hristo is receiving new members into our church from Hungary and other countries who show interest in our ECCC. Thank you for all your good Work!
Cathedral of St. Anthony in Detroit enjoys in the last few month a growing membership. We praise God for the Grace we receive.
Ecumenical Primates Dr. Karl Rodig plans Pastoral Visits to India, to Costa Rica Central America, and to Colombia, and God willing Peru.
2020 planning for the Synod is still in the works.
Please work all on the recommendations in the pastoral letter from December 2018.
Thank you all for your service in the Lord!Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo!
¡La paz sea con todos ustedes! Con este saludo de Pascua de Cristo resucitado a sus apóstoles y seguidores, ¡lo saludo en esta más santa de las estaciones santas!Hemos caminado con Jesús a través de la temporada de Cuaresma experimentando su cercanía con Dios y enseñando a sus seguidores. Hemos llegado a la Pascua. Lo que aprendemos de aquí es nuestro encuentro con el Señor resucitado. Quiero compartir con ustedes una carta que nuestro vicario general de Sri Lanka me envió de parte de Henry Y. A. Nouwen. Es un buen reflejo para todos nosotros.Jesús hace que nuestro yo más profundo sea conocido"Nuestro corazón está en el centro de nuestro ser humano. Allí nuestros pensamientos más profundos, intuiciones, emociones y decisiones encuentran su origen. Pero también es allí donde a menudo estamos más alejados de nosotros mismos. Sabemos poco o nada de nuestro propio corazón. Nos mantenemos alejados, como si le tuviéramos miedo. Lo que es más íntimo también es lo que más nos asusta. Donde más somos nosotros mismos, a menudo somos extraños para nosotros mismos. Esa es la parte dolorosa de nuestro ser humano. conocemos nuestro centro oculto, y así vivimos y morimos a menudo sin saber quiénes somos realmente. Si nos preguntamos por qué pensamos, sentimos y actuamos de tal o cual manera, a menudo no tenemos una respuesta, por lo que demostramos ser extraños en nuestra propia casaEl misterio de la vida espiritual es que Jesús desea encontrarse con nosotros en la reclusión de nuestro propio corazón, darnos a conocer su amor allí, liberarnos de nuestros miedos y darnos a conocer nuestro ser más profundo. Por lo tanto, en la intimidad de nuestro corazón, podemos aprender no solo a conocer a Jesús sino también, a través de Jesús, a nosotros mismos ".¡Deseándoles a todos un bendito y feliz Pascua!Que todos son mas cerca al corazón de Jesús, que es el Corazón de Dios.
Asia India:
Primer sínodo en la India en abril de 2019: Nuestro Nuncio para Asia, H. E. Dr. Sunny Alappat con el Clero, estaba contemplando el crecimiento espiritual y el desarrollo del ICEC en la India. El arzobispo Sunny y sus 12 sacerdotes actuales están trabajando con nuestro Manifiesto de la Iglesia y su relevancia para la cultura india, y con una Visión de Ecumenismo, Evangelización y Unidad de Iglesias en la India. ¡Gracias a todos en nuestra Iglesia en la India por su compromiso y renovación en el Espíritu Santo!
América latina:
Costa Rica: nuestro nuncio apostólico para América Latina, H. E. Sebastian Pla trabaja con las diferentes regiones para el crecimiento de la ECCC y fortalece a la iglesia a través de su guía. ¡Gracias por todos los sacrificios!
H. E. El arzobispo Dom Lucas ha completado el campanario de su catedral en Mina Jerais. ¡Está disfrutando de una membresía creciente con su iglesia y hermanos obispos en Brasil! ¡Gracias!
Colombia: ¡Nuestros obispos y clérigos trabajan en varios lugares con proyectos para los pobres y construyen más misiones! ¡Gracias por su celoso trabajo para el pueblo de Dios!
Perú: Nuestros obispos y clérigos están llegando a nuevas comunidades para promover las necesidades espirituales de tantos. Muchas gracias hermanos!
Ecuador: La iglesia está creciendo! ¡Gracias a todos por todos en su espíritu ecuménico!
Kenia: Nuestro Nuncio para África en Kenia, H. E. El Arzobispo Godfrey Siundu ha ampliado las misiones en Kenia y ha recibido nuevos miembros para la ICEC, incluidas las ordenaciones.
República Democrática del Congo: Damos la bienvenida de todo corazón a la Nueva Orden de San Francisco y Santa Clara, con su creciente membresía bajo el liderazgo de la Reverenda Damas Mukumba. ¡Gracias a todos por su amor y dedicación a la Obra de Cristo!
Nigeria: el Sr. Joseph Goru está en diaologo con nuestro Nuncio para África, ya que muestra interés en el ICEC. Hay más personas en África que ahora están en diálogo con nuestro Nuntio para unirse a la ICEC.
Europa:Italia:Visita apostólica del primate ecuménico Dr. Karl Rodig a Italia en mayo de 2019:-Roma a la tumba de San Pedro. -Visita pastoral a nuestra Arquidiócesis Metropolitana con su Sede en Licata, Sicilly bajo el liderazgo de H. E. Arzobispo Agostino Caro. ¡Estoy ansioso por conocerlos a todos!Felicitamos a la Reverendo Madre Rafaela por su ordenación al Sacerdocio. ¡Es la primera mujer sacerdote en nuestro ECCC! ¡Estamos muy felices y damos gracias a Dios por el don recibido en ella! ¡En el nombre de María Magdalena, muchas bendiciones para ti!Somos considerando los planes de una nueva Santa Sede Mundial para la ICEC. Estoy en contacto con diferentes agentes inmobiliarios! La idea es la expansión de nuestra ICEC. Oraciones necesarias! Que se haga la voluntad de Dios.Búsqueda en curso y antiguo monasterio / convento o iglesia en Europa. Nuestro Nuncio para el sur de Europa, el arzobispo, H. E. Francisco Bauselles de Cataluña también lo está buscando.Bulgaria:Nuestro Nuncio para Bulgaria, H. E. El Arzobispo Hristo está recibiendo nuevos miembros en nuestra iglesia de Hungría y otros países que muestran interés en nuestra ECCC. ¡Gracias por todo tu buen trabajo!ESTADOS UNIDOS:Michigan: La Catedral de San Antonio en Detroit disfruta en los últimos meses de una membresía creciente. Alabamos a Dios por la gracia que recibimos.2020Primates ecuménicos El Dr. Karl Rodig planea visitas pastorales a India, a Costa Rica, a América Central, a Colombia y Dios quiere al Perú.La planificación de 2020 para el Sínodo todavía está en las obras.Por favor, trabajen con las recomendaciones de la carta pastoral de diciembre de 2018.¡Gracias a todos por su servicio en el Señor!
Hodie, Christus Natus est, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Pax Hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Gloria in Exelsis Deo!
Merry Christmas!
Peace and Joy to you beloved brothers and sisters or of our Worldwide ECCC!
Wishing you all a very blessed and joyous Christmas Season, Health and Peace in A. D. 2019
As we celebrate this Holy Days of Christmas, we are reminded what His birth means to us and the whole world. We not only celebrate His Birth over 2 thousand years ago, we also being reminded of Christ living among us, and that He will come again in Glory to take us all home.
As Christians we are aware that our spiritual journey on this earth is dependent on our relationship with Christ. As we walk with Christ in our midst, we need to keep focused on Him and realize more and more why it makes a difference to follow His commandment of Loving God and our Neighbor. The world with all its glamour is trying to convince us otherwise, i.e., making us believe that there is no God. Yes, for many it has become the answer in modern times: to live only the way one wants, and see all the bad things of today's world be part of a lesser necessity, because it seems to be so much easier. Wars, scandals, natural disasters, famines, or a family tragedy, etc. becomes the new justification for ones own way of a life without God.
But what really will come out of such a lifestyle?
We see it everywhere, a world of bulling, a world of more greed and the devastating consequences it entails, carelessness in all its evil forms, including the pollution of the worlds oceans, the denial of Global warming, the deforestations of the world's vital rain forests, the drug epidemics and all kinds of addictions, robberies, murders, and the list goes on...
Yet, all of this cries out for wanting us to live in a better world that has Love as the moral foundation, and to see families and communities who show more care and respect for each other, yes for all of God's people. We experiencing almost daily how much societies have been divided and how many people are being treated with hate and disrespect. Immigrants are being treated as enemies, living in abhorrent conditions, children separated from their parents. We forget that Jesus and his family were refugees fleeing the brutal hands of the Ruler Herod...
Christmas is a stark reminder to see the world through the eyes of Jesus: in his innocence of a baby -his entire life a peacemaker -welcoming all who seek Wholeness again -finding healing in life's afflictions -restoring God's will among us. We need again this awareness that we are only one human race, and that we are only guests on this earth, and knowing that we are only stewards of God's creation. We need each other. Only God's Word of Life and Grace can bring healing restoring our lives and communities.
Let us be such a renewed people that live this message of Joy to the world and Peace to all people of good will. Let us give testimony for HIS Good NEWS. We are able to do it, because Jesus went before us and showed us the need for change in our life.
May we all find a new way to the Heart of God that, our Father and Mother that is pouring out so much love that we are just taken by it.
Thank you all for your love for Jesus and the good work of our worldwide Church!
Wishing you, your families and all in your care: this kind and pure Love that comes out of the manger in Bethlehem, that innocent life that came in our midst so we can live With Him and Through Him and in Him.
With my Prayers and benedictions,
ECCC Announcement:
We announcing for 2020: Our Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ World Synod.
An Apostolic Letter will be sent out to our Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Laity that will plan the Details for this historic event.
We asking you all for your prayers for this celebration of our faith!
We welcome also our new priests in our worldwide missions, the ECCC is growing through the Grace of God!
¡Paz, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo!
Les deseamos a todos una muy feliz
y feliz temporada navideña,
Salud y paz en A. D. 2019
Mientras celebramos estos Días Santos de Navidad, se nos recuerda lo que significa su nacimiento para nosotros y para el mundo entero. No solo celebramos Su nacimiento hace más de 2 mil años, también se nos recuerda que Cristo vive entre nosotros y que Él vendrá nuevamente en Gloria para llevarnos a todos a casa.
Como cristianos somos conscientes de que nuestro viaje espiritual en esta tierra depende de nuestra relación con Cristo. Mientras caminamos con Cristo en medio de nosotros, debemos mantenernos enfocados en Él y darnos cuenta cada vez más de por qué es importante seguir Su mandamiento de amar a Dios y a nuestro prójimo. El mundo con todo su glamour está tratando de convencernos de lo contrario, es decir, haciéndonos creer que no hay Dios. Sí, para muchos se ha convertido en la respuesta en los tiempos modernos: vivir solo de la manera que uno quiere y ver todas las cosas malas del mundo de hoy como parte de una necesidad menor, porque parece ser mucho más fácil. Las guerras, los escándalos, los desastres naturales, las hambrunas, una tragedia familiar, etc., se convierten en la nueva justificación de nuestra propia vida sin Dios.
¿Pero qué realmente saldrá de tal estilo de vida?
Lo vemos en todas partes, un mundo de bulling, un mundo de más codicia y las consecuencias devastadoras que conlleva, el descuido en todas sus formas malignas, incluida la contaminación de los océanos del mundo, la negación del calentamiento global, las deforestaciones de la lluvia vital del mundo. Los bosques, las epidemias de drogas y todo tipo de adicciones, robos, asesinatos, y la lista continúa ...
Sin embargo, todo esto clama por querer que vivamos en un mundo mejor que tenga el Amor como la base moral, y que veamos a las familias y comunidades que muestran más cuidado y respeto por los demás, sí para todo el pueblo de Dios. Experimentamos casi a diario la cantidad de sociedades que se han dividido y la cantidad de personas que son tratadas con odio y falta de respeto. Los inmigrantes son tratados como enemigos, viven en condiciones abominables, los niños separados de sus padres. Olvidamos que Jesús y su familia eran refugiados que huían de las manos brutales del gobernante Herodes ...
La Navidad es un claro recordatorio para ver el mundo a través de los ojos de Jesús: en su inocencia de un bebé, toda su vida, un pacificador, que acogerá a todos los que buscan nuevamente la totalidad, encontrar curación en las aflicciones de la vida, restablecer la voluntad de Dios entre nosotros. Necesitamos nuevamente esta conciencia de que somos solo una raza humana, y que solo somos invitados en esta tierra, y sabiendo que solo somos administradores de la creación de Dios. Nos necesitamos el uno al otro. Solo la Palabra de Dios de Vida y Gracia puede traer sanidad restaurando nuestras vidas y comunidades.
Seamos un pueblo tan renovado que viva este mensaje de Alegría para el mundo y Paz para todas las personas de buena voluntad. Demos testimonio de sus buenas noticias. Podemos hacerlo, porque Jesús fue antes que nosotros y nos mostró la necesidad de un cambio en nuestra vida.
Que todos podamos encontrar un nuevo camino hacia el Corazón de Dios que, nuestro Padre y nuestra Madre, está derramando tanto amor que simplemente nos dejamos llevar por él.
¡Gracias a todos por su amor a Jesús y al buen trabajo de nuestra Iglesia mundial!
Les deseamos a ustedes, a sus familias y a todos a su cuidado: este amor amable y puro que sale del pesebre en Belén, esa vida inocente que vino en medio de nosotros para que podamos vivir con Él y por medio de Él y en Él.
Con mis oraciones y bendiciones,
Anuncio de la ECCC:
Es con gran alegría anunciar para 2020:
Nuestra Iglesia Ecuménica Católica de Cristo Sínodo Mundial.
Se enviará una carta apostólica a nuestros arzobispos, obispos, sacerdotes, diáconos y laicos que planearán los detalles para este evento histórico.
¡Les pedimos a todos por sus oraciones por esta celebración de nuestra fe!
También damos la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos sacerdotes en nuestras misiones mundiales, ¡El ECCC está creciendo a través de la Gracia de Dios!
Pace, fratelli e sorelle in Cristo!
Augurandovi tutti Bon Natale
molto Benedetta e Gioiosa,
Salute e Pace in A. D. 2019
Mentre celebriamo questo santo giorno di Natale, ci viene ricordato ciò che la sua nascita significa per noi e per il mondo intero. Non celebriamo solo la sua nascita oltre 2 mila anni fa, ci viene anche ricordato che Cristo vive in mezzo a noi e che ritornerà in gloria per portarci tutti a casa.
Come cristiani siamo consapevoli che il nostro cammino spirituale su questa terra dipende dalla nostra relazione con Cristo. Mentre camminiamo con Cristo in mezzo a noi, dobbiamo concentrarci su di Lui e realizzare sempre di più perché fa la differenza seguire il Suo comandamento di Dio amorevole e il nostro prossimo. Il mondo con tutto il suo fascino sta cercando di convincerci del contrario, cioè, facendoci credere che non c'è Dio. Sì, per molti è diventata la risposta nei tempi moderni: vivere solo come si vuole e vedere tutte le cose cattive del mondo di oggi essere parte di una necessità minore, perché sembra essere molto più facile. Guerre, scandali, disastri naturali, carestie o tragedia familiare, ecc. Diventano la nuova giustificazione per il proprio modo di vivere senza Dio.
Ma cosa uscirà davvero da un simile stile di vita?
Lo vediamo dappertutto, un mondo di bulling, un mondo di più avidità e le conseguenze devastanti che comporta, l'incuria in tutte le sue forme malvagie, compreso l'inquinamento degli oceani del mondo, la negazione del riscaldamento globale, la deforestazione della pioggia vitale mondiale le foreste, le epidemie di droga e tutti i tipi di dipendenze, rapine, omicidi e la lista continua ...
Eppure, tutto questo grida per volere che noi viviamo in un mondo migliore che ha l'Amore come fondamento morale e per vedere famiglie e comunità che mostrano più cura e rispetto l'uno per l'altro, sì per tutto il popolo di Dio. Sperimentiamo quasi ogni giorno quante società sono state divise e quante persone vengono trattate con odio e mancanza di rispetto. Gli immigrati vengono trattati come nemici, vivono in condizioni aberrate, bambini separati dai loro genitori. Dimentichiamo che Gesù e la sua famiglia erano profughi in fuga dalle mani brutali del Sovrano Erode ...
Il Natale è un forte promemoria per vedere il mondo attraverso gli occhi di Gesù: nella sua innocenza di un bambino - tutta la sua vita un pacificatore - accogliere tutti coloro che cercano di nuovo l'integrità - che guarisce nelle afflizioni della vita - ristabilendo la volontà di Dio tra noi. Abbiamo bisogno ancora una volta di questa consapevolezza che siamo solo una razza umana, e che siamo solo ospiti su questa terra, e sapendo che siamo solo amministratori della creazione di Dio. Noi abbiamo bisogno l'uno dell'altro. Solo la Parola di Vita e di Grazia di Dio può portare guarigione che ripristina le nostre vite e comunità.
Diventiamo un popolo così rinnovato che viva questo messaggio di Gioia al mondo e pace a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà. Diamo testimonianza per le Sue buone NOTIZIE. Siamo in grado di farlo, perché Gesù ci ha preceduto e ci ha mostrato la necessità di un cambiamento nella nostra vita.
Possano tutti noi trovare una nuova via per il Cuore di Dio che, nostro Padre e nostra Madre, riversa così tanto amore che siamo semplicemente presi da esso.
Grazie a tutti per il vostro amore per Gesù e per il buon lavoro della nostra Chiesa mondiale!
Augurando Voi, le tue famiglie e tutto ciò che ti sta a cuore: questo amore gentile e puro che esce dalla mangiatoia di Betlemme, quella vita innocente che è venuta in mezzo a noi per vivere con Lui, per Lui e in Lui.
Con le mie preghiere e le mie benedizioni,
Il Suo,
Annuncio ECCC:
È con Grande Gioa annunciare per il 2020:
La nostra Chiesa Ecumenica Cattolica di Cristo Sinodo Mondiale.
Una Lettera Apostolica sarà inviata ai nostri Arcivescovi, Vescovi, Sacerdoti, Diaconi e Laici che pianificheranno i Dettagli per questo evento storico.
Chiediamo a tutti voi le vostre preghiere per questa celebrazione della nostra fede!
Diamo il benvenuto anche ai nostri nuovi sacerdoti nelle nostre missioni in tutto il mondo, La Chiesa Ecumenica Cattolica de Cristo sta crescendo attraverso la Grazia di Dio!
July 12, St. John Gaulbert, A. D. 2018
Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ! Sending you all Greetings and Blessings from our Cathedral of St. Anthony in Detroit!It is good to write to you about the good things that have happened in the last few month since I last wrote to you. As some already know, we had a little Synod in our Cathedral with our bishops from the Western Region of the USA. Our task was to read and reflect on our Church Manifesto. It is our guide of why we are here as an Ecumenical Catholic Church. A couple points that shall highlight this are: -Active ecumenical outreach with other denomination is fruitful as it shows our desire of Unity in Christ. This means respectand understanding of other traditions that have evolved over the centuries and the past decades. Unity is not conformity. Unity is the joint focus on Christ through prayer and dialog as we appreciate the diversity among us as complementary and not as an obstacle. This includes also that we work together on issues of social justice and peace efforts in our societies. Yes, this can be very practical, like serving together the poor, attending meetings that address the need for change in society, etc. -We are also called to working with those in other denominations who are willing to see the common understanding about Evangelization in a world that is drifting away from Christ. As many of us have experienced that even in the Roman Catholic Church we have many dear friends who love our Manifesto and our Churches' active involvement for helping those in need, those who have been marginalized, and to speak with a common voice against injustice and corruption in our societies. Those who do not like us will always be out there, and it is just a sign that even Jesus experienced when he returned to his hometown of Nazareth and found rejection. (Mark 6,1-6) It shall never discourage us but strengthen our unbreakable faith in God who is all in all and above all.-We are aware that we always shall live in the spirit of genuine brother and sisterhood in a time when selfishness and arrogance are on the march.-Our worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ is not here to replace other major denominations, but to built bridges and offer places where people can meet without fear and live in the Spirit of the early Church communities.I encourage you all: gather in your communities with your local bishop of the ECCC, or if you have not a bishop, with your local vicar General and clergy and read (or re-read) the Manifesto of our Church, reflect and use it as a helpful tool to serve in you local churches and beyond.It is paramount to know your own church before reaching out to others who are interested in our ECCC, or seek dialog with you representing our Church. Thank you all for your commitment and your love for Christ and our worldwide Church Communion! I have attached the Spanish Version of our Church Manifesto, so you can share and use it for your gatherings. The English Version you can find on our Websites. As the PDF version has too many MBs, it is not possible to send it. Any further documents of the ECCC you can also find on our international and local website of the ECCC. If you need to translate the Manifesto in to your local language, I give you hereby permission to do so.
ECCC NEWS:On the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, A. D. 2018, by Apostolic Decree:-We have elevated Bishop Dr. Sunny Alappat to the Metropoblitan Archbishop for India.We have also conferred the Office of Nuncio for Asia. He will serve the Ecumenical Primate for the ECCC throughout Asia, promoting and expanding our Church. We wish him in his new office the continuous support of the local priests and the people of God. -We have elevated bishop Agostino Caro in Sicily to the Metropolitan Archbishop for Italy. -On behalf of the Ecumenical Primate, our Nuncio for Eastern Europe, H. E. Archbishop Hristo Pissarov is working on a Concordat with the Catholic Russian Orthodox Church. We shall sign it soon. Prayers and blessings for this Historic Moment! Nuncios covering the entire Globe: For Latin America: H. E. Archbishop Sebastian Pla from Costa Rica -For Eastern and Northern Europe, including, the Balkan, Russia, the Ukraine, Georgia, and the former Soviet Republics: H. E. Archbishop Hristo Pissarov in Bulgaria-For Southern Europe, including France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta and the Spanish Islands: H. E. Archbishop Agostino Caro, Italy.-For the African Continent, H. E. Archbishop Godfrey Siundu.-For all of Asia: H. E. Archbishop Dr. Sunny Alappat from India. The Ecumenical Primate will work in close consultation with the Nuncios as they will report (including updates on the local dioceses) and consult with him on major Church issues. Thanking all of you for your service! Let us always be reminded that we shall resemble "the heavenly city, where truth reigns and charity is the law, and whose existence is eternity." From our Manifesto, (St. Augustine Epistle 138,3)With my prayers and apostolic benedictions,+Karl Pace, fratelli e sorelle in Cristo! Vi invio i saluti e le benedizioni dalla nostra cattedrale di Sant'Antonio a Detroit!È bello scrivervi delle cose belle che sono successe negli ultimi mesi da quando vi ho scritto l'ultima volta.Come alcuni già sanno, abbiamo avuto un piccolo sinodo nella nostra cattedrale con i nostri vescovi della regione occidentale degli Stati Uniti. Il nostro compito era di leggere e riflettere sul nostro Manifesto della Chiesa. È la nostra guida del perché siamo qui come Chiesa cattolica ecumenica. Un paio di punti che devono essere evidenziati sono:‐L'azione ecumenica attiva con altre denominazioni è fruttuosa poiché mostra il nostro desiderio di unità in Cristo. Ciò significa rispetto e comprensione delle altre tradizioni che si sono evolute nel corso dei secoli e dei decenni passati. L'unità non è conformità. L'unità è l'obiettivo comune di Cristo attraverso la preghiera e il dialogo, poiché apprezziamo la diversità tra noi come complementare e non come un ostacolo. Ciò include anche il fatto che lavoriamo insieme sulle questioni di giustizia sociale e sugli sforzi per pace nelle nostre società. Sì, questo può essere molto pratico, come servire insieme i poveri, partecipare a riunioni che affrontano il bisogno di cambiamento nella società, ecc.‐Siamo anche chiamati a lavorare con le altre denominazioni che sono disposte a vedere la comune comprensione dell'Evangelizzazione in un mondo che si sta allontanando da Cristo. Come molti di noi hanno sperimentato anche nella Chiesa Cattolica Romana abbiamo molti cari amici che amano il nostro coinvolgimento nell’aiutare chi è nel bisogno, coloro che sono stati emarginati e che parliamo con una voce comune contro l'ingiustizia e la corruzione nelle nostre società. Coloro che non ci amano saranno sempre là fuori, ed è solo un segno che anche Gesù ha provato quando è tornato nella sua città natale di Nazareth e ha trovato il rifiuto. (Marco 6,1‐6) Non ci scoraggerà mai, ma rafforzerà la nostra fede indissolubile in Dio che è tutto in tutti e al di sopra di tutto.‐Siamo consapevoli che vivremo sempre nello spirito di un’autentica fratellanza in un momento in cui egoismo e arroganza sono in auge.‐La nostra Chiesa ecumenica di Cristo in tutto il mondo non è per sostituire altre grandi denominazioni, ma per costruire ponti e offrire luoghi dove le persone possano incontrarsi senza paura e vivere nello Spirito delle prime comunità ecclesiali.Vi incoraggio tutti: radunatevi nelle vostre comunità con il vostro vescovo locale dell'ECCC, o se non avete un vescovo, con il vostro vicario generale e clero locale e leggete (o rileggete) il Manifesto della nostra Chiesa, riflettete e usatelo come uno strumento utile per servire le chiese locali e oltre.È fondamentale conoscere la propria chiesa prima di contattare tutti coloro che sono interessati alla nostra ECCC o che cercano un dialogo con chi rappresenta la nostra Chiesa.Grazie a tutti per il vostro impegno e il vostro amore per Cristo e per la nostra comunione ecclesiale mondiale! NOTIZIE DELL'ECCC:Nella solennità di San Pietro e San Paolo, A. D. 2018, con decreto apostolico: ‐Abbiamo elevato il vescovo Dr. Sunny Alappat Arcivescovo Metropolitano per l'India. Abbiamo anche conferito l'Ufficio di Nunzio per l'Asia. Servirà il Primate ecumenico per l'ECCC in tutta l'Asia, promuovendo e ampliando la nostra Chiesa. Gli auguriamo nel suo nuovo ufficio il supporto continuo dei sacerdoti locali e del popolo di Dio.‐Abbiamo elevato il vescovo Agostino De Caro in Sicilia Arcivescovo metropolita per l'Italia. Il nostro Nunzio per l'Europa del Sud, l'arcivescovo Francisco Adillon, mi ha rappresentato per questa gioiosa occasione. Auguriamo all'Arcivescovo Agostino e a tutti i suoi cari nella nostra Chiesa in Italia molti anni fruttuosi nella vigna del Signore. Lavorerà anche come segretario del Nunzio per l'Europa meridionale.‐ A nome del Primate ecumenico, il nostro nunzio per l'Europa orientale, H. E. Arcivescovo Hristo Pissarov sta lavorando a un Concordato con la Chiesa cattolica ortodossa russa. Lo firmeremo presto. Preghiere e benedizioni per questo momento storico!Abbiamo nunzi che coprono l'intero globo: Per l'America Latina: H.E. Arcivescovo Sebastian Pla dalla Costa Rica‐Per l'Europa orientale e settentrionale, compresi i Balcani, la Russia, l'Ucraina, la Georgia e il ex repubbliche sovietiche: H. E. Arcivescovo Hristo Pissarov in Bulgaria‐Per tutta l'Asia: H. E. Arcivescovo Dr. Sunny Alappat dall'India. ‐Per il continente africano, H. E. Arcivescovo Godfrey Siundu. Il Primate ecumenico lavorerà in stretta consultazione con i Nunzi che riferiranno (compresi gli aggiornamenti sulle diocesi locali) e si consulteranno con lui sulle principali questioni della Chiesa.Ringraziando tutti voi per il vostro servizio! Ricordiamoci sempre che assomiglieremo "alla città celeste, dove regna la verità e la carità è la legge, e la cui esistenza è l'eternità". Dal nostro Manifesto, (S. Agostino epistole138,3)Con le mie preghiere e le benedizioni apostoliche,+ Karl ¡ paz, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! ¡ enviándole todos los saludos y bendiciones de nuestra Catedral de St. Anthony en Detroit!Es bueno escribirles sobre las cosas buenas que han sucedido en los últimos meses desde la última vez que les escribí. Como algunos ya saben, tuvimos un pequeño Sínodo en nuestra catedral con nuestros obispos de la región occidental de los Estados Unidos. Nuestra tarea era leer y reflexionar sobre nuestro manifiesto de la iglesia. Es nuestra guía de por qué estamos aquí como una Iglesia Católica Ecuménica. Un par de puntos que se destacarán son: -el acercamiento ecuménico activo con otra denominación es fructífero, ya que muestra nuestro deseo de unidad en Cristo. Esto significa el respeto y la comprensión de otras tradiciones que han evolucionado a lo largo de los siglos y las últimas décadas. La unidad no es conformidad. La unidad es el enfoque conjunto de Cristo a través de la oración y el diálogo, ya que apreciamos la diversidad entre nosotros como complementaria y no como un obstáculo. Esto incluye también que trabajamos juntos en temas de justicia social y esfuerzos de paz en nuestras sociedades. Sí, esto puede ser muy práctico, como servir juntos a los pobres, asistiendo a reuniones que abordan la necesidad de cambio en la sociedad, etc. -También estamos llamados a trabajar con aquellos en otras denominaciones que están dispuestos a ver el entendimiento común acerca de la evangelización en un mundo que está alejándose de Cristo. Como muchos de nosotros hemos experimentado que incluso en la iglesia católica romana tenemos muchos queridos amigos que aman nuestro manifiesto y la participación activa de nuestras iglesias para ayudar a los necesitados, los que han sido marginados, y hablar con una voz común contra la injusticia y corrupción en nuestras sociedades. Los que no nos agradan siempre estarán ahí fuera, y es sólo una señal de que incluso Jesús experimentó cuando regresó a su ciudad natal de Nazaret y encontró rechazo. (Marcos 6, 1-6) Nunca nos desalentará, sino que fortalecerá nuestra inquebrantable fe en Dios, que está en todos y sobre todo. -Somos conscientes de que siempre viviremos en el espíritu de un hermano y una hermandad genuinos en un tiempo en que el egoísmo y la arrogancia están en la marcha. -nuestra iglesia ecuménica mundial católica de Cristo no está aquí para reemplazar otras grandes denominaciones, sino para construir puentes y ofrecer lugares donde la gente pueda reunirse sin miedo y vivir en el espíritu de las primeras comunidades de la iglesia. Os animo a todos: Reúnase en sus comunidades con su obispo local de la ECCC, o si usted no tiene un obispo, con su vicario general local y el clero y leer (o volver a leer) el manifiesto de nuestra iglesia, reflexionar y usarlo como una herramienta útil para servir en las iglesias locales un d más allá. Es primordial conocer su propia iglesia antes de llegar a otros que están interesados en nuestro ECCC, o buscar dialogo con usted representando a nuestra iglesia. ¡ Gracias a todos por su compromiso y su amor por Cristo y nuestra comunión de la iglesia en todo el mundo! He adjuntado la versión en Español de nuestro manifiesto de la iglesia, para que usted pueda compartir y usarlo para sus reuniones. La versión en inglés que puedes encontrar en nuestros sitios Web. Como la versión PDF tiene demasiados MBS, no es posible enviarla. Cualquier otro documento de la ECCC también se puede encontrar en nuestra página web internacional y local de la ECCC. Si necesita traducir el manifiesto a su idioma local, le doy permiso para hacerlo. ECCC noticias:En la solemnidad de San Pedro y San Pablo, A. D. 2018, y por decreto apostólico:-hemos elevado al Obispo Dr. Sunny Alappat al arzobispo Metropoblitan para la India.También hemos conferido la oficina del Nuncio para Asia. Él servirá al primado Ecuménico para el ECCC en toda Asia, promoviendo y expandiendo nuestra iglesia. Le deseamos en su nueva oficina el continuo apoyo de los sacerdotes locales y del pueblo de Dios.-hemos elevado a obispo Agostino caro en Sicilia al Arzobispo Metropolitano para Italia. Nuestro Nuncio para el sur de Europa, h. e. Mons. Francisco Bausells de España, me ha representado para esta alegre ocasión. Deseamos al arzobispo Agostino y a toda su amada en nuestra iglesia en Italia muchos años fructíferos en la Viña del Señor. También trabajará como Secretario del Nuncio para el sur de Europa. -En nombre del Primado Ecuménico, nuestro Nuncio para Europa del Este, S. E. Arzobispo Hristo Pissarov está trabajando en un Concordato con la Iglesia Católica Ortodoxa Rusa. Lo firmaremos pronto. Oraciones y bendiciones para este momento histórico! Tenemos Nuncios cubriendo todo el mundo:para América Latina: S. e. arzobispo Sebastián Plá de Costa Rica -para Europa del este y del norte, incluyendo, los Balcanes, Rusia, Ucrania, Georgia, y las repúblicas soviéticas anteriores: S. e. arzobispo Hristo Pissarov en Bulgaria-Para el Continente de Africa: S. E., Arzobispo Godfrey Siundu.-para toda Asia: S. E. arzobispo Dr. Sunny Alappat de la India.El primate ecuménico trabajará en estrecha consulta con los 5 nuncios, ya que reportarán (incluyendo actualizaciones sobre las diócesis locales) y consultarán con él sobre asuntos importantes de la iglesia. ¡ agradeciendo a todos ustedes por su servicio! Recordemos siempre que nos asemejaremos a "la ciudad celestial, donde reina la verdad y la caridad es la ley, y cuya existencia es la eternidad. " de nuestro manifiesto, (San Agustín epístola 138, 3)Con mis oraciones y bendiciones apostólicas, +Karl
Hodie, Christus Natus est, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Pax Hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Gloria in Exelsis Deo!
Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Peaceful New Year, 2018
Afrikaans:Geseënde Kersfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Albanian: Gëzuar Krishlindjet Vitin e Ri!
Arabic: ميلاد مجيد
Armenian: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Soorp Janunt
Basque: Eguberri eta Urte Berri zoriontsua
Esturian: Bones Navidaes & Gayoleru anu nuevu!
Belgium: Zalige Kertfeest
Bulgaria: Весела Коледа и Честита и благословена Нова година
Catalán: Bon Nadal i feliç any nou!
Chinese: 聖誕快樂,新年快樂
Croatia: Sretan Bozic
Danmark: Glædelig Jul og godt nytår
English: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon & Bonan Novjaron
Estonian: Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi ja Head uut aastat
Finland: Hauskaa JouluaFrance: Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
France: Joyeux Noël et bonne année
Galic: Nadolig Llawen Gallego: Bon Nadal e Bo Ani Novo
Georgian: გილოცავთ შობა-ახალ წელს
Germany: Fröhliche und Gesegnete Weihnachten, ein Gesundes und Friedvolles Neues Jahr.
The Netherlands: Hartelijke Kerstroeten
Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hauʻoli Makahiki HouHebrew: חג מולד שמח
Hindi: क्रिसमस और नया साल मुबारक हो
Hungary: Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és Boldog újévet!
Greek: Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
Indonesia: Selamat Hari Natal & Selamat Tahun Baru
Irland: (Gaelic)Nollaig shona duit. Bliain úr faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit
Italy: Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Japan: メリークリスマス
Latin: Pax Hominibus bonae voluntatis Lituania: Linksmu Kaledu ir laimingu Nauju metu Luxemburg: Schéi Krëschtdeeg an e Schéint Néi Joer Malaysia: Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru Maori: Meri Kirihimete Norway: Gledelig Jul
Pashto: کریسمس او نوی کال مو نیکمرغه Philippines: (Tagalog): Maligayang PaskoPoland: Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!Portugal: Boas Festas e um Feliz Ano NovoRomania: Craciun fericit si un An Nou fericit! Russian: веселого Рождества и счастливого Нового года s Rozjdyestvom i s Novym Godom!Samoan: Manuia le Kerisimasi, ma le Tausaga FouSerbia: Hristos se rodi Slowenia: Vesel božič in srečno novo letoSomalia: ciid wanaagsan iyo sanad cusub oo fiican. Spain: Feliz Navidadl! Feliz Año Nuevo! Que Cristo La Luz del Mundo sea presente in sus corazones por siempre!Sri Lanka: Subha Nattalak Veva Swahili: Krismasi nzuri na Mwaka Mpya Mpya na FurahaSweden: God Jul och Gott Nytt ÅrTahiti: La ora i te Noere e ia ora na i te matahiti 'aTamil:Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal
Turkey: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun Valencia: Bon Nadal i feliç any nou
Thai - Suk san wan-krit-maat lae sa-wat-dee bpee mai
Turkish - Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun; Yeni Yilnizi Kutar, saadetler dilerim
Ukrainian - Srozhdestvom Kristovym
Vietnamese - Mung Le Giang Sinh. Cung Chuc Tan Nien
Welsh - Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
On this Holy Feast of the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, I wish you, your families, and all who are in your care, a very blessed Celebration, and our best Wishes for a Peaceful, and Healthy New Year!!
We celebrate with deep Joy this solemn Season because we have reflected and meditated throughout Advent the meaning of Christ's entering in our World. Every Year, we are waiting with a deep sense of longing for His coming among us. Christmas is not about having a good time and expecting our material gifts from each other (they are rather just be a little sign of mutual appreciation for each other). Yet, a deeper happening is to celebrate: Christ is born for each one of us to save our lives and to lift up our souls to God! Christ's birth is not a far and past event we remember as we remember our own birthdays..., it is the greatest happening in our humanity, a new beginning in time, a new focus on our salvation history, heaven meets earth, the divine meets us, God declares HIS last and everlasting covenant for us!
That's why this is not just a sweet "jingle bell", but the most serious and eye-opening Gift that God ever has shown for us in History!
God's Love which we never can ever grasp in its entirety, comes to us in the Incarnation of HIS only begotten Son! What joy is this that we cannot describe, what Grace is this that our Souls encounter anew, what care does God show for us so everlasting.
Today's world is driven by greed, injustice, the rise of new dictators, the grab of power by those who want to enrich themselves, and adding more to the rich, governing by deceit -using false pretense of helping the poor; furthermore thinking that the environment -God's creation- can be exploited, adding to the global warming at the cost of the health and safety of future generations; then the abandonment of providing everyone in society access to decent health care; the new oppression of people by fanatics, including a new way of slavery as humans being sold again (like in Libya) on the markets.
The threat of war that is ever more looming through the selfish behavior of leaders who have become blind to the value of the human dignity.
Yes, in this world of ours, the Newborn King is rising above all the daily horror and madness that we facing throughout the world. It is Christ, the Savior, that also has to be born into our hearts and minds in order to live as children of God, and to give witness to the Good News of the Gospel heading His words: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring glad tidings to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19
And to those who are rich and oppress, exploit, deceit, and live by greed and selfish behavior, these words shall be said:
“But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.
Woe to you who are well fed now ,for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets."
Luke 6:24-26
"Your iniquities have turned these away, and your sins have kept good from you. For wicked men are found among my people; they lurk like fowlers lying in wait. They set a trap; they catch men. Like a cage full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; therefore they have become great and rich; they have grown fat and sleek. They know no bounds in deeds of evil; they judge not with justice the cause of the fatherless, to make it prosper, and they do not defend the rights of the needy. Shall I not punish them for these things? declares the Lord, and shall I not avenge myself on a nation such as this?”
Jeremiah 5:25-29
"May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor!" PS 72:4
Christmas is about true Love, and the encouraging Hope for Justice that God cares here and now for His people. Christmas is about Course correction of our Lives, turning our hearts back to God, "For God so loved the World that HE gave the only begotten Son, so that everyone believing in Him should not perish, but should have eternal life." John 3:16
May this, our true King, Christ Jesus, born in Bethlehem in a cold and poor stable, and who died as our Savior on the Cross, -condemned by a greedy and power hungry world, be your Lord for ever and ever! Hallelujah!
Thank you all for your service in Christ!
With my Prayers and Apostolic Benedictions,
ECCC Church News:
St. Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies.
We welcome the Faculty members of our New Online Seminary,
"St. Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies"!
We thank their tireless leaders, Fr. Tom Roberts, Ph.D., and Director, Sr.
Gary A. Staszak, M.A., C.A.S.
, including all the Faculty members. The Website will be up and running soon.
We also have an advisory board who will be consulters to the House of Studies: so far we have Archbishop Godfrey, Kenya; Bishop Marc, USA; Vicar General, Fr. Nicholas, Sri Lanka. I hope we can add a few more consulters to advise the Faculty.
"St Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies" is designed to help those who prepare themselves for the ministry around the world in the ECCC, and also from other church denominations. It also gives courses for people from the Laity who would like to advance in their biblical and theological education as teachers, and for private enrichment.
We encourage you all to help those who are interested to be able to enroll in the student programs. At this moment we have the Seminary on line in English, but we hop that we will have it also in Spanish in the near future!
Ordinations and Incardinations:
-Incardination: Archbishop Tony Scuderi, Ph. D.,
Fr. Tom Roberts, Ph. D. USA
-The Ordinations
of our new Priests of the Archdiocese in Costa Rica, and our diocese in Colombia. Ordination to the Diaconate of Rev. Pedro, Hawaii.
: Expansion of pastoral programs in India under the Leadership of Bishop Sunny and his priests!
-Kenya: Expansion of the orphanage and schools in Kenya!
Pakistan: increase work for the poor.
-The Philippines: Expansion of pastoral services, prayer groups, and construction of a local seminary of formation
-Ukraine: Active Ecumenical dialogue and relations with the Lutheran Church and other denominations.
-Russia: Active Ecumenical relations with other Orthodox Churches.
-Brazil: Completion of the construction of the Cathedral of Dom Lucas, congratulations!
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: En esta santa fiesta del nacimiento de Jesucristo, nuestro Salvador, quiero desearles a ustedes, a sus familiares y a todos aquellos bajo su protección y cuidado, una celebración rica en bendiciones. ¡Les deseo lo mejor, paz y salud, en este Año Nuevo! Después de haber meditado y reflexionado sobre el significado de la entrada de Cristo al mundo, durante el adviento, celebramos con gran alegría esta solemnidad. Todos los años esperamos con grandes ansias su venida gloriosa entre nosotros. La navidad no esperar regalos y pasarla bien (aunque los regalos son signos de nuestro amor fraterno); sino que es celebrar su verdadero sentido: Cristo nace por ti y por mí, para salvar nuestras vidas y elevarnos a Dios. El nacimiento de Cristo no es un evento distante en el pasado, como lo es celebrar nuestros cumpleaños, sino que su nacimiento es el mayor evento que acontece en nuestra humanidad; es un nuevo comienzo en nuestro tiempo; un nuevo enfoque en la historia de la salvación: el cielo y la tierra se encuentran, lo divino se hace uno con nosotros; Dios declara para siempre su último convenio. Es por eso que no se trata de un lindo “cascabel, cascabel, suena el cascabel”, sino del regalo más sagrado que Dios nos haya mostrado en nuestra historia, que nos abre los ojos a su realidad. El amor de Dios, que no se puede entender en su totalidad, viene a nosotros en la encarnación de su hijo unigénito. ¡Qué júbilo inefable! ¡Qué gracia tan virgen que nos toca el alma! ¡Qué eterno y tierno cuidado el que nos da Dios! El mundo de hoy es dominado por la codicia, la injusticia, el avenimiento de nuevos dictadores y el deseo de poder de aquellos que buscan enriquecerse y enriquecer a los ricos. Gobiernan con la mentira y se esconden bajo el pretexto de ayudar a los pobres; en realidad solo saben explotar el medio ambiente, la creación de Dios, y acelerar el calentamiento global; sin importarles la salud y la seguridad de las generaciones futuras. Han abandonado la misión para el cuidado de la salud en nuestra sociedad. Son fanáticos y buscan oprimir al pueblo. Han creado una nueva esclavitud en el mundo: la del ser humano que se vende en el mercado para ganancia de los ricos, como en Libia. La amenaza de la guerra, que se escucha cada día más, es alimentada por el comportamiento de esos líderes egoístas y ciegos que ignoran el valor de la dignidad humana. Así es este mundo nuestro, donde nace Cristo. El Rey, recién nacido, se eleva por encima de todas esas locuras y circunstancias horribles en las que vivimos. Es Cristo, el salvador, quien tiene que nacer en nuestros corazones y en nuestras mentes, para así convertirnos en hijos de Dios y dar testimonio del anuncio de la buena noticia en la que el evangelio nos dice: “El Espíritu de Dios está sobre mí, porque me ha ungido para proclamar su palabra a los pobres. Él me ha enviado a proclamar libertad a los cautivos, y dar la luz a los ciegos, y dejar libre a los que son oprimidos, y pregonar el año del favor del Señor” (Lucas 4:18-19). Para aquellos que son ricos y oprimen, explotan, engañan y viven bajo la codicia y el egoísmo, el Señor les dice: “Pero ¡ay de ustedes los ricos, porque ya han recibido su consuelo! ¡Ay de ustedes los que ahora están saciados, porque sabrán lo que es pasar hambre! ¡Ay de ustedes los que ahora ríen, porque sabrán lo que es derramar lágrimas! ¡Ay de ustedes cuando todos los elogien! Dense cuenta de que los antepasados de esta gente trataron así a los falsos profetas" (Lucas 6:24-26). “Las iniquidades de ustedes les han quitado estos beneficios; sus pecados los han privado de estas bendiciones. Sin duda en mi pueblo hay malvados, que están al acecho como cazadores de aves, que ponen trampas para atrapar a la gente. Como jaulas llenas de pájaros, llenas de engaño están sus casas; por eso se han vuelto poderosos y ricos, gordos y pedantes. Sus obras de maldad no tienen límite: no le hacen justicia al huérfano, para que su causa prospere; ni defienden tampoco el derecho de los menesterosos. ¿Y no los he de castigar por esto? ¿No he de vengarme de semejante nación?-afirma el Señor” (Jeremías 5:25-29). "El rey hará justicia a los pobres del pueblo y salvará a los necesitados;¡él aplastará a los opresores! (PS 72:4). La navidad es el amor verdadero que nos anima a esperar en la justicia de Dios quien cuida hoy y siempre de su pueblo. La navidad es también el corregir nuestro rumbo y regresar en nuestros corazones a Dios. "Porque Dios amó tanto al mundo que dio a su hijo unigénito para que todo el que crea en él no se pierda y tenga vida eterna” (Juan 3:16). ¡Qué el verdadero Rey, nuestro señor Jesucristo, nacido en Belén en un establo frío y pobre, y quien murió como nuestro Salvador en la cruz, -condenado por un mundo hambriento de poder y codicia- sea vuestro Señor siempre por toda la eternidad! ¡Aleluya! Gracias a todos por su Servicio en Cristo! Con mis oraciones y bendición apostólica, +Karl
Noticias ICEC
- La Casa de los Estudios Litúrgicos de la Catedral de San Antonio:
Damos la bienvenida a los miembros de la Facultad de nuestro nuevo seminario en línea, "La
de los Estudios Litúrgicos de
la Catedral de San Antonio
! Agradecemos a sus líderes incansables, Padre Tom Roberts, PH. D., el Director, Sr.
Gary A. Staszak, M.A., C.A.S.
y todos los miembros de la Facultad. El sitio web estará en marcha pronto.
También contamos con una Junta Consultiva que será consultante de la casa de los estudios: hasta ahora tenemos: al Arzobispo Godfrey, Kenia; Bishop Marc, Estados Unidos; Vicario General, Padre Nicholás, Sri Lanka. Espero que podamos añadir algunos consultantes más para asesorar a la Facultad.
La "Casa de la Catedral de San Antonio de los Estudios Litúrgicos" está diseñada para ayudar a los que se preparan para el Ministerio alrededor del mundo en la ICEC, y también de otras Iglesias. También da cursos para personas de los laicos que desean avanzar en su educación bíblica y teológica como maestros, y para enriquecimiento privado.
Los animamos a todos a ayudar a aquellos que están interesados en poder inscribirse en los programas estudiantiles.
A esto momento es un Seminario enn Ingles. Esperamos que en el futuro tenemos también este Seminario para la idioma en Español!
-ordenaciones e incardinaciones:
Incardinación: Arzobispo Tony Scuderi, Ph. D., Padre Tom Roberts, PH. D. EE.UU.
-Las ordenaciones
de nuestros nuevos diáconos y sacerdotes de la Arquidiócesis en Costa Rica, y nuestra diócesis en Colombia. Ordenación diaconal para Hawai.
-La India: la expansión de los programas pastorales, bajo el liderazgo del obispo y a sus sacerdotes, soleado!
-Kenia: la expansión del orfanato y las escuelas de Kenya!
-Pakistan: la expansión de los programas pastorales.
la expansión de los programas pastorales en varias areas, y nuevo construcción de un seminario de la formación.
activa el diálogo ecuménico y en las relaciones con la Iglesia luterana y otras denominaciones.
activo en las relaciones ecuménicas con otras iglesias ortodoxas.
Compleción de la Catedral del Arzobispo Dom Lucas, felicidades!
July 12, St. John Gaulbert, A. D. 2018 Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ! Sending you all Greetings and Blessings from our Cathedral of St. Anthony in Detroit!It is good to write to you about the good things that have happened in the last few month since I last wrote to you. As some already know, we had a little Synod in our Cathedral with our bishops from the Western Region of the USA. Our task was to read and reflect on our Church Manifesto. It is our guide of why we are here as an Ecumenical Catholic Church. A couple points that shall highlight this are: -Active ecumenical outreach with other denomination is fruitful as it shows our desire of Unity in Christ. This means respectand understanding of other traditions that have evolved over the centuries and the past decades. Unity is not conformity. Unity is the joint focus on Christ through prayer and dialog as we appreciate the diversity among us as complementary and not as an obstacle. This includes also that we work together on issues of social justice and peace efforts in our societies. Yes, this can be very practical, like serving together the poor, attending meetings that address the need for change in society, etc. -We are also called to working with those in other denominations who are willing to see the common understanding about Evangelization in a world that is drifting away from Christ. As many of us have experienced that even in the Roman Catholic Church we have many dear friends who love our Manifesto and our Churches' active involvement for helping those in need, those who have been marginalized, and to speak with a common voice against injustice and corruption in our societies. Those who do not like us will always be out there, and it is just a sign that even Jesus experienced when he returned to his hometown of Nazareth and found rejection. (Mark 6,1-6) It shall never discourage us but strengthen our unbreakable faith in God who is all in all and above all.-We are aware that we always shall live in the spirit of genuine brother and sisterhood in a time when selfishness and arrogance are on the march.-Our worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ is not here to replace other major denominations, but to built bridges and offer places where people can meet without fear and live in the Spirit of the early Church communities.I encourage you all: gather in your communities with your local bishop of the ECCC, or if you have not a bishop, with your local vicar General and clergy and read (or re-read) the Manifesto of our Church, reflect and use it as a helpful tool to serve in you local churches and beyond.It is paramount to know your own church before reaching out to others who are interested in our ECCC, or seek dialog with you representing our Church. Thank you all for your commitment and your love for Christ and our worldwide Church Communion! I have attached the Spanish Version of our Church Manifesto, so you can share and use it for your gatherings. The English Version you can find on our Websites. As the PDF version has too many MBs, it is not possible to send it. Any further documents of the ECCC you can also find on our international and local website of the ECCC. If you need to translate the Manifesto in to your local language, I give you hereby permission to do so.
ECCC NEWS:On the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, A. D. 2018, by Apostolic Decree:-We have elevated Bishop Dr. Sunny Alappat to the Metropoblitan Archbishop for India.We have also conferred the Office of Nuncio for Asia. He will serve the Ecumenical Primate for the ECCC throughout Asia, promoting and expanding our Church. We wish him in his new office the continuous support of the local priests and the people of God. -We have elevated bishop Agostino Caro in Sicily to the Metropolitan Archbishop for Italy. -On behalf of the Ecumenical Primate, our Nuncio for Eastern Europe, H. E. Archbishop Hristo Pissarov is working on a Concordat with the Catholic Russian Orthodox Church. We shall sign it soon. Prayers and blessings for this Historic Moment! Nuncios covering the entire Globe: For Latin America: H. E. Archbishop Sebastian Pla from Costa Rica -For Eastern and Northern Europe, including, the Balkan, Russia, the Ukraine, Georgia, and the former Soviet Republics: H. E. Archbishop Hristo Pissarov in Bulgaria-For Southern Europe, including France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta and the Spanish Islands: H. E. Archbishop Agostino Caro, Italy. Updated!-For the African Continent, H. E. Archbishop Godfrey Siundu.-For all of Asia: H. E. Archbishop Dr. Sunny Alappat from India. The Ecumenical Primate will work in close consultation with the Nuncios as they will report (including updates on the local dioceses) and consult with him on major Church issues. Thanking all of you for your service! Let us always be reminded that we shall resemble "the heavenly city, where truth reigns and charity is the law, and whose existence is eternity." From our Manifesto, (St. Augustine Epistle 138,3)With my prayers and apostolic benedictions,+Karl Pace, fratelli e sorelle in Cristo! Vi invio i saluti e le benedizioni dalla nostra cattedrale di Sant'Antonio a Detroit!È bello scrivervi delle cose belle che sono successe negli ultimi mesi da quando vi ho scritto l'ultima volta.Come alcuni già sanno, abbiamo avuto un piccolo sinodo nella nostra cattedrale con i nostri vescovi della regione occidentale degli Stati Uniti. Il nostro compito era di leggere e riflettere sul nostro Manifesto della Chiesa. È la nostra guida del perché siamo qui come Chiesa cattolica ecumenica. Un paio di punti che devono essere evidenziati sono:‐L'azione ecumenica attiva con altre denominazioni è fruttuosa poiché mostra il nostro desiderio di unità in Cristo. Ciò significa rispetto e comprensione delle altre tradizioni che si sono evolute nel corso dei secoli e dei decenni passati. L'unità non è conformità. L'unità è l'obiettivo comune di Cristo attraverso la preghiera e il dialogo, poiché apprezziamo la diversità tra noi come complementare e non come un ostacolo. Ciò include anche il fatto che lavoriamo insieme sulle questioni di giustizia sociale e sugli sforzi per pace nelle nostre società. Sì, questo può essere molto pratico, come servire insieme i poveri, partecipare a riunioni che affrontano il bisogno di cambiamento nella società, ecc.‐Siamo anche chiamati a lavorare con le altre denominazioni che sono disposte a vedere la comune comprensione dell'Evangelizzazione in un mondo che si sta allontanando da Cristo. Come molti di noi hanno sperimentato anche nella Chiesa Cattolica Romana abbiamo molti cari amici che amano il nostro coinvolgimento nell’aiutare chi è nel bisogno, coloro che sono stati emarginati e che parliamo con una voce comune contro l'ingiustizia e la corruzione nelle nostre società. Coloro che non ci amano saranno sempre là fuori, ed è solo un segno che anche Gesù ha provato quando è tornato nella sua città natale di Nazareth e ha trovato il rifiuto. (Marco 6,1‐6) Non ci scoraggerà mai, ma rafforzerà la nostra fede indissolubile in Dio che è tutto in tutti e al di sopra di tutto.‐Siamo consapevoli che vivremo sempre nello spirito di un’autentica fratellanza in un momento in cui egoismo e arroganza sono in auge.‐La nostra Chiesa ecumenica di Cristo in tutto il mondo non è per sostituire altre grandi denominazioni, ma per costruire ponti e offrire luoghi dove le persone possano incontrarsi senza paura e vivere nello Spirito delle prime comunità ecclesiali.Vi incoraggio tutti: radunatevi nelle vostre comunità con il vostro vescovo locale dell'ECCC, o se non avete un vescovo, con il vostro vicario generale e clero locale e leggete (o rileggete) il Manifesto della nostra Chiesa, riflettete e usatelo come uno strumento utile per servire le chiese locali e oltre.È fondamentale conoscere la propria chiesa prima di contattare tutti coloro che sono interessati alla nostra ECCC o che cercano un dialogo con chi rappresenta la nostra Chiesa.Grazie a tutti per il vostro impegno e il vostro amore per Cristo e per la nostra comunione ecclesiale mondiale! NOTIZIE DELL'ECCC:Nella solennità di San Pietro e San Paolo, A. D. 2018, con decreto apostolico: ‐Abbiamo elevato il vescovo Dr. Sunny Alappat Arcivescovo Metropolitano per l'India. Abbiamo anche conferito l'Ufficio di Nunzio per l'Asia. Servirà il Primate ecumenico per l'ECCC in tutta l'Asia, promuovendo e ampliando la nostra Chiesa. Gli auguriamo nel suo nuovo ufficio il supporto continuo dei sacerdoti locali e del popolo di Dio.‐Abbiamo elevato il vescovo Agostino De Caro in Sicilia Arcivescovo metropolita per l'Italia. Il nostro Nunzio per l'Europa del Sud, l'arcivescovo Francisco Adillon, mi ha rappresentato per questa gioiosa occasione. Auguriamo all'Arcivescovo Agostino e a tutti i suoi cari nella nostra Chiesa in Italia molti anni fruttuosi nella vigna del Signore. Lavorerà anche come segretario del Nunzio per l'Europa meridionale.‐ A nome del Primate ecumenico, il nostro nunzio per l'Europa orientale, H. E. Arcivescovo Hristo Pissarov sta lavorando a un Concordato con la Chiesa cattolica ortodossa russa. Lo firmeremo presto. Preghiere e benedizioni per questo momento storico!Abbiamo nunzi che coprono l'intero globo: Per l'America Latina: H.E. Arcivescovo Sebastian Pla dalla Costa Rica‐Per l'Europa orientale e settentrionale, compresi i Balcani, la Russia, l'Ucraina, la Georgia e il ex repubbliche sovietiche: H. E. Arcivescovo Hristo Pissarov in Bulgaria‐Per tutta l'Asia: H. E. Arcivescovo Dr. Sunny Alappat dall'India. ‐Per il continente africano, H. E. Arcivescovo Godfrey Siundu. Il Primate ecumenico lavorerà in stretta consultazione con i Nunzi che riferiranno (compresi gli aggiornamenti sulle diocesi locali) e si consulteranno con lui sulle principali questioni della Chiesa.Ringraziando tutti voi per il vostro servizio! Ricordiamoci sempre che assomiglieremo "alla città celeste, dove regna la verità e la carità è la legge, e la cui esistenza è l'eternità". Dal nostro Manifesto, (S. Agostino epistole138,3)Con le mie preghiere e le benedizioni apostoliche,+ Karl ¡ paz, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! ¡ enviándole todos los saludos y bendiciones de nuestra Catedral de St. Anthony en Detroit!Es bueno escribirles sobre las cosas buenas que han sucedido en los últimos meses desde la última vez que les escribí. Como algunos ya saben, tuvimos un pequeño Sínodo en nuestra catedral con nuestros obispos de la región occidental de los Estados Unidos. Nuestra tarea era leer y reflexionar sobre nuestro manifiesto de la iglesia. Es nuestra guía de por qué estamos aquí como una Iglesia Católica Ecuménica. Un par de puntos que se destacarán son: -el acercamiento ecuménico activo con otra denominación es fructífero, ya que muestra nuestro deseo de unidad en Cristo. Esto significa el respeto y la comprensión de otras tradiciones que han evolucionado a lo largo de los siglos y las últimas décadas. La unidad no es conformidad. La unidad es el enfoque conjunto de Cristo a través de la oración y el diálogo, ya que apreciamos la diversidad entre nosotros como complementaria y no como un obstáculo. Esto incluye también que trabajamos juntos en temas de justicia social y esfuerzos de paz en nuestras sociedades. Sí, esto puede ser muy práctico, como servir juntos a los pobres, asistiendo a reuniones que abordan la necesidad de cambio en la sociedad, etc. -También estamos llamados a trabajar con aquellos en otras denominaciones que están dispuestos a ver el entendimiento común acerca de la evangelización en un mundo que está alejándose de Cristo. Como muchos de nosotros hemos experimentado que incluso en la iglesia católica romana tenemos muchos queridos amigos que aman nuestro manifiesto y la participación activa de nuestras iglesias para ayudar a los necesitados, los que han sido marginados, y hablar con una voz común contra la injusticia y corrupción en nuestras sociedades. Los que no nos agradan siempre estarán ahí fuera, y es sólo una señal de que incluso Jesús experimentó cuando regresó a su ciudad natal de Nazaret y encontró rechazo. (Marcos 6, 1-6) Nunca nos desalentará, sino que fortalecerá nuestra inquebrantable fe en Dios, que está en todos y sobre todo. -Somos conscientes de que siempre viviremos en el espíritu de un hermano y una hermandad genuinos en un tiempo en que el egoísmo y la arrogancia están en la marcha. -nuestra iglesia ecuménica mundial católica de Cristo no está aquí para reemplazar otras grandes denominaciones, sino para construir puentes y ofrecer lugares donde la gente pueda reunirse sin miedo y vivir en el espíritu de las primeras comunidades de la iglesia. Os animo a todos: Reúnase en sus comunidades con su obispo local de la ECCC, o si usted no tiene un obispo, con su vicario general local y el clero y leer (o volver a leer) el manifiesto de nuestra iglesia, reflexionar y usarlo como una herramienta útil para servir en las iglesias locales un d más allá. Es primordial conocer su propia iglesia antes de llegar a otros que están interesados en nuestro ECCC, o buscar dialogo con usted representando a nuestra iglesia. ¡ Gracias a todos por su compromiso y su amor por Cristo y nuestra comunión de la iglesia en todo el mundo! He adjuntado la versión en Español de nuestro manifiesto de la iglesia, para que usted pueda compartir y usarlo para sus reuniones. La versión en inglés que puedes encontrar en nuestros sitios Web. Como la versión PDF tiene demasiados MBS, no es posible enviarla. Cualquier otro documento de la ECCC también se puede encontrar en nuestra página web internacional y local de la ECCC. Si necesita traducir el manifiesto a su idioma local, le doy permiso para hacerlo. ECCC noticias:En la solemnidad de San Pedro y San Pablo, A. D. 2018, y por decreto apostólico:-hemos elevado al Obispo Dr. Sunny Alappat al arzobispo Metropolitan para la India.También hemos conferido la oficina del Nuncio para Asia. Él servirá al primado Ecuménico para el ECCC en toda Asia, promoviendo y expandiendo nuestra iglesia. Le deseamos en su nueva oficina el continuo apoyo de los sacerdotes locales y del pueblo de Dios.-hemos elevado a obispo Agostino caro en Sicilia al Arzobispo Metropolitano para Italia. Nuestro Nuncio para el sur de Europa, h. e. Mons. Francisco Bausells de España, me ha representado para esta alegre ocasión. Deseamos al arzobispo Agostino y a toda su amada en nuestra iglesia en Italia muchos años fructíferos en la Viña del Señor. También trabajará como Secretario del Nuncio para el sur de Europa. -En nombre del Primado Ecuménico, nuestro Nuncio para Europa del Este, S. E. Arzobispo Hristo Pissarov está trabajando en un Concordato con la Iglesia Católica Ortodoxa Rusa. Lo firmaremos pronto. Oraciones y bendiciones para este momento histórico! Tenemos Nuncios cubriendo todo el mundo:para América Latina: S. e. arzobispo Sebastián Plá de Costa Rica -para Europa del este y del norte, incluyendo, los Balcanes, Rusia, Ucrania, Georgia, y las repúblicas soviéticas anteriores: S. e. arzobispo Hristo Pissarov en Bulgaria-Para el Continente de Africa: S. E., Arzobispo Godfrey Siundu.-para toda Asia: S. E. arzobispo Dr. Sunny Alappat de la India.El primate ecuménico trabajará en estrecha consulta con los 5 nuncios, ya que reportarán (incluyendo actualizaciones sobre las diócesis locales) y consultarán con él sobre asuntos importantes de la iglesia. ¡ agradeciendo a todos ustedes por su servicio! Recordemos siempre que nos asemejaremos a "la ciudad celestial, donde reina la verdad y la caridad es la ley, y cuya existencia es la eternidad. " de nuestro manifiesto, (San Agustín epístola 138, 3)Con mis oraciones y bendiciones apostólicas, +Karl
Easter A. D. 2018 Christus resurrexit vere! Alleluja!(Please share with all, Thank you! Compartir con todos, Gracias!)The Peace of the Risen Christ be with you all, dear brothers and sisters of our worldwide church communion! ‘We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song.’ (St Augustine)
I would like to share with you three Ways we can walk in our lives with Jesus:First: Toward the old Jerusalem: Discover who we are, and whom to follow. As we walked through this year's Lenten Season, we searched for our commitment with Christ, our personal life history, seeing our weaknesses that we needed to correct, but moreover we have discovered our strength in faith. We have might come to a new understanding how we see Christ in our life, in our church family, He, our Savior and Guiding Light. We find ourselves on a journey toward the New Jerusalem, our destiny. Along the way, we need to find the answer: how can we better declare our love for Jesus through word and deed? What is therefore the real meaning and purpose for us Christians in this world? One situation we face every day is that we are drawn between the world immanent matters and a real spiritual awareness/awakening. We often exchange these two to reward ourselves as it is only up to us, and not to God who is above everything... How can we reconcile the world in which we live with the demands of our faith in God? It feels to us that there is a struggle going on within us: I cannot leave my lifestyle that I am so used to, yet I do want to be closer to God with all my existence...The early church fathers wrote quite a bit of this struggle and they knew that the answer is Christ who is all in all for us. For us as Christians, it is the focus on the Life, and the mysteries of Christ Jesus, His Suffering and Resurrection that will help us to conquer our disbelieves, our status quo, our self inflicted wounds, our own misery that cries out to God. If we only seek the answer through our own making, we will end up nowhere...If we start believing and understanding more deeper Christ in our life, he will provide for us, and we join the millions and millions of Christians who found and experienced throughout history a joy that is beyond all this world can offer! We have to realize that Christ Jesus is not against this world, "He came into his own..." This world is God's creation. Christ, the Son of God, "took on human flesh" in order to be one of us and he lived among us, human and divine. Jesus's words, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" is the ultimate answer how to live in HIS creation. We realize that Christ in his earthly life walked toward Jerusalem, the Temple, the Holiest place in Judaism. There he declared that HE is the New Temple...As he entered Jerusalem, he knew the crowds would shout the "Hosanna" to the King of Kings, but he knew this will end in human catastrophe because they were not seeking the heavenly kingdom, but to foster the earthly kingdom of Israel. So, it was for the majority not about the Messiah, the spiritual and Divine Grace that was present in Jesus, it was their self-seeking way. And here we find ourselves, we love to walk toward the heavenly Jerusalem to meet Christ, the eternal King, yet we are easy to fall into the trap of self-deceiving ways, thinking we are on the right way, but missing out when it comes to change that a few saw necessary, like Mary the mother of Jesus, John the beloved, and Mary Magdalene who stood with him till the dying on the cross...This image has to enter our heart and mind in order to find HIM... Second: Leave the old Jerusalem and walking toward Golgotha. Where do we stand right now in our lives? Are we still walking toward the old Jerusalem, shouting "Hosanna", and not knowing we need to leave the old Temple, finding Jesus who is the New Temple, and made us all a holy temple through the Holy Spirit? It is the uncomfortable, the miserable No we still carry in our hearts, not wanting to face the cross, not feeling right to carry it, because it is a burden, because the world again tells us otherwise, like you don't have to do this, leave it alone, live the high life that makes you happy, and do not care about the poor, do not feel for the suffering, and curse God when illness befalls you, or one in your family...and on and on...So we keep walking toward the earthly Jerusalem, and not toward the heavenly Jerusalem, we keep looking for other spiritual means of superstition, astrology, and so on, indulging ourselves with material means... It is only when we say yes to the Cross that Jesus carried, and died on it, that we can say yes to our own cross and walk with Him toward Easter! Again, only this Yes to Jesus, His life, suffering, and resurrection is the most precious word we can utter within our hearts, because it is God's Grace that will help us to live it! What else is there to look forward in this short earthly life as to find this deep inner fulfillment in the Life of Jesus that lasts for eternity! "No one can come to the Father except through me", Jesus says this with the same breath to the sentence earlier, "I am the way, the truth and the life"...And Paul confirms it, "I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me".Through this awareness, we are leaving the old Jerusalem toward the Crucifixion of Christ, the Son of God, and not shying away from it through intellectual arguments, through the deceit of the modern world that wants us be trapped in disbelief...Again, the cross is indeed the only reality of Jesus not having died in vain, but being the Son of God, brutally murdered for our salvation! This is God's ultimate declaration of Love for each one of us! It is the sign of victory over death! Facing this Cross of Jesus and caring on our own cross, will bring us closer to the light of the resurrection and Life eternal. Third: Walking as Easter People Having worked as a chaplain for 11 years in hospitals and nursing homes, I always saw people who through their faith found themselves more under the cross of Jesus, seeing beyond their own suffering, and finding inner peace that the bystanders might not easy accept, especially in the suffering of a child. I would like to mention the little story of a 7 year old girl that was dying of brain cancer, and with enormous pain, there was one day that the parents came to visit her, and the girl was so calm, saying with a smiling face, "do not worry so much I am going to God"...The parents were outraged and could not understand such uttering, and asked me if I or a doctor told the girl she was dying, which we did not. Only after a while, the parents came to see that the girl was trying to comfort them through her love, feeling that God will welcome her... We find ourselves often as the disciples who walked to Emmaus, grieving, talking, and not understanding what happen outside the old city of Jerusalem...And there it was Jesus joined them, walking with them and open their eyes, and after the meal they realized their hearts were burning, because their love for Jesus just found the answer! We enter with Jesus the old Jerusalem seeing the man made world as it is, driven by greed, deceit, false promises, and mayhem..., we finally realize, we need to take on our own cross with Jesus present, leaving the old temple of Jerusalem, walking with HIM toward Golgotha, encounter his crucifixion, death, and seeing the light of His glorious resurrection! We are strengthen in our faith for our earthly journey toward the heavenly Kingdom, the heavenly Jerusalem, because it is Him who opens our eyes, and by grace shows us the way, and in the Holy Spirit we find this deep joy that sings the Easter Alleluia.Yes, ‘We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song.’ (St Augustine) Let our hearts keep burning for Christ with the fire of love, because He walks with us, and if you still looking for him, let's remind us "But the angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, 'He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee'... Indeed, we find Jesus within ourselves, everywhere we go, in our neighbor, in the peace we create, in the love for His creation, in the love for the poor, in working toward a just society, in our suffering, in our joys, and in our longing for seeing HIM in God's eternal Kingdom. Wishing you all a Blessed and Joyous Easter! May the Risen Lord shine through us, and lead us as we, the Easter People sing, Alleluia! With my prayers and apostolic benedictionsyours in Christ+Karl
ECCC Church World News: Mexico: Bishop Rodolfo had a good meeting with the Roman Catholic Apostolic Nuncio for Mexico talking about our Church. Asia:India: Bishop Suny and his priests working hard to spread the good news of our Church with success ! Pakistan: Our Ministers working very hard for the poor! The Philippines: Bishop Armando, and Bishop Manuel reaching out to more people, and the congregations are growing! Latin America:Costa Rica: Peru: Colombia: Panamá: Our Archbishop and Apostolic Nuncio for Latin America is spreading the ECCC deeper into Central and South America with our Presence in Peru and Colombia expanding! Our Archbishop in Brazil, Dom Lucas will be the Contact person for the Catholic Church Reform international meeting in Brazil this year. Europe: Thanks to our Apostolic Nuncio in Europe, Archbishop Hristo, in Bulgaria for his commitment to dialog with other churches.Our Bishop Agostino from Italy had a good meeting with the Roman Catholic Reform movement, Catholic Church Reform International in Rome. Ukraine: and Russia: Our Orthodox Priests are spreading the good news and living a true ecumenical spirit among the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church and the major Orthodox Churches. USA: Thanks to our tireless members of the new Seminary online, it is also going on the airwaves with a radio show. Please to all of you: Reach out and recommend to people: seminarians, men and women, young and old, anyone who is interested for going online to study in biblical or theological matters! Thank you! Here is the Seminary Website again where you can see the different study programs, and needed contacts: We are still working on a Spanish Language for the seminary, hopefully more languages to come.
Christus resurrexit vere! Alleluja!
(Por favor, comparta con todos, ¡Gracias!) ¡La Paz de Cristo resucitado sea con todos Uds., queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo de nuestra comunión mundial de la iglesia! 'Somos un pueblo de Pascua y nuestra canción es el aleluya' (San Agustín) Me gustaría compartir con ustedes tres maneras en que podemos caminar en nuestras vidas con Jesús: Primero:Hacia Jerusalén: descubra quiénes somos y a quién seguir. Mientras caminábamos a través de la Temporada de Cuaresma de este año, buscamos nuestro compromiso con Cristo, nuestra historia de vida personal, viendo nuestras debilidades que necesitábamos corregir, pero además descubrimos nuestra fortaleza en la fe. Podríamos llegar a una nueva comprensión de cómo vemos a Cristo en nuestra vida, en nuestra familia de la iglesia, Él, nuestro Salvador y Luz Guía. Nos encontramos en un viaje hacia la Nueva Jerusalén, nuestro destino. En el camino, necesitamos encontrar la respuesta: ¿cómo podemos declarar mejor nuestro amor por Jesús a través de las palabras y los hechos? ¿Cuál es, por lo tanto, el verdadero significado y propósito para nosotros, los cristianos en este mundo? Una situación que enfrentamos todos los días es que estamos atraídos entre los asuntos inmanentes del mundo y una conciencia / despertar espiritual real. A menudo intercambiamos estos dos para recompensarse a nosotros mismos, ya que depende solo de nosotros, y no a Dios que está por encima de todo ... ¿Cómo podemos reconciliar el mundo en el que vivimos con las demandas de nuestra fe en Dios? Nos parece que hay una lucha dentro de nosotros: no puedo dejar mi estilo de vida al que estoy tan acostumbrado, sin embargo, quiero estar más cerca de Dios con toda mi existencia ... Los primeros padres de la iglesia escribieron bastante de esta lucha y sabían que la respuesta es Cristo, que es todo en todos nosotros. Para nosotros como cristianos, es el enfoque en la Vida, los misterios de Cristo Jesús, Su Sufrimiento y Resurrección lo que nos ayudará a conquistar a nuestros incrédulos, nuestro status quo, nuestras heridas autoinfligidas, nuestra propia miseria que clama a Dios. Si solo buscamos la respuesta por nuestra propia cuenta, no terminaremos en nada ... Si comenzamos a creer y entender a Cristo más profundo en nuestra vida, él nos proveerá, y nos uniremos a los millones y millones de cristianos que encontraron y experimentado a través de la historia, una alegría que está más allá de todo lo que este mundo puede ofrecer! Debemos darnos cuenta de que Cristo Jesús no está en contra de este mundo, "Él entró en lo suyo ..." Este mundo es creación de Dios. Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, "tomó carne humana" para ser uno de nosotros y vivió entre nosotros, humano y divino. Las palabras de Jesús, "Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida" es la respuesta definitiva sobre cómo vivir en SU creación. Nos damos cuenta de que Cristo en su vida terrenal caminó hacia Jerusalén, el Templo, el lugar más santo en el judaísmo. Allí declaró que ÉL es el Nuevo Templo ... Al entrar en Jerusalén, sabía que la multitud gritaba "Hosanna" al Rey de Reyes, pero sabía que esto terminaría en una catástrofe humana porque no buscaban el reino celestial, pero para fomentar el reino terrenal de Israel. Entonces, era para la mayoría no sobre el Mesías, la Gracia espiritual y divina que estaba presente en Jesús, pero un camino egoísta para ellos. Y aquí nos encontramos, amamos caminar hacia la Jerusalén celestial para encontrarnos con Cristo, el Rey eterno, pero somos fáciles de caer en la trampa de engañarnos, pensando que estamos en el camino correcto, pero perdiéndonos cuando viene a cambiar lo que algunos vieron necesario, como María, la madre de Jesús, Juan el amado, y María Magdalena, que estuvo con él hasta la muerte en la cruz ... Esta imagen tiene que entrar en nuestro corazón y mente para poder encontrarlo a él. Segundo: abandonar la antigua Jerusalén y caminar hacia el Gólgota. ¿Dónde nos encontramos ahora en nuestras vidas? ¿Todavía estamos caminando hacia la vieja Jerusalén, gritando "Hosanna", y sin saber que tenemos que abandonar el antiguo Templo, encontrar a Jesús, que es el Nuevo Templo, y hacernos a todos un templo santo a través del Espíritu Santo? Es lo incómodo, lo miserable que aún cargamos en nuestros corazones, no querer enfrentar la cruz, no sentirnos bien al cargarla, porque es una carga, porque el mundo nuevamente nos dice lo contrario, como si no tuviéramos que haz esto, déjalo en paz, vive la gran vida que te hace feliz, y no te preocupes por los pobres, no sientas por el sufrimiento, y maldigas a Dios cuando te sobreviene la enfermedad, o uno en tu familia ... y sigue y en ... Así que seguimos caminando hacia la Jerusalén terrenal, y no hacia la Jerusalén celestial, seguimos buscando otros medios espirituales de superstición, astrología, etc., entregándonos con medios materiales ... ¡Solo cuando decimos Sí a la Cruz que Jesús cargó, y morimos en ella, podemos decir sí a nuestra propia cruz y caminar con Él hacia la Pascua! De nuevo, solo este Sí a Jesús, Su vida, Sufrimiento y Resurrección es la palabra más preciosa que podemos pronunciar en nuestros corazones, ¡porque es la gracia de Dios la que nos ayudará a vivirla! ¡Qué más hay que esperar en esta corta vida terrenal para encontrar esta profunda realización interna en la Vida de Jesús que dura por la eternidad! "Nadie puede venir al Padre sino por mí", Jesús dice con el mismo aliento a la frase anterior, "Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida" ... Y Pablo lo confirma, "He sido crucificado con Cristo, pero yo vivo, ya no soy yo, sino que Cristo vive en mí ". A través de esta toma de conciencia, estamos dejando la vieja Jerusalén hacia la Crucifixión de Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, y no nos alejamos de ella mediante argumentos intelectuales, a través del engaño del mundo moderno que quiere que quedemos atrapados en la incredulidad ... De nuevo, ¡la cruz es de hecho la única realidad de que Jesús no murió en vano, sino que es el Hijo de Dios, brutalmente asesinado por nuestra salvación! ¡Esta es la máxima declaración de amor de Dios para cada uno de nosotros! ¡Es el signo de la victoria sobre la muerte! Enfrentar esta Cruz de Jesús y cuidar nuestra propia cruz nos acercará a la luz de la resurrección y la Vida eterna. Tercero: caminar como gente de Pascua Después de haber trabajado como capellán durante 11 años en hospitales y hogares de ancianos, siempre vi personas que por su fe se encontraban más bajo la cruz de Jesús, viendo más allá de su propio sufrimiento y encontrando una paz interior que los espectadores no podían aceptar fácilmente, especialmente en el sufrimiento de un niño. Me gustaría mencionar la pequeña historia de una niña de 7 años que se estaba muriendo de cáncer cerebral, y con un dolor enorme, hubo un día que los padres vinieron a visitarla, y la niña estaba tan tranquila, diciendo con una cara sonriente "No te preocupes tanto, voy a ir a Dios" ... Los padres se indignaron y no podían entender tales expresiones, y me preguntaron si un médico o yo le dijimos a la niña que se estaba muriendo, cosa que no hicimos. Solo después de un tiempo, los padres llegaron a ver que la niña estaba tratando de consolarlos a través de su amor, sintiendo que Dios la recibiría ... Nos encontramos a menudo como los discípulos que caminaron hacia Emaús, afligidos, hablando y sin entender lo que sucede fuera de la ciudad vieja de Jerusalén ... Y allí estaba Jesús, se les unió, caminando con ellos y les abrió los ojos, y después de la comida se dieron cuenta de que sus corazones ardían, ¡porque su amor por Jesús acaba de encontrar la respuesta! Entramos con Jesús en la vieja Jerusalén viendo el mundo hecho por el hombre tal como es, impulsado por la avaricia, el engaño, las falsas promesas y el caos ..., finalmente nos damos cuenta, tenemos que tomar nuestra propia cruz con Jesús presente, dejando el viejo ¡templo de Jerusalén, caminando con ÉL hacia el Gólgota, encuentra su crucifixión, muerte y viendo la luz de Su gloriosa resurrección! Estamos fortalecidos en nuestra fe para nuestro viaje terrenal hacia el Reino celestial, la Jerusalén celestial, porque es Él quien abre nuestros ojos, y por gracia nos muestra el camino, y en el Espíritu Santo encontramos esta alegría profunda que canta la Pascua Aleluya.Sí, 'Somos un pueblo de Pascua y el aleluya es nuestra canción' (San Agustín) Que nuestros corazones sigan ardiendo por Cristo con el fuego del amor, porque Él camina con nosotros, y si aún lo buscas, recordemos "Pero el ángel les dijo a las mujeres: 'No tengan miedo; yo sé que ustedes son buscando a Jesús que fue crucificado. Él no está aquí, porque él ha sido resucitado, como él dijo. Vengan, vean el lugar donde yació. Luego ve rápido y dile a sus discípulos: 'Él ha resucitado de los muertos, y de hecho él va delante de ti a Galilea '... De hecho, encontramos a Jesús dentro de nosotros mismos, dondequiera que vayamos, en nuestro prójimo, en la paz que creamos, en el amor por su creación, en el amor a los pobres, en el trabajo hacia una sociedad justa, en nuestro sufrimiento, en nuestras alegrías, y en nuestro anhelo de verlo en el Reino eterno de Dios. ¡Les deseo a todos una Pascua Bendita y Feliz! ¡Que el Señor Resucitado brille a través de nosotros y nos guíe mientras nosotros, la Gente de Pascua cantan, Aleluya!
Con mis oraciones y bendiciones
apostólicastuyo en
Cristo+ Karl
ICEC: Noticias Mundial: Pacífico Sur: ¡A medida que nuestra Unión de la Iglesia crece, tenemos nuestro primer Seminarista de la Iglesia, Rex en la isla de Vanuatu! ¡Bienvenido! México: el Obispo Rodolfo tuvo una buena reunión con el Nuncio Apostólico Católico Romano para México hablando sobre nuestra Iglesia. Asia:India: ¡el Obispo Suny y sus sacerdotes están trabajando arduamente para difundir las buenas nuevas de nuestra Iglesia con éxito!
Pakistan: Nuestros ministros trabajan duro por los pobres.
Las Filipinas: Obispo Armando y obispo Manuel tienen nuevas misiones y más gente viene! América Latina:Costa Rica: Peru: Colombia: Panama: ¡Nuestro Arzobispo y Nuncio Apostólico para América Latina está expandiendo el ICEC más profundamente hacia Centro y Sudamérica con nuestra Presencia en Perú y Colombia expandiéndose! Brazil: Nuestro lider para Brazil, arzobispo Dom Lucas será la persona de contacto para la reunión internacional de la Reforma de la Iglesia Católica en Brasil este año. Europa:Bulgaria: Gracias a nuestro Nuncio Apostólico en Europa, el Arzobispo Hristo en Bulgaria por su compromiso de dialogar con otras iglesias. Italy:Nuestro Obispo Agostino de Italia tuvo una buena reunión con el movimiento de Reforma Católica Romana, Catholic Church Reform International en Roma. Ukaraine y Rusia: Nuestros sacerdotes ortodoxos están difundiendo las buenas nuevas y viviendo un verdadero espíritu ecuménico entre la Iglesia Católica Romana, la Iglesia Luterana y las principales Iglesias Ortodoxas. EE.UU.: Gracias a nuestros incansables miembros del nuevo Seminario en línea, también se transmitirá por radio con un programa de radio. Por favor a todos ustedes:Llegue y recomiende a las personas: seminaristas, hombres y mujeres, jóvenes y ancianos, y laicos que tienen interés para conectarse para estudiar asuntos bíblicos o teológicos en el sitio web! ¡Gracias!Aquí está nuevamente el sitio web del Seminario donde puede ver los diferentes programas de estudio y los contactos necesarios:
Todavía estamos trabajando en un idioma español para el seminario, ojalá haya más idiomas por venir.
Prayers for our Synod in Latin America, held in Costa Rica, starting November 17th, A. D. 2017
Easter A. D. 2017
Christus resurexit vere, Hallelujah!
The Peace, Irene, Pace, Paix, Mir, Friede of the risen Lord be with you all
in our worldwide missions of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
This year's Paschal celebrations are overshadowed by many evil forces seeking the destruction of the world in which we live, and that can lead inevitably to the annihilation of the human race.
But as Christians we are reminded that the death of Jesus, the Son of God and the Messiah brought salvation to all of humanity, and this is the solemn promise we have to carry on in our faith lives: to live with Jesus in our hearts, no matter what.
We shall not be frightened and succumb to new deceiving world powers who seek their own interests, but abandon the basic principles of humanity: the care and outreach for all in need, the poor, the hungry, the imprisoned, the suffering of millions living in famine, the widespread epidemics of illnesses that plague millions in this world. The threat of new wars, the massacres of so many civilians by brutal and corrupt regimes. The coldness of modern societies that are driven by egocentric and selfish behaviors that live as there is no God, the new wave of destruction of the environment only for the profiteering of a few...
The powerlessness we feel is a sign that our faith needs to hear the message of Christ and that by following him, we are with him in the experience of his agony in Gethsemane, his torture and humiliation under Pilate, the abandonment by his followers, the suffering and dying on the Cross shedding his last drop of blood sealing the salvivic moment once and for all in History...
Therefore we can never avoid to take on our own Cross, seeing in it Christ, and giving our assistance for so many to find HIM.
Yet Salvation is not complete if the brutal experience of HIS death leaves no hope. And this is the difference we see in the light of Faith that we are called to eternal life because of the resurrection of Christ, the Firstborn.
The new and everlasting covenant that Christ sealed for us is once and for all. There will be no other covenant, there is only one life and one resurrection for each one of us.
Let us all live toward this goal of our faith in which God shows us the Love that surpasses all that the eye can see, of which we have heard, and of which our heart is filled with this deep joy that no one ever can take from us.
Let us all live as a Christian people to seek always the best in everyone given into our care, to understand always with the eyes of faith, to see through the darkness of this world toward the Light that Christ is among us, to await the Glory of God that will be given to us one day as we walk in the Holy Spirit eagerly forward.
Let us live as Church families encouraged by the Good News that HE is risen and alive, not only going ahead of us to Galilee, but moving us as a community of faith that will not cease to trust in God, and to do all the good work for all those given into our care.
And let us not be silenced by the evil forces in this world, but to make our voices heard toward injustice, and inequality, for peace, and to resist the forces in society that discriminate and destroy the lives of minority families, to speak up against war, but to support the suffering everywhere...
Be not afraid, God is with us as we love and care for each other!
May we also live more toward reforms in the Church and seek more Unity among the Christian Churches.
Below is letter that was written to Kevin Cardinal Farrell.
I wish you an all your loved ones, a Blessed and Joyous Easter!
With my prayers and love for you all,
Official Letter to:
Cardinal Kevin Farrell
Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life
Palazzo San Calisto
00120Vatican City State
Hand-delivered by Sr. Filo Hirota
Your Eminence:
A very Happy St. Paddy’s Day to you! Since writing to you in September of last year (letters enclosed), we’d like to update you on our work and seek a way of collaborating with you and your office. We understand that you’ve hired some 75 people to staff your office and are encouraged by this step taken by you.
We are pleased by Pope Francis choice of you as one of the new Cardinals. We are gratified to know that you share the Holy Father’s pastoral vision for the church and have long pushed for a greater involvement of the laity in the life of the church. With the understanding that your dicastery will “have responsibility for lay associations and movements in the church,” we would like to begin by offering our support for the event you are planning.
We understand that your office will be organizing an international meeting from the 5
to the 8
of April of this year
on the theme
From Krakow to Panama: the Synod journeying with the young
. We would like to offer support for this event t
hrough online technology thereby facilitating the participation of those who cannot be physically present in Rome. Being a global movement, we see our role as connecting people and events worldwide that support Pope Francis’s vision of a more welcoming, nurturing, inclusive church – whether lay or clergy initiated. By way of example, o
n the night of April 7 you plan to host a concert by GEN Rosso e Verde in the Sala Sinopoli of the “Parco della Musica” Auditorium in Rome. If your hope is for this to serve as a dialogue between young believers and all their peers, we could extend that dialogue by inviting more young people outside of Rome to participate through our online gathering. If you would be agreeable to allow us to broadcast your presentation online via Zoom technology, we could in turn invite other university students and young people from around the world to see, hear, and, if appropriate, share in the dialogue.
In addition, a questionnaire is anticipated to be released by the Vatican as the first part of the
Preparatory Document
, “Young People in today’s world” and that a study seminar is planned for the month of September to which specialists will be invited from various countries. Not only do we plan to promote the questionnaire among young people but, if it is true that this meeting will be open to all those who wish to participate, again we could widen the participation by inviting online guests to join in the meeting. These are just two examples of possible ways that we could offer our support to you.
There are some programs being organized by various Conferences of Bishops such as the
National Gathering of Base Christian Communities (Intereclesial das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base) in Londrina Brazil in January 2018 and the Plenary Synod in Australia in 2020. We are currently exploring the possibility of increasing the attendance for these by adding online guests who cannot be physically present. One of our team members will be in Rio de Janeiro next week and plans to meet with the staff of Iser Assessoria, the planning office of this event. We understand that this NGO was created at the ISER - Institute for Religious Studies- in 1982 and is dedicated to supporting participative democracy in the political and ecclesial areas of society.
In addition, there are several lay-initiated conferences which we hope to support and add participants through online technology:
April 1 – 6, 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia: organized by the Asian Lay Leaders (ALL) Forum, an umbrella organization composed of five groups in Asia. We are working with Paul Hwang, director of All Forum, who will be hosting this Youth Forum with theologians addressing the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) in Indonesian Ecological Sustainability, Genuine Human Development, Triple Dialogue of FABC, EvangelliGaudium and Laudato Si.
July 19-23, 2017 in Bangalore, India: a gathering of the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology (INSeCT) who, for the last 3 years, have focused their discussion on Gender and Ecclesiology and will discuss here the future of INSeCT.
November 15 – 18, 2018 in Aparecida, Brazil: Forum of the People of God organized by Global Council Network to be structured in a synodal type format.
2021 Africa: Forum of the People of God (time and place to be determined)
But, your Eminence, how much more successful such gatherings could be if your office and our organizations worked in collaboration with one another to promote all events of this kind – whether clergy or lay initiated.
Sr. Filo Hirota, co-director of Catholic Church Reform Int’l, has kindly agreed to hand-deliver this letter to your office. We look forward to hearing back from you and exploring possible ways that we can build the reign of God on earth through our joint effort.
Extending our prayers and support for the success of this newly established Dicastery of the Laity and looking forward to working with you,
Catholic Church Reform International
Kochurani Abraham, Kerala, India
Clyde Christofferson, Virginia, U.S.
Barbara Dreher,
Paul Hwang, Korea
Paschal Kearney CSSp, Australia
Peter Mbuchi Methu, Kenya
Alloys Nyakundi, Kenya
Don Pribor, Mexico and Brazil
Rene Reid, Nevada, U.S.
Michael Redfearn, Canada
Christina Reymer, New Zealand
Virginia Saldanha, India
Ed Schreurs, Netherlands
Nessan Vaughan, Ireland
Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, International
Eastern Africa
Small Christian Communities (SCCs)
Training Team, Nairobi, Kenya
Indian Women’s Theological Forum, India
Church Citizen's Voice(CCV), IndiaOrder of Franciscans Ecumenical, U.S.Global Council Network, InternationalTol Ardor, France
December 6th, Saint Nicklaus, A. D. 2016
Please share with all your people
Peace, and Greetings to you, brothers and sisters in Christ of our Worldwide Church Communion!
As we prepare ourselves for the Birth of Christ and His Second Coming in Glory, we look more inwardly through reflection and meditation. We seek a deeper relationship with Christ, so He will find us not asleep, but awake. The Gospel and Scripture readings in this Season showing what the People of old were yearning for, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Savior, the King of Kings, and that Christ is that Person, divine and human. In prayerful reflection, we experience in our faith life a newness that brings changes for our daily life and our actions as Christians! How can the Newborn King lead us to God? What great Joy that comes from our Love for God's Son, a love and peace the world in itself is unable to give. How can our longing for this ultimate Union with God be more rooted within us?
As I was writing, I received a nice letter of reflection from our Vicar General in Sri Lanka, Fr. Nicholas. I would like to share his letter with you! Also I share below with you a letter from our Bishop in India, +Dr. Sunny!
"LANGUAGE OF GOD IS CHRISTMAS Communication is an indispensable component of human history. Communication could be vary, but in this varied pattern, language occupies the prominent place. It is not an exaggeration to say, all what we are and what we have today are due to the language people have been using in different forms in history. This is the human dimension of the language. But there is also a divine dimension of the language. People of the Old Testament experienced God’s language in sundry ways. It is the People of New Testament who began to experience the language of God in human form. As John the Evangelist records God’s word becomes flesh at Christmas. From the very beginning of Jesus event, it is the divine communication that continues to speak to mankind in Jesus. Hence the language God addressed to man through Jesus is CHRISTMAS. God’s word that became flesh is an eternal language. Wherever and whenever such language is spoken JESUS IS BORN. Let us understand what this language is: It is the language of good news to Mary and her Fiat to it. It is the language of dispelling Joseph’s doubts. It is the language of sharing of joy with Elizabeth. It is the language of joy at the birth of Jesus. It is the language of facing challenging threats to life of baby Jesus in the life of Joseph. It is the language of Peace spoken by Jesus. It is the language of reconciliation in Jesus It is the language of loving acceptance in prodigal son. It is the language of forgiveness in Mary Magdalene. It is the language of loving enemies in Jesus. It is the language of service in the washing of the feet. It is the language of “OUR FATHER”. It is the language of “YOUR WILL BE DONE”. It is the language of CRUCIFIXION”. It is the language of “RESURRECTION”. Christmas is to speak this language. Unless and until we speak this language from our heart we will not experience birth of Jesus; what we will experience is our own Ego and selfishness. Today when the whole world celebrates Christmas I begin to wonder, whether Jesus is being born in the present context. It is only in the communication of the language God spoke to man through Jesus, we could rediscover Jesus and experience His birth. We wish you a Christmas that you will experience the language of Jesus and keep on speaking it in your own life situation."
May all of you around the World wherever you are experience this Christ in you! Angelus Silesius said it very well when he wrote: "Though Jesus Christ were born a thousand times in Bethlehem by his Mother, if he is not born again in you, then you are lost for evermore."
May Christ be born in your hearts, and reign there for His Love will be everlasting! May the Joy of His Birth renew the Love for HIS Kingdom, and may the coming year bring all of us closer to God!
From Bishop Sunny in India:
Most Rev. Fr. Karl and Loving Brothers in Jesus Christ,
As I am meditating on "The message on Christmas", the wonderful answer popped into my mind as I read over this gospel on Christmas, the greatest beginning of the greatest story ever told. So much of the Christmas story is, truly, about listening.
When Gabriel arrives to bring Mary the news that she will bear a child…she listens. When the angel tells Joseph in his dreams what is about to happen…he listens. The shepherds listen when the angel announces the “good news of great joy.” In the passage immediately following this, they go out and tell the world what they have seen. And the world listens.
Christmas invites us to listen.
To listen for God’s messengers. To listen for His good news. And what good news it is: that God is with us! That we are no longer alone. That He has come into our lives, and into our world. “The grace of God has appeared,” Paul writes. Or as Isaiah puts it so beautifully: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.”
Listening about True Love.
Then I start to contemplate the mystery of our God who became man. He is born in silence, poverty, simplicity and purity in Bethlehem, the house of bread. The sacred mystery of His Incarnation continued for us in the mystery of the Eucharist, God made real for us. God becomes man. Bread and wine becomes God-man. Each time we come to the Eucharist, we come to a new Bethlehem. He, who rested once in a manger, now rests in our entire being, as we receive him in the mystery of the Mass. "For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man" (Roman Missal, 3rd edition, Profession of Faith).
Tragedies exist; evil exists; bad things happen precisely because man rejects God. Our modern times are marked by a general rejection of God thus causing the terrible chaos that we see in the news each day. "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing, as they rejoice before you as at the harvest, as people make merry when dividing spoils" (Isaiah 9: 1-2).
While Christmas is undoubtedly a time of great joy, it is also an occasion for deep reflection, even an examination of conscience. Whatever language we may speak as we contemplate the Christ child lying in the manger of Bethlehem, God speaks only one language and that language is the language of love.
Like the shepherds of Bethlehem, may we too, with eyes full of amazement and wonder, gaze upon the Child Jesus, the Son of God. And in his presence may our hearts burst forth in prayer: “Show us, Lord, your mercy, and grant us your salvation” (Ps 85:8).
Think of how Christmas comes to us – if only we listen for it.
We had a meeting with the worldwide Roman Catholic Reform Movement: Catholic Church Reform International.
They wrote that we as a worldwide Church Communion, the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, have a vital role in the Reform for Rome. They see in our ECCC vital ideas which we have demonstrated and lived for since 1998.
They wrote: "The purpose in having Archbishop + Karl
in the meeting today was to connect the ecumenical work and to join their communities with our efforts in bringing about reform in the Roman Catholic Church through the series of Synods of the People."
In our collaborative work with
Council 50
, the following issues were suggested to be included as agenda topics for the Brasilia Synod of the People:
1. Laity involved in the decision-making of the Church
2. The role of women addressed
3. Equality both men and women in the ministry of the Church
4. Inclusiveness of the LGBT community in the Church
5. Optional Celibacy for priests
6. Ecumenism – the Roman Catholic Church continuing to reach out to other Christian denominations emphasizing what
we share in common
7. Greater autonomy of dioceses to work out their own needs for their community
The People Speak out website for Reforms is now live
You are all an inspiration for the struggle we have been through! I urge you to make an effort for the sake of Christ's beloved Church. We have now the opportunity and the blessings to be more involved in an worldwide effort to let the Holy Spirit speak through you, and bring about very needed reforms!
Please have group meetings wherever you are around the world in our ECCC, participate, invite other groups from other Churches as well, and bring your recommendations to improve the Forum and the task for Reforms to this website:
This will be vital in order to create the agenda for a series of People's Synods around the World, and the big one in Brasilia in 2018!
We are counting on you all!
Thank you for participating!!
Letter of information n°1 12 September 2016
Global Council Network
Towards a Church- Inspired by the Gospel-for the world Por uma Igreja inspirada no Evangelho - para o mundo Rumbo a una Iglesia inspirada en el Evangelio-para el mundo Vers une Eglise-inspirée par l’Evangile-pour le monde Verso una Chiesa ispirata dal Vangelo per il mondo
To all signatories of the Declaration and to the participants of the Council 50 Gathering of delegates on 20-22 November 2015 in Rome.
Dear All,
By your endorsing the “Council 50 declaration” you are part of the “Global Council Network”. It is a pleasure to write to you to think and work together on what should be this network. To recall the spirit of our endeavor, the first part of this letter is an update on the last gathering of delegates that took place last November in Rome. Then, a second part will describe the main activities for the forthcoming years planned during this gathering and finally the last part is an invitation for you to contribute to the preparation of the first synod of the people of God that will take place in 2018 in Brasilia. This synod will be a major activity of the forthcoming years. 1) Update on the Gathering of delegates 20-22 November 2015 in Rome First of all, let me briefly update those of you who did not attend the gathering of Rome. Although the Council Vatican II renewed the Catholic Church, the stride for expressing the Gospel message in a way that the contemporary men and women can understand was stopped. The election of Pope Francis and the spirit he gave in the early days to his pontificate, his renewed attention to Synods, his attitudes, calls, gestures aroused great hope and encouraged a large part of the Church to support him in his efforts to turn the Church from a dogmatic attitude to a pastoral and evangelic approach, and to respond to his exhortations, in particular that in "Evangelii Gaudium1", recommending to the bishops "in certain circumstances to walk behind the people because the herd possesses itself an intuition to find new paths ". In order to respond to this call, to be faithful to the message of Vatican II2 and to the Gospel and to give an opportunity of expression to the sensus fidelium/fidei3, a gathering of delegates of reform movements, associations and communities around the world was organized in Rome on November 20-22 2015 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the close of the Council Vatican II, and of the Pact of Catacombs. About 100 delegates from 28 countries spread within 5 continents met together and bring the views of their groups, movements, and countries on reforms to be undertaken by our Church towards both: i) the being of the Church (the people including the hierarchy), her functioning and her organization in order to improve her, so that she is in 21th century what she says to be, ii) the saying it and the doing of the Church in order to allow her members to illuminate, with the Spirit of Jesus, our evolving world and to contribute to its transformation into a world of peace, social and economic justice, solidarity, a world fighting against poverty in which every man and every woman can develop him/herself in all the dimensions of his/her being. Hence the leitmotiv "Council 50, towards a Church inspired by Gospels for the world ". A book on this event is in progress and will be published as soon as possible. Meanwhile you might read the article that Miriam Duignam wrote in the March 2016 issue of the magazine RENEW on the gathering of Rome and that is posted on the Council 50 website ( ) A first expression resulting from this gathering was the “Council 50 declaration” that most of you did endorse. This declaration was submitted to Pope Francis on the 8th of December 2015, the 50th anniversary of the close of Vatican II. ( ).
Very much motivated by this gathering, participants demanded that the process thus initiated in Rome be pursued. Therefore, right after the last plenary session of the gathering, a new meeting was organized in the afternoon of November 22 2015 in order to satisfy this demand. During this meeting, a plan was established and agreed upon to proceed along the same lines.
2) Actions agreed to be undertaken? These actions are particularly aiming at - give a new impulse to the great spectrum of movements fighting in favor of the renovation of Catholic Church and give them the possibility to express themselves, as members of the people of God; - consolidate proposals of the people of God in favor of the renovation of Catholic Church, and particularly those of the Council 50 declaration; - expand the network with reform organizations, movements, communities, groups which didn't participate in Rome and which work for a more democratic Church inspired by the Gospel and the openings of the Council Vatican II, committed with peace, economic and social justice, solidarity, integrity of creation, with equality in rights and responsibilities between women and men in the Church. You are therefore invited to undertake the following actions and to pray the Holy Spirit for inspiring us the best way to accomplish them: i) Endorsement of the “Council 50 declaration” by as many people as possible, and development of the “Global Council network”. This network is composed of all those who endorsed the declaration. This is easily done via the website: (…/declarat…/endorse-the-declaration.
You are invited to contact your friends and present them the declaration. If you want to be informed on the actions to be undertaken along these lines, and eventually to contribute to these actions, do not hesitate to contact me or a member of the Global Council network. ii) work with local groups, associations, movements, communities, parishes for thinking at the needed reforms to introduce both in the Church and the world in the spirit of the “Council 50 declaration”, and the best ways to implement them. A possible way to proceed is to organize in your own territories forums, thematic discussions, etc. for contributing to the building-up of a common agenda of issues to address, having in mind the principles and directions of the Medellin Document and of the Council 50 declaration in order to contribute to the preparation of the forthcoming “Synod of the people of God” presented below. iii) Organization of a series of “Synods of the people of God” on topics chosen along the lines of the Council 50 declaration, taking into account its necessary improvement, and the specificities of the culture and particularities of the regions where they will take place. The first one in Latin America in 2018, presented below and the second one in Africa in 2021.
3) The First Synod of the people of God in Brasilia in 2018 and its preparation Following the very interesting proposal of Lula Ramires, Edson G.P.O. Silva and Daniel Seidel from San Paulo in Brazil, the first Synod of the people of God will take place in Brasilia in 2018, at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Conference of Latin American Bishops that took place in Medellin where the option for the Poor was reinforced and the base communities recognized. This is the opportunity for every community, group; movement all around the world to participate and contribute to make its voice heard for reforms in the Church and the society in order to transform our 21st century world in the light of the Spirit of Jesus and the Gospel into a world of peace, social and economic justice, solidarity, a world which respects human rights and preserves our planet.. An international organizing committee composed of delegates of reform networks or movements, including a local committee particularly in charge of the practical local organization, is being set-up. It is in charge of launching the process of elaboration of the content of this Synod and to prepare the program in cooperation with all groups, movements, communities interested. The first meeting of the international committee preparing this synod will be held on 6-7 November 2016 in Rome. It has been suggested that this Synod should - emphasize the shortcomings of the present organization of our Church and of its behavior; - present alternatives in the light of the Council Vatican II, the Gospel and results from theological approaches including the theology of liberation; - express a vision, based on the message of Jesus, that is able to inspire the whole world for social and economic justice, solidarity, human rights, preservation of our planet and peace. - restore the hope that the good spirit laid down in documents more than 50 years ago, as well as in the papers, talks and practice of our Pope Francis, is going to break through anyway. What do you think?
It is very important in this venture to benefit from the support and contributions from all reform groups and movements throughout the world in order to build a synod that will express the views of the People of God.
This is why you are invited to sign with your name, email and association, group, movement, network, communities, etc., the letter of invitation to this synod which will be finalized during the meeting of the organizing committee in Rome.
Therefore, if you agree to sign the letter of invitation to the 2018 synod, you will receive the draft for review. Furthermore, if you are interested to be part of the organizing international committee, if you want to make suggestions for the synod, regarding its aims, key points to address, ideas to convey, proposals of reforms to be undertaken, particular activities to organise, please send me an email ( ).
With my best regards François Becker Secretary General of the European Network Church on the move Coordinator of Global Council Network
Special Announcement
August 17th, A. D. 2016
From the Apostolic Office of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ
Clarification about False and defamatory statements of the Roman Catholic Archdioceses of Detroit (AOD) from August 11th, 2016.
It came to our attention that the AOD has circulated false and defamatory statements about the Presiding bishop of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ (ECCC), Dr. Karl Rodig. It is sad to say the least that we still facing such attacks from the RC against other Churches who are not in alignment with the Roman Catholic Church. It is bewildering to see how false and defamatory statements are being used to badmouth our Church that is authentic Catholic, but not Roman Catholic (The reader may know that there are many different Catholic Rites in the World, the Roman Catholic Rite is the largest one among them, but not the only one.) We see in this just an other sign that the Spirit and the Joy of the Gospel are completely missing. Instead of working together in an ecumenical Spirit, we see church politics as usual. Let us no longer live in the dark ages of the Church, no longer experience of a Church that has caused so much pain and suffering among the faithful throughout the ages. Church history should teach us the lessons not to repeat the past.
A Response to the false and defamatory statements of the AOD
Bishop Dr. Rodig was not dismissed by the Congregation of the Precious Blood as stated by the AOD. Back in 1989, Fr. Karl Rodig asked his Provincial of the Congregation of the precious blood to grant him a year of leave of absence, it was extended for two more years. The Provincial wanted him back, but Fr. Karl Rodig decided to leave for good. Then the process for granting Fr. Rodig's request was set in motion through the canonical process by John Paul II., because Dr. Rodig’s decision was based on his consciousness he did not wanted to live a double life as many of his priest colleagues do. He believes that celibacy should be optional! In 1995, under Pope John Paul II., the Vatican issued a statement for Fr. Rodig to seek an other Roman bishop in order to continue as a Roman priest. The Vatican has never excommunicated Dr. Rodig. It is sad to say that the way excommunication is being used by some Roman church leaders as a political tool in our days as it reminds us more of the dark ages of the Church. It would be better to see that one is leaving the church for good conscious reasons. In the meantime, Dr. Rodig became an independent catholic priest. He had many friends among the Roman priests in Miami in the 1990s. In 1999 he received a letter to his episcopal consecration of good wishes from Roman Catholic Archbishop Emeritus, McCarty, and he continued to have good friendships with high-ranking members of the Miami Roman Catholic Archdiocese. Bishop Rodig works with Roman Catholic Reform Movements, and was invited as guest to attend part of the discussion sessions for the Synod in Rome in 2014.
Dr. Rodig was not consecrated by Archbishop McCormick (they never met) as stated by the AOD statement (McCormick was not present at the consecration of Dr. Rodig). Bishop Karl was consecrated a bishop by Archbishop Dr. Hypolitus Orlando Lima of the old Roman Catholic Church and two co-consecrators of the Old Catholic Church. Our Apostolic lines are impeccable. A professor of the Catholic University of Washington DC, and a Catholic Bishop have confirmed them. Our Sacraments are valid!
Dr. Rodig did not take on the title Archbishop as stated by the AOD, but received the title after the consecration from Archbishop Lima. He hardly uses it. Just Bishop Karl.
The statement by the AOD to see the Old Roman Catholic Church as schismatic is just again an other political way of dealing with other Christ-minded Catholic Christians who follow Christ Jesus with their heart and soul. Worldwide we follow Christ, serving the poor, striving for social justice, and reaching out to all of God's people who seek a new spiritual home, healing, and to see a more active ecumenical dialog for unity among all Christian Churches. We have many Roman Catholic priest and bishop friends who appreciate our presence as we appreciate them as our brothers in Christ
Our Response Statement is well documented
Archbishop Dr. Rodig often says: "Where is Christ in all of this?" How true it is!
We also condemn the Slanders and False Statements of the Roman Catholic Fringe group, "Church Militant" against Archbishop Dr. Karl Rodig (this group also slandered Roman Catholic bishops!)
The Reader can take a look at the following article that also shows that this group has been condemned by other Roman Catholic Dioceses, etc. throughout the USA!
Peace, dear brothers and sisters of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, and all Christians near and afar! The past unholy experiences that some of you, including I had, and will continue to have with some of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, shall not diminish our Spirit for a New Face of Christ's Church that needs renewal and reforms. We shall pray and be moved in the Holy Spirit to actively follow Christ and seek HIM in all things. He is the one who will set you free, not some Roman bishops who see this as a power game out of their own misery of church politics. When Christ faced the authorities of his time, HE was full aware of the insult he would face, the total disconnect of those who yield power for their own sake...Christ born into a historical time of unrest, fear, and social injustice, faced the ignorance, the abuse of authority in the religious hierarchy, the betrayal through so many, the hate toward his message of Love. It was the hypocrisy of so many leaders who showed no faith in the God of Love and Mercy, and they hated him to death, and so He faced the agony of being rejected and abandoned till the end with only a few around him. The experience of our sincere heart that searches for a liberating faith coming closer to Christ is our call. Let us be truthful to HIM and ourselves, and may we bless those who raise their voices against us out of hate and ignorance, may we pray for those who find pleasure and satisfaction in persecuting us, and love them through the eyes of Christ. "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commandments and remain in His love." (John 15:9-10) “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15). The Love of Christ compels all of us to love and care for each other as Christ has shown it in his earthly life, and as HE continuous to show His Love toward us sitting at the right hand of God the Father. Yes, we are called to follow Him with our heart and soul, and see in the Gospel the true treasure for our life's journey that helps us to seek Him and find Him. God's Spirit is the moving force for our pilgrimage on earth.
"But when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy, he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life." (Titus 3:4-7). It is indeed sad that we still see so many hypocritical Christian Church leaders, being political, obsessed with far they have moved from the Good News of the Gospel of Joy to the Bad News of Power and Greed. How many modern Pharisees are we dealing with condemning others because of their love for Christ who follow in His footsteps with all their hearts, caring and serving all of God's Children. "I have given them the glory you gave to me, that they may be one as we are one. With I in them and you in me, may they be so perfected in unity that the world will recognize that it was you who sent me and that you have loved them as you have loved me. Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may always see my glory which you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world." (John 17:22-24) Let us seek this Unity in our Love for Christ. If you from the Roman Catholic Rite, please do not live with a false pride, but always seek the best in your fellow Christians from other Catholic Churches and Protestant Churches, and do not judge them, but try to understand each other better through the love of Christ. Some of these Q&A thoughts shall make us aware when we are driven by fundamentalism, or being religious fanatics, just to go to extreme attitudes in only judging others... How can we let ignorance repeat bad church history over and over again... -Are Roman Catholics the only ones who go to heaven? Answer: No -Is the Roman Catholic Church the only Catholic Church? Answer: No -Is the Roman Catholic Church a Catholic Rite among other Catholic Rites? Answer: Yes -Are Catholics who are not Roman Catholics therefore less Catholic or bad Catholics? Answer: No -Are Roman Catholics better Christians than none Roman Catholic Christians who follow Christ with heart and soul? Answer: No -Are independent Catholic bishops and priests who have true apostolic succession less valid than their Roman Catholic counterparts? Answer: No -Are the sacraments performed by Apostolic Valid Independent Catholic Bishops and Priests are valid sacraments? Answer: Yes -Are the words "illicit performed sacraments" used by the Roman Catholic Church in reference to independent valid Catholic Churches who serve the Gospel Christian? (This is legalistic and canonical political pondering. One of the most unchristian attitudes) Answer: No Answer: No -Is the Love of a none Roman Catholic less before God? Answer: No -Does it serve Christ and the people of God that many in the church hierarchies play with power and exclusive attitudes? Answer: No -Have Roman Catholic faithful in the Laity found really a voice in the hierarchy's decisions? Answer: Not yet -Is the decision to elect bishops by Rome without people having a say in it Christian? (In the early church it was customary that the people elected bishops by acclamation). Answer: No -Is the exclusion of women in Roman Catholic Church Ministry Christian? (St. Mary Magdalene was called the Apostle of the Apostles. There were women deacons, and women clergy in the early church) Answer: No -Is the exclusion of Gay Catholics who want to participate fully in the Roman Catholic Church or other Church Denominations true Christian? Answer: No -Is optional celibacy a more dignified choice for priests (in the Catholic Church for more than thousand years there were married clergy including 39 married popes; the Roman Catholic Church does have married clergy with families converting as clergy of the Anglican, Lutheran, and other Churches to the Roman Rite). Celibate and married priests can live side by side. Answer: Yes Answer: Yes Let us keep our hearts always open to the Holy Spirit who moves us in a dynamic way, who has always changed the church when it became static, and who will continue to renew the Church through the fire of the Holy Spirit with Love and needed reforms: to give the faithful a stronger voice in the Church; to be inclusive; to allow women ordinations; to have optional celibacy; to have a more transparent church administration that is filled with lay people from all walks of life; to find a kinder spirit within all of the church; to see in the poor and needy, the ostracized, the abandoned, the jailed... Christ himself; to experience in the fullness of nature all our brothers and sisters, straight and LGBT as complimentary. Be rest assured as it has my experience for so many years to let you know that many roman catholic priests, including bishops love our Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ as they see in us what they are unable to do, because being ruled and not free to express more deeply their desire for reforms... “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner human, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:14-19). At this occasion, we would like to welcome our new bishops, priests, and Arch-deaconess into our Worldwide Church Communion. We also wanted to congratulate our Church Synod for the South American Continent under the Leadership of Archbishop ++Mons. Sebastián Herrera Plá, Nuntius for Latin America. Please keep them all in your prayers! May the Good Shepherd, Christ Jesus, to whom we all belong be our true liberator, and may he lead us all toward a better tomorrow of God's Holy Church, seeking this Unity of love and Peace. May He at the end of our lives, reward each one of us with the heavenly Kingdom which we shall seek first. With my prayers and benedictions, Your servant of Christ +Karl
ECCC NEWS: We welcome into the ECCC: +Bishop Suny Alapat for our Church in India +Bishop Michael Hillis, Michigan, USA Fr. Dr. Rogelio Carrera, Kentucky, USA Fr. Dr. Thomas Roberts, Nebraska, USA Archdeacon Elizabeth Brown, Nebraska, USA. In Process for incardination: Fr. Shajiu Thomas, India Fr. Edio Menghini Zuech, Switzerland, Europe La paz, queridos hermanos y hermanas de la Iglesia católica de Cristo Ecuménico, y todos los Cristianos cerca y lejos! Las pasadas experiencias impía que algunos de ustedes, incluido yo, y seguirán teniendo con algunos de la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica, no deberá disminuir nuestro espíritu para un nuevo rostro de la Iglesia de Cristo que necesita renovación y reformas. Vamos a orar y ser movido por el Espíritu Santo a participar activamente en el seguimiento de Cristo y lo buscan en todas las cosas. Él es quien os hará libres, no algunos obispos romanos que ven esto como un juego de poder fuera de su propia miseria política de la iglesia romana. Cuando Cristo ante las autoridades de su tiempo, fue plenamente consciente del insulto correría, el total desconexión de aquellos que producen energía para su propio beneficio...Cristo nace en un momento histórico de disturbios, el miedo y la injusticia social, ante la ignorancia, el abuso de autoridad en la jerarquía religiosa, la traición a través de tantos, el odio hacia su mensaje de amor. Es la hipocresía de muchos dirigentes que no mostraron la fe en el Dios del amor y de la misericordia, y le aborrecieron a la muerte y, de este modo, se enfrentó a la agonía de ser rechazado y abandonado hasta el final con sólo unos pocos alrededor de él. La experiencia de nuestro corazón sincero que busca una fe liberadora acercarse a Cristo es nuestra llamada. Seamos sinceros, a él y a nosotros, y nos bendiga a aquellos que alcen sus voces en contra de nosotros fuera del odio y la ignorancia, oramos por aquellos que encuentran placer y satisfacción en perseguir a nosotros, y el amor a través de los ojos de Cristo. "Como el Padre me amó, yo también os he amado a vosotros. Permanezcan en mi amor. Si obedecen mis mandamientos, permaneceréis en mi amor, como yo he obedecido los mandamientos de mi Padre y permanezco en su amor." (Juan 15:9-10) "Por el amor de Cristo nos obliga, porque juzgamos así: que si uno murió por todos, luego todos murieron; y por todos murió, para que los que viven ya no vivan para sí, sino para aquel que murió y resucitó por ellos" (2 Corintios 5:14, 15). El amor de Cristo nos obliga a todos nosotros el amor y el cuidado de los unos a los otros como Cristo lo ha demostrado en su vida terrena, y como EL todavía mostrar su amor hacia nosotros, sentado a la diestra del Padre. Sí, estamos llamados a seguirlo con todo nuestro corazón y alma, y ver en el Evangelio el verdadero tesoro para nuestro camino de vida que nos ayuda a buscarlo y encontrarlo. El Espíritu de Dios es la fuerza que mueve nos en nuestra peregrinación en la tierra. "Pero cuando la bondad y el amor generoso de Dios nuestro Salvador apareció, no a causa de cualquier actos justos que habíamos hecho, sino por su misericordia, él nos salvó por el baño de regeneración y de la renovación por el Espíritu Santo, a quien él ricamente derramada sobre nosotros a través de Jesucristo nuestro Salvador, para que fuésemos justificados por su gracia y ser herederas en la esperanza de la vida eterna." (Tito 3:4-7). Es realmente triste que todavía podemos ver tantos hipócritas líderes de la Iglesia Cristiana, ser político, obsesionado con la secreta...hasta qué punto se han trasladado de la Buena Noticia del Evangelio de alegría a las malas noticias del poder y la codicia. Cómo muchos fariseos modernos se trata de condenar a los demás a causa de su amor por Cristo que seguir sus pasos con todo su corazón, cuidar y servir a todos los hijos de Dios. "Yo les he dado la gloria que me diste, para que sean uno como nosotros somos uno. Con yo en ellos y tú en mí, para que sean perfeccionados en la unidad que el mundo reconozca que tú me has enviado y que los has amado a ellos como me has amado a mí. Padre, quiero que los que me has dado estén conmigo donde yo estoy, para que puedan ver siempre mi gloria, la que me has dado, porque me has amado antes de la fundación del mundo." (Juan 17:22-24) Busquemos esta unidad en nuestro amor por Cristo. Si fieles desde el Rito Católico Romano, por favor, no viven con un falso orgullo, pero siempre buscan el mejor de tus hermanos cristianos de otras Iglesias Católicas y Protestantes, y no juzgar, sino intentar comprender mejor unos a otros a través del amor de Cristo. Algunos de estos Preguntas & Respuestas en pensamientos se nos hacen conscientes cuando nos sentimos atraídos por el fundamentalismo, o ser fanáticos religiosos, sólo para ir a actitudes extremas sólo en juzgar a otros... Cómo nosotros podemos permitir que la ignorancia repita el mal de la historia de la Iglesia una y otra vez... -Los Católicos romanos son los únicos que van al cielo? Respuesta: No -la Iglesia Católica Romana es la única iglesia católica? Respuesta: No -la Iglesia Católica Romana es un rito católico entre otros ritos católicos? Respuesta: Sí -son católicos que no son católicos romanos, por lo tanto, menos católico o malos católicos? Respuesta: No -son católicos romanos mejor que los otros Cristianos Católicos que siguen a Cristo con el corazón y el alma? Respuesta: No -son independientes Obispos y sacerdotes que tienen la verdadera sucesión apostólica menos válida que sus homólogos Católicos Romanos? Respuesta: No -son los sacramentos -realizada por sucesión apostólica- en independiente válidos Obispos y sacerdotes válidos sacramentos? Respuesta: Sí -Son las palabras "ilícita realiza los sacramentos" utilizada por la Iglesia Católica Romana en referencia a independiente iglesias católicas válido servir el Evangelio? (Esto es legalista y canónica ponderando político. Uno de los más actitudes anticristiano) Respuesta: No -es el amor de un Católico Non Romano menos ante Dios? Respuesta: No. -Se sirve a Cristo y al pueblo de Dios en la iglesia Romana y otras cuando muchas jerarquías juegan con poder y con actitudes exclusivos? Respuesta: ningún -Los fieles católicos romanos han encontrado realmente una voz en las decisiones de la jerarquía? Respuesta: Aún no -Es la decisión de elegir a los obispos romanos católicos sin la voz de las laicos un error? (En la iglesia primitiva era costumbre que el pueblo eligió por aclamación a los obispos). Respuesta: Si -Es la exclusión de las mujeres en la Iglesia Católica Romana del ministerio una actitud cristiano? (St. María Magdalena fue llamado el Apóstol de los Apóstoles. Hay mujeres que son diáconos, y mujeres sacerdotes en la iglesia temprana) Respuesta: No -Es la exclusión de los católicos homosexuales que desean participar plenamente en la Iglesia Católica Romana o de otras confesiones religiosas Cristiano verdadero? Respuesta: No -Sea el celibato opcional una opción más digna entre de los sacerdotes y obispos (en la Iglesia Católica durante más de mil años hubo clero casado casado incluyendo 39 papas; la Iglesia Católica Romana tiene clero casado con familias convertido de clérigo de la Iglesia Anglicana, luterana y otra Iglesia de Rito romano). Célibes y sacerdotes casados puedan vivir lado a lado. Respuesta: Sí Mantengamos nuestros corazones siempre abiertos al Espíritu Santo que nos mueve de una manera dinámica, quien siempre ha cambiado la iglesia cuando se convirtió de una situación estático, y que continuará a renovar la Iglesia mediante el fuego del Espíritu Santo con amor y reformas necesarias: para dar a los fieles una voz más fuerte en la Iglesia; ser incluyente; permitir a las mujeres ordenaciones; tener el celibato opcional; para que haya una mayor transparencia de la administración de la iglesia que se llena con los laicos de todas las caminatas de la vida; encontrar un mas gentile espíritu dentro de la iglesia; ver en los pobres y necesitados, el ostracismo, abandonados, encarcelados... Cristo mismo; experiencia en la plenitud de la naturaleza a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas, incluido plenamente los homosexuales con cortesía. Están seguro de como yo lo ha hecho en mi experiencia durante 30 años del ministerio activo que muchos sacerdotes católicos romanos, incluidos obispos aman nuestra Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo porque ellos ven en nosotros lo que son incapaces de hacer, porque ser gobernado y no libres para expresar más profundamente su deseo de reformas... "Por esta causa doblo mis rodillas al Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, de quien toda familia en el cielo y la tierra se llama, para que os dé, conforme a las riquezas de su gloria, el ser fortalecidos con poder por su espíritu en el hombre interior, que Cristo habite por la fe en vuestros corazones; que, arraigados y fundados en el amor, pueden ser capaces de comprender con todos los santos cuál es la anchura y la longitud, la profundidad y la altura, de conocer el amor de Cristo, que supera el conocimiento; que pueden estar llenos de toda la plenitud de Dios" (Efesios 3:14-19). Que el Buen Pastor, Cristo Jesús, a quien todos pertenecemos ser nuestro verdadero libertador, y que él nos conduzca a todos hacia un mañana mejor de la santa Iglesia de Dios, la búsqueda de esa unidad de amor y de paz. Puede que al final de nuestra vida, recompensa cada uno de nosotros con el reino celestial que trataremos en primer lugar. A este momento, bienvenidos los nuevos obispos, sacerdotes, y diaconisa en nuestra Iglesia. Felicitamos también a nuestra Iglesia en America Latina para su inicio de su Sínodo Continental, entre el lidre, Arzobispo ++Mons. Sebastián Herrera Plá, Nuncio Apostólico por America Latina. Rezan los todos para ellos! Con mis oraciones y bendiciones, Su siervo de Cristo +Karl Today we released the following press release as the newly created department for the Laity, Family and Life is officially launched. We offer this for your reading and, if you agree, we invite you to send this out to your local news media. Contact: Rene Reid Work phone: 775-825-9196; Cell phone: 775-772-1210 Catholic Reform Group Urges New Department for the Laity, Family, and Life to Actively Collaborate with Lay-led Initiatives While acknowledging disappointment that a lay person, a family man or woman, was not assigned to head the department for the laity, family and life, through an Open Letter, Catholic Church Reform Int'l congratulates the recently appointed head, Bishop Kevin Farrell, for having long pushed for a greater involvement of the laity in the life of the church. The Reform Group asks specifically for these actions to be part of the new department: In filling your 35-member staff, set as a goal that the majority of staff members will be made up of qualified `lay Catholics from various parts of the world who share Pope Francis's vision for the pastoral care of the Church. Staff members will have - not only an advisory role but - an influential and deliberative voice in the proceedings of this department. When the vision of your department aligns with lay-led initiatives, that you offer your full support and willingness to collaborate with such movements. "Pope Francis continues to call for the laity to 'play a major role in the life and mission of the church,'" says CCRI director, Rene Reid. "He seems to recognize that the reform needed will not come without the people speaking up and assuming some leadership. With this new department being launched today, we fully expect lay-led initiatives to be welcomed and supported." A case in point: In 1968 South American bishops held a conference in Meddellin Columbia where the principles of the Second Vatican Council were emphasized. Now 50 years later in 2018, a group of lay-led Catholics calling themselves Council 50 are calling for a People's Synod to be held in Brazil to carry on the work still left undone by the Vatican Council. "We've had two recent synods attended primarily by bishops. The time is right to call a People's Synod and we hope to see this new dicastery support us in our efforts," says Ed Schreurs, a member of both CCRI and Council 50. The group is currently in process of collecting an opinion poll and calling local dialogue meetings for the purpose of producing statements that will be placed on the agenda of the 2018 Synod. Agreeing with the critical importance of calling local gatherings where the people can share their opinions with one another, Catholic Church Reform Int'l is currently encouraging these small local gatherings in communities in various cities around the world. All are welcomed to participate and let their voice be heard.
Easter A. D. 2016 From your Ecumenical Primate Please share with those of whom I have no e-mails. Thank you! Por favor comparta con todos aquellos de los cuales no tengo e-mails. Gracias!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ near and afar! From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you all a very blessed and joyous Easter! Each year, the celebration of the Salvation Mysteries in the suffering, dying, and resurrection of Christ Jesus brings our faith closer to the enduring power of God’s Love toward humanity. As we reflected in the Lenten Season our own journey of faith with the Lord, we saw our weakness in many ways, we rediscovered the moment of grace that God shows us through Mercy forgiving us because we have turned away from HIM. That forgiving Grace pours out from HIS loving heart. Yes, it is this very experience with God that we need to get closer to HIM in our daily lives, seeking HIS will and learning from Jesus' way of Life which many of us have known since our childhood. Our image of God might have changed throughout the years, and yet we try to mature in our faith, nurturing this unbroken hope that God is al-present, almighty, all loving, all-merciful, and forgiving, leading us all in the Holy Spirit who emanates continuously from the Love of the Eternal Father with HIS Son. Oh glorious Mysteries in the wounds of Thy suffering, the redemption brought through thy death that dies no more, oh eternal Love that caused you rising, and now awaits our own new life in the Kingdom of Heaven. My dear brothers and sisters, may the power of the Love of God - that only the heart will ever know -, fill us all with the Joy of the Risen Lord be with you all now and forever. AMEN. Yours in the risen Christ, +Karl
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, cerca y lejos! Desde el fondo de mi corazón, quiero desear a todos un muy bendecido y feliz Pascua! Cada año, la celebración de los misterios de la salvación en el sufrimiento, la muerte y la resurrección de Cristo Jesús trae nuestra fe, más cerca del poder perdurable del amor de Dios hacia la humanidad. Como se refleja en el tiempo de Cuaresma, nuestro propio itinerario de fe con el Señor, vimos a nuestra debilidad de muchas maneras, hemos redescubierto el momento de gracia que Dios nos muestra a través de la misericordia de perdonarnos porque nos hemos alejado de él. Que perdonar la gracia derrama desde su corazón amoroso. Sí, es precisamente esta experiencia con Dios que debemos acercarnos a Él en nuestra vida diaria, buscar su voluntad y aprender de la forma de vida de Jesús, que muchos de nosotros hemos conocido desde nuestra infancia. Nuestra imagen de Dios podría haber cambiado a lo largo de los años, y sin embargo tratamos de madurar en nuestra fe, alimentar esa inquebrantable esperanza de que Dios está al presente, todopoderoso, todo amor, todo misericordioso, y perdonando, llevándonos a todos en el Espíritu Santo, que emana continuamente desde el amor del Padre eterno con su Hijo. Oh misterios gloriosos en las heridas de tu sufrimiento, la redención realizada por tu muerte que no muere más, oh Amor eterno que provocó que van en aumento, y ahora espera nuestra propia vida nueva en el Reino de los Cielos. Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, que el poder del amor de Dios, -que sólo el corazón sabrá siempre-, nos llene a todos con la alegría del Señor Resucitado esté con todos vosotros ahora y siempre. Amén. Suyos en Cristo Resucitado, +Karl
Queridos irmãos e irmãs em Cristo de perto e longe! Do fundo do coração, quero desejar a todos vós um muito abençoado e alegre Páscoa! Cada ano a celebração dos mistérios da salvação no sofrimento, morte e ressurreição de Jesus Cristo traz a nossa fé para mais perto do poder duradouro do amor de Deus para com a humanidade. Como temos refletido no tempo da Quaresma o nosso próprio caminho de fé com o Senhor, vimos a nossa fraqueza de muitas maneiras, redescobrimos o momento de graça que Deus nos mostra através da misericórdia de nos perdoar porque temos se desviou dele. Que perdoa a graça efunde a partir de seu coração amoroso. Sim, é precisamente esta experiência com Deus que temos de nos aproximar mais a Ele em nossa vida diária, buscando a Sua vontade e a aprendizagem a partir de Jesus de uma forma de vida que muitos de nós têm conhecido desde nossa infância. Nossa imagem de Deus podem ter mudado ao longo dos anos, e ainda tentamos a amadurecer na nossa fé, cultivando esta intacta a esperança de que Deus é al-presente, omnipotente, todos amoroso, todo-misericordioso e perdoar, levando-nos a todos no Espírito Santo que emana continuamente do Amor eterno do Pai com seu filho. Oh mistérios gloriosos nas feridas do teu sofrimento, a redenção através de tua morte que não morre mais, oh Amor eterno que lhe provocou a subir e agora aguarda a nossa própria vida nova no reino dos céus. Meus queridos irmãos e irmãs, a potência do amor de Deus - que somente o coração jamais vai saber - encha todos nós com a alegria do Senhor ressuscitado esteja com todos vós agora e para sempre. Amém. Seu em Cristo ressuscitado, +Karl
Уважаеми братя и сестри в Христа, близо до и отдалеч! От дъното на сърцето ми, искам да желаем всичко много благослови и щастливи Великден! Всяка година, на честването на мистериите спасение в страдание, на умиране, и възкресението на Христа Исуса носи ни вяра, по-близки до трайна мощност на Божиите любов към човечеството. Като ние отразени в постни сезон нашите собствени пътуването на вяра с Господа, видяхме нашите слабост по много начини, ние преоткри любовта към момента на гратисен период, че Бог ни показва чрез милост великодушен сащ, защото имаме завърти далеч от него. Че великодушен гратисен избликват от неговата миролюбиви сърцето. Да, това е много опит с Бога, че ние трябва да се приближи към него в ни живот, иска неговото ще и обучение от Исус" начин на живот, която мнозина от нас са известни, тъй като нашето детство. Нашите изображение на Бога, може да са променени през годините, и още, ние се опитваме да зрели в нашата вяра, отглеждащи този здрав надежда, че Бог е ал-представи, Всемогъщият, всички миролюбиви, всички-жалостив, и щадящо, водещи всички нас в Светия Дух, който излъчвано непрекъснато от любовта на вечен отец с сина си. Oh славни мистерии в раните на Твоите страдание, изкупването изправени чрез твоята смърт, почине не повече, oh вечен любов, причинени растящите ви, и сега очаква нашата собствена нов живот в небесата. Драги братя и сестри, може мощността на Божията любов - че само сърцето някога ще знаете -, напълнете всички ни с радост на нараснало Господ се с всички вас сега и завинаги. Амин. Ваш в възкръснал Христа, +Karl
Cari fratelli e sorelle in Cristo vicino e lontano! Dal fondo del mio cuore, voglio augurare a tutti voi un felice e gioiosa Pasqua! Ogni anno la celebrazione dei misteri della salvezza nella sofferenza, morte e resurrezione di Cristo Gesù porta la nostra fede più vicino al perenne potere dell amore di Dio verso l umanità. Come abbiamo riflettuto nel tempo quaresimale il nostro cammino di fede con il Signore, abbiamo visto la nostra debolezza in molti modi, abbiamo riscoperto il momento di grazia che Dio ci mostra attraverso la misericordia perdona a noi perché ci siamo allontanati da Lui. Che perdonando grazia riversa dal suo cuore amorevole. Sì, è proprio questa esperienza con Dio che abbiamo bisogno di avvicinarsi a lui nella nostra vita quotidiana, cercando la sua volontà e imparare da Gesù " modo di vita che molti di noi hanno conosciuto fin dalla nostra infanzia. La nostra immagine di Dio potrebbe aver cambiato nel corso degli anni e ancora ci prova a maturare nella nostra fede, di nutrire questa speranza ininterrotta che Dio è al-presente, onnipotente, tutti amorevole e pieno di misericordia e di perdono e ci conduce tutti nello Spirito Santo che emana continuamente dall amore del Padre Eterno con suo figlio. Oh misteri gloriosi nel le ferite della tua sofferenza, la redenzione operata attraverso la tua morte che non muore più, Oh amore eterno che ha causato è in aumento, e ora si attende la nostra nuova vita nel regno dei cieli. Miei cari fratelli e sorelle, Possa la potenza dell amore di Dio - che solo il cuore potrà mai sapere -, riempire tutti noi con la gioia del Signore Risorto siano con tutti voi ora e per sempre. AMEN. Vostro nel Cristo Risorto, +Karl ECCC Worldwide NEWS: It is with great Joy to welcome into our Worldwide Church our new Members! May your ministry serve all of God's Children wherever they are.
Incardinations into the ECCC in the last few month.
Europe Italy - Diocese of Sicily +Bishop Agostino De Caro Rev. Deacon Riccardo Saitta Seminarian Leonardo Patti
Asia India Fr. Augustine Nunna
Central America El Salvador Fr. Mario Luna Diácono Nestor Moreno
Guatemala Fr. Elder Santos Reyes Fr. Eddy Divas Mejias
Nicaragüa Fr. Juan Francisco Pérez Cano Misioneros Franciscanos de la Redención Fr. Juan Emilio Vázquez Ruiz Misioneros Franciscanos de la Redención Fr. Osmar Dávila Fr. Luis Alberto Salmerón Fr. José Alonso Hernández Seminaristas Alier de Jesús Hernández Maikol
South America
Brazil Concordat of Full Union of the Latin Anglican Communion in Brazil with The ECCC Archdiocese and Dioceses ++Archbishop Lucas Macieira +Dom Izaias +Dom Frei Antonio Santana Neto, OFMDP +Dom Joao de Deus da Silva +Dom Jorge dos Santos Costa Fr. Pedro de Paulo Rev. Jonas Dominus Jesus Colombia + Bishop Leonardo Valencia Obispo de Manizales + Bishop Wilder Javier Posada Obispo de Medellin Fr. Lisandro González Fr. William Guevara Fr. Gabriel Cunillos
Venezuela +Bishop Dr. Luis Andrade Rosales Obispo de Venezuela Fr. Sergio David Edwards Juárez
ICEC Noticias Mundial: Es con grande Alegría para decir un Bienvenido Cordial a todos nuestras nuevos miembros en nuestra Iglesia Mundial! Vuestro ministerio pueda servir a todos los hijos de Dios dondequiera que estén. Incardinaciones en la ICEC desde algunos meses.
Europe Italia Diocesis de Sicilia +Mons. Agostino De Caro Rev. Deacon Riccardo Saitta Seminarian Leonardo Patti Espana Arquidiócesis de Cataluña ++Arzobispo Dr. Francisco Jose Adillon Bausells Asia India Fr. Augustine Nunna América Central El Salvador Presbítero. Mario Luna Diácono Nestor Moreno
Guatemala Presbítero Elder Santos Reyes Presbítero Eddy Divas Mejias
Nicaragüa Presbítero Juan Francisco Pérez Cano Misioneros Franciscanos de la Redención Presbítero Juan Emilio Vázquez Ruiz Misioneros Franciscanos de la Redención Presbítero Osmar Dávila Presbítero Luis Alberto Salmerón Presbítero José Alonso Hernández Seminaristas Alier de Jesús Hernández Maikol
Sur America Brazil: Concordado de Union Plena con la Igreja Catolica Latina Anglicana en Brazil con La ICEC Arquidiócesis y Dioceses ++Arzobispo Dom Lucas Macieira +Dom Izaias +Dom Frei Antonio Santana Neto, OFMDP +Dom Joao de Deus da Silva +Dom Jorge dos Santos Costa Fr. Pedro de Paulo Rev. Jonas Dominus Jesus
Colombia + Mons Leonardo Valencia Obispo de Manizales + Mons Wilder Javier Posada Obispo de Medellin Pbro. Lisandro González Pbro. William Guevara Mons. Gabriel Cunillos
Venezuela +Mons. Dr. Luis Andrade Rosales Obispo de Venezuela Pbro. Sergio David Edwards Juárez Peace to you brothers and sisters in Christ! I am sending you all near and afar my Greetings and Blessings for this Holy Feast of Christmas as we celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Second Coming in Glory. May the Grace of God that comes from this High Feast come upon all of us and bring us closer to the Kingdom we seek. This is the occasion that gives us also pause to see that Christ came to us to bring not only a Correction to the Lifestyle of Humanity that is drifting away from God, but also it reminds us to realize that this life here on earth has a sacred meaning, it is precious from the moment of its conception, it is holy because God is the ultimate creator of it. The birth of Jesus in a poor manger is the great contradiction to the worldly glamour we are drawn to. Jesus coming into this world is the true answer how to be before God, like a helpless baby, surrounded in poverty, exposed to the elements, but loved so dearly and cared for in such manner that a new way of life has come from it, the Christian Way. What joy is this that is so pure and enduring, what love is this that gives it all, what life is this that sees God in all first, seeks the Will of the Almighty, lives toward the promise of Heaven! What started in Bethlehem became the true face of the earth: God sanctified our human life once and for all as HE came into our midst taking on human form. What divine Love that He showed us in the Savior therefore, what was long awaited through the voices of the prophets, what has not been recognized by the worldly powers in their blind fashion. O wonder of divine Love that meets the human, O Love that does not walk away from the ultimate sacrifice on the Cross, the moment of Salvation. O divine Love that does not end on the Cross, but calls for new life eternal. This Birth of Christ gives hope for a humanity that has come close to the abyss, and needs to be brought back to the path of God's Love that Cares, that shows mercy and forgives, and lifts us up to a purpose for all our lives. May we all see and find this divine Love in this Child born to us, this baby Jesus that brought hope and a peace to so many hundred of millions of Christians around the world throughout history. This Child that is our true King, the Prince of Peace, and our Redeemer, and He will be on our side till we see Him again with God the Father in the Holy Spirit. Wishing you all this divine Love. With my prayers, yours +Karl We want to welcome also to our Worldwide Church our new brothers and sisters: -From our new Church in Colombia under the leadership of the bishops, +Wilder and +Leonardo -Our new 5 priests and deacons from the Franciscan Order in Peru Paz a vosotros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Estoy enviando usted todo cerca y de lejos mi saludos y bendiciones para esta Santa fiesta de Navidad que celebramos el nacimiento de nuestro Señor y Salvador, Jesús Cristo y su segunda venida en gloria. Que la gracia de Dios que viene de esta gran fiesta venga sobre todos nosotros y acercarnos al Reino De Dios que buscamos. Esta es la ocasión que nos brinda también pausa para ver que Cristo vino a nosotros para traer no sólo una corrección en el estilo de vida de la humanidad que se está distanciando de Dios, pero también nos recuerda a darse cuenta de que esta vida aquí en la tierra tiene un significado sagrado, es preciosa desde el momento de su concepción, es santo porque Dios es el creador máximo de él. El nacimiento de Jesús en un pesebre pobre es la gran contradicción el glamour mundanos a que estamos dibujados. Jesús viene a este mundo es la verdadera respuesta cómo ser delante de Dios como un niño indefenso, rodeado en la pobreza, expuestos a los elementos, pero amó tan entrañablemente y se cuida de tal manera que una nueva forma de vida ha llegado de él, el camino cristiano. Qué alegría es esto que es tan puro y duradero, lo que el amor es el que lo da todo, lo que la vida es lo que ve Dios en primera todos, busca la voluntad del Todopoderoso, vidas hacia la promesa del cielo! Lo que comenzó en Belén se convirtió en la verdadera cara de la tierra: Dios santificado nuestra vida humana una vez por todas como él entró en medio de nosotros en forma humana. Lo que el amor divino le nos mostró en el Salvador por lo tanto, lo que era esperado a través de las voces de los profetas, lo que no ha sido reconocido por las potencias mundanas en su manera ciega. Oh maravilla del amor divino que cumple el ser humano, O amor que no se aleje el último sacrificio en la Cruz, el momento de la salvación. Oh divino amor que no termina en la Cruz, pero llamadas de nueva vida eterna Este nacimiento de Cristo nos da esperanza para una humanidad que ha llegado cerca del abismo y debe ser devuelto a la ruta del amor de Dios que se preocupa, que muestra misericordia y perdona y nos eleva hasta un propósito para nuestras vidas. Se pueden todos ver y buscar este divino amor en este niño nacido para nosotros, este niño Jesús que trajeron una paz y esperanza a tantos cientos de millones de cristianos alrededor del mundo a lo largo de la historia. Este niño es nuestro verdadero rey, el príncipe de la paz y nuestro Redentor y él estará a nuestro lado hasta que lo vemos otra vez con Dios el padre en el Espíritu Santo. Que este amor divino. Con mis oraciones, suyo +Karl Queremos dar la bienvenida también a nuestra iglesia en todo el mundo nuestros nuevos hermanos y hermanas: -De nuestra nueva iglesia en Colombia bajo el liderazgo de los obispos, +Wilder y +Leonardo y sus fieles -Nuestros nuevos sacerdotes y diáconos de la orden franciscana en Perú. -Nuestro nuevo obispo en España Bauselles
From your Ecumenical Primate Christ's first coming in poverty, helplessness, exposed to danger, was the first eye-opener of the known local world. In the light of his life of poverty -not being attached to earthly things, and living in the Spirit of God, his teaching, his sacrifice, that was in a way ordinary, but extraordinary in his expressions, his deeds, his human and divine love, was also the discovery of a new way of life of millions and millions of people throughout their short existence on this earth... Let us learn from Jesus, let us live and imitate him in our lives, so we may draw others toward the Kingdom of God which we shall seek first and foremost. And for this Christ needs to be born in our hearts, our little Bethlehem, that includes the foretaste of Golgotha, and will see beyond the mystery of suffering and death the vision of eternal life. Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Season of this Adventus Domini, which will also one day be our last, yet in the light of the Glory of God that awaits us for we have been faithful to HIS Word and Sacraments. +Karl Bishop Y para esto Cristo necesito de ser nacido en nuestros corazones, nuestra pequeña Belén, que incluye el anticipo de Gólgota, y ve más allá el misterio del sufrimiento y la muerte la visión de la vida eterna. +Karl A continuación, algunas expresiones sobre el Sínodo y el trabajo de reforma más que hay que hacer! In short, well be doing a great deal of thinking over the Summer about what was actually achieved at the Synod. There was one stand out: Francis succeeded in getting the bishops not only to start thinking outside the prepared script but actually to talk with one another and with a handful of non clerics too. But the Pope’s principal accomplishment was, with the help of the German group, to persuade the bishops to accept Thomas Aquinas’ eight hundred year old theology of the primacy of conscience, Aquinas’ Moral Theology which is grounded in the Christian virtues of Faith, Hope and Love and not based on the Ten Commandments or Ecclesiastical Law. In anyone’s language, this was a break through because most of the Synodal bishops were probably taught not Moral Theology but positive law based ethics taught by Canon Lawyers and fixated on sin and sinful actions. We are very keen to engage with our bishops on these points but this may take years not weeks or months but at least Francis has made a crack in the jar for us. The Synod is just over, there is no deep perspective which comes with time but the thoughts of two Australian voices probably speak clearly enough for most of us right now Best wishes David Timbs, Australia So really it’s irrelevant what the Synod decided. Even on the gay issue sensible Catholics already understand that talk about people being ‘intrinsically disordered’ is not only utterly insensitive; it is also ‘intrinsically’ un-Christ-like and evangelically ‘disordered’! But that doesn’t mean the Synod was a failure. It was a success because it recovered something of the church’s Catholicity. Genuine Catholicism implies a universal, multi-ethnic, non-sectarian church, a community of many parts and differing views. My major criticism of the two popes before Francis is that they were essentially ‘uncatholic’; they promoted a narrow, ‘pure’, sectarian church, the antithesis of Catholicity. That’s why they loved outfits like the Neo-Catechuminate and Opus Dei; they are sectarian in structure and intention. But the bishop of Rome, as Francis likes to be called, encouraged the synod to be genuinely Catholic and, unlike his predecessors, called on participants to express views that differed from his own. For the first time since Paul VI revived the Synod in 1965, this gathering was actually free. Bishops could speak their minds and weren’t constantly second-guessing the pope.” The “internal forum” stands in contrast to the external forum of a court where evidence can be proved. When this is not possible a conscientious judgement can be made in the internal forum. This has been a long held procedure in moral theology, but making use of it was authoritatively discouraged and policed under Wojtyla and Ratzinger. Between epeikeia and internal forum people can work out a solution in their own case. This opens a way to approval of Communion for divorcees. By taking this path the synod bishops saw themselves as opening a door. The trouble is that the horse had bolted long ago. Most remarried divorcees who really want to go to Communion do so – and with their pastor’s encouragement. But restatement of the embargo has been so alienating that many no longer even want to receive. And any decent pastor knows that once they go, they go forever.” Use Twitter and Facebook Write invitational letters to Bishops Create guidelines for how to conduct a meeting Please share this with the people wherever you are. Thank you!September 1, 2016 If reform is going to come in our Church, it will be because the people are speaking out and being heard. If you want to join in the reform movement, we encourage you to start or join a small local gathering.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Catholic Church Reform Int'l urges newly appointed Bishop Kevin Farrell to welcome and support lay-led initiatives as he launches the Dicastery for the Laity today.
Nativity, Navidad A. D. 2015December 2nd, Blessed Charles de Foucauld, A. D. 2015 (Please share share with as many people all, compartir con todos)Peace to you brothers and sisters in Christ!With Advent, preparing and awaiting the Second coming of Christ, but moreover Christ in our lives here an now, and with the beginning of a new Church year, we are compelled to get closer to Christ. How can we do this? We shall take more time, read and reflect in prayerful ways on the Gospel. Christ is not a far away entity that has no meaning to us humans in the here an now. Far be it. Only the world of total consumption, of instant gratification, wanting everything immediately, contradicts the world of Christians living toward compassion, giving, and sharing that divine Love that God has bestowed on us in His beloved Son, Jesus the Christ. Only by focusing on the life of Jesus with our hearts and minds, his message of compassion, and the way he cares for all of God's people, as he crosses the local religious boundaries to reach also none-Jews, will open our eyes to a new dimension that we live in this world but we are not totally left in it. Your servant of Christ Paz a vosotros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo!Con el advenimiento, preparando y esperando la segunda venida de Cristo, pero por otra parte Cristo en nuestra vidas aquí y ahora, y con el inicio de un nuevo año de iglesia, estamos obligados a acercarnos a Cristo. ¿Cómo podemos hacerlo? Debemos tomar más tiempo, leer y reflexionar en formas de oración sobre el Evangelio. Cristo no es una entidad lejana que no tiene ningún significado para nosotros los seres humanos en el aquí y ahora. Lejos esté! Sólo el mundo del consumo total, de gratificación inmediata, queriendo todo inmediatamente, contradice el mundo de Cristianos que viven hacia la compasión, dar y compartir ese amor divino que Dios ha regalado a nosotros en su hijo amado, Jesús el Cristo. Sólo centrándose en la vida de Jesús con nuestros corazones y mentes, su mensaje de compasión y la forma que él cuida de todo el pueblo de Dios, como él cruza las fronteras religiosas locales para llegar también a no judíos, abrirá nuestros ojos a una nueva dimensión que vivimos en este mundo pero no somos totalmente izquierdas en él. De Cristo primero en la pobreza, desamparo, expuesta al peligro, fue al primero un abridor de de los ojos para el mundo local conocido. A la luz de su vida de su pobreza -no cosas apegadas a lo terrenal, y viviendo en el Espíritu de Dios, sus enseñanzas, su sacrificio, aparece a una manera normal, pero extraordinario en sus expresiones, sus obras, su amor humano y divino, fue también el descubrimiento de una nueva forma de vida de millones y millones de personas a lo largo de su corta existencia en esta tierra... Aprender de Jesús, nos dejó vivir e imitarlo en nuestras vidas, por lo que podemos llamar otros hacia el Reino de Dios que vamos buscamos ante todo. Deseándoles a todos una temporada alegre y bendecida de este Adventus Domini, que también un día será el último para nosotros, sin embargo, a la luz de la Gloria de Dios que nos espera porque hemos sido fieles a su palabra y los sacramentos.Su siervo de Cristo Below some expressions over the Synod and the more reform-work that needs to be done! "...We shall be having a serious conversation about our priorities for 2016 at our last meeting for this year... One of those priorities will be to advocate for regional meetings between bishops, priests and interested laity. Now that Pope Francis has succeeded in getting 250 bishops to talk to one another and even to use the imagery of ‘walking with...’, we will be asking the local episcopate to talk and walk with their people. So far, most have not done either mainly because they don’t know how to go about it.
Paul Collins’ assessment of the Synod:“I was talking recently about the Synod with a very experienced parish priest. He said that if the bishops thought we were all waiting with bated breath for their decision regarding the divorced remarried receiving Communion, then they really do live in cloud cuckoo-land. Nowadays divorced Catholics don’t just hang around waiting for a bevy of bishops to decide. They follow their consciences and do what they think is right, especially if they have talked to a sensible, pastoral priest. Sure, many have understandably walked away from the church, but many have stayed having made their own decisions about going to Communion – the internal forum solution. Eric Hodgens, a retired Melbourne Archdiocesan priest who is highly respected throughout the country recently wrote a short piece on the Synod: “One of Francis’s objectives has been to restore genuine consultation to the synod. He has achieved this. They did talk together. Their consolidated opinions achieved a two thirds majority on every paragraph of the final document. A contentious issue was admitting divorced and remarried to the sacraments. Could this be softened? In Greek epeikeia means gentleness or leniency. In church canon law it means a modified interpretation of the law when the law does not fit the circumstances of a case. Here are some Ideas you can use to promote and spread the reform ideas :Invite our supporters to talk to their pastors and local bishops Invite our organizations who are part of us Share this idea with key leaders How to identify and empower people to go talk to their church leaders Invite everyone into this dialogue Invite leaders of reform groups to join in a teleconference call to discuss how to facilitate organizing people to set up local meetings. Reach out to reform group leaders to get their ideas for how to support Francis’s desire to set up local meetings with their pastors and bishops. An article from Joan Chittister that helps us accomplish this and focus the conversation. How to flush out the key issues in the final document How to get details of each meeting back to us? Have one shared website used by all reform groups. Do we need to narrow the focus down? And, if so, how? How do we go about getting the ball rolling to start up local meetings? Tell Joan our intent. How do we get lay people to talk to their pastors and bishops? If not Joan, who can help us? October 25thPeace, brothers and sisters in Christ.A little update since the Synod ended in Rome.Blessings+Dr. Karl RodigPresiding Bishop ECCC Paz, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Una pequeña actualización desde el Sínodo terminó en Roma. Bendiciones Obispo Presidente +Dr. Karl Rodig
To all CCRI (Catholic Church Reform International) Advisors:Thank you for your enlightening and heartfelt discussion. Like the Synod Fathers, we too have varying degrees of opinions about how we should move forward. In the end, while Francis sought the wisdom of bishops and a few families, the final decisions rest with him. So let’s look closely at his closing remarks as he described the Synod from his perspective:“It was about bearing witness to everyone that, for the Church, the Gospel continues to be a vital source of eternal newness, against all those who would “indoctrinate” it in dead stones to be hurled at others.It was also about laying bare the closed hearts which frequently hide even behind the Church’s teachings or good intentions, in order to sit in the chair of Moses and judge, sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded families.It was about making clear that the Church is a Church of the poor in spirit and of sinners seeking forgiveness, not simply of the righteous and the holy, but rather of those who are righteous and holy precisely when they feel themselves poor sinners.It was about trying to open up broader horizons, rising above conspiracy theories and blinkered viewpoints [which means, narrow-minded viewpoints], so as to defend and spread the freedom of the children of God, and to transmit the beauty of Christian Newness, at times encrusted in a language which is archaic or simply incomprehensible.We have also seen that what seems normal for a bishop on one continent, is considered strange and almost scandalous for a bishop from another; what is considered a violation of a right in one society is an evident and inviolable rule in another; what for some is freedom of conscience is for others simply confusion. Cultures are in fact quite diverse, and each general principle needs to be inculturated, if it is to be respected and applied. . . . Inculturation does not weaken true values, but demonstrates their true strength and authenticity, since they adapt without changing; indeed they quietly and gradually transform the different cultures.” Further, note his remarks reflecting on the Gospel reading of the day, which sees Jesus give sight to a blind man named Bartimaeus who he has encountered on his journey to Jerusalem: "Even though he has only begun his most important journey … he still stops to respond to Bartimaeus’ cry," said Francis. "Jesus is moved by his request and becomes involved in his situation. He is not content to offer him alms, but rather wants to personally encounter him.""Jesus shows that he wants to hear our need," said the pope. "He wants to talk with each of us about our lives, our real situations, so that nothing is kept from him."Then, outlining two temptations he said are encountered by those who follow Jesus, the pontiff said: "None of the disciples stopped, as Jesus did.""If Bartimaeus was blind, they were deaf: his problem was not their problem," said Francis. "This can be a danger for us: in the face of constant problems, it is better to move on, instead of letting ourselves be bothered. In this way, just like the disciples, we are with Jesus but we do not think like him."The pope made his remarks in a reflection on the Gospel reading of the day, which sees Jesus give sight to a blind man named Bartimaeus who he has encountered on his journey to Jerusalem. Francis is so open and transparent about his desire for the Church. And, not fully but to a large extent, he is voicing the broad views of reformers worldwide.So now, in light of Francis’s intentions and directions for the Church, let’s consider the proposals that have been put forth by our Advisors:First, what to do immediately: 1. A private letter of congratulations to each bishop is out of place at this point in time as nothing definitive has emerged, it is still a work in progress. So perhaps a Press statement could be released stating how we as People of God feel as the Synod has closed. (Virginia Saldanha, India) 2. Prudent to wait on the Synod's Final Document before deciding what message to send to the Bishops. (Nessan Vaughn, U.S.) 3. Call a spade a spade! Don't speak sugar quoted words to please people. Give the widest publicity to Francis’s talk and challenge the bishops, nay dare them to put it into practice. 4. No real advantage in writing a letter to Bishops just to raise the profile of CCRI. Far more important to look inwards and develop CCRI. We need to explore the final document, see if the voting is made public and what the commentators say about it in their summing up. We need to carefully gain an understanding of the impact of these two meetings of the Synod on central Church governance. Things are changing. For example, acknowledge Francis for the new Vatican department overseeing "laity, family and life" has been announced by Pope Francis. He has decided to establish a new dicastery with competency for Laity, Family and Life, that will replace the Pontifical Council for the Laity and the Pontifical Council for the Family. (Scilla Stack, Australia) 5. Include in a letter to bishops some encouragement along these lines: empower your people as Francis has empowered you. Use the language that Francis has been using. Do not shy away from the challenges of decentralization; encounter diversity as it is, in a messy field hospital. Rely more on the Spirit, and less on the law. (Clyde Christofferson, U.S.) 6. One member of the English speaking group D felt that the Church has forgotten Jesus in all this discussion and that the bishops and many laypeople may be perceived as Pharisees. CCRI could write a letter to the bishops supporting the person who said this, and the insight presented. The letter could also take note of the difficulty, evident in the reports, of reconciling a) concerns in Africa about being a field hospital in a culture where polygamy is practiced, with b) concerns in the West about being a field hospital in a culture where divorce and remarriage is common. The letter could echo the point made by the above intervention, and briefly reflect on how Christ was able to move beyond the law by saying, "let the one who is without sin cast the first stone." Because of what Christ said, the local community did not enforce the law and thereby -- perhaps unwittingly -- invited the woman caught in adultery on a journey toward following the law written on her heart by a loving God. 7. Our letter, if written, would not about “kissing up” or reneging on our commitment. It’s about acknowledging that something has moved… and something still needs to happen – and we’re here to help make it happen! (Barbara Dreher, U.S.) 8. We need to congratulate, encourage and support Francis and those who have "stuck their necks out" to help the dream of a "Jesus-like" Church become a reality. (Carol Harris, U.S.)9. Strong support for Clyde’s suggestions (Larry Carney, Canada) 10. A letter of congratulations is in order - though it should be addressed directly to Cardinal Walter Kasper and Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher for their courageous statements and bold ideas around moving forward on the question of the divorced and remarried and re-imaging and re-constructing the critical role of woman in the Church. (Michael Redfearn, Canada) 11. Send an Open Letter to Pope Francis, thanking him, and wishing him good health. (John Dayal, India) 12. We should have an open letter addressed to the Pope alone and make sure he can read it, and supporting him in this crucial moment of the Church, and also letting him know that the faithful can never be ruled by an all-male dominated church body. (+Dr. Karl Rodig, U.S.) 13. Wait for the final document of the Synod before making any official move or publication. Congratulations is not in order. But there will be a second chance. We mustn't forget that, after the publication of that final document by the Synod, the pope will utter the only text that will really matter. (Meneldil Palantir Talmayar, France)
Feast of the Guardian Angels, October 2nd, A. D. 2015
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Peace and greetings to all in the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ around the World!We approaching the Second part of the Synod on the Family. As we have learned and experienced, the Family in today's world is broader than the past has shown. We do realize that it is a multi facet social entity that is also complex in its nature. Young people who grow up are thinking more inclusive and see society more critical. The decision to marry is tough as society is driven by consumerism and ego trips in many ways. Yet, the desire to love someone wholeheartedly is still alive and needs to be nurtured, especially through the true meaning and experiencing of love, faith, and the everlasting hope that God is always there for us.Through the last century, theology has seen many changes in its view of who God is and we still have sometimes distorted and narrow minded views of God. As God is always the Other, we will never comprehend God fully, yet enough to make us loving him with all our hearts, mind and soul. As the bishops, priests, and lay representatives gather in Rome again, and as we see the Pope Francis desire to reach out to all who make up the family, -and all means all- we are part of this renewal in the Church, and also looking for change. I have attached the document in PDF Format, so you can all read it, it is in English, it shows a deeper understanding and also an insight what is happening with the Church, and where we need to be more constructive to work towards needed reforms! Please read it yourself, sign it and send it our, help to publicize it where and whenever you can.Be all blessed With my prayers for you all, and pray for me. +KarlHere is the message from our Chair for the Catholic Church Reform International:Please send out the attached model email to bishops, clergy, and anyone who might have an influence on the Synod: Knowing the challenge in getting people to open an attachment when sent from an unknown source, attached is a model email ready to go out to attendees of the Synod or anyone who might have an influence on them. We have included our survey summary in the body of the email with a link given to the full report: The People Speak. In the days remaining between now and the opening of the Synod (October 4, 2015), we encourage you to use this model email and send it out to anyone and everyone to make known the views of the people of God.The Women’s Ordination Conference: Several of us have just returned from the WOW Conference. It was a beautiful experience with about 500 reform-minded people from around the world. We gathered about 50 new individuals and five new organizations as supporters. We held a workshop called Speaking Out with a Common Global Voice to which over a hundred people attended. To read more about it and see a few of the photos that were taken, go to our homepage: and scroll down to the heading: CCRI Representatives attend WOW Conference.A Pilgrimage for Reform leading up to a Worldwide People’s Synod While we were in Rome last year, Janet Hauter made a presentation at our workshop introducing the idea of having a Pilgrimage for Reform in 2016 and a People’s Synod in 2017-18. The idea of a People’s Synod originally stemmed from a national VOTF conference in 2009. The concept continued to grow legs at this conference and to garner more support. We will keep you posted about this monumental project as further discussion continues.Thanks to all for your support, Rene¡Paz y saludos a todos en la Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo alrededor del mundo! Nosotros acercándose a la Segunda parte del Sínodo en la Familia. Como hemos aprendido y hemos experimentado, la Familia en el mundo de hoy es más amplia que el pasado ha mostrado. Realmente realizamos que es una faceta multó-entidad social que también es compleja en su naturaleza. Los jóvenes que crecen piensan más globales y ven la sociedad más crítica. La decisión de casarse es resistente ya que la sociedad es conducida por protección al consumidor y viajes del ego desde muchos puntos de vista. Sin embargo, el deseo de amar a alguien sinceramente todavía está vivo y necesita ser nutridos, especialmente a través del verdadero significado y experimentar del amor, la fe y la esperanza eterna de que Dios siempre está ahí para nosotros. Durante el siglo pasado, la teología ha visto muchos cambios de su opinión de a quién Dios es y todavía hemos deformado a veces y visiones dispuestas estrechas de Dios. Como Dios siempre es el Otro, nunca entenderemos a Dios totalmente, aún bastante para hacernos amándole con todos nuestros corazones, mente y alma. Como los obispos, sacerdotes, y están los representantes se juntan en Roma otra vez, y ya que vemos a Papa Francisco desear tender la mano a todos que arreglan a la familia, - y todos los medios todo-somos la parte de esta renovación en la iglesia, y también buscamos un cambio.¡He atado el documento en el Formato de PDF, por tanto lo puede leer todo, está en inglés, muestra un entendimiento más profundo y también una perspicacia lo que pasa con la iglesia, y donde tenemos que ser más constructivos para trabajar para conseguir reformas necesarias! Por favor léalo usted mismo, fírmele y envíelo a sus locales obispos, y a todos que desean un cambio en la Iglesia; así ayude a hacerlo público donde y siempre que pueda. Sean todos bendecidos Con mis rezos de todos ustedes, y también rezan por mí. +Karl Aquí está el mensaje de nuestra Silla para Catholic Church Reform International: Por favor envíe el correo electrónico modelo adjunto a obispos, clero y cualquiera que podría tener una influencia en el Sínodo: Saber el desafío en conseguir de la gente abrir un accesorio cuando enviado de una fuente desconocida, atada es un correo electrónico modelo listo para salir a asistentes del Sínodo o cualquiera que podría tener una influencia en ellos. Hemos incluido nuestro resumen de la revisión en el cuerpo del correo electrónico con una relación dada al informe lleno: La gente Habla. En los días restante entre ahora y la apertura del Sínodo (el 4 de octubre de 2015), le animamos a usar este correo electrónico modelo y enviarlo a cualquiera y cada uno para hacer conocido las visiones de las personas de Dios. La conferencia de la ordenación femenina: Varios de nosotros acaban de volver de la Conferencia WOW. Era una experiencia hermosa con aproximadamente 500 personas dispuestas a la reforma de todo el mundo. Juntamos a aproximadamente 50 nuevos individuos y cinco nuevas organizaciones como partidarios. Creímos que un taller llamó Hablar claro con una Voz Global Común a la cual más de cien personas asistieron. Para leer más sobre ello y ver algunas de las fotos que fueron tomadas, vaya a nuestra página de inicio: y voluta abajo al título: los representantes de CCRI asisten a la Conferencia WOW. Una Peregrinación para Reforma que conduce a un Sínodo de una gente Mundial Mientras estábamos en Roma el año pasado, Janet Hauter hizo una presentación a nuestro taller que introduce la idea de tener una Peregrinación para la Reforma en 2016 y un Sínodo de una gente en 2017-18. La idea de un Sínodo de una gente al principio provino de una conferencia VOTF nacional en 2009. El concepto siguió cultivando piernas en esta conferencia y recoger más apoyo. Le guardaremos fijado sobre este proyecto monumental mientras que la discusión adicional sigue. Gracias a todos para su apoyo, ReneSeptember XX, 2015Name of person being addressed Via Electronic mailDear Bishop:Below please find a summary of responses to a global survey conducted by Catholic Church Reform International. The vast majority of survey respondents are active Catholics and people who are searching for the Lord – people who have good will but for whom particular Church teachings regarding the family have proven to be a stumbling block. Pope Francis has called for pastoral responses that do not simply bind the wounds but address root causes.We commend this summary for your consideration. We pray for you and for the guidance of the Spirit so that the members of the Synod will be overcome with the joy of the Gospel to find a way forward for families.THE PEOPLE SPEAKA Jubilee Year Research InitiativeAs a tribute to Pope Francis’s call for a Jubilee Year of Mercy, we began a collaborative project with two reform communities, Catholic Church Reform International (CCRI) and the American Catholic Council (ACC), addressing the same thematic questions targeted by the Lineamenta questionnaire but offered in more comprehensible language. Respondents self-identified as Active Catholics (78%), Former Catholics (9%), Other Christians (1%), Other Faiths (9%) and unidentified (3%). Involving over 5000 participants, our focus was to provide real responses from lived experiences drafted by a global Catholic population, noting the comparisons and contrasts across the regions of the world.Respondents were asked to rate the effectiveness of the pastoral care of the Church on 14 issues providing additional comments or recommended solutions, if desired. In our most recent survey, responses, expressed in English, came from 44 countries globally. The areas of greatest discontent with the Church’s pastoral care are: TopicFavorable Effectiveness Poor or IneffectiveCohabitation 9% 71% Inter-faith Marriage35%38% LGBT6%76%Contraception12%76% Single Parent Families 30%40%Mixed Family 20%29% Divorced/Remarried 13%81% Left the Church 15%77% Women 19%72% Troubles in Families 23%64% Children in Difficult Situations 31%37% Clerical Sex Abuse 11%70% Women/Children 20%47% Marriage Preparation 46%26% Divorced/Remarriage--81% ineffective Left the Church—77% ineffective LGBT—76% ineffective Contraception—76% ineffective Women—72% ineffective Cohabitation—71% ineffective Sex Abuse---70% ineffectiveIf there were one word exemplifying the grace-filled responses of our research, it would be woundedness. Deeply hurt by the execution of a “pathology of power” (words used by Pope Francis himself) in our Church many were unable to experience faith in its fullest. The “field hospital” described by Pope Francis was imagery offering hope that mercy and healing were actually possible and may have influenced responses.In the comments offered, there were many passionate pleas asking for compassion from a rigid, legalistic Church that lost Jesus’ core message of love. Our research was both not surprising and surprising. Not surprising because it reiterated what we already knew and conversely surprising in the raw honesty that was shared. The quick, honest responses gathered were, no doubt, prompted by Pope Francis’s never-before invitation to hear from the people directly. As the world watches this pope, we are being vicariously influenced and empowered to find our voices and respectfully speak truth through our stories akin to the method used by Jesus in His teaching.The People of God recognize that we are a Church groaning in pain with an institutional Church judging us punitively for life-altering decisions with no understanding of contemporary lived experiences made under undue stress. As the Pope models Christ’s values inviting us to do the same in being more welcoming, inviting and nurturing, our survey responses expressed consistent calls for institutional reform: Welcome the Divorced and Remarried to the Sacraments: The People of God commend Pope Francis for offering a “life-giving” solution to the issue of divorced people receiving Eucharist and we encourage the bishops to embrace this position. Reach out to and make every effort to embrace Catholics who’ve left: The Church at all levels must adopt a more pastoral Christ-like presence to become more just, welcoming, inviting, and nurturing of those who have left, compassionately make contact through a visit, survey, etc. to learn their reasons. We may learn something and those that left will feel as though someone cares. Leave decisions regarding artificial contraception to personal conscience: By far, the majority of Catholics have followed the Doctrine of Reception that states that if the people do not accept a particular church teaching and it is ignored, the teaching is not valid. This is clearly the case with the Church’s stance on artificial contraception. Responsible Parenthood must be recognized as a value among families today. Treat the LGBT community with respect:: There is great concern with the disrespectful language [e.g. “disordered state”] and abhorrent behavior dealt toward the LGBT community. Households with such children find the Church’s treatment of their children reprehensible. Radical, humane changes in church behavior and pronouncements must occur mirroring scientific discoveries, compassion and tolerance. Recognize the equality of women in the Church: The Church must drop the myth and pretense of prohibiting women’s assent to authority and offices. This corrupt distortion of justice does not mirror historical precedent, as women were once deacons. Women can no longer suffer the discriminatory gender bias in an institution that chooses to be unjust The survey report reveals that the People of God believe change is imperative in order for the Church to reflect Jesus’ values of love, inclusion, and compassion. In keeping with Pope Francis’s directive to have the Bishops gather the concerns of the people, we call upon all bishops to prayerfully consider the outpouring expressed by these caring Catholics. Let us work together to build a Church that ever more fully reveals the eternal love of God our Creator, as revealed by Jesus, and enlivened by the Holy Spirit.The full survey report, called The People Speak, can be found at…/Jubileepapersurveydat… in Christ,[Your signature]On behalf of Catholic Church Reform
Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, A. D. 2015 (Please share share with as many people all)Peace to you all, brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope you all enjoying the time of Summer, and share the many gifts God provides in the Holy Spirit. The Lord has shown HIS Grace upon the people created in HIS love, we see this in many inspiring ways in our missions around the world. It is the little things that we do for others in need, be it in your pastoral care for others, be it through our orphanages, the poor, the education that you provide, the healing that you bring to others. We are aware that Pope Francis is facing many obstacles from church forces within that try to block his loving heart to the world. We are here to support his efforts, and as he is listening to us, we pray in the Holy Spirit, that all will be according to God's Will.As we approaching the Jubilee Year of Mercy, and as we will discuss more pertinent family issues for the Synod in Rome, I urge you to spread the following documents below to many people as possible, including all our clergy, and the faithful, and if you have connection with Roman Catholic clergy let them know as well. Thank you!!Catholic Church Reform International Press Release. Please you can. It is vital for the continuation of the Synod in Rome! Thank you!!Below is the press release that we encourage you to disseminate to all of your media contacts and local media outletsAttached are 3 items: (1) the draft cover letter that we offer as a model for sending to your bishops; (2) the survey data report; and (3) reflections and recommendations regarding the Jubilee Paper. In this last section, it is a most appropriate place to add your own comments regarding any unique cultural issues pertinent to your region of the world.Much work has gone into the survey, gathering of the data, and the drafting of this paper. Let’s join together to spread it far and wide around the world. As for CCRI, we will make every effort to get this paper to every attendee of the coming Synod. But it would not be a waste of effort, if some of the bishops received more than one copy. So let us now “go forth and multiply.” Let us use this time between now and the opening of the Synod to get this paper into the hands of every Catholic, every former Catholic, every pastor, every bishop, and Pope Francis himself. This paper is truly the voice of the People who have spoken out loudly and clearly in our surveys and regional gatherings throughout the world. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:CATHOLICS WORLDWIDE OVERWHELMINGLY ECHO POPE FRANCIS'S CALL FOR CHURCH TO CHOOSE PASTORAL PATH OF MERCY IN MINISTERING TO THE FAITHFULA few days after his election, Pope Francis, when speaking to his first Sunday audience in St. Peter's Square, recalled Jesus's striking attitude toward the woman taken in adultery, "We do not hear words of scorn, we do not hear words of condemnation, but only words of love, of mercy, that invite us to conversion. Neither do I condemn you: go and sin no more!" It is within the context of this generous spirit of mercy that Catholic Church Reform International and the American Catholic Council have united to mark the Jubilee Year of Mercy by releasing The People Speak, a global report based on the feedback of over 5000 participants, who rated the efficacy of Church teaching on the Baptized and often added personal comments giving context to their ratings. In many areas of family life, significant majorities of respondents rated Church teachings as ineffective or extremely ineffective.The report contains the painful stories of ordinary people, the vast majority of whom identify as committed, active Catholics, who struggle to maintain dignity and authenticity in situations not honored in Church doctrine or Canon Law. "The Church has betrayed children of her own family and, with no allowance for communication, has cut off all who are unable to live within its rules," said Rene Reid, director of Catholic Church Reform Int'l. "The wounded, the hurting, those in greatest need of the Sacraments are banned from the Eucharistic Table. This is unconscionable!" The survey respondents call for the Church to show some understanding for families who seek God and have good will, but who are nonetheless judged unworthy and marginalized. The CCRI-ACC coalition sees this not as a call for the cheap mercy of less stringent doctrine, but rather as witness to the priority which Christ gave to responding more closely to what is written on the human heart. The survey results identify areas in which this priority needs further attention by church hierarchy, including: divorce and remarriage without annulment, cohabitation, and issues related to Gay-Lesbian respect and equality.It is the hope of the CCRI-ACC coalition that the integrity of The People Speak, containing the thoughts, feelings, opinions, experiences, hopes and faith of Catholics throughout the world, will help our leaders from the Pope through to local pastors prepare for the October 2015 Ordinary Synod of Bishops taking place in Rome in October, 2015. "We are committed to building a welcoming, inviting, and nurturing Church and to work side by side with Pope Francis to transform our Church into one that lives and practices the joy of the Gospel," said Janet Hauter, director of the U.S. based American Catholic Council.Please go to the documents, "the People speak" The People Speak (link to the Jubilee Paper posted on our CCRI website)If needed, please contact our Director: Contact: Rene Reid, CCRI Director Phone: 775-772-1210; Email:
Catholic Church Reform If you are interested in joining with reform-minded people to support Pope Francis in transformoing our Church from an institution of prescriptive rules into an inclusive and welcomng community, please take a moment to share a bit
Easter, A. D. 2015 From your Ecumenical Primate (Please share with all) Christus resurexit vere, Hallelujah!
The Peace of the Risen Lord be with you all! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! With the celebration of Holy week, following Jesus in his suffering, seeing the despair of his followers, we come to realization that Easter is the answer to all their loss and our Quest for life. His Resurrection is needed in order to find life restored. It is the faith since the early Church that when we follow Jesus to the Cross, the light that emerges behind the Cross shows God's presence toward the resurrection. With this, God has acted and spoken once and for all in the history of mankind. Death where is your sting? Salvation has entered the world anew in an unheard manner, in a new Covenant that was sealed with the blood of Christ, the Love of God, that binds us toward HIS Kingdom. In this faith in our loving God we can change our lives in a world around us that lives by hate, discrimination, social injustice, climate change, wars and famine; indeed we realize the deeper meaning of being connected with God who proclaims in Jesus the new way of Life according to the Gospels. Only in the change of our lives can we serve a better humanity that lives not world immanent, but seeks constantly the divine in order to find true humanity. May we all follow Jesus with eagerness until we see him one day in HIS Glory through the resurrection granted to us through him. Christ is risen! We are saved through the Love that the Father has shown to us through his Son. Let our Faith be a sign for others to find Christ in their lives as we all give witness to the Gospel, HIS Testament to us, because HE is with us till the end of times! I wish you all from the bottom of my heart a very blessed Easter!With my prayers and benedictions.Yours,+KarlPresiding ArchbishopECCC
USA, California We welcome our new Parish in California with its Pastor, Fr. Jacob Nissim Levy, the parish name is: Ecumenical Catholic Diocese of Los Angeles Archangels and Seraphim Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ 8201 Grimsby Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045He was ordained to the Catholic Priesthood on March 14th, 2015. USA, Cathedral of St. Anthony in DetroitFr. Emmanuel Pillai has been appointed Assistant Pastor at the Cathedral and Spiritual director for the Monastery.
EuropeUnited Kingdom Welcome to our new Priest, Archimandrite, Father Georges von Abel Bikhazi! who will start the Ecumenical Mission of St. John Chrysostom in the UK. He was received through our Nuntius for Europe, Archbishop ++Hristo Pissarov from Bulgaria.
Europe, Bulgaria We also like greet the growing clergy for our Orthodox Church in Bulgaria under Archbishop ++Hristo Pissarov: Fr. Georgi Dimitrov, Fr. Mihail Novak, Fr. Stefan Rusev, Fr. Stefan Vasilev, Fr. Svetlozar Arabadjiev. Deacon Alfred Foskolo, Deacon Grigor Paskov, Deacon Yordan Marchev, Subdeacon Aleksandar Cenov, and Subdeacon Emilian Georgiev. UkraineWe welcome our new Deacon Naxim Stavitzky in Donbas who will assist Fr. Yury Prikotenko Many blessings to you all in your service of the Lord. May the Eternal Shepherd reward you all in His Kingdom!
February, 18th, Ash Wednesday, A. D. 2015
(Please share this letter with all and beyond!)Peace, and Greetings to you all on the Beginning of this Holy Season of Lent!We take this time before Easter to reflect on the Life of Jesus, and his Suffering and Sacrifice of Redemption for Humanity. Without knowing him we are left alone in this world of indifference and destruction.We see more and more Christians in the Middle East are being driven from their homes, entire Christian communities being wiped out, and as Christians also in Africa being slaughtered by extremists, we experience a new era of persecution of our brothers and sisters around the world. I urge you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ do not cease in your prayers for the churches in Africa and the Middle East. Only in the light of the Suffering of Jesus, his Cross and Resurrection on Easter are we able to be there for each other. Please pray for His Holiness, Pope Francis, as there are new threats against his life from the Islamist terrorist groups.Our journey through the Lenten Season is a personal challenge. We shall take more time for prayer, seek meditation and imitate Jesus in our lives. These weeks and days of reflections will lead us closer to the Mystery of our own Salvation through HIM. Our faith needs nourishment. Our soul is journeying for its Creator, God, to rekindle our relationship with the Divine. We shall discover anew the Love for a God that loved us so much that he sacrificed HIS only begotten Son, so that we can live. This mystery is so deep and overwhelming that our mind can never full comprehend the fullness of God's salvivic actions for us. When God loved us so much how much more are we compelled to love each other according to his holy Will. I ask you all take time to read and meditate in Scripture, read good spiritual books of guidance, attend your local Churches every Sunday and show your commitment to your local Church Family. If we shall grow in our Faith, then your Church family is the place where you can grow, it is a testing ground of how strong your faith is, and how much more we have to grow with each other.I do wish you all near and afar a blessed and joyous preparation for Easter when we celebrate the Resurrection of God's Son, but also see the predawn of our own resurrection, because he walked ahead of us home to the heavenly Father to share in HIS Glory, and to prepare a place for us.With my prayers and benedictions to you all +KarlPS: Please see the attachments of the CRRI (Catholic Church Reform International), we are part of it, I am a consultor for them. It contains a letter to Pope Francis, Press releases.Please sign the letter to Pope Francis on the website link below. Thank you all!The full letter to Pope Francis, to sign it, click:…. Paz y saludos en el comienzo de este tiempo de Cuaresma Santa!Tomamos esta vez antes de semana Santa para reflexionar sobre la vida de Jesús y su sufrimiento y sacrificio de redención para la humanidad. Sin conocerlo nos quedamos solos en este mundo de indiferencia y la destrucción. Vemos cada vez más que cristianos en el Medio Oriente están siendo expulsados de sus hogares, comunidades cristianas se limpió hacia fuera y como cristianos también en África siendo masacrados por los extremistas, experimentamos una nueva era de la persecución de nuestros hermanos y hermanas alrededor del mundo enteros. Insto a que todos en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo no cesan en sus oraciones por las iglesias de África y Oriente Medio. Sólo teniendo en cuenta el Sufrimiento de Jesús, su Cruz y su Resurrección en la Pascua somos capaces de estar allí para el otro. Por favor oren por su Santidad el Papa Francis, ya que existen nuevas amenazas contra la vida de los grupos terroristas islamistas. Nuestro viaje a través de la Cuaresma es un reto personal. Debemos tomar más tiempo para la oración, meditación buscamos e imitar a Jesús en nuestras vidas. Estas semanas y días de reflexiones nos conducirá al misterio de nuestra salvación a través de él. Nuestra fe necesita nutrirse. Nuestra alma es viajar por su creador, Dios, reavivar nuestra relación con lo divino. Descubriremos el amor por un Dios que amaba tanto que sacrificó a su hijo unigénito, para que podamos vivir nuevamente. Este misterio es tan profunda y abrumadora que nuestra mente no puede nunca completo comprender la plenitud de las acciones salvivic de Dios para nosotros. Cuando Dios amó tanto, cuánto más nos estamos obligados a amarse mutuamente según su Santa voluntad. Te pido que todo tome tiempo para leer y meditar en las escrituras, leer buenos libros espirituales de orientación, asistir a sus iglesias locales cada domingo y mostrar su compromiso con su familia de la iglesia local. Si nos vamos creciendo en nuestra fe, entonces su familia de la iglesia es el lugar donde usted puede crecer, es un campo de pruebas de lo fuerte que es tu fe, y cuánto más tenemos que crecer con el otro.Deseo para todos cerca y lejos una preparación bendecido para la Pascua, cuando celebran a la resurrección del Hijo de Dios, pero también ven el amanecer de nuestra propia resurrección, porque El caminaba delante a la casa del padre celestial para compartir en su gloria y preparar un lugar para nosotros.Con mis plegarias y bendiciones para todos + Karl
Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad 2014! Afrikaans:Geseënde Kersfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaarAlbanian: Gëzuar Krishlindjet Vitin e Ri!Germany: Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein Gesegnetes Neues Jahr Euch allen Nah und Fern.Möge der Friede Christi in Euere Herzen einziehen!Arabic: ميلاد مجيد Bulgaria: Весела Коледа и благословена Нова годинаArmenian: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Soorp JanuntEsturian: Bones Navidaes & Gayoleru anu nuevu!Belgium: Zalige KertfeestCatalán: Bon Nadal i feliç any nou!Croatia: Sretan BozicDanmark: Glædelig Jul og godt nytårEnglish: Merry Christmas o Happy Christmas and a Happy New YearEsperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon & Bonan NovjaronEstonian: Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi ja Head uut aastatFinland: Hauskaa JouluaFrance: Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!Galic: Nadolig LlawenGallego: Bon Nadal e Bo Ani NovoGeorgian: გილოცავთ შობა-ახალ წელსHoland: Hartelijke Kerstroeten Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hauʻoli Makahiki HouHebrew: חג מולד שמח Hungary: Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és Boldog újévet!Greek: Καλά Χριστούγεννα!Indonesia: Selamat Hari Natal & Selamat Tahun Baru Irland: (Gaelic)Nollaig shona duit. Bliain úr faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit Italy: Buon Natale e Felice Anno NuovoJapan: メリークリスマスLatin: Pax Hominibus bonae voluntatis Lituania: Linksmu Kaledu ir laimingu Nauju metu Luxemburg: Schéi Krëschtdeeg an e Schéint Néi Joer Malaysia: Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru Maori: Meri Kirihimete Norway: Gledelig JulNavajo:Ya'at'eeh Keshmish Basque- Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!Philippines: (Tagalog): Maligayang PaskoPoland: Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!Portugal: Boas Festas e um Feliz Ano NovoRumania: Craciun fericit si un An Nou fericit!Russin: Pozdravlyenie s Rozjdyestvom i s Novym Godom!Samoan:Manuia le Kerisimasi, ma le Tausaga FouSerbia: Hristos se rodiSlowenia: Vesel božič in srečno novo letoSomalia: ciid wanaagsan iyo sanad cusub oo fiican.Spain: Feliz Navidadl! Feliz Año Nuevo!Que Cristo La Luz del Mundo sea presente in sus corazones por siempre!Sri Lanka: Subha Nattalak Veva Swahili: Krismasi Njema / Heri ya krismas. Heri ya mwaka mpya Wapendwa, Noeli iko mlangoni! Nawatakieni wote heri sana na baraka kwa sikukuu hii ya Noeli. Aidha nawaombeeni mwaka mpya wa furaha, na mafaniko.Sweden: God Jul och Gott Nytt ÅrTahiti: La ora i te Noere e ia ora na i te matahiti 'aTamil:Nathar Puthu Varuda ValthukkalTurkey: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun Valencia: Bon Nadal i feliç any nouThai: Suk san wan-krit-maat lae sa-wat-dee bpee mai Turkish: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun; Yeni Yilnizi Kutar, saadetler dilerim Ukrainian: Srozhdestvom Kristovym Vietnamese: Mung Le Giang Sinh. Cung Chuc Tan Nien Welsh - Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Peace and Joy to you beloved brothers and sisters or of our Worldwide ECCC! Wishing you all from my heart a blessed and joyous Christmas with your loved ones, and your parish families! In the Advent Season, we all tried to reflect and live closer toward welcoming Jesus into our hearts. We realize much more has to be done to get closer to the heart of Jesus. Our prayers, our charitable deeds, and our longing to see more and more Christ in people who come along our way, are spiritual milestones towards reaching the Kingdom.
We might have also listened close to the new actions that Pope Francis took toward Reforms within the Catholic Church Family, and the Catholic Reform Groups involved.He has also started the cleanup within the Vatican Curia, and his sharp tone toward the ailments that have intruded its bureaucracy, and behavior among its members.
As we are an Ecumenical Catholic Church, we too long for reforms as we seek Unity among the Christian Churches.Reform and Change starts within ourselves, how we perceive God, how we really listen to HIS Word, how we are willing to follow Christ first before seeking our own ways of life, how we treat each other, how we support our Church families in their struggles, how we always help the least in our society, the poor, the afflicted, the marginalized, the outcasts... Isn't it ironic that King David was expecting the Messiah to come in the Glory of a royal Palace, and yet God saw it fit to choose a young humble and faithful maiden in Mary to give birth to the King of our Lives, and low and behold he was not born in a Palace, but in a Manger, because people did not wanted to welcome him. This is what God shows us on Christmas: we think like King David, and yet we find ourselves full of the wondrous deeds that God is revealing to us.We forget to welcome HIM, and as a human race think that we know it all, and we have the wisdom how to accomplish everything, and in our pride we seek a self-fulfilling prophecy...And then we are more shocked when God intervenes in a humble and loving way that turns everything upside down. Our expectations are driven by our Ego, and it blinds us to see with the eyes of faith, to be humble, kind, merciful, and loving as HE is to us. Let us learn from Jesus life, words and deeds, let us see in Mary a model of life that reminds us always, I am the servant of the Lord... My heart is filled in this season with Joy and Peace as I see among you all God's wondrous Love present!Let us pray for the protection of Pope Francis, let us pray for a world so much in need for Peace, let us pray for each others journey toward HIS Coming again in Glory in which we all shall partake. With my prayers and benedictions to you all, wishing you a year 2015 that will be filled with health, and always Love for you all!Yours in the Newborn King, Jesus, The Christ.+Karl
Deseando a todos desde mi corazón una feliz Navidad y feliz con sus seres queridos y sus familias de la parroquia! En el tiempo de Adviento, todos tratamos de reflexionar y vivir más cerca hacia la bienvenida a Jesús en nuestros corazones. Nos damos cuenta de mucho más tiene que hacer para estar más cerca del corazón de Jesús. Nuestras oraciones, nuestras obras de caridad, y nuestro deseo de ver más y más a Cristo en las personas que vienen a lo largo de nuestro camino, son hitos espirituales para alcanzar el Reino. Podríamos haber escuchado también cerca de las nuevas acciones que Francisco tomó hacia reformas dentro de la Iglesia católica de la familia, y hacia reformas que ha iniciado dentro de la Curia Vaticana, y su agudo tono de la limpieza de las dolencias que han invadido su burocracia, y comportamiento entre sus miembros. Como somos una Iglesia Católica Ecuménica, tenemos demasiado tiempo para las reformas, mientras buscamos la unidad entre las Iglesias cristianas. La reforma y el cambio empieza dentro de nosotros mismos, cómo nos percibimos a Dios, cómo realmente escuchar su palabra, ¿cómo estamos dispuestos a seguir a Cristo en primer lugar antes de buscar nuestras propias formas de vida, la forma en que tratamos a los demás, cómo apoyamos a nuestras familias de la Iglesia en su luchas, cómo siempre ayudamos al menos en nuestra sociedad, los pobres, los afligidos, los marginados, los marginados ... ¿No es irónico que el Rey David esperaba que el Mesías vendrá en la gloria de un palacio real, y sin embargo, Dios no había motivos para elegir una joven humilde y fiel en María para dar a luz al Rey de nuestras vidas, y la baja y he aquí que no había nacido en un palacio, sino en un pesebre, porque la gente no quería darle la bienvenida. Esto es lo que Dios nos muestra en Navidad: pensamos como el rey David, y sin embargo, nos encontramos llena de las maravillas que Dios nos está revelando. Nos olvidamos de dar la bienvenida a él, y como raza humana pensar que lo sabemos todo, y tenemos la sabiduría cómo lograr todo, y en nuestro orgullo buscamos una profecía autocumplida ... Y luego nos son más sorprendido cuando Dios interviene de una manera humilde y amorosa que lo cambia todo. Nuestras expectativas son impulsados por nuestro ego y nos ciega a ver con los ojos de la fe, a ser humilde, bondadoso, misericordioso y bondadoso que es para nosotros. Aprendamos de Jesús la vida, palabras y acciones, vamos a ver en María un modelo de vida que nos recuerda siempre, soy la sierva del Señor ... Mi corazón está lleno de esta temporada con la alegría y la paz que yo veo entre vosotros maravilloso amor de Dios presente en todo! Oremos por la protección de Francisco, oremos por un mundo tan necesitado de paz, oremos para cada demás viaje hacia su segunda venida en gloria en la que todos participaremos. Con mis oraciones y bendiciones a todos ustedes, que desean que un año 2015 que será llenado con la salud, y siempre amor para todos ustedes! Suyo en el Rey recién nacido, Jesús, el Cristo. + Karl
December 4th, Saint John of Damascus, A. D. 2014 From your Ecumenical Primate
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ around the World of our beloved Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ.
As a worldwide church family we walk toward Christmas, we seek the conversion of our hearts toward Christ.
The feast of the birth of Jesus, the Son of man, the King of kings, the humble servant, the child so poor and helpless is the chosen one to save humanity.
We can never fully understand this mystery of God becoming man, His
incarnation, yet we can see more closely with the heart of faith that is longing to share in his divinity.
All our worldly existence with all the richness the world offers, will never reach the true pearl we find in this Child that is leading us to God, showing us the way to salvation.
On my trip in Rome this past October, I shared with so many Roman Catholics from around the world seeking reforms, that we as Christians are compelled more than ever to live the Gospel of Christ, His Testament of Love, Care, and Justice that sees all of humanity in a different
light. We are all created in the image of God who dwells within our hearts waiting to be discovered.
Christ was so eager to reach out to those in society who were abandoned, marginalized, condemned, the very poor, the sick, and when he criticized the rich who are unwilling to share the burden in this world,
when he cleansed the house of the Father from becoming a merchant hall, so we as Christians also must walk in his footsteps, imitate His Life, and become like Him.
We encounter a suffering world, wars of hatred, religious extremism, and dictators that through relentless savagery causes destruction of whole human populations, consumerism that has left generations without a vision for a more just society, selfishness propaganda that is driving younger generations into despair not seeing a future with values.
We can continue the list, and yet there is light in the darkness coming our way, it is Christ Jesus who reaches out to us every day and moment of our lives, who wants us to live toward God's Kingdom.
Let us all accept this Child of Bethlehem, born to become our Savior, who suffers, dies, and rises from the death and pain, and lives among us in Word and Sacrament, in true Spirit and Love.
Let us go to seek him eagerly in this time of Advent, so that he finds us awake, and we are prepared to welcome him into our hearts, so that His Second Coming in Glory will be the beginning of the Eternal Celebration in His Kingdom. Wishing you all a reflective time of Advent, may the living Word of God, the Good News, handed over to us by the Apostles, become part of your daily Bread of Life. With my prayers and benedictions yours +Karl
Desde su Primado Ecuménico
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo en todo el mundo de nuestra amada Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo! Como familia de la iglesia en todo el mundo caminamos hacia la Navidad, buscamos la conversión de nuestro corazón hacia Cristo. La fiesta del nacimiento de Jesús, el Hijo del Hombre, el Rey de reyes, el humilde servidor, el niño tan pobre e indefenso es el elegido para salvar a la humanidad. Nunca podremos entender completamente este misterio de Dios hecho hombre, su encarnación, sin embargo, podemos ver más de cerca con el corazón de la fe que es el anhelo de compartir en su divinidad. Toda nuestra existencia mundana con toda la riqueza que el mundo ofrece, nunca alcanzará la verdadera perla que encontramos en este Niño que nos está llevando a Dios, que nos muestra el camino a la salvación. En mi viaje a Roma en octubre pasado, compartí con tantos católicos romanos de todo el mundo en busca de reformas, que como cristianos estamos obligados más que nunca a vivir el Evangelio de Cristo, su testamento de amor, cuidado y Justicia que ve toda la humanidad bajo una luz diferente. Todos hemos sido creados a imagen de Dios que habita en nuestros corazones la espera de ser descubierto. Cristo estaba tan ansioso por llegar a las personas en la sociedad que fueron abandonados, marginados, condenados, los más pobres, a los enfermos, y cuando criticó a los ricos que no están dispuestos a compartir la carga en este mundo, cuando él limpió la casa de la Padre se convierta en una sala comercial, por lo que nosotros, como cristianos también tenemos que seguir sus pasos, imitar su vida y ser como Él. Nos encontramos con un mundo que sufre, las guerras de odio, el extremismo religioso y dictadores que a través de salvajismo implacable causa la destrucción de las poblaciones humanas enteras, el consumismo que ha dejado a las generaciones sin una visión de una sociedad más justa, propaganda egoísmo que está impulsando las generaciones más jóvenes en la desesperación no ver a un futuro con valores. Podemos seguir la lista, y sin embargo hay luz en la oscuridad en nuestro camino, es Cristo Jesús, que se acerca a nosotros cada día y momento de nuestras vidas, que quiere que vivamos hacia el Reino de Dios. Vamos todos aceptamos este Niño de Belén, nacido para ser nuestro Salvador, que sufre, muere y se levanta de la muerte y el dolor, y vive entre nosotros en la Palabra y los Sacramentos, en verdadero Espíritu y el Amor. Vamos a buscarlo ansiosamente en este tiempo de Adviento, para que él nos encuentre despiertos, y estamos preparados para darle la bienvenida en nuestros corazones, para que Su segunda venida en gloria será el inicio de la Fiesta Eterna en Su Reino. Les deseo a todos un tiempo de reflexión de Adviento, que la Palabra viva de Dios, la Buena Nueva, entregado a nosotros por los Apóstoles, se convierten en parte de su diario Pan de Vida. Con mis oraciones y bendiciones suyo + Karl
Para el año 2015, le animo, si con sus obispos locales, vicarios y sacerdotes, y laicos tienen tiempo para organizar reuniones locales e informar a la reforma de la Iglesia Católica Internacional. Se trata de la familia más grande en la iglesia. Aquí está la última reunión Informe comunicado de prensa, y la lista de consultores, etc, incluido yo mismo.Aui es la pagina web:
RED INTERNACIONAL PIDE REFORMA DE MÁS TRANSPARENCIA SÍNODOIglesia Católica Reform International (CCRI), una red de grupos e individuos en 65 países comprometidos con la renovación de la Iglesia Católica Romana, está llamando a una mayor apertura del Sínodo de los Obispos en sus debates sobre el matrimonio y la familia.CCRI ha escrito recientemente al cardenal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretario General del Sínodo de los Obispos, pidiendo que el Vaticano no sólo permiten Conferencias Episcopales locales a hacer públicos los resúmenes de las respuestas que se preparan en cuestionarios sinodales, pero en realidad animarles a ser más abiertos.El año pasado, cuando el cardenal Baldisseri envió un cuestionario Sínodo preparado especialmente a los obispos de todo el mundo instándolos a circular ampliamente y obtener retroalimentación de las bases sobre las cuestiones que planteó, él también dio instrucciones para que sus resúmenes de las respuestas se mantendrán en secreto.En todo el mundo casi todas las Conferencias episcopales y obispos accedieron a la prohibición, con la notable excepción de la alemana, suiza y Conferencias japoneses y algunos obispos, que decidieron que la apertura fue el curso adecuado y publicó sus resúmenes. "La prohibición refuerza la impresión de que el Vaticano aún no entiende la importancia de la transparencia", dijo René Reid, CCRI convocante, "Ni es de acuerdo con el llamado de Francisco para la apertura y la participación de todo el pueblo de Dios."Como preparativos ponerse en marcha para la Asamblea General Ordinaria en octubre de 2015, los fieles católicos son de nuevo para pedir que reflexionar, esta vez sobre el contenido del párrafo 62 Relatio Synodi (Sínodo de informes), y proporcionar retroalimentación. En una señal de que Francisco entiende la necesidad de apertura, dio instrucciones de que los resultados de la votación en cada apartado de la Relatio como anexo en el documento. Pero CCRI está pidiendo más.Cuando los de base reflexiones sobre la Relatio se han reunido y resumido, CCRI quiere que cada Conferencia Episcopal de ser libre, de hecho alentado, para hacer sus resúmenes pública y ampliamente disponible.Además, antes del comienzo de la nueva ronda de reflexiones, CCRI también ha pedido al cardenal Baldisseri para permitir que cada Conferencia Episcopal para publicar y difundir los resúmenes de las respuestas al cuestionario de 2013. Tales resúmenes podrían en gran medida ayudar a los fieles en cada iglesia local para desarrollar y aclarar sus reflexiones sobre los temas que el Sínodo está a punto de pedir de ellos.
September 19th, Saint Januarius, A. D. 2014
Venerable brothers and sisters in the Episcopate, Priests, Deacons/ness in the service of the Lord! Peace to you all, brothers and sisters, near and afar!
Thank you all for your work in our missions around the World, and for your Faith in a loving God that knows our hearts and needs.
As our Worldwide Church Union was founded in 1998 with the Vision for Reforms in the Roman Catholic Church and other Catholic Rites as expressed in our Manifesto, with the desire to strive for more Unity among Christendom, we have reached a new milestone. As I am leaving for a trip to Rome joining Roman Catholics from around the World for a Colloquium on the Family, (please see the attachment to this e-mail) at the beginning of the Worldwide Synod on the Family, and gathering on October 5th at the Vatican, our hearts are filled with joy.
As Pope Francis has approached the Church with a new and refreshing Spirit, we are encouraged that Reforms are more possible. As in my previous letters about the CCR'I (Catholic Church Reform International) indicated, we are part of this exciting endeavor. As a consultor, I will speak on behalf of Ecumenism, a significant part Vatican II was striving for. Further, millions of Lay Catholics around the world have expressed their desire to have more say in the Church, and make sure that they, the people of God, are represented in an just and representative way. Unfortunately the preparation to the Synod has caused a stir as Families were underrepresented for the Synod.
Please read therefore the Open Letter to Pope Francis below, by clicking on the link, and sign it right away as the letter has to be sent out immediately. Thank you for supporting this important gathering with your thoughts and prayers. I will pray on the tombs of St. Peter and the Saints to ask for Divine assistance in all our endeavor.
Next steps: (1) This letter will be sent to Pope Francis; our media committee will send this out to the press; and (3) we’ll send this onto all our supporters via our Newsletter.
We wholeheartedly welcome our first Parish in Moscow, Russia, under the Leadership of Rev. Sergey Kiryushatov
Thanks to our Nuntius for Europe, Archbishop ++Hristo who was instrumental for this!!
Our Nuntius for Africa, Archbishop ++Godfrey, will travel to Cameroon and Congo for Episcopal assistance.
This weekend will also be the ordinations to the Priesthood of Rev. Tom Monaco, and to the Diaconate Rev. Jeanenne Cox in our diocese of Colorado and the Western United States!
We also pray for the ordained Deacons Evans and Julius from our Archdiocese in Nairobi, Kenya who will be ordained to the Priesthood on November 22nd, 2014. Our prayers are with you all!!
Please pray for me on my Journey to Rome, as I will pray for you all, my beloved of the ECCC With my apostolic benedictions and prayers yours ++Karl
Desde su Primado Ecuménico
Venerables hermanos y hermanas en el episcopado, Sacerdotes, Diáconos/ness en el servicio del Señor! Paz a todos vosotros, hermanos y hermanas, cerca y lejos! Gracias a todos por su trabajo en nuestras misiones en todo el mundo, y por su fe en un Dios amoroso que conoce nuestros corazones y necesidades. A medida que nuestra Iglesia Mundial fue fundada en 1998 con la visión de las reformas en la Iglesia Católica Romana y otros Ritos Católicos como se expresa en nuestro Manifiesto, con el deseo de luchar por más unidad entre la cristiandad, hemos alcanzado un nuevo hito. Como yo voy a Roma y ahi unimos los católicos de todo el mundo para un coloquio sobre la Familia, (por favor vea el archivo adjunto en este e-mail) al comienzo del Sínodo Mundial de la Familia, y reuniendo el 5 de octubre en el Vaticano, nuestros corazones están llenos de alegría.
Como el Papa Francis se ha acercado a la Iglesia con una nueva y refrescante Espíritu, nos alienta que las reformas son más posible. Al igual que en mis cartas anteriores sobre la CCR'I (Iglesia Católica Reform International) indicó, somos parte de esta apasionante tarea. Como consultor para este organization, voy a hablar en nombre de Ecumenismo, una parte significativa del Vaticano II se esfuerza para. Además, millones de laicos católicos de todo el mundo han expresado su deseo de tener más voz en la Iglesia, y asegurarse de que, el pueblo de Dios, están representados de una manera justa y representativa. Por desgracia, la preparación para el Sínodo ha causado un gran revuelo como familias están insuficientemente representadas en el Sínodo. Por esto, por favor, lea lo que la Carta Abierta al Papa Francis continuación, haciendo clic en el enlace, y firmar de inmediato que la letra tiene que ser enviado de inmediato. Gracias por apoyar a esta importante reunión con sus pensamientos y oraciones. Rezaré en las tumbas de San Pedro y de los Santos para pedir ayuda divina en todo nuestro esfuerzo.
Carta Abierta al Papa La carta está lista para su firma.Por favor, hágalo y pasan el enlace a todos tus conocidos:óximos pasos: (1) Esta carta será enviada al Papa Francis; nuestro comité de medios enviará esto a la prensa; y (3) se entregará este en todos nuestros seguidores a través de nuestras Notizias.
Damos la bienvenida a nuestra primera parroquia en Moscú, Rusia, bajo el liderazgo del Rev. Sergey Kiryushatov. Gracias al nuestro Nuncio para Europa, Arzobispo ++Hristo para organizar esto!
Damos la bienvenida a nuestra primera parroquia en Moscú, Rusia, bajo el liderazgo del Rev. Sergey Kiryushatov. Gracias al nuestro Nuncio para Europa, Arzobispo ++Hristo para organizar esto! Nuestro Nuntius para África, el arzobispo ++ Godfrey, viajará a Camerún y Congo para la asistencia Episcopal.
Este fin de semana será también las ordenaciones al sacerdocio de Rev. Tom Mónaco, y al Diaconado Rev. Jeanenne Cox en nuestra diócesis de Colorado y el oeste de Estados Unidos!
También oramos por los ordenados Diáconos Evans y Julius de nuestra Arquidiócesis en Nairobi, Kenia, que será ordenado sacerdote el 22 de noviembre de 2014.
Nuestras oraciones están con todos ustedes !! Por favor oren por mí en mi viaje a Roma, como voy a orar para Uds., mis amados del ICEC Con mis bendiciones apostólicas y oraciones tuya ++ Karl
December 4th, Saint John of Damascus, A. D. 2014 From your Ecumenical Primate
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ around the World of our beloved Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
As a worldwide church family we walk toward Christmas, we seek the conversion of our hearts toward Christ.
The feast of the birth of Jesus, the Son of man, the King of kings, the humble servant, the child so poor and helpless is the chosen one to save humanity.
We can never fully understand this mystery of God becoming man, His
incarnation, yet we can see more closely with the heart of faith that is longing to share in his divinity.
All our worldly existence with all the richness the world offers, will never reach the true pearl we find in this Child
that is leading us to God, showing us the way to salvation. On my trip in Rome this past October, I shared with so many Roman Catholics from around the world seeking reforms, that we as Christians are compelled more than ever to live the Gospel of Christ, His Testament of Love, Care, and Justice that sees all of humanity in a different
light. We are all created in the image of God who dwells within our hearts waiting to be discovered.
Christ was so eager to reach out to those in society who were abandoned, marginalized, condemned, the very poor, the sick, and when he criticized the rich who are unwilling to share the burden in this world,
when he cleansed the house of the Father from becoming a merchant hall, so we as Christians also must walk in his footsteps, imitate His Life, and become like Him.
We encounter a suffering world, wars of hatred, religious extremism, and dictators that through relentless savagery causes destruction of whole human populations, consumerism that has left generations without a vision for a more just society, selfishness propaganda that is driving younger generations into despair not seeing a future with values.
We can continue the list, and yet there is light in the darkness coming our way, it is Christ Jesus who reaches out to us every day and moment of our lives, who wants us to live toward God's Kingdom.
Let us all accept this Child of Bethlehem, born to become our Savior, who suffers, dies, and rises from the death and pain, and lives among us in Word and Sacrament, in true Spirit and Love.
Let us go to seek him eagerly in this time of Advent, so that he finds us awake, and we are prepared to welcome him into our hearts, so that His Second Coming in Glory will be the beginning of the Eternal Celebration in His Kingdom. Wishing you all a reflective time of Advent, may the living Word of God, the Good News, handed over to us by the Apostles, become part of your daily Bread of Life. With my prayers and benedictions yours +Karl
Desde su Primado Ecuménico
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo en todo el mundo de nuestra amada Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo! Como familia de la iglesia en todo el mundo caminamos hacia la Navidad, buscamos la conversión de nuestro corazón hacia Cristo. La fiesta del nacimiento de Jesús, el Hijo del Hombre, el Rey de reyes, el humilde servidor, el niño tan pobre e indefenso es el elegido para salvar a la humanidad. Nunca podremos entender completamente este misterio de Dios hecho hombre, su encarnación, sin embargo, podemos ver más de cerca con el corazón de la fe que es el anhelo de compartir en su divinidad. Toda nuestra existencia mundana con toda la riqueza que el mundo ofrece, nunca alcanzará la verdadera perla que encontramos en este Niño que nos está llevando a Dios, que nos muestra el camino a la salvación. En mi viaje a Roma en octubre pasado, compartí con tantos católicos romanos de todo el mundo en busca de reformas, que como cristianos estamos obligados más que nunca a vivir el Evangelio de Cristo, su testamento de amor, cuidado y Justicia que ve toda la humanidad bajo una luz diferente. Todos hemos sido creados a imagen de Dios que habita en nuestros corazones la espera de ser descubierto. Cristo estaba tan ansioso por llegar a las personas en la sociedad que fueron abandonados, marginados, condenados, los más pobres, a los enfermos, y cuando criticó a los ricos que no están dispuestos a compartir la carga en este mundo, cuando él limpió la casa de la Padre se convierta en una sala comercial, por lo que nosotros, como cristianos también tenemos que seguir sus pasos, imitar su vida y ser como Él. Nos encontramos con un mundo que sufre, las guerras de odio, el extremismo religioso y dictadores que a través de salvajismo implacable causa la destrucción de las poblaciones humanas enteras, el consumismo que ha dejado a las generaciones sin una visión de una sociedad más justa, propaganda egoísmo que está impulsando las generaciones más jóvenes en la desesperación no ver a un futuro con valores. Podemos seguir la lista, y sin embargo hay luz en la oscuridad en nuestro camino, es Cristo Jesús, que se acerca a nosotros cada día y momento de nuestras vidas, que quiere que vivamos hacia el Reino de Dios. Vamos todos aceptamos este Niño de Belén, nacido para ser nuestro Salvador, que sufre, muere y se levanta de la muerte y el dolor, y vive entre nosotros en la Palabra y los Sacramentos, en verdadero Espíritu y el Amor. Vamos a buscarlo ansiosamente en este tiempo de Adviento, para que él nos encuentre despiertos, y estamos preparados para darle la bienvenida en nuestros corazones, para que Su segunda venida en gloria será el inicio de la Fiesta Eterna en Su Reino. Les deseo a todos un tiempo de reflexión de Adviento, que la Palabra viva de Dios, la Buena Nueva, entregado a nosotros por los Apóstoles, se convierten en parte de su diario Pan de Vida. Con mis oraciones y bendiciones suyo + Karl
Para el año 2015, le animo, si con sus obispos locales, vicarios y sacerdotes, y laicos tienen tiempo para organizar reuniones locales e informar a la reforma de la Iglesia Católica Internacional. Se trata de la familia más grande en la iglesia. Aquí está la última reunión Informe comunicado de prensa, y la lista de consultores, etc, incluido yo mismo.Aui es la pagina web:
Para publicación inmediata18 de noviembre 2014RED INTERNACIONAL PIDE REFORMA DE MÁS TRANSPARENCIA SÍNODOIglesia Católica Reform International (CCRI), una red de grupos e individuos en 65 países comprometidos con la renovación de la Iglesia Católica Romana, está llamando a una mayor apertura del Sínodo de los Obispos en sus debates sobre el matrimonio y la familia.CCRI ha escrito recientemente al cardenal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretario General del Sínodo de los Obispos, pidiendo que el Vaticano no sólo permiten Conferencias Episcopales locales a hacer públicos los resúmenes de las respuestas que se preparan en cuestionarios sinodales, pero en realidad animarles a ser más abiertos.El año pasado, cuando el cardenal Baldisseri envió un cuestionario Sínodo preparado especialmente a los obispos de todo el mundo instándolos a circular ampliamente y obtener retroalimentación de las bases sobre las cuestiones que planteó, él también dio instrucciones para que sus resúmenes de las respuestas se mantendrán en secreto.En todo el mundo casi todas las Conferencias episcopales y obispos accedieron a la prohibición, con la notable excepción de la alemana, suiza y Conferencias japoneses y algunos obispos, que decidieron que la apertura fue el curso adecuado y publicó sus resúmenes. "La prohibición refuerza la impresión de que el Vaticano aún no entiende la importancia de la transparencia", dijo René Reid, CCRI convocante, "Ni es de acuerdo con el llamado de Francisco para la apertura y la participación de todo el pueblo de Dios."Como preparativos ponerse en marcha para la Asamblea General Ordinaria en octubre de 2015, los fieles católicos son de nuevo para pedir que reflexionar, esta vez sobre el contenido del párrafo 62 Relatio Synodi (Sínodo de informes), y proporcionar retroalimentación. En una señal de que Francisco entiende la necesidad de apertura, dio instrucciones de que los resultados de la votación en cada apartado de la Relatio como anexo en el documento. Pero CCRI está pidiendo más.Cuando los de base reflexiones sobre la Relatio se han reunido y resumido, CCRI quiere que cada Conferencia Episcopal de ser libre, de hecho alentado, para hacer sus resúmenes pública y ampliamente disponible.Además, antes del comienzo de la nueva ronda de reflexiones, CCRI también ha pedido al cardenal Baldisseri para permitir que cada Conferencia Episcopal para publicar y difundir los resúmenes de las respuestas al cuestionario de 2013. Tales resúmenes podrían en gran medida ayudar a los fieles en cada iglesia local para desarrollar y aclarar sus reflexiones sobre los temas que el Sínodo está a punto de pedir de ellos.
September 19th, Saint Januarius, A. D. 2014 Venerable brothers and sisters in the Episcopate, Priests, Deacons/ness in the service of the Lord! Peace to you all, brothers and sisters, near and afar!
Thank you all for your work in our missions around the World, and for your Faith in a loving God that knows our hearts and needs.
As our Worldwide Church Union was founded in 1998 with the Vision for Reforms in the Roman Catholic Church and other Catholic Rites as expressed in our Manifesto, with the desire to strive for more Unity among Christendom, we have reached a new milestone. As I am leaving for a trip to Rome joining Roman Catholics from around the World for a Colloquium on the Family, (please see the attachment to this e-mail) at the beginning of the Worldwide Synod on the Family, and gathering on October 5th at the Vatican, our hearts are filled with joy.
As Pope Francis has approached the Church with a new and refreshing Spirit, we are encouraged that Reforms are more possible. As in my previous letters about the CCR'I (Catholic Church Reform International) indicated, we are part of this exciting endeavor. As a consultor, I will speak on behalf of Ecumenism, a significant part Vatican II was striving for. Further, millions of Lay Catholics around the world have expressed their desire to have more say in the Church, and make sure that they, the people of God, are represented in an just and representative way. Unfortunately the preparation to the Synod has caused a stir as Families were underrepresented for the Synod.
Please read therefore the Open Letter to Pope Francis below, by clicking on the link, and sign it right away as the letter has to be sent out immediately. Thank you for supporting this important gathering with your thoughts and prayers. I will pray on the tombs of St. Peter and the Saints to ask for Divine assistance in all our endeavor.
Next steps: (1) This letter will be sent to Pope Francis; our media committee will send this out to the press; and (3) we’ll send this onto all our supporters via our Newsletter.
We wholeheartedly welcome our first Parish in Moscow, Russia, under the Leadership of Rev. Sergey Kiryushatov
Thanks to our Nuntius for Europe, Archbishop ++Hristo who was instrumental for this!!
Our Nuntius for Africa, Archbishop ++Godfrey, will travel to Cameroon and Congo for Episcopal assistance.
This weekend will also be the ordinations to the Priesthood of Rev. Tom Monaco, and to the Diaconate Rev. Jeanenne Cox in our diocese of Colorado and the Western United States!
We also pray for the ordained Deacons Evans and Julius from our Archdiocese in Nairobi, Kenya who will be ordained to the Priesthood on November 22nd, 2014. Our prayers are with you all!!
Please pray for me on my Journey to Rome, as I will pray for you all, my beloved of the ECCC With my apostolic benedictions and prayers yours ++Karl
Desde su Primado Ecuménico Venerables hermanos y hermanas en el episcopado, Sacerdotes, Diáconos/ness en el servicio del Señor! Paz a todos vosotros, hermanos y hermanas, cerca y lejos! Gracias a todos por su trabajo en nuestras misiones en todo el mundo, y por su fe en un Dios amoroso que conoce nuestros corazones y necesidades. A medida que nuestra Iglesia Mundial fue fundada en 1998 con la visión de las reformas en la Iglesia Católica Romana y otros Ritos Católicos como se expresa en nuestro Manifiesto, con el deseo de luchar por más unidad entre la cristiandad, hemos alcanzado un nuevo hito. Como yo voy a Roma y ahi unimos los católicos de todo el mundo para un coloquio sobre la Familia, (por favor vea el archivo adjunto en este e-mail) al comienzo del Sínodo Mundial de la Familia, y reuniendo el 5 de octubre en el Vaticano, nuestros corazones están llenos de alegría.
Como el Papa Francis se ha acercado a la Iglesia con una nueva y refrescante Espíritu, nos alienta que las reformas son más posible. Al igual que en mis cartas anteriores sobre la CCR'I (Iglesia Católica Reform International) indicó, somos parte de esta apasionante tarea. Como consultor para este organization, voy a hablar en nombre de Ecumenismo, una parte significativa del Vaticano II se esfuerza para. Además, millones de laicos católicos de todo el mundo han expresado su deseo de tener más voz en la Iglesia, y asegurarse de que, el pueblo de Dios, están representados de una manera justa y representativa. Por desgracia, la preparación para el Sínodo ha causado un gran revuelo como familias están insuficientemente representadas en el Sínodo. Por esto, por favor, lea lo que la Carta Abierta al Papa Francis continuación, haciendo clic en el enlace, y firmar de inmediato que la letra tiene que ser enviado de inmediato. Gracias por apoyar a esta importante reunión con sus pensamientos y oraciones. Rezaré en las tumbas de San Pedro y de los Santos para pedir ayuda divina en todo nuestro esfuerzo.
Carta Abierta al Papa La carta está lista para su firma.Por favor, hágalo y pasan el enlace a todos tus conocidos:óximos pasos: (1) Esta carta será enviada al Papa Francis; nuestro comité de medios enviará esto a la prensa; y (3) se entregará este en todos nuestros seguidores a través de nuestras Notizias.
Damos la bienvenida a nuestra primera parroquia en Moscú, Rusia, bajo el liderazgo del Rev. Sergey Kiryushatov. Gracias al nuestro Nuncio para Europa, Arzobispo ++Hristo para organizar esto!
Damos la bienvenida a nuestra primera parroquia en Moscú, Rusia, bajo el liderazgo del Rev. Sergey Kiryushatov. Gracias al nuestro Nuncio para Europa, Arzobispo ++Hristo para organizar esto! Nuestro Nuntius para África, el arzobispo ++ Godfrey, viajará a Camerún y Congo para la asistencia Episcopal.
Este fin de semana será también las ordenaciones al sacerdocio de Rev. Tom Mónaco, y al Diaconado Rev. Jeanenne Cox en nuestra diócesis de Colorado y el oeste de Estados Unidos!
También oramos por los ordenados Diáconos Evans y Julius de nuestra Arquidiócesis en Nairobi, Kenia, que será ordenado sacerdote el 22 de noviembre de 2014.
Nuestras oraciones están con todos ustedes !! Por favor oren por mí en mi viaje a Roma, como voy a orar para Uds., mis amados del ICEC Con mis bendiciones apostólicas y oraciones tuya ++ Karl
October 30th, St. Alponsus Rodriguez,A. D. 2012 Peace to you brothers and sisters in Christ! As we approach the end of the Liturgical Year B, we give thanks to God Almighty for all the Goodness HE has shown to us all. Our spiritual journey this year in the fellowship with Christ has been supported very much by the Gospel of Mark.
We are constantly reminded that our priority is the "Imitatio Christi" that helps us to understand the deeper meaning of our call. We are torn between the world an its desires, and the sincere love we seek in God's presence among us. Fulfillment is not just a feeling we fall for, it is rather us responding to Christ everyday, because he calls us without ceasing. Fulfillment is the way of healing the soul, the body and our mind. This only will do justice to ourselves and those we serve if we let Christ do the work through us, and so shine through us. Christ in his Splendor will give us the right moment wee are seeking in finding our purpose. Let us always pray in the Holy Spirit for strength and for the endurance in this valley of so many tears as it is written in an old prayer to Holy Mother of God. May we all, clergy and laity, be spiritual guides for so many who seek answers to their quest in life. With my prayers and apostolic benedictions Servus Christi ++Karl
ECCC NEWS: USA Cathedral Abbey in Detroit December 8th, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 2012 Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood:
Fr. Edik Baroni, NOSF
(Starting a new Mission in California)
December 9th, 2012
First Christmas Concert at the Cathedral
We are also on the way to rebuilt our Internet Seminary Study program
+Bishop Charles Giebler (Diocese of the Western US Territories and Apostolic Nuntius)
has started missions for the Hispanic population in his diocese.
We welcome the expansion of our Church in Cuba:
Kenya, Africa
Archbishop and Apostolic Nuntius, ++Godfrey Siundu received an other Roman Catholic Parish into the ECCC with over 1000 members.
Greetings and blessings to you all.
Archbishop ++Leaonard Lubega has started a University Program
Costa Rica/Mexico/Colombia
The Consecration to the Episcopacy of
Rodolfo Contreras
and +Milsiades are scheduled for
April 5th, 2013 in Costa Rica.
We are in the process for Intercommunion with the Renewed Catholic and Apostolic Church
A special letter to our college of bishops will follow in a few weeks.
A special local Synod is planned for Canada
with the Ecumenical Primate
¡La paz a usted hermanos y hermanas en Cristo!
Como nos acercamos el fin del Año B Litúrgico, nosotros damos gracias a Dios Todopoderoso para toda la Bondad que ha mostrado a nosotros todo. Nuestra espiritual viaja este año en la confraternidad con Cristo ha sido apoyado tanto por el Evangelio de Mark. Somos recordados
constantemente que nuestra prioridad es el "Imitatio Christi" que ayuda nosotros comprender el significado más profundo de nuestra llamada. Somos rotos entre el mundo un sus deseos, y el amor sincero que buscamos en la presencia de Dios entre nosotros.
Somos rotos entre el mundo un sus deseos, y el amor sincero que buscamos en la presencia de Dios entre nosotros. El cumplimiento no es sólo un sentimiento que nos caemos para, es más bien nosotros respondiendo a Cristo diario, porque nos llama sin dejar. El cumplimiento es la manera de curar el alma, el cuerpo y nuestra mente. Este sólo me hará la justicia a nosotros mismos y a ésos nosotros servimos si permitimos que Cristo haga el trabajo por nosotros, y así que brillo por nosotros. Cristo en su Esplendor nos dará el momento
oportuno pequeñito busca en encontrar nuestro propósito.
Permita que nosotros siempre oremos en el Espíritu Santo para la fuerza y para la resistencia en este valle de tantas lágrimas como es escrito en una oración vieja a la Madre Santa de Dios. Pueda todos nosotros, el clero y el laicado, son guías espirituales para tanto que busca respuestas a su búsqueda en la vida. Con mis oraciones y bendiciones apostólicas su sirviente de Cristo
Servus Christi ++Karl
Abbey catedral en el 8 de Detroit diciembre, el Banquete de la inmaculada Concepción, 2012
Ordenación al Sacerdocio Sagrado:
Fr. Edik Baroni, NOSF (Starting a new Mission in California)
9 De diciembre, 2012 Primero Concierto de Navidad en la Catedral que somos también por el camino a reedificó
nuestro programa de Estudio de Seminario de Internet
Arzobispo de Africa y Nuntius Apostólico, + + Godfrey Siundu recibió una otra Parroquia católica romana en el ECCC
con más de 1000 miembros. Los saludos y las bendiciones a ustedes.
Costa Rica/México/Colombia
La Consagración al Episcopado de + Rodolfo Contreras Estrada (Mexico) y + Milsiades (Colombia)
es planificado para el 5 de abril, 2013
Damos la bienvenida la expansión de nuestra Iglesia en Cuba:
Tra Costa Rica. Somos en processo de una Intercommunion con la Iglesia Catolica Apostolica Renovada de Peru.
Nuestros obispos reciben una carta en este respeto en algunos semanas.
Estamos planeando una Sinodo local con el Primado Ecumenico
June 8th, St. Ephrem, A. D. 2012
Peace to you brothers and sisters in Christ! It is with a very sad heart to announce the death of our Bishop +Gilbert Cougar in Texas. He died in his sleep on June 7th, A. D. 2012 in the morning hours. He was 73 years old. He was our Orthodox bishop for the United States, and has used the Liturgy of Saint Chrysostom. For many years he was also a columnist for the St. Luke Magazine for our Archdiocese of Canada. His humbleness and his love for our Church was beyond one can expect. May he rest in peace, and may Christ, the eternal Shepherd welcome him to the Heavenly Kingdom! Our prayers are with his family and those who were close to him! R.I.P. Please for the bishops, be advised to say a requiem Mass for him in all your local Cathedral Churches. May God's Angel welcome you to paradise, and may the Saints greet you in the Presence of our Savior in whom you believed. With my prayers and benedictions ++Karl ECCC
¡La paz a usted hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Está con un corazón muy triste de anunciar la muerte de nuestro Obispo + Gilberto Cougar en Tejas. Se murió en su sueño en el 7 de junio, A. D. 2012 en la mañana horas. Tuvo 73 años. Fue nuestro obispo Ortodoxo para Estados Unidos y ha utilizado la Liturgia de San Chrysostom. Durante muchos años él fue también un columnista para el Periodico de San Luke para nuestra Archidiócesis de Canadá. Su humildad y su amor para nuestra Iglesia estuvieron más allá de uno puede esperar. ¡Pueda descansa en la paz, y en mayo Cristo, la bienvenida eterna de Pastor él al Reino Celestial! ¡Nuestras oraciones están con su familia y los que fueron cercano a él! R.I. P. Por favor para los obispos, es aconsejado decir una Masa de réquiem para él en todas sus Catedrales locales. Que los Angeles de Dios bienvenir el al paraíso, y los Santos te saludan en la Presencia de nuestro Salvador, Cristo Jesus, en quien el creyó. Con mis oraciones y bendiciones + + Karl ICEC
Peace to you brothers and sisters in Christ!
From our Metropolitan Diocese of Nairobi, Kenya, Afirca
+Dr Theuri Matthew, Bishop, ECCC
Our Primate, ++Dr. Karl Rodig Much greeting from the ECCCC - Nairobi Metropolitan and I in particular. It has been long since I heard from you and my prayer is that you have been alright.
Nairobi Metropolitan has been growing and we thank God for it. We have been concentrating on forming the small Christian communities and like in the New Testament, we have been able to pray and celebrate the Eucharist candidly. We have been able to experience our Lord through worship and scripture reading. We have just concluded a three day retreat with our priests namely; Msgnr David Mwangi - Vicar General/Administrator Very Rev. John Karimi Nderi - Vicar General/Vocations Director Very Rev. Anthony Inzalo - Vicar General Very Rev. Josep Mulwa - Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Michael Gathimba Wawaru - Bishop's Secretary Rev. Fr. James Gichuru - Youth Director Rev. Fr. John Chiraka - Liturgy Rev. Fr. Evanus Kanyiri Rev. Fr. Paul Mbae Rev. Fr. Peter Turunga Rev. Deacon George Gichuru
Our Associations are: Ecumenical Men Association (EMA), Ecumenical Women Association (EWA), and Ecumenical Youth Association (EYA). We did over 30 baptisms over the Easter period as well as the wedding of Paul and Jane, David and Catherine.
Blessings to all our brothers and sisters in Kenya!
May you all grow in the Lord's Way of Life!
Yours ++Karl
Please share with all as I do not have e-mail from everyone. Thank you!
We all celebrating the Easter Season with the remarkable development of the early Church. This was possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. The promise of Christ to sent the Paraclete has enabled the Church to move forward toward a future till then unknown to mankind. God has shown us, it is possible to live as a Church family united in the Holy Spirit, driven by Love and Care for each other. May the upcoming Feast of the Holy Spirit makes us more united than ever in God's Kingdom.
Worldwide Church News:
God has shown us through divine Grace that we are moving forward toward more Unity among the Churches.
It is with great joy to welcome the Orthodox Church from Bulgaria, "Christian Ecumenical and Apostolic Church" with her Bishop +Hristo Svetlozarov Pisarov into the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
After brotherly dialog, Bishop +Hresto, and us have signed the Concordat of Full Union on The day of SS. Cyrill and Methodius, May 11th, A. D. 2012. Their Church is now fully united with the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ.
May God bless all the wonderful people in Bulgaria for this Gift of the Holy Spirit, and may we all pray for each other in Unity to show the world that God is at work. Through Grace we have received, and through Faith we shall strengthen our brotherly and sisterly bond. Bishop +Hristo Svetlozarov Pisarov also has received the Title, Archbishop for Bulgaria, and Apostolic Nuntius for the Eastern Europe.
Welcome to all our brothers and sisters in Bulgaria!
Africa, Kenya:
Ordination to the Deaconate in the Archdiocese of Kitale, Western Kenya by his Eminence, ++Godfrey Siundu. Congratulations to our brothers and sisters in Kenya! Pictures are attached.
Philippines: Fr. Ted Asis, NOSF, Prior for the New Order of Saint Francis in the Philippines has three candidates to be ordained to the Diaconate.
USA: Bishop Dr. Chalres Giebler, Diocese of Colorado, and Nuntius for the Western US territories is the new Dean for our Theological Seminary on line! The Sacrament of confirmation is being spend on the Feast of Pentecost at the Cathedral Abbey of St. Anthony in Detroit. Congratulations to the children and their families. Mexico: Bishop +Rodolpho from the diocese of Mexico in Guadalajara is staying strong admit the struggle he is facing with the Roman Hierarchy. He does have kind support from his friends, the Jesuit priests!
Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Feast of the Holy Spirit! May God, the Spirit guide us, and strengthen our faith, so we can bare witness to a new Spring of the Church worldwide!
With my prayers and apostolic Benedictions yours ++Karl ECCC
¡Paz a usted hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Por favor compartirán con todos, yo no tengo los correo electrónicos de todos. Gracias! Todos nosotros celebrando la Temporada de Pascua con el desarrollo notable de la Iglesia temprana. Este era posible por el poder del Espíritu Santo. La promesa de Cristo a enviado el Paracleto ha permitido la Iglesia para avanzar hacia un futuro hasta entonces desconocido a humanidad. Dios nos ha mostrado, es posible vivir como una familia de Iglesia unida en el Espíritu Santo, conducido por Amor y Sentir cariño el uno por el otro. Que el Banquete próximo del Espíritu Santo nos hace más unidos que alguna vez en el Reino de Dios.
Noticias del ICEC Mundial:
Dios nos ha mostrado por la Gracia divina que avanzamos hacia más Unidad entre las Iglesias.
Es con la gran alegría para dar la bienvenida a la Iglesia Ortodoxa de Bulgaria, 'Iglesia Apostólica Cristiano Ecuménico' con su Obispo +Hristo Svetlozarov Pisarov en la Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo!
Después del diálogo fraternal, el Obispo +Hristo Svetlozarov Pisarov, y nosotros hemos firmado el Concordato de la Unión Llena durante el día de SS. Cyrill y Methodius, el 11 de mayo, A. D. 2012. Su Iglesia es totalmente unida ahora con la Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo.
Que Dios bendice a toda la maravillosa gente en Bulgaria para este Regalo del Espíritu Santo, y podemos todos nosotros rezar el uno para el otro en la Unidad para mostrar el mundo aquel Dios está en el trabajo. Por la Gracia hemos recibido, y por la Fe reforzaremos nuestro bono fraternal y de hermana. El obispo +Hristo Svetlozarov Pisarov también ha recibido el Título, Arzobispo para Bulgaria, y Nuntius Apostólico para la Europa del Este.
¡Bienvenidos a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Bulgaria!
África, Kenia:
Ordenación al Diaconado en la Archidiócesis de Kitale, Kenia Occidental por su Eminencia, Godfrey Siundu. ¡Felicitaciones a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Kenia! Los cuadros son atados.
Filipinas: Franco. Ted Asis, NOSF, Previo para la Nueva Orden del Santo Francis en las Filipinas, tiene tres candidatos para ser ordenado a el Diaconado.
EE. UU: Obispo doctor Chalres Giebler, Diócesis de Colorado, y Nuntius para los territorios estadounidenses Occidentales.
El Sacramento de confirmación es gastan para el Banquete de Pentecostés en la Abadía de Catedral de San. Antonio en Detroit. Felicitaciones a los jovenes y sus familias.
México: El obispo Rodolfo Contreras de la diócesis de México en Guadalajara se queda fuerte admiten la lucha que él afronta con la Jerarquía Romana. ¡Él tiene realmente el apoyo amable de sus amigos, los sacerdotes jesuitas!
¡El deseo de todos ustedes un Banquete bendito y alegre del Espíritu Santo! ¡Que Dios, el Espíritu nos dirige, y refuerza nuestra fe, entonces podemos exponer al testigo de una nueva Primavera de la Iglesia por todo el mundo!
Con mis rezos y Bendiciones apostólicas suyo ++ Karl Primado Ecuménico ICEC
Peace to you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Easter! May Christ, the Risen Lord be with you all everyday of your life! May HE call us all home one day into the Fathers heavenly Kingdom. Thank you all for serving Christ and HIS beloved Church throughout the World. You are all in my daily prayers. Sending you all my Easter Greetings and Apostolic Benedictions!
Please pray for the health of our Archbishop in Canada, ++Donald M. Mullan, and our Orthodox Bishop in Texas. Both are very ill. Please share this Letter with all. Thank you! In HIM ++Karl
Paz a vosotros, queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Les deseo a todos un feliz y gozoso Pascua! Que Cristo, el Señor resucitado estén con todos vosotros cada día de su vida! Puede que nos llaman a todos un día al casa del padre en su reino celestial. Gracias a todos para su servicio a Cristo y nuestra amada Iglesia en todo el mundo. Todos ustedes están en mi oraciónes diarias. Enviarle a todos Uds. mis saludos de pascua y bendiciones apostolicos! En Cristo, la Vida, la Verdad y el Camino Por favor rezan para nuestros hermanos obispos, ++Donald M. Mullan de Canada y nuestro obispo ortodoxo en Texas. Los dos son muy infermo! Por favor compartiren esta carta con todos. Gracias! ++Karl
April 29th, 2013 A. D., St. Catherine of Siena (1347 - 1380) Peace brothers and sisters in Christ! It is with great joy to welcome our 4 new Bishops consecrated this Spring of 2013. Our first Bishop consecrated for the ECCC in Mexico His excellency, +Rodolfo Contreras, for the ECCC Diocese of Guadalajara
Our new Auxiliary Bishops: His Excellencies: +Warner Diaz for the ECCC Archdiocese of Costa Rica +Gregory Musembi Maria Maeke for the ECCC Archdiocese of Kitale, Kenya +John Karimi for the ECCC Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya.
Congratulations and many blessings to all of you! We are all grateful to God, Almighty, and HIS wondrous works among us! May you be always true servants of the Gospel and Christ's beloved Church. May your service for God's people help our Church to grow ever more! We all sent you our prayers and benedictions and ECCC greetings from around the World! In Christ's Love ++Karl Ecumenical Primate
Paz hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Es con gran alegría dar la bienvenida a nuestros 4 nuevos Obispos consagrados esta primavera de 2013. Nuestro primer obispo consagrado para nuestra ICEC en México Su Excelencia, + Rodolfo Contreras, para la ICEC Diócesis de Guadalajara Nuestros nuevos obispos auxiliares: Sus Excelencias: + Warner Díaz por la ICEC Arquediócesis de Costa Rica + Gregory Musembi Maria Maeke para la ICEC Arquediócesis de Kitale, Kenia + John Karimi para la ICEC Metropolitana Arquediócesis de Nairobi, Kenia. Felicitaciones y muchas bendiciones para todos ustedes! Estamos muy agradecidos a Dios, Todopoderoso, y sus maravillas entre nosotros! Que sean siempre verdaderos servidores del Evangelio y de la Iglesia amada de Cristo. Que su servicio al pueblo de Dios ayudar a la Iglesia a crecer cada vez más! Todos nosotros le enviamos nuestras oraciones y bendiciones, y saludos De ICEC de todo el mundo! En el amor de Cristo + + Karl Primado Ecuménico
Easter A. D. 2013
Omnibus fidelibus Nostris in Orbe Terrarum: Beato et Paschali Gaudio! Christus Resurrexit Vere et sit Vobis Pacem et Graciam Dei!
Peace, brothers and sisters! Wishingyou all our beloved bishops, priests, deacons, and faithful around the World a blessed and joyous Easter! I thank you all for your greetings to these Highest Feast of Christendom we started celebrating! May these coming weeks rekindle our love for our Church in which we live as a faith family with Christ in our midst. It is with great joy to witness that our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church experiencing a new beginning through the election of Pope Francis. How long the Church was waiting for such a change, to see finally that the Church is about the least in society, the poor, a church for the poor! This is in my humble view a right step forward. I pray and hope that more steps will follow to see a church that is reaching out to all of God's Children, a Church that rediscovers the importance of active Ecumenism. Our Love for Christ will be sincere if we heed his words, imitate his life, serving God's people with unbreakable hope by caring for each other in a true spirit of brother and sister hood. May this new beginning that Easter calls lift out souls and minds toward the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.
"Lord, we thank you for resurrection moments: we had given up hope that we would ever be reconciled with a friend, when all of a sudden we were relating as before; one morning a loved one gave up drink or drugs; a dying friend who had long refused to see a priest asked to do so; opposite sides in a dispute started to negotiate. We remember how when we understood that the large stone which was blocking new life was now rolled away, We were like the women at the tomb of Jesus, We stood there not knowing what to think. It was all so unexpected that we dared not raise our eyes in case it was not true. Only gradually we understood that we were looking among the dead for someone who was alive. We remembered the words we had been told many years before, that sooner or later we all have to be handed over into the power of evil, to be crucified and rise again on the third day."
Wishing you all from the bottom of my heart for this Easter Season and always: Faith that is nurtured by the Word of God, and the Sacraments; Hope that will not leave us in despair, but moves us forward to a bright future in the light of HIS presence; Love and Charity that will always teach us the true meaning of our dignity, our purpose in life, and our eternal bond with God.
Paz, hermanos y hermanas! Le deseamos a todos nuestros queridos obispos, sacerdotes, diáconos y fieles de todo el mundo un bendito y feliz Pascua! Doy las gracias a todos por sus saludos a estos Fiesta Mayor de la cristiandad que empezamos a celebrar! Que estas próximas semanas reavivar nuestro amor por nuestra Iglesia en la que vivimos como una familia de fe con Cristo en medio de nosotros. Es con gran alegría por testigo de que nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la Iglesia Católica Romana experimentar un nuevo comienzo a través de la elección del Papa Francis. ¿Cuánto tiempo la Iglesia estaba esperando ese cambio, para finalmente ver que la Iglesia es sobre el menor en la sociedad, los pobres, una iglesia para los pobres! Esta es, en mi humilde opinión un paso correcto a seguir. Rezo y espero que más pasos seguirán para ver una iglesia que está llegando a todos los hijos de Dios, una Iglesia que redescubre la importancia del ecumenismo activo. Nuestro amor por Cristo será sincero si hacemos caso a sus palabras, imitar su vida, sirviendo al pueblo de Dios con esperanza inquebrantable por el cuidado de unos a otros en un verdadero espíritu de la campana hermano y hermana. Que este nuevo comienzo que la Pascua llama a salir las almas y las mentes hacia el Reino de nuestro Padre Celestial.
"Señor, te damos gracias por los momentos de resurrección: habíamos perdido la esperanza de que alguna vez se reconciliaría con un amigo, cuando de repente estábamos relación como antes, una mañana de un ser querido abandonó la bebida o las drogas, un amigo moribundo que se había negado mucho tiempo para ver a un sacerdote nos lo pide;. bandos opuestos en una disputa comenzó a negociar Recordamos cómo, cuando comprendimos que la gran piedra que bloqueaba la nueva vida se rodó lejos ahora, éramos como las mujeres en el sepulcro de Jesús, Nos quedamos sin saber qué pensar. Era todo tan inesperado que no se atrevía a levantar los ojos en caso de que no era cierto. Poco a poco comprendimos que estábamos buscando entre los muertos al que está vivo. Recordamos las palabras que le habían dicho muchos años antes, que tarde o temprano todos tenemos que ser entregado en el poder del mal, para ser crucificado y resucitar al tercer día. "
Les deseo a todos desde el fondo de mi corazón por este tiempo de Pascua y siempre: La fe que se nutre de la Palabra de Dios y los Sacramentos; Espero que no nos deja en la desesperación, sino que nos hace avanzar hacia un futuro brillante en la luz de su presencia, el amor y la caridad que siempre nos enseñará el verdadero significado de la nuestra dignidad, nuestro propósito en la vida, y nuestra unión eterna con Dios.
In the Languages of our worldwide Church!
Heri na joful Pasaka kwa wote mpendwa wetu katika Afrika
Pewien błogosławiony i radosny Wielkanoc dla ciebie, twój rodziny i wszystko ten dobry społeczeństwo w twój misje! Maj ten podniesiony Chrystus przynosić ty Pokój i łaska boska!
A oslovljen ter vesel vuzem vam na uslugo , vaš zaupen ter vsi vile v vaš poslaništvo! maj vzpon Kristus privleči vi pokoj ter milost od Bog!
Ein Frohes und Gesgnetes Oserfest, Euch, Eueren Familien und allen guten Menschen in unseren Misionen! Moege der auferstandene Heiland Euch Frieden und die Gnade Gottes verleihen!Un Pâques béni et joyeux à vous, vos familles et tous les bons gens dans vos missions ! Pouvoir le Christ élevé vous amène la Paix et la Grâce de Dieu !
Un bendito y feliz Pascua a todos nuestros fieles en España
සුභ පාස්කුවක්
En velsignet og gledelig påske til alle våre trofaste i Norge
Благословена и весел Великден на всички ни верните в България
இலங்கையில் ஒரு ஆசிர்வதிக்கப்பட்ட மற்றும் சந்தோஷமான ஈஸ்டர் அனைத்து எங்கள் நம்பிக்கை
¡Un bendijo y Pascua gozosa a ustedes, sus familias y todas las personas buenas en nuestras misiones! ¡Puede al Cristo resucitado traje la Paz y la Gracia de Dios!
A banal at nakalulugod pasko ng pagkabuhay sa ka, mo dating kilala at lahat ang mabuti mga tao di mo sadya! mayo ang tumaas binyagan magsama ka kapayapaan at ang parangalan ng diyos!
Una Pasqua benedetta e gioiosa a voi, alle vostre famiglie ed a tutta la buona gente nelle vostre missioni! Il Christo resucitato vi porta la pace e la tolleranza del dio!
Um bendito e alegre Páscoa lhe, seu famílias e todas o bem povos na sua missões! Poderá o levantado Cristo aconchegar you Paz e a graça de Deus!
Ένα ευλογημένο και χαρούμενο Πάσχα σε σας, τις οικογένειές σας και όλους τους καλούς ανθρώπους στις αποστολές σας! Μάιος ο αυξημένος Χριστός σας φέρνει την ειρήνη και την επιείκεια του Θεοΰ
March 14th, Saint Maximilian , A. D. 2013
Peace, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Laudetur Jesus Christus! Praise to you Jesus Christ!
It is with great joy that we all have witnessed the election of a new Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis I. With hope and Love we reach out to our brother, the Bishop of Rome. May he be blessed with health, and many years to guide the Church of the Roman Rite. His humbleness, his pastoral experience, his ecumenical efforts in the past are a good sign that the Holy Spirit is on the move! Our prayers and benediction for him and all our brothers and sisters in the Roman Church!
Thank you all for your service in the Lord! With my prayers ++Karl Ecumenical Primate
14 de marzo, San Maximiliano, A. 2013 D.
Paz, queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Laudetur Jesús Christus! Gloria a ti Jesús Cristo!
Es con gran alegría que todos han sido testigos de la elección de un nuevo Romano Pontífice, el Papa Francisco I. Con esperanza y el amor nos acercamos a nuestro hermano, el obispo de Roma. Que él sea bendecido con salud y muchos años para guiar a la Iglesia del Rito Romano. Su humildad, su experiencia pastoral, sus esfuerzos ecuménicos del pasado son una buena señal de que el Espíritu Santo está en movimiento!
Nuestras oraciones y bendición para él y para todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la Iglesia de Roma!
Gracias a todos por vuestro ministerio en el Señor!
Con mis oraciones + + Karl Primado Ecuménico
February 19th, Saint Valerius, France, A. D. 2013
Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ!
My letter comes a little late this year as the unexpected situation of our Cathedral Parish in Colorado needed my full attention after the passing of our beloved brother, Bishop Charles. I just came back yesterday morning from the Requiem Mass in Colorado.
I do want to inspire you for this wonderful season of Lent. This time is given to us as a reminder that we live toward the light of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Humanity is facing the task to rethink its sole purpose on this earth, to understand with more humility the meaning of true love, to see the wonders of God among us, by giving care to others, letting oneself grow in the path Christ has laid out in the Gospel, and being elevated by the Spirit that rose his body from the dead.
Our lives become stronger in our reflection of what faith can do within us, and around us, by seeing the beauty of God's Grace working within us, and so, the choosing becomes easier, the darkness lifts, and walking in Jesus' way is not quite such a struggle for a while. And yet, the darkness will always return, often unexpectedly. That is why we need Lent, because we are able to see the reality of darkness, of doubt, of fear, of pain. This season carries me through those real places, real experiences into fuller Reality of our own Resurrection, of Light, of eternal Life.
It is therefore quite astonishing what this time of Lent can do for us, just being reminded by so many who reflected on it, and lived more and more by the Spirit of the Gospel:
"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting." -Blessed Mother Teresa
“Christ, like a skillful physician, understands the weakness of men. He loves to teach the ignorant and the erring he turns again to his own true way. He is easily found by those who live by faith and to those of pure eye and holy heart, who desire to knock at the door, he opens immediately.” -St. Hyppolytus
“The Lord measures out perfection neither by the multitude nor the magnitude of our deeds, but by the manner in which we perform them.” -St. John of the Cross
"Doing penance for one's sins is a first step towards obtaining forgiveness and winning eternal salvation. That is the clear and explicit teaching of Christ...No individual Christian can grow in perfection, nor can Christianity gain in vigor, except it be on the basis of penance." -Pope John XXIII
Wishing you all the growth of an inner joy that comes from Christ residing within you, transforming you into the beloved Child of God which you are.
With my prayers and benedictions
Ecumenical Primate
"Propagar amor donde quiera que vaya: en primer lugar en su propia casa Dar amor a tus hijos, a tu esposa o esposo, a un vecino de al lado ... Que nadie venga a ti sin salir mejor y más feliz Sé el.. expresión viva de la bondad de Dios, bondad en tu rostro, bondad en tus ojos, bondad en tu sonrisa, bondad en tu saludo cálido ". -Beata Madre Teresa
"Cristo, al igual que un médico hábil, entiende la debilidad de los hombres. Le encanta enseñar a los ignorantes y extraviados el se vuelve de nuevo a su forma verdadera. Es fácil de encontrar por los que viven por la fe ya los de los ojos y el corazón puro santo, que desean llamar a la puerta, se abre inmediatamente. "-St. Hipólito
"El Señor medidas perfección fuera ni por la multitud, ni la magnitud de nuestras obras, sino por la manera en que las realizamos."-St. Juan de la Cruz
"Hacer penitencia por los pecados de uno es un primer paso para obtener el perdón y ganar la salvación eterna. Esa es la enseñanza clara y explícita de Cristo ... Ningún individuo cristiano puede crecer en la perfección, ni puede ganar el cristianismo en vigor, a no ser en el base de la penitencia ". -El Papa Juan XXIII
Le deseamos todo el crecimiento de una alegría interior que viene de Cristo que reside dentro de ti, te transforma en el amado Hijo y Hija de Dios que eres.
Con misplegarias y bendiciones
++ Karl
Primado Ecuménico
January 17th, Saint Antony, Abbot (251 - 356), A. D. 2013
Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ! As the new Year has began, I do wish to all of you, a happy and blessed year of peace, health, and growth in your faith journey with our Lord! We are for a short time back in the liturgical year of the ordinary time. Let's pray and celebrate it in an extraordinary way.
Consecration of new bishops for Mexico and Africa It is with great Joy to announce the consecration of three new bishops into the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ!
Bishop +Rodolfo Contreras for the Continental Diocese of Mexico, April 5th, 2013, at the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Costa Rica Principal Consecrator, Ecumenical Primate Dr. Karl Rodig
Bishop +John Karimi Nderi, Auxiliary bishop for the Metropolitan Diocese of Nairobi, April 6th, 2013 Principal Consecrator, Metropolitan Archbishop Dr. Matthew Theuri.
Bishop +Gregory Maeke, auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Kitale, Western Kenyan Territories in April, 2013 Principal Consecrator, Archbishop ++Godrey Siundu Wasike
We have chosen to elevate the Nairobian Diocese to Archdiocese, and to confer to our Bishop +Dr. Matthew Theuri, Ph.D. the Title Archbishop.
Congratulations to all our clergy and faithful in Mexico and Kenya!! With the help of the Holy Spirit, may the good pastoral work continue to reach more and more people of God in your countries!
Cameroon, Africa Per Apostolic Decreewe have received with great Joy
The CONGREGATION OF MARY AND THE HOLY APOSTLES OF JESUS FRANCISCAN MISSIONARIES (CONGREGATION DE MARIE ET DES SAINTS APOTRES DE JESUSMISSIONNAIRES FRANCISCAINS)From YAOUNDECameroon. With their Prior, P. Pierre M. MVONDO, their priests, sisters, seminarians, and postulates, and over a thousand faithful!Bienvenue! Welcome, and may your good work reach all the corners of Cameroon!
The Order will be under the special protection of the Holy See of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ. As to the time, we will have a Diocesan Bishop in Cameroon.
Nigeria We are in talks with a Roman Seminarian who wants to join the ECCC
Colombia We also in talk with a Roman Seminarian who wants to join the ECCC
Liturgical Reminder for the Order of Mass in the Eucharistic Canons. As you know, we are not under the auspice of Rome. We, as the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ are an independent Catholic Church Union, rightfully and valid next to all major Catholic Denominations. We have earned the respected of several Roman bishops and clergy, yet we are not under their Mandate.
In the Holy Eucharist Canons, our bishops and priests pray, "...for your servant, our Ecumenical Primate Karl. For the Bishop of Rome, Pope Benedict. For the Patriarch of the East, Bartholomew. For the Anglican Primate, Rowan (beginning in March, "Justin") and all Church leaders."
In Christ's Love With my prayers and apostolic benedictions ++Karl Ecumenical Primate
Paz, hermanos yhermanas enCristo! A medida que el nuevo año ha comenzado, yo quiero dejar a todos ustedes, un año feliz y bienaventurada de la paz, la salud y el crecimiento en su camino de fe con el Señor! Estamos a favor de un regreso a corto plazo en el año litúrgico de la hora normal. Vamos a orar y celebrar de una manera extraordinaria.
NOTICIASDE ICEC La consagracióndelos nuevos obispospara México yÁfrica Es con gran alegría de anunciar la consagración de tres nuevos obispos en la Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo!
Monseñor Rodolfo Contreras + para la Diócesis Continental de México, 5 de abril de 2013, en el Metropolitan Arquidiócesis de Costa Rica Consagrante principal, Primado Ecuménico Dr. Karl Rodig
Obispo + John Karimi Nderi, obispo auxiliar de la diócesis metropolitana de San Salvador, 06 de abril 2013 Consagrante principal, Arzobispo Metropolitano Dr. Matthew Theuri.
Obispo Gregory + Maeke, obispo auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Kitale, territorios del oeste de Kenia,
en abril de 2013 Consagrante principal, monseñor + + Godrey Siundu Wasike
Hemos optado por elevar la Diócesis Nairobian a arquidiócesis, y conferir a nuestro Obispo Dr. + Mateo Theuri, Ph.D. el arzobispo de títulos.
Felicitaciones a todos nuestros sacerdotes y fieles en México y Kenia! Con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo, siguen bien el trabajo pastoral llegando más y más el pueblo de Dios en sus países!
Camerún, África PorDecreto Apostólicohemos recibidocon gran alegría La Congregación deMaría y lossantos apóstoles deJesús Franciscanos/as (CONGREGATION DE MARIE ET DES SAINTS APOTRES DE JESUSMISSIONNAIRES FRANCISCAINS)Desde Yaoundé, Camerún.
Con suPrior,P.PierreM.Mvondo, sussacerdotes, religiosas, seminaristas y postulados, y más demil fieles! Bienvenue! Bienvenido,y que vuestrobuen hacerllegar a todos losrincones deCamerún!
La Orden Franciscano estará bajo laprotección especial de laSanta Sedede la IglesiaCatólica Ecuménicade Cristo. En cuanto al tiempo, vamos a tener un ObispoDiocesano enCamerún.
Nigeria Estamos en conversaciones con un seminarista romano que quiere unirse a la ECCC
Colombia Asimismo, en conversación con un seminarista romano que quiere unirse a la ECCC
RecordatorioLitúrgicade la Ordende la Misaen los Cánoneseucarísticas. Como ustedes saben, nosotros no estamos bajo el auspicio de Roma. Nosotros, como la Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo somos una Unión Católica Eclesiástica independiente , con razón y válido al lado de todas las confesiones católicas más importantes. Nos hemos ganado el respeto de varios obispos y el clero romano, sin embargo, no están bajo su mandato.
En losSantosCánonesEucaristía, nuestros obispos y sacerdotesrezan, "...tu siervo, nuestro PrimadoEcuménicoKarl. Para elObispo deRoma,el Papa Benedicto. Para elPatriarcade Oriente,Bartolomé. Para elPrimadoanglicano,Rowan (a partir de marzo, "Justin") y todos los líderes de la Iglesia".
En el amor de Cristo Con mis oraciones y bendiciones apostólicas + + Karl Primado Ecuménico
Peace and Greetings to you, brothers and sisters in Christ. Paz y Saludos queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo.
December 30th, 6th day of the Octave of Christmas, A. D. 2011
Peace to you, brothers ans sisters in Christ!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
May it bring the world Peace, and more justice for the least among us in society!
Please keep in your prayers our bishop +Gilbert-Cougar from our orthodox wing of the ECCC. He has been gravely ill hospitalized in Texas. I talked to members of his family.
Please keep also our worldwide orphans in your prayers, especially in Liberia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Sri Lanka, and the poor children around our Cathedral of St. Anthony in Detroit!
Que la Paz de Cristo sea con todos Uds.!
Para todos Uds. queridos un Feliz 2012!
Que tenemos mas justizia social para los pobres en nuestras sociedades!
Por Favor rezan para nuestro obispo ortodoxo de la ICEC, +Gilbert Cougar que es muy infermo y en el hospital.
Yo ablado con su familia.
Tambien rezan para los orfanos en todo el mundo de nuestra Iglesia, incluido vicino de nuestra Catedral de San Antonio en Detroit, EE.UU
A thought with you all on the way into 2012
Teresa’s prayer:
May nothing disturb you.
May nothing astonish you.
Everything passes.
God does not go away.
can attain anything.
He who has God within,
does not lack anything.
God is enough.
Larga version:
Oración Nada te turbe
Santa Teresa de Ávila
Nada te turbe,
Nada te espante
todo se pasa
Dios no se muda
La paciencia
todo lo alcanza
quien a Dios tiene
nada le falta
Sólo Dios basta.
Eleva el pensamiento,
al cielo sube,
por nada te acongojes,
nada te turbe.
A Jesucristo sigue
con pecho grande,
y, venga lo que venga
nada te espante.
¿Ves la gloria del mundo?
es gloria vana;
Nada tiene de estable,
todo se pasa.
Aspira a lo celeste,
que siempre dura;
fiel y rico es promesas,
Dios no se muda.
Ámala cual se merece,
Bondad inmensa;
pero no hay amor fino
sin la paciencia.
Confianza y fe viva
mantenga el alma,
que quien cree y espera
todo lo alcanza.
Del infierno acosado
aunque se viere,
burlará sus furores
quien a Dios tiene.
Vénganle desamparos,
cruces, desgracias;
siendo Dios su tesoro,
nada le falta.
Id, pues, bienes del mundo,
Id, dichas vanas;
aunque todo lo pierda
Sólo Dios basta.
Be all blessed in the most Holy Trinity
Christmas, Navidad A. D. 2011
Hodie, Christus Natus est, Hallelujah,Hallelujah.
Pax Hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Gloria in Exelsis Deo!
Merry Christmas!
Peace and Joy to you all, dear brothers and sisters, friends near and afar!
As we celebrate Christ's Incarnation, the Son of God, our Savior, the light of the World, the King of Peace,
King of Kings, brother, sacrificial Lamp... We are reminded that his coming again in Glory is our life time to live for.
You, our worldwide missionaries, your families and friends, serve God and so many people
in your pastoral care that calls to mind the way the early Christians lived, sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit,
becoming more Christlike, being less part of a material world which has become more and more a society of death.
Everywhere we look, we see wars, famine, disasters, and crimes against humanity. Yet as Christians,
we do not lose hope, because we believe that God's message from Bethlehem is about Justice to the poor,
feeding the hungry, caring for the ill, and live towards Peace with God, caring for our neighbor and Nature. On this special occasion, I wanted to thank you all for your commitment to our worldwide Church that has seen a year of growth, a time where more people found a new church home, a place they can celebrate the mysteries of God without fear. It is because of Christ who shows through you all that we live this new loving family of faith! May Christ in his birth show us that we are not alone in this world, and that we can fight the destructiveness of the soul. Let us always be reminded that love can not be just an intellectual exercise. The beauty of our soul grows with the manifestation that God, the Creator, sent HIS Son to save us, to complete our longing for true love and peace, because he showed us the WAY! May Christ be born into our hearts, so we know that we are in the save hands of our loving GOD.
Wishing you all a joyous celebration of the birth of Christ. May Christ in his Second Coming take us all home to God.
May the New Year A. D. 2012 bring you all closer to Christ. With my prayers and benedictions And Greetings to you all and your loved ones yours, ++Karl
Feliz Navidad! Paz y alegría a todos vosotros, queridos hermanos y hermanas, amigos de cerca y de lejos!Al celebrar la Encarnación de Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, nuestro Salvador, la Luz del mundo, el Rey de la Paz, el Rey de Reyes, el Hermano, la Lámpara del sacrificio…. se nos recuerda que el tiempo que falta para la segunda venida gloriosa, parusía, es el mismo que nos queda aún por vivir aquí en la Tierra. Vosotros, misioneros en todo el mundo, junto con vuestras familias y amigos, sirviendo a Dios y a tanta gente mediante vuestros cuidados pastorales, hacéis memoria del camino seguido por los primitivos cristianos, compartiendo los dones del Espíritu Santo y tratando de configuraros con Cristo, viviendo en este mundo como si no fueseis de este mundo tan materialista e inmersos en una cultura de muerte y no de vida eterna. Dondequiera que miremos, tan solo vemos guerras, hambre, desastres y crímenes contra la humanidad. Sin embargo como cristianos, conviene que no perdamos la esperanza, porque creemos en el mensaje de Dios anunciado en Belén: justicia para los pobres, alimento para los hambrientos, cuidado amoroso a los enfermos, vivir en paz con Dios y con nuestro prójimo y cuidar y contemplar la naturaleza. En esta ocasión tan especial, querría dar las gracias a todos aquellos que con su compromiso han hecho posible que nuestra Iglesia creciera tanto a lo largo de este año, en el que tanta gente ha encontrado una nueva Iglesia donde celebrar los misterios de Dios, sin temor alguno. Es por causa de Cristo, el cual se manifiesta a través de todos nosotros que conformamos esta nueva amorosa familia bajo el signo de la fe. Que el nacimiento de Cristo, nos muestre que nos estamos solos en este mundo y que somos capaces de luchar contra la destrucción de nuestra alma. Recordemos siempre que el amor no es solo un ejercicio intelectual. La belleza de nuestra alma crece si manifestamos que Dios, el Creador, envió a Su Hijo para salvarnos y colmar nuestros anhelos de vivir el verdadero amor y la auténtica paz, siguiendo el CAMINO que el mismo nos enseñó. Que Cristo nazca en nuestros corazones, para que nos sintamos en las amorosas manos de nuestro amado DIOS. Os deseo a todos una gozosa celebración del Nacimiento de Cristo. Que Cristo en su Segunda Venida nos lleve a todos con él a la Casa del Padre.
Que el Año Nuevo del Señor 2012, nos acerque mucho más a Cristo. Con mis oraciones y bendiciones y mis afectuosos saludos para todos vosotros y vuestros seres queridos. Vuestro ++ Karl
News from Kenya, Notizias de Kenya Completion of the Margareta Dosal School for St. Lawrence Orphanage! Congratulations!! Some pictures are below, including some pictures from the Ordinations or our Archdiocese in Kitale, Kenya and Metropolitan Diocese of Nairobi. Enjoy. Complecion de la escuela de nuestro orfanato St. Lawrence en Kitale, Kenya Y fotos de las Ordenaciones en la arquediocesis de Kitale, Kenya y diocesis metropolitane de Narobi, Kenya. Disfruten
Peace to you, brothers and sisters! As the Church's liturgical year with the readings A has come to a close, we are mindful for all the gifts that God has bestowed on all of us. Your ministry is a journey following the footsteps of Christ to Calvary, and yet in the highlights of your personal relationship with God, you see the guiding light that has showed you the way toward the heavenly Kingdom to be united with Christ and all those who have gone before us in faith, hope and love. May Christ the King always be with us in our endeavors, no matter where we serve HIM, and may we all receive the rewards that he has prepared for us being a good servant. We are all deeply grateful for the good work and the love we were able to show through our ministry in the ECCC, where so many people have found a new place to worship, to find consolation, to be able to build new loving and caring congregations. In retrospect, we see that throughout the year there was always God's guiding hand around us, and we realize how inspiring it is to praise God, and to be a new family in HIS presence. May these days of the new Advent prepare us ever more to celebrate the birth of Christ with an inner joy that has not been known to us. May you all be blessed in this Advent Season, and may Christ lead us! With my prayers and benedictions Yours, in Christ, the King ++Karl ECCC
Paz a vosotros, hermanos y hermanas! Como la Iglesia con las lecturas del año liturgico A ha llegado a su fin, somos conscientes de todos los dones que Dios ha concedido a todos nosotros. Su ministerio es un camino siguiendo las huellas de Cristo hacia la cruz del Calvario, y aún en los momentos culminantes de su relación personal con Dios, ve la luz que ha mostrado el camino hacia el Reino de los cielos a permanecer unidos a Cristo y a todos aquellos que nos han precedido en la fe, esperanza y amor. Que Cristo, el Rey sea siempre con nosotros en nuestros esfuerzos, no importa donde servimos él, y ojalá todos reciben los beneficios que él ha preparado para nosotros como un buen siervo. Todos estamos profundamente agradecidos por la buena labor y el amor que nos pudieron mostrar a través de nuestro ministerio en la ICEC, donde tantas personas han encontrado un nuevo lugar para el culto, para encontrar consuelo, para poder construir nuevas congregaciones amar y cuidar. Mirando hacia atrás, vemos que en todo el año siempre había Dios guía la mano alrededor de nosotros, y nos damos cuenta de cuánto inspiradora es de alabar a Dios, y para ser una nueva familia en su presencia. Ojalá que estos días del nuevo Adviento nos preparamos cada vez más para celebrar el nacimiento de Cristo con una alegría interior, que no ha sido conocido por nosotros. Que todos sean bendecidos en este tiempo de Adviento, y que Cristo nos llevan! Con mis oraciones y bendiciones el suyo, en Cristo, el Rey ++Karl ICEC
ECCC NEWS - NOTICIAS ICEC Consecration of First Bishop for ECCC in Mexico On January 7th, A. D. 2012 His Excellency, +Rodolfo Contreras Estrada in the City of Guadalajara. Our prayers and benedictions for this great day in the history of the ECCC in Mexico. Congratulations to you, +Rodolfo, your family, clergy, and all our wonderful faithful in your country!
Conscracion del primer Obispo de ICEC en México El 7 de enero de 2012 A. D. Su Excelencia, +Rodolfo Contreras Estrada en la ciudad de Guadalajara. El consegrante principal, su Emenencia Arzopbispo y Nuncio para America Latina ++Sebastian Pla, Costa Rica. Nuestras oraciones y bendiciones para este gran día en la historia de la ICEC en México. Felicitaciones a usted, +Rodolfo, su familia, clero, y todos nuestros maravillosos fieles en tu país!
Update on the New College of Bishops of the ECCC Actualización sobre el nuevo Colegio de los Obispos de la ICEC His Eminence ++Ecumenical Primate Dr. Karl Rodig Holy See, Detroit, USA
His Eminences His Eminence ++ Archbishop Godfrey Wasike, Kenya Apostolic Nuntius for Africa His Eminence ++Archbishop Sebastián Pla, Costa Rica Apostolic Nuntius for Latin America His Excellencies +Charles Giebler, Colorado, USA Apostolic Administrator for the Western USA +Jeffrey Wood, Dallas, Texas USA +John Gilbert Cougar, Pasadena, Texas, USA +Gary D. Dilley, Illinois USA +John William Brown, Canada +Francisco Corella, Costa Rica +Rodolfo Contreras Estrada, Mexico +Jose Montesdeoca, Colombia +Stanislaw Sawicki, Poland +Jeronimo Ripoll Ronda, Spain +Matthew Theuri, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa +Benedict Ben Charles, Bungoma, Kenya, Africa +Manuel Teruel, Philippines +Armando Tomas, Philippines +Alfonso John Gutierrez, Philippines +Evaristo Rodolfo Gutierrez, Philippines +Glicerio Julius Villadolid, Philippines +Mamerto Mario Cabtalan, Philippines +Reynaldo Prima, Philippines +Juanito Tolentino, Philippines
Priestly Ordination on Dec. 4th, 2011 A. D. in our Metropolitan Diocese of Nairobi Blessings and strength for the service in the Lord of our new priests to be ordained through his Excellency, +Dr. THEURI M. MWANGI Thanks also to the parents for our candidates, and all who assisted them in their educational and spiritual formation!
Ordenación sacerdotal el 4 de diciembre de 2011 A. D. En la Diócesis Metropolitana de Nairobi Las Bendiciones y fuerza para el servicio en el Señor de nuestros nuevos sacerdotes para que sean ordenados
Gracias también a los padres de nuestros candidatos, y a todos los que les ayudaron en su educación y formación espiritual! REV. JOHN CHIRAKA Rev. JAMES GICHURU Rev. PETER TULUNGA Rev. GEORGE MUSEMBI With the promise of our prayers! May the Holy Spirit empower you with many gifts to serve God's Holy people! Congratulations to our Bishop +Dr. Charles Giebler! Bishop for the Diocese of Colorado, USA He recently received his Doctorate in Divinity.
September 29th, Archangel St. Michael, A. D. 2011
Quis ut Deus!
Full Union with the National Catholic Church of The Republic of Georgia
Sending you all greetings and benedictions on this day of the Archangel St. Michael. May he protect our Church in the struggle of this world. I would like to sent you NEWS from our worldwide ECCC. We are always grateful for the good work that the Lord is showing through your ministry and the good people serving everywhere! We welcome the National Catholic Church of Georgia with her seat in the Capital, Tbilisi, into full Union with the ECCC. We have appointed Fr. Bagrat Mamasahlisi to be the first Vicar General for the ECCC in the Republic of Georgia. (He is also a lawyer which comes very handy for local church affairs.) The Church Name, "Ecclesia Catholica Ecumenica Christi" reads in the local language "ქრისტეს ეკუმენური კათოლიკური ეკლესია". Welcome to all of your good people!! May you grow with many blessings bestowed on you by our heavenly Father, and may our prayers be with you all!
Missions en Ghana, Liberia y Sierra Leone El Nombre de la Iglesia, "Ecclesia Catholica Ecuménica Christi", se lee en el idioma localPlease pray for our Vicar General, Fr. Emmanuel who is right now in Ghana for the transfer of the headquarters to Liberia. The difficult political situation with the refugees has made it impossible to have the church headquarters for West Africa in Ghana. He will keep the missions alive there. Besides his church in Liberia and Sierra Leone, he is serving so many refugees in Ghana. Our prayers are with you all of the ECCC in West Africa!
NOSF Philippines expanding Fr. Ted Asis, NOSF is expanding the missions in the Southern Philippines. They had quite a lot of baptisms among the indigenous people, and more and more faithful are coming. They started to build a new church! Congratulations! Be all blessed, and thank you all for your love to our church!
The vast country of Kenya has now 3 Dioceses. Congratulations!
Spread the Good News of our Lord Christ Jesus!
Archdiocese of Kitale
Ordinary: Archbishop ++Godfrey Siundu Wasike, DD
Apostolic Nuntius For the African Continent
Apostolic Administrator for: UGANDA, TANZANIA, SUDAN, SOUTH AFRICA
Mary Mother Of God Cathedral
P.o.Box 4484-30200 Kitale,Kenya,Africa.
Vicar Generals: Very Rev. Fr.William Cheruyot Bor
Very Rev.Fr. Wilberforce Akwale
Vocations Director: Fr. Chrisantus Mukhalukha
Youth Chaplain: Fr. Charles Olunga Omumia
Fr. Francis Onyango Nyawiri
Fr. Samuel Opiyo
Fr. Justus Mukiti
Fr. John Angello Musaazi
Fr. Benjamin Kipkorir Cheruyot
Fr. Patrice Molise
Fr. William Garang Deacons:
Rev. Deacon Lucas Musamali
Rev. Deacon Pius Wamalwa
Rev. Deacon John Mayore
Rev. Deacon Gregory Maeke
Rev. Deacon George Oliver Musembi
Rev. Deacon Alexander Nthiwa Mbuvi
KITALE Vicariate:
St. Lawrence mission-Kitale
St. Anthony-Kongoni St. Antony-Kesogon
St. Michael Nambawani
St. Mary's Furfural
St. Paul's Kapkoi
St. Raymond Mutua
St. Kizito's Maridadi
St. Cecilia Matunda
St. Slivester Kabuyefwe
St. Maurice Chalicha
St. Peter's Sikhendu
St. Nicodemus Misikhu
St. Monica's Siboti
St.Lawrence and Margarita Dosal Orphanage and School-Kitale
St.Lawrence and Margarita Dosal Orphanage and School- Chalicha
St.Lawrence and Margarita Dosal Orphanage and School-Barbton.
KAKAMEGA Vicariate
New St. Theresa Mission, Kagamega
Metropolitan Diocese of Nairobi
Ordinary: Mt. Rev. +Dr. Matthew M. Thueri
Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ
Nairobi Metropolitan Diocese P.O. Box 52783-00200, City SQ Nairobi, Kenya
Counties: Nairobi, Kiambu, Nyandarua, Muranga, Kirinyaga, Tharaka, Meru, Garrisa, Wajir, Mandera, Mombasa, South of Kajiado and Narok, Kitui, Machakos, and Malindi (these are the former Central, Eastern, North Eastern, Coast and Nairobi provinces).
Central-Mt Kenya.
Very Rev. David Mwangi
Very Rev. John Karimi
Fr. Antony Inzalo
Fr. Michael G.Waweru
Fr. Paul Mbae
Fr. Evanus Kanyiri
Fr. Francis Mwaniki
Fr. David Kamau
(6 new priests will join us after their excardination letters are being released from their respective Roman Catholic bishops.)
Ordinations: In Metropolitan Diocese of Nairobi, Kenya
Our bishop, +Dr. Matthew Theuri of the Metropolitan Diocese of Nairobi will ordain the following deacons into the order of the priesthood: 1. Rev. Peter Turunga, December 3rd at Kagio in Kirinyaga County 2. Rev. James Gicuru, December 4th Nairobi Councty 3. Rev. John Chirak, December 4th Nairobi County 4. Rev. George O. Musembi, December 4th, Kiambu County 5. Rev. Leonard Odede, December 4th, Kajiado County May you all serve the people of God with your heart imitating the heart of Jesus! Congratulations to you and your loved ones!
Completion of the expansion of the Orphanage and school in Kitale We thank the Lord for all the hard work and the support that made it possible to complete the Orphanage expansion of St. Lawrence Orphanage and School! Archbishop Godfrey and his team have worked tirelessly for its completion!! We thank the Margaret Dosal and Stone foundation that supported this project for so long!! The prayers of the children are with them!! May more abandoned children in this region find here a loving and caring home where care and love prevails! Our love and prayers are with you all, Children of God!! New Mission of St. Thereseof the Child Jesus
We welcome over a hundred Roman Catholics into the ECCC who started a new Mission in Kagamega, St. Therese of the Child Jesus. They will build a new Church on a lot that the Catechists donated to the Church. They also gave a goat for our orphaned children. Welcome to all of you, and may your congregation be a shining light for many to witness!
New Order of St. Benedict and St. Scholastica, NOSB
The Rev. Gregory, for years a member of the Benedictine Order has joined the ECCC. He studied in Rome, and met the Pope. He under the auspice of our Archbishop ++Godfrey and the Ecumenical Primate is starting the New Order of St. Benedict and St. Scholastica where married and celibate members can join the monastery or live in there missions according to the Rule of St. Benedict, similar to the concept of our NOSF (New Order of St. Francis and St. Clare). May this New Order grow in the spiritual way of life of "Ora et Labora". Many blessings to you all.
As you all know our Church, the ECCC has been spread around the Globe, from Europe to the African Continent, to Latin America, USA, Canada to Asia, Australia, New Zealand Joy to you all and God's people around the World! The good Lord has brought us together, blessed be HIS Holy Name!!
May the Holy, Undivided Trinity, pour out divine Grace upon you all! With my prayers ++Karl ECCC
Paz, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo!
El envío de todos los saludos y bendiciones en este día del Arcángel San Miguel.
Que proteja a nuestra Iglesia en la lucha de este mundo.
Me gustaría que usted envió Noticias de nuestra ICEC en todo el mundo.
Siempre estamos agradecidos por el buen trabajo que el Señor le está mostrando a través de su ministerio y la buena gente que sirve en todas partes!
La plena unión con la Iglesia Católica Nacional
de la República de Georgia.
Damos la bienvenida a la Iglesia Católica Nacional de Georgia, con su asiento en la capital, Tbilisi, en la plena unión con el ICEC.
Hemos nombrado
Fr. Bagrat Mamasahlisi para ser el primero Vicario General de la ICEC en la República de Georgia.
(También es un abogado que viene muy bien para asuntos de la iglesia local.)
"ქრისტეს ეკუმენური კათოლიკური ეკლესია". Bienvenidos a todos los de su buena gente! Puede crecer con muchas bendiciones otorgado a usted por nuestro Padre celestial, y que nuestras oraciones sean con todos vosotros!
El vasto país de Kenia ha ahora tres diócesis. ¡Felicitaciones! Difundir las Buenas Notizias de nuestro Señor Jesucristo!
Arquidiócesis de Kitale Ordinaria: Arzobispo + + Godfrey Siundu Wasike, DD Nuntius apostólica para el continente africano Administrador Apostólico de: Uganda, Tanzania, Sudán, Sudáfrica TERRITORIO de la Arquidiócesis: Por favor veen ariba las misiones y el clero ahi. Gracias!
Metropolitana diócesis de Nairobi Ordinaria: Mt. Rev. Dr. + Matthew M. Thueri Iglesia Católica Ecuménica de Cristo Nairobi Metropolitana Diócesis P.O. Caja de 52.783-00.200, Ciudad SQ Nairobi, Kenya territorio Los condados de: Nairobi, san, Nyandarua, Muranga, Kirinyaga, Tharaka, Meru, Garrisa, Wajir, Mandera, Mombasa, al sur de Kajiado y Narok, Kitui, Machakos, y Malindi (estos son los ex Central, Oriental, Noreste, costa y San provincias). decanatos: Por favor veen el resto ariba. Gracias!
Bungoma Diócesis Ordinaria: Mt. Rev. + OBISPO BENDICT Simiyu CHEYEWA, DD Chebukaka Misión TERRITORIO: Bungoma CONDADO Por favor veen el resto ariba. Gracias!
1. Rev. Peter Turunga, December 3rd at Kagio in Kirinyaga County
2. Rev. James Gicuru, December 4th Nairobi Councty
3. Rev. John Chirak, December 4th Nairobi County
4. Rev. George O. Musembi, December 4th, Kiambu County
5. Rev. Leonard Odede, December 4th, Kajiado County
Finalización de la expansión del orfanato y escuela en Kitale, Kenya Damos gracias al Señor por todo el trabajo duro y el apoyo que hizo posible que para completar la expansión Orfanato de San Lorenzo, orfanato y escuela! Mons. ++Godfrey y su equipo han trabajado incansablemente para su realización! Damos las gracias al Dosal Margarita y la primera piedra que apoyaron este proyecto desde hace tanto tiempo! Las oraciones de los niños están con ellos! Puede más niños abandonados en esta región encontrará aquí un hogar lleno de amor y cariño donde los cuidados y el amor prevalece! Nuestro amor y nuestras oraciones están con todos vosotros, hijos de Dios! Nueva Misión de Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús Damos la bienvenida a más de cien católicos romanos en la ICEC que comenzaron una nueva misión en Kagamega, Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús. Se va a construir una nueva iglesia en un terreno que los catequistas donada a la Iglesia. También dado ni un cabrito para nuestros niños y niñas huérfanos. Bienvenida a todos ustedes, y que su congregación se una luz brillante para que muchos testigos! Nueva Orden de San Benito y Santa Escolástica, NOSB El Rev. Gregory, desde hace años un miembro de la orden benedictina se ha unido a las salas especiales. Estudió en Roma, y se reunió con el Papa. Que bajo el auspicio de nuestro Arzobispo + + Godfrey y el Primado Ecuménico es el inicio del Nuevo Orden de San Benito y Santa Escolástica, donde los miembros casados y célibes pueden unirse al monasterio o vivir en las misiones que de acuerdo con la Regla de San Benito, similar al concepto de nuestra NOSF (Nuevo Orden de San Francisco y Santa Clara). Que este Nuevo Orden crecer en el camino espiritual de la vida de "Ora et Labora". Muchas bendiciones para todos ustedes.
Como todos ustedes saben nuestra Iglesia, la ICEC se ha extendido por todo el mundo, desde Europa hasta el continente Africano, a América Latina, EE.UU., Canadá, para Asia, Australia, Nueva Zelanda. Alegría a todos ustedes y al pueblo de Dios en el mundo! El buen Dios nos ha reunido, bendito sea su santo nombre! Que el Santo, indivisible Trinidad derramar la gracia divina después de la gracia sobre todos vosotros! Con mis oraciones + + Karl ECCC ICEC
September 7th, Saint Sozon, A. D. 2011
Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ!Sending you apostolic benedictions and greetings!Enjoy some pictures from ordinations that took place in various countries of the ECCC We all wish our new clergy God's Holy Spirit to guide them.We also welcome a former Roman Catholic Parish with her congregation in Kakamega in Kenya, Africa into the ECCC.Welcome to all of you!!Please pray all for the Good News that we all are part of in this world of transformation towards God!With my prayers and benedictions!In Christ, our Savior++KarlECCCThe joy is great in these days as we have received new servants of God. Our new USA diocese of Colorado and the Western territories, with her new bishop +Charles Giebler, the ordinations in our Archdiocese in Kitale Kenya and Uganda, Africa, and the ordinations in our Archdiocese of Costa Rica. Paz, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Te mando bendiciones apostólicas y saludos!
Todos deseamos que el Espíritu Santo de Dios guíe nuestros nuevos clérigos. También la bienvenida a parroquia católica romana en Kakamega en Kenia, África que es ahora parte del ICEC. Bienvenidos a todos!! Por favor, oren por todos que la buenas notizias del evangelio en que todos somos participantes en este mundo transforme a nostros hacia Dios! Con mis oraciones y bendiciones! En Cristo, nuestro Salvador + + Karl
Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ! It is with great joy to announce the consecration of Most Rev. +Francisco Corrella as the first auxiliary bishop of our Archdiocese of Costa Rica on July 10th, A. D. 2011. We sent him our benedictions and best wishes and may he guide with Archbishop ++Sebastian Pla the flocks entrusted to them. To him and all his loved ones, congratulations Ad multos annos! Worldwide information on the ECCC On August 27th, at our Cathedral of St. Jude in Colorado , we will have the consecration of our new bishop for Colorado: we will have the consecration of our new bishop for Colorado: His Excellency: +Charles Giebler NOSF, New Order of St. Francis and St. Claire: We are revising the Regulae of our Worldwide Order and will sent it out to all members as soon as it is ready. Everybody can look at the current website of the NOSF Order: WWW.THEFRANCISCANS.NET Please sent me an update from all your clergy in the missions around the world. We need to update our International Website. Thank you all!! Be all blessed in Christ, our Savior ++Karl Paz, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Es con gran alegría de anunciar la consagración de Mons. +Francisco Corrella como el primer obispo auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Costa Rica el el 10 de julio de 2011 A. D. Le enviamos nuestras bendiciones y los mejores deseos y que él guía con el arzobispo + + Sebastián Pla a los rebaños a su cargo. A él ya todos sus seres queridos, felicidades. Ad multos Annos! Informaciónes de ICEC El 27 de agosto, en nuestra Catedral de St. Jude en Colorado, vamos a tener la consagración de nuevo obispo a cabo en Colorado Sus Excelencia: + Charles Giebler
Él será el rector del monasterio y también el organista de la catedral. Un cordial bienvenida a los dos! NOSF, Nuevo Orden de San Francisco y Santa Clara: Estamos revisando la Regulae de nuestra Orden en todo el mundo y se lo envió a todos los miembros tan pronto como esté listo. Todo el mundo puede ver en la actual página web de la Orden NOSF: Por favor, me envió una actualización de todo su clero en las misiones en todo el mundo. Tenemos que actualizar nuestra página web internacional. Gracias a todos! Ser bendecidos en Cristo, nuestro Salvador + + Karl June 20th, A. D. 2011 From June 10th through June 11th, 2011, I was attending the nationwide conference of the American Catholic Council which consists of many Roman Catholic organizations, and also some valid independent movements.As I talked to the Nationwide association of Corpus ( 25,000 married priests in the USA), and as they told me that they will have an episcopal consecration of their outgoing President, I offered them our Cathedral. In the meantime, I had some deep spiritual conversations with different Roman catholic women bishops and women priests from the USA and Europe at the conference (they do not see themselves outside the church, but being castigated only by the hierarchy. Corpus also invited them for the consecration. I could not say no, and I was at the end filled with joy! After the consecration here at our cathedral the President of the Roman Catholic Married Priest Movement, Corpus, and having with me Roman Catholic Archbishop Brennan (consecrated by Archbishop Milingo, former Roman Catholic Archbishop), and 2 women bishops, 4 women priests, and others at the altar, I was deeply moved that the Holy Spirit is making a move throughout the world, and that the time has come that we can no longer discriminate against the women in the church by denying them the gifts they have equally with men, to preach and to spend the sacraments in pastoral care.This can never be dominated by cultural means alone! Women shall no longer be 2nd class citizen in the Church.Christ in the New Covenant showed us that Christ's resurrection was witnessed first by women, and that he had women followers all along...Mary Magdalen was the greatest Apostle among them.Again, the inclusion of women priests and bishops being part of our Church can no longer be denied.I am aware that a few of you might move away from our Church, yet we can no longer deny the historical facts.The Roman Hierarchy can no longer use the Body of Christ, the Church, to be more equal for some and less for others.This is not about a mining company, or about the front-line of an ongoing military operation... This is about the spiritual consciousness of the entire church! I have talked to many, many lay people, and they are ready everywhere to make this move.Just a little sign of the decline of the RC in the USA: it is even very sad that hundreds of beautiful Catholic Churches, and basilicas are being closed, because the male vocations have dwindled so much, the average age of the priests in ministry is of high, and so many lay people moving out of the church, away from the church!!I have already received encouragements from so many lay members, and from our clergy in different parts of our worldwide church who are in support about women being equally treated in the Church.We will no longer deny women the holy orders, because they have the vocation, and the spiritual training as men do.This is not an issue that needs to be voted on by the clergy of our Church. This is an issue that is so fundamental for the existence of the Church of Christ that everything contrary is pure politics. Let Christ reign throughout Christendom!Let the Church live, let not Church politics dominate."There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."Amen. Del 10 de junio al 11 de junio, 2011, asistí a la conferencia nacional del Consejo Americano católica, que se compone de muchas organizaciones católicas, y también algunos movimientos independientes válida. Como ya he hablado con la asociación nacional de Corpus (25.000 sacerdotes casados en los EE.UU.), y como me dijeron que van a tener una consagración episcopal de su Presidente saliente, les ofrecí nuestra Catedral. Mientras tanto, tuve algunas conversaciones espiritual profunda con diferentes mujeres obispos católicos y sacerdotes a las mujeres de los EE.UU. y Europa en la conferencia (que no se ven fuera de la iglesia, pero ser castigado sólo por la jerarquía. Corpus también se les invitó a la consagración. no podía decir que no, y yo estaba al final llena de alegría de su presencia! Cristo en el Nuevo Testamento nos muestra que la resurrección de Cristo fue visto por primera vez por las mujeres, y que había seguidores de las mujeres a lo largo de ... María Magdalena fue el apóstol más grande entre ellos. Una vez más, la inclusión de mujeres como sacerdotes y obispos de ser parte de nuestra Iglesia ya no puede ser negada. Soy consciente de que algunos de ustedes se alejan de la Iglesia, sin embargo, ya no puede negar los hechos históricos. La jerarquía romana ya no puede usar el cuerpo de Cristo, la Iglesia, para ser más igual para unos y menos para otros. No se trata de una empresa minera, o acerca de la primera línea de una operación militar en curso ... Se trata de la conciencia espiritual de toda la Iglesia! He hablado con muchas personas, numerosos laicos, y están dispuestos en todas partes del mundo para hacer este movimiento. Solo una pequenia notizia para iluminar eso: Es aún más triste que aquí en los EE.UU., cientos de hermosas iglesias católicas, las basílicas y se están cerrando, porque las vocaciones masculinas se han reducido tanto, el promedio de edad de los sacerdotes en el ministerio es de alta, y muchos laicos en moven fuera de la iglesia, lejos de la iglesia! Ya he recibido estímulos de manera que muchos laicos, y muchos de nuestro clero en diferentes partes de nuestra iglesia en todo el mundo están a favor de las mujeres son igualmente tratados en la Iglesia. Esto no es un tema que debe ser votado por el clero de nuestra Iglesia. Por la presente, pedir a todos que usted está en el apoyo. Que Cristo reine en toda la cristiandad! Dejar vivir a la Iglesia! "No hay ni Judio ni griego, ni esclavo ni libre, ni hombre ni mujer, porque todos vosotros sois uno en Cristo Jesús." Amén. Sean bendecidos y ser testigo del Reino de Dios! en CristoEASTER, A. D. 2011 CHRISTUS RESURREXIT VERE, ALLELUJA, ALLELUJA, ALLELUJA! PEACE TO YOU BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST! TO ALL OF YOU FROM NEAR AND AFAR, A BLESSED AND JOYOUS EASTER!PEWIEN BŁOGOSŁAWIONY I RADOSNY WIELKANOC DLA CIEBIE, TWÓJ RODZINY I WSZYSTKO TEN DOBRY SPOŁECZEŃSTWO W TWÓJ MISJE! MAJ TEN PODNIESIONY CHRYSTUS PRZYNOSIĆ TY POKÓJ I ŁASKA BOSKA!A OSLOVLJEN TER VESEL VUZEM VAM NA USLUGO , VAŠ ZAUPEN TER VSI VILE V VAŠ POSLANIŠTVO! MAJ VZPON KRISTUS PRIVLEČI VI POKOJ TER MILOST OD BOG!EIN FROHES UND GESGNETES OSERFEST, EUCH, EUEREN FAMILIEN UND ALLEN GUTEN MENSCHEN IN UNSEREN MISIONEN! MOEGE DER AUFERSTANDENE HEILAND EUCH FRIEDEN UND DIE GNADE GOTTES VERLEIHEN!UN PÂQUES BÉNI ET JOYEUX À VOUS, VOS FAMILLES ET TOUS LES BONS GENS DANS VOS MISSIONS ! POUVOIR LE CHRIST ÉLEVÉ VOUS AMÈNE LA PAIX ET LA GRÂCE DE DIEU !¡UN BENDIJO Y PASCUA GOZOSA A USTEDES, SUS FAMILIAS Y TODAS LAS PERSONAS BUENAS EN NUESTRAS MISIONES! ¡PUEDE AL CRISTO RESUCITADO TRAJE LA PAZ Y LA GRACIA DE DIOS!A BANAL AT NAKALULUGOD PASKO NG PAGKABUHAY SA KA, MO DATING KILALA AT LAHAT ANG MABUTI MGA TAO DI MO SADYA! MAYO ANG TUMAAS BINYAGAN MAGSAMA KA KAPAYAPAAN AT ANG PARANGALAN NG DIYOS!UNA PASQUA BENEDETTA E GIOIOSA A VOI, ALLE VOSTRE FAMIGLIEED A TUTTA LA BUONA GENTE NELLE VOSTRE MISSIONI!IL CHRISTO RESUCITATO VI PORTA LA PACE E LA TOLLERANZA DEL DIO!UM BENDITO E ALEGRE PÁSCOA LHE, SEU FAMÍLIAS E TODAS O BEM POVOS NA SUA MISSÕES! PODERÁ O LEVANTADO CRISTO ACONCHEGAR YOU PAZ E A GRAÇA DE DEUS!BEATUS ET LAETABILIS PASCALIS AD TOTI POPULI IN MISSIONBUS NOSTRORUM! CHRISTUS RESURREXIT VERE ET SIT VOBIS PACEM ET GRACIAM DEI!ΈΝΑ ΕΥΛΟΓΗΜΈΝΟ ΚΑΙ ΧΑΡΟΎΜΕΝΟ ΠΆΣΧΑ ΣΕ ΣΑΣ, ΤΙΣ ΟΙΚΟΓΈΝΕΙΈΣ ΣΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΌΛΟΥΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΚΑΛΟΎΣ ΑΝΘΡΏΠΟΥΣ ΣΤΙΣ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΈΣ ΣΑΣ! ΜΆΙΟΣ Ο ΑΥΞΗΜΈΝΟΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΌΣ ΣΑΣ ΦΈΡΝΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΕΙΡΉΝΗ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΕΠΙΕΊΚΕΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ On this greatest day of the year, all fastingand somber thoughts are banished.As St. John Chrysostom announces in this famous Easter sermon, all are invited to the feast:"Let all then enter the joy of Our Lord! Both the first and the last, and those who come after,enjoy your reward!Rich and poor, dance with one another,sober and slothful, celebrate the day.Those who have kept the fast and those who have not,rejoice today, for the table is richly spread. Fare royally upon it-the calf is a fatted one. Let no one go away hungry. All of you, enjoy the banquet of faith! All enjoy the riches of His goodness. Let no one cry over his poverty, for the universal Kingdom has appeared! Let no one mourn that he has fallen again and again, for forgiveness has risen from the grave. Let none fear death, for the death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it. He spoiled the power of hell when he descended thereto. Isaiah foretold this when he cried,'Death has been frustrated in meeting him below!' It is frustrated, for it is destroyed. It is frustrated, for it is annihilated. It is frustrated, for now it is made captive. For it grabbed a body and discovered God. It took earth and behold! It encountered Heaven. It took what was visible, and was overcome by what was invisible. O Death, where is your sting? O Death, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and the demons are cast down. Christ is risen, and life is set free. Christ is risen, and the tomb is emptied of the dead. For Christ, having risen from the dead,is become the first-fruits for those who sleep. To Him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!" Wishing you and all your loved onesA blessed Easter Seasonin the risen Lord! Your servant+Karl Paz, queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo resucitado!Jesús vino a mostrarnos el amor del Padre Dios venciendo a la muerte. Venció a las tinieblas, a la mentira, al odio. Venció al miedo. Triunfó sobre el egoísmo de los poderosos. Su victoria es también nuestra victoria. Veíamos al comienzo de estas asambleas que Dios se hizo nuestro compañero y nació como parte del pueblo. Acabamos de ver que murió en representación nuestra. Ahora participamos también de su triunfo. El destino del pueblo está unido al destino de Cristo. La resurrección es el triunfo de las esperanzas de los pobres. No salió vencedor el odio de los poderosos, sino el amor del Pobre perseguido. La resurrección de Cristo pobre señala el destino de todos los pobres de la tierra: vencer la muerte. Y vencer la muerte es triunfar sobre la injusticia. Creer en la resurrección de Cristo lleva a creer que con El nuestras luchas llegarán a la Victoria final sobre la injusticia, la miseria y la división de clases sociales. Es creer en el triunfo del amor. La resurrección de Jesucristo es la primera semilla de la gran resurrección de todos los hombres de la tierra, cuando ni la muerte, ni ninguna clase de egoísmos, puedan romper el triunfo de la más perfecta hermandad. Cristo resucitado es, pues, nuestra gran esperanza. Pensamos: 1. ¿Por qué hay pocos devotos del Señor resucitado y muchos devotos del Señor crucificado? 2. ¿Qué nos dice a nosotros el reto que dio a las mujeres que buscaban a Jesús entre los muertos? (Ver Lucas 24, 5-6). 3. ¿Por qué Jesús resucitado saluda deseando siempre la paz? ¿Qué clase de paz desea Jesús? 4. ¿Por qué todas las personas deseamos vivir para siempre? ¿Qué relación hay entre este deseo y la resurrección de Jesús? 5. ¿Qué tiene que ver nuestro bautismo con la muerte y resurrección de Jesús? 6. ¿Cómo participamos nosotros en el triunfo de Cristo? 7. ¿De qué esclavitudes nos libera la resurrección de Jesús? 8. Después de la resurrección de Jesús ya no tenemos derecho a perder nunca la esperanza en el triunfo de la hermandad. ¿Por qué? 9. ¿Por qué dice San Pablo que si Cristo no ha resucitado nuestra fe no sirve para nada? (Ver 1 Corintios 15, 14-20). 10. ¿Por qué decimos que la resurrección de Cristo es el punto más importante de nuestra fe? Actualizamos: 1. ¿Cómo deberá mirar la vida y la muerte el que cree que Cristo vive? 2. ¿Qué hacer para que Cristo resucitado sea nuestra esperanza en todo? 3. ¿Cómo conseguir que los campesinos demos más importancia a la resurrección? 4. ¿Cómo conseguir que la fe en Jesús resucitado nos ponga alegres ante cualquier problema? 5. ¿Cómo podemos mostrar con nuestras acciones que Cristo está vivo? 6. ¿Cómo la fe en la resurrección nos debe llevar a luchar contra la injusticia y la opresión? 7. ¿Cómo resaltar en los velorios y funerales la fe en la resurrección? 8. ¿Cómo celebrar la fiesta de la cruz en mayo de manera que se vea la alegría de la resurrección? ENGLISH/ESPANOL Open Letter to the Roman Catholic bishops by Hans Kung Theologian Hans Küng sent the following open letter to all Catholic Bishops on Friday, April 16, 2010. Venerable Bishops, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, and I were the youngest theologians at the Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965. Now we are the oldest and the only ones still fully active. I have always understood my theological work as a service to the Roman Catholic Church. For this reason, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Benedict XVI, I am making this appeal to you in an open letter. In doing so, I am motivated by my profound concern for our church, which now finds itself in the worst credibility crisis since the Reformation. Please excuse the form of an open letter; unfortunately, I have no other way of reaching you. I deeply appreciated that the pope invited me, his outspoken critic, to meet for a friendly, four-hour-long conversation shortly after he took office. This awakened in me the hope that my former colleague at Tubingen University might find his way to promote an ongoing renewal of the church and an ecumenical rapprochement in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council. Unfortunately, my hopes and those of so many engaged Catholic men and women have not been fulfilled. And in my subsequent correspondence with the pope, I have pointed this out to him many times. Without a doubt, he conscientiously performs his everyday duties as pope, and he has given us three helpful encyclicals on faith, hope and charity. But when it comes to facing the major challenges of our times, his pontificate has increasingly passed up more opportunities than it has taken: Missed is the opportunity for rapprochement with the Protestant churches: Instead, they have been denied the status of churches in the proper sense of the term and, for that reason, their ministries are not recognized and intercommunion is not possible. Missed is the opportunity for the long-term reconciliation with the Jews: Instead the pope has reintroduced into the liturgy a preconciliar prayer for the enlightenment of the Jews, he has taken notoriously anti-Semitic and schismatic bishops back into communion with the church, and he is actively promoting the beatification of Pope Pius XII, who has been accused of not offering sufficient protections to Jews in Nazi Germany. The fact is, Benedict sees in Judaism only the historic root of Christianity; he does not take it seriously as an ongoing religious community offering its own path to salvation. The recent comparison of the current criticism faced by the pope with anti-Semitic hate campaigns – made by Rev Raniero Cantalamessa during an official Good Friday service at the Vatican – has stirred up a storm of indignation among Jews around the world. Missed is the opportunity for a dialogue with Muslims in an atmosphere of mutual trust: Instead, in his ill-advised but symptomatic 2006 Regensburg lecture, Benedict caricatured Islam as a religion of violence and inhumanity and thus evoked enduring Muslim mistrust. Missed is the opportunity for reconciliation with the colonised indigenous peoples of Latin America: Instead, the pope asserted in all seriousness that they had been “longing” for the religion of their European conquerors. Missed is the opportunity to help the people of Africa by allowing the use of birth control to fight overpopulation and condoms to fight the spread of HIV. Missed is the opportunity to make peace with modern science by clearly affirming the theory of evolution and accepting stem-cell research. Missed is the opportunity to make the spirit of the Second Vatican Council the compass for the whole Catholic Church, including the Vatican itself, and thus to promote the needed reforms in the church. This last point, respected bishops, is the most serious of all. Time and again, this pope has added qualifications to the conciliar texts and interpreted them against the spirit of the council fathers. Time and again, he has taken an express stand against the Ecumenical Council, which according to canon law represents the highest authority in the Catholic Church: He has taken the bishops of the traditionalist Pius X Society back into the church without any preconditions – bishops who were illegally consecrated outside the Catholic Church and who reject central points of the Second Vatican Council (including liturgical reform, freedom of religion and the rapprochement with Judaism). He promotes the medieval Tridentine Mass by all possible means and occasionally celebrates the Eucharist in Latin with his back to the congregation. He refuses to put into effect the rapprochement with the Anglican Church, which was laid out in official ecumenical documents by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, and has attempted instead to lure married Anglican clergy into the Roman Catholic Church by freeing them from the very rule of celibacy that has forced tens of thousands of Roman Catholic priests out of office. He has actively reinforced the anti-conciliar forces in the church by appointing reactionary officials to key offices in the Curia (including the secretariat of state, and positions in the liturgical commission) while appointing reactionary bishops around the world. Pope Benedict XVI seems to be increasingly cut off from the vast majority of church members who pay less and less heed to Rome and, at best, identify themselves only with their local parish and bishop. I know that many of you are pained by this situation. In his anti-conciliar policy, the pope receives the full support of the Roman Curia. The Curia does its best to stifle criticism in the episcopate and in the church as a whole and to discredit critics with all the means at its disposal. With a return to pomp and spectacle catching the attention of the media, the reactionary forces in Rome have attempted to present us with a strong church fronted by an absolutistic “Vicar of Christ” who combines the church’s legislative, executive and judicial powers in his hands alone. But Benedict’s policy of restoration has failed. All of his spectacular appearances, demonstrative journeys and public statements have failed to influence the opinions of most Catholics on controversial issues. This is especially true regarding matters of sexual morality. Even the papal youth meetings, attended above all by conservative-charismatic groups, have failed to hold back the steady drain of those leaving the church or to attract more vocations to the priesthood. You in particular, as bishops, have reason for deep sorrow: Tens of thousands of priests have resigned their office since the Second Vatican Council, for the most part because of the celibacy rule. Vocations to the priesthood, but also to religious orders, sisterhoods and lay brotherhoods are down – not just quantitatively but qualitatively. Resignation and frustration are spreading rapidly among both the clergy and the active laity. Many feel that they have been left in the lurch with their personal needs, and many are in deep distress over the state of the church. In many of your dioceses, it is the same story: increasingly empty churches, empty seminaries and empty rectories. In many countries, due to the lack of priests, more and more parishes are being merged, often against the will of their members, into ever larger “pastoral units,” in which the few surviving pastors are completely overtaxed. This is church reform in pretense rather than fact! And now, on top of these many crises comes a scandal crying out to heaven – the revelation of the clerical abuse of thousands of children and adolescents, first in the United States, then in Ireland and now in Germany and other countries. And to make matters worse, the handling of these cases has given rise to an unprecedented leadership crisis and a collapse of trust in church leadership. There is no denying the fact that the worldwide system of covering up cases of sexual crimes committed by clerics was engineered by the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal Ratzinger (1981-2005). During the reign of Pope John Paul II, that congregation had already taken charge of all such cases under oath of strictest silence. Ratzinger himself, on May 18th, 2001, sent a solemn document to all the bishops dealing with severe crimes ( “epistula de delictis gravioribus” ), in which cases of abuse were sealed under the “secretum pontificium” , the violation of which could entail grave ecclesiastical penalties. With good reason, therefore, many people have expected a personal mea culpa on the part of the former prefect and current pope. Instead, the pope passed up the opportunity afforded by Holy Week: On Easter Sunday, he had his innocence proclaimed “urbi et orbi” by the dean of the College of Cardinals. The consequences of all these scandals for the reputation of the Catholic Church are disastrous. Important church leaders have already admitted this. Numerous innocent and committed pastors and educators are suffering under the stigma of suspicion now blanketing the church. You, reverend bishops, must face up to the question: What will happen to our church and to your diocese in the future? It is not my intention to sketch out a new program of church reform. That I have done often enough both before and after the council. Instead, I want only to lay before you six proposals that I am convinced are supported by millions of Catholics who have no voice in the current situation. 1. Do not keep silent: By keeping silent in the face of so many serious grievances, you taint yourselves with guilt. When you feel that certain laws, directives and measures are counterproductive, you should say this in public. Send Rome not professions of your devotion, but rather calls for reform! 2. Set about reform: Too many in the church and in the episcopate complain about Rome, but do nothing themselves. When people no longer attend church in a diocese, when the ministry bears little fruit, when the public is kept in ignorance about the needs of the world, when ecumenical co-operation is reduced to a minimum, then the blame cannot simply be shoved off on Rome. Whether bishop, priest, layman or laywoman – everyone can do something for the renewal of the church within his own sphere of influence, be it large or small. Many of the great achievements that have occurred in the individual parishes and in the church at large owe their origin to the initiative of an individual or a small group. As bishops, you should support such initiatives and, especially given the present situation, you should respond to the just complaints of the faithful. 3. Act in a collegial way: After heated debate and against the persistent opposition of the Curia, the Second Vatican Council decreed the collegiality of the pope and the bishops. It did so in the sense of the Acts of the Apostles, in which Peter did not act alone without the college of the apostles. In the post-conciliar era, however, the pope and the Curia have ignored this decree. Just two years after the council, Pope Paul VI issued his encyclical defending the controversial celibacy law without the slightest consultation of the bishops. Since then, papal politics and the papal magisterium have continued to act in the old, uncollegial fashion. Even in liturgical matters, the pope rules as an autocrat over and against the bishops. He is happy to surround himself with them as long as they are nothing more than stage extras with neither voices nor voting rights. This is why, venerable bishops, you should not act for yourselves alone, but rather in the community of the other bishops, of the priests and of the men and women who make up the church. 4. Unconditional obedience is owed to God alone: Although at your episcopal consecration you had to take an oath of unconditional obedience to the pope, you know that unconditional obedience can never be paid to any human authority; it is due to God alone. For this reason, you should not feel impeded by your oath to speak the truth about the current crisis facing the church, your diocese and your country. Your model should be the apostle Paul, who dared to oppose Peter “to his face since he was manifestly in the wrong”! ( Galatians 2:11 ). Pressuring the Roman authorities in the spirit of Christian fraternity can be permissible and even necessary when they fail to live up to the spirit of the Gospel and its mission. The use of the vernacular in the liturgy, the changes in the regulations governing mixed marriages, the affirmation of tolerance, democracy and human rights, the opening up of an ecumenical approach, and the many other reforms of Vatican II were only achieved because of tenacious pressure from below. 5. Work for regional solutions: The Vatican has frequently turned a deaf ear to the well-founded demands of the episcopate, the priests and the laity. This is all the more reason for seeking wise regional solutions. As you are well aware, the rule of celibacy, which was inherited from the Middle Ages, represents a particularly delicate problem. In the context of today’s clerical abuse scandal, the practice has been increasingly called into question. Against the expressed will of Rome, a change would appear hardly possible; yet this is no reason for passive resignation. When a priest, after mature consideration, wishes to marry, there is no reason why he must automatically resign his office when his bishop and his parish choose to stand behind him. Individual episcopal conferences could take the lead with regional solutions. It would be better, however, to seek a solution for the whole church, therefore: 6. Call for a council: Just as the achievement of liturgical reform, religious freedom, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue required an ecumenical council, so now a council is needed to solve the dramatically escalating problems calling for reform. In the century before the Reformation, the Council of Constance decreed that councils should be held every five years. Yet the Roman Curia successfully managed to circumvent this ruling. There is no question that the Curia, fearing a limitation of its power, would do everything in its power to prevent a council coming together in the present situation. Thus it is up to you to push through the calling of a council or at least a representative assembly of bishops. With the church in deep crisis, this is my appeal to you, venerable bishops: Put to use the episcopal authority that was reaffirmed by the Second Vatican Council. In this urgent situation, the eyes of the world turn to you. Innumerable people have lost their trust in the Catholic Church. Only by openly and honestly reckoning with these problems and resolutely carrying out needed reforms can their trust be regained. With all due respect, I beg you to do your part – together with your fellow bishops as far as possible, but also alone if necessary – in apostolic “fearlessness” ( Acts 4:29, 31 ). Give your faithful signs of hope and encouragement and give our church a perspective for the future. With warm greetings in the community of the Christian faith, Yours, Hans Küng TRIBUNA: Cinco años de pontificado de Benedicto XVI HANS KÜNG Carta abierta a los obispos católicos de todo el mundo Un total de 144 profesores de Teología católica de Alemania , Austria y Suiza han suscrito un manifiesto en el que exigen profundas reformas de la Iglesia Católica , que incluyen , entre otras , el fin del celibato , el sacerdocio femenino y la participación popular en la elección de obispos. Un comunicado hecho público hoy por el secretario de la conferencia , Peter Hans Langendörfer , subraya que el memorando resume en principio ideas frecuentemente discutidas y "no supone más que un primer paso" en el debate abierto en este país tras los esc ándalos de pederastia en el seno de la iglesia del pasado año. Entre los firmantes se encuentran prestigiosos profesores eméritos como Peter Hünermann y Dietmar Mieth , viejos luchadores por las reformas como Heinrich Missalla y Friedhelm Hengsbach , progresistas como Otto Hermann Pesch o Hille Haker , pero también conservadores como Eberhard Schockenhoff. Redactado con los escándalos de pederastia en el seno de la Iglesia Católica como trasfondo , el texto resulta pese a todo prudente y alaba también el llamamiento de los obispos a un diálogo abierto.Tras explicar que "nos vemos en la responsabilidad de hacer una aportación a un nuevo comienzo real" , la tesis central del memorando subraya que la Iglesia Católica solo "puede anunciar al liberador y amante Dios Jesucristo" , cuando ella misma "es un lugar y un testigo creíble del mensaje de liberación del Evangelio". Debe reconocer y fomentar "la libertad del hombre como criatura de Dios" , respetar la conciencia libre , defender el derecho y la justicia y criticar las manifestaciones que "desprecian la dignidad humana". Sus exigencias , que prudentemente califican de "retos" , incluyen "mayores estructuras sinodales en todos los niveles de la iglesia" y la participación de los fieles en la elección de sus obispos y párrocos. El manifiesto subraya que la Iglesia Católica necesita "también sacerdotes casados y mujeres en el oficio eclesiástico" , señala que la falta de sacerdotes fuerza la existencia de parroquias cada vez mayores y lamenta que los sacerdotes sean "quemados" ante estas circunstancias. Igualmente destaca que "la defensa legal y la cultura del derecho" en la Iglesia deben "mejorar urgentemente" y comenta que la elevada valoración del matrimonio y el celibato suponen "excluir a personas que viven el amor , la fidelidad y la preocupación mutua" en una relación estable de pareja del mismo sexo o como divorciados casados en segundas nupcias. El manifiesto critica además el "rigorismo" de la Iglesia Católica y subraya que no se puede predicar la reconciliación con Dios sin crear las condiciones para una reconciliación con aquellos "ante los que es culpable : por violencia , por negar el derecho , por convertir el mensaje bíblico de libertad en una moral rigurosa sin misericordia". Memorandum-Freiheit La profunda crisis de nuestra Iglesia exige hablar también de esos problemas que a primera vista no tienen que ver directamente con el escándalo del abuso y de su encubrimiento por décadas. Como profesores y profesoras de teología ya no podemos quedarnos callados. Nos vemos en la responsabilidad de aportar a un verdadero comienzo nuevo. 2011 tiene que ser un año de resurgimiento para la Iglesia. El año pasado han dejado en Alemania más cristianos y cristianas la Iglesia que nunca antes; han cancelado su lealtad a la jerarquía eclesial o han privatizado su vida de fe , para protegerla de la institución. La Iglesia tiene que entender estos signos y ella misma tiene que salir de las estructuras osificadas , para recuperar nueva fuerza vital y credibilidad. La renovación de estructuras eclesiales no resultará a través de protección miedosa frente a la sociedad , sino solamente con el valor de la autocrítica y con la aceptación de impulsos críticos – también desde afuera. Es parte de las lecciones aprendidas del año pasado : La crisis del abuso no se habría trabajado con tanta decisión sin el acompañamiento crítico por la opinión pública. Solamente a través de la comunicación abierta , la Iglesia puede recuperar confianza. Solamente si la autoimagen y la imagen externa de la Iglesia coincidan , puede ser creíble. Nos dirigimos a todos y todas , que todavía no han renunciado a esperar un nuevo comienzo de la Iglesia y a luchar por ello. Señales para resurgimiento y diálogo , que algunos obispos han dado en los últimos meses en sus charlas , prédicas y entrevistas , queremos retomar. La Iglesia no existe ni está para sí misma. Tiene la misión de anunciar a Dios liberador y amoroso de Jesucristo a todas las personas. Esto solamente puede hacer si ella misma es espacio y testigo creíble de la noticia liberadora del evangelio. Su hablar y actuar , sus reglas y estructuras , toda su trata de las personas adentro y afuera de la Iglesia tienen que cumplir la exigencia de reconocer y promover la libertad de los seres humanos como creaturas de Dios. Respeto incondicional a cualquier persona humana , respeto a la libertad de la conciencia , compromiso con el derecho y la justicia , solidaridad con los pobres y perseguidos : Estos son medidas fundamentales de la teología que resultan del compromiso de la Iglesia con el evangelio. En esto se concretiza el amor a Dios y al prójimo y la prójima. La orientación en la noticia liberadora bíblica implica una relación diferenciada con la sociedad moderna : En algunos aspectos , la sociedad se ha adelantado a la Iglesia , cuando se trata del respeto a la libertad y responsabilidad del individuo; de esto la Iglesia puede aprender cómo ya ha resaltado el Concilio Vaticano II. En otros aspectos una crítica de esta sociedad desde el espíritu del evangelio es indispensable , por ejemplo dónde personas son calificadas solamente según su rendimiento , dónde la solidaridad mutua se pierde o la dignidad humana se pisotea. De todas maneras : El anuncio de libertad del Evangelio es el criterio para una iglesia creíble , para su actuar , para su conformación social. Los desafíos concretos que tiene que enfrentar la Iglesia no son nuevos. Sin embargo , reformas direccionadas hacia el futuro no se dejan percibir. El diálogo abierto tiene que ser llevado en los siguientes campos de acción : 1. Estructuras de participación : En todas las áreas de la vida eclesial , la participación de las y los fieles es piedra de toque para la credibilidad del anuncio liberador del Evangelio. Según el principio antiguo de derecho : „Lo que concierne a todas , debe ser decidido por todas“ , se necesita más estructuras sinodales en todos los niveles de la Iglesia. Los y las fieles deben participar en el nombramiento de ministros ordenados importantes (obispo , párroco). Lo que se puede decidir localmente , deber ser decidido ahí. Decisiones tienen que ser transparentes. 4 de febrero del 2011 -- Publicado por Emi para PROCONCIL el 2/17/2011 07 : 08 : 00 AM
January 26th, Saint Paula A. D. 2011Peace to you, brothers and sisters in Christ! Hope you all had a good start for the New Year, and that Christ, the Light of the World, is shining through you!The week of prayer for unity among churches just ended yesterday with the Conversion of the Apostle Paul.This is not a coincident as the aim for unity is strongly connected to our conversion to Christ.This is a daily effort, and asks from us to grow in faith so that we become more and more one in Christ.ECCC NEWS: -On January 8th our Archdiocese of Costa Rica celebrated the ordination to the diaconate of Rev. Alberto Ugalde, Nicaragua. He will serve for the ECCC.Many blessings to you and all your loved ones for your new service in Christ! -With great Joy we welcome the Rev. Prof.Jerónimo Ripoll Ronda from Alicante, Spain. He was ordained a deacon and Presbyter in the Esenian Church. He is also a Profesor for Relgion and Catholic Moral Theology. He is married and has two sons.For quite some time, he has been in correspondence with our Bishop Godfrey from our Diocese of Kenya. He will visit Rev. Jeronimo in Spain in April for his ordination to the Catholic Priesthood.Fr. Jeronimo will start our first missions for the ECCC in Spain! Welcome to the ECCC! May God bless you with abundance for your new mission work. -Liturgical Instructions:(Many of you already celebrate the Eucharist in this way).Those who celebrate the Mass according to the Novo Ordo:In the Eucharistic Canon where we pray for the Worldwide Church leaders,Because we are an Ecumenical Catholic Church,we pray in the following sequence:"--For our Primate Archbishop Karl,and for your local ECCC, For Pope Benedict, bishop of Rome, -For the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Eastern Orthodox Churches Bartholemew, -For Rowan the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, bishop (if there is a local ECCC Diocese), clergy and faithful..."If you celebrate mass in Latin, or in the Anglican Liturgy, or Old Catholic Liturgy, please put the Ecumenical Sequence of Church Leaders in place where it is approbriate. Our International Website has received great responses.Thank you all for your commitment to the Ecumenical Cause of our Church.Our Cathedral Church and Frnaciscian Monastery here in Detroit is in one of the poorest neighborhoods of the city. We give food out every Wednesday Morning. May God, Almighty bless you richlyWith my prayers for you all,In Christ, the Savior of the World++KarlECCC ¡Paz, queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! ¡Espere que tuvieran un comienzo bueno para el Año Nuevo, y para que Cristo, la Luz del Mundo, brilla por usted!La semana de oración para la unidad entre iglesias terminó sólo ayer con la Conversión del apóstol Paul. Esto no es un coincidente como el objetivo para la unidad es conectado totalmente a nuestra conversión a Cristo.Esto es un esfuerzo diario, y pregunta de nosotros crecer en la fe para que lleguemos a ser cada vez más uno en Cristo.Las NOTICIAS de ECCC:-En el 8 de enero nuestra Archidiócesis de Costa Rica celebró la ordenación al diaconado de Rev. Alberto Ugalde de Nicaragua.El servirá para el ECCC con misiones en Nicaragua.¡Muchas bendiciones a usted y a todos sus amados para su nuevo servicio en Cristo! -Con gran alegría le damos la bienvenida al Rrev. Prof. Jerónimo Ripoll Ronda de Alicante, España. Fue ordenado diácono y presbítero en la Iglesia Esenian. También es profesor de Relgion y católica Teología Moral. Está casado y tiene dos hijos. Desde hace algún tiempo, él ha estado en correspondencia con nuestro Obispo Godfrey de nuestra diócesis de Kenia. Él visitará Rev. Jerónimo en España en abril por su ordenación al sacerdocio católico.Fr. Jerónimo comenzará nuestras primeras misiones de ICEC en España! Bienvenido al ICEC! Que Dios los bendiga con la abundancia de su trabajo por las nuevas misiónes. Instrucciones litúrgicas:(Muchos de ustedes ya celebran la Eucaristía de esta manera). Aquellos que celebran la misa según el Novo Ordo:En el Canon Eucarístico I - IV donde rezamos para los líderes de la Iglesia Mundial, Porque somos una Iglesia Católica Ecuménica,rezamos en la secuencia siguiente:"-Para el Papa Benedeto, el obispo de Roma, - Para el Patriarca de Constantinople y las Iglesias Ortodoxas del Este, Bartholemeo, - Para Rowan el Arzobispo Anglicano de Canturbery, -Para nuestro Arzobispo Primado Karl, y para su obispo ECCC local (si hay una Diócesis ECCC local), el clero y fieles..."Si usted celebra la masa en el Latín, o en la Liturgia Anglicana, o Vieja Liturgia Católica, por favor pongan la Secuencia Ecuménica de Líderes de las Iglesias en el lugar donde esto es approbriate.Nuestro Sitio Web Internacional ha recibido grandes respuestas.Gracias todos para su compromiso de la Causa Ecuménica Catolica de nuestra Iglesia.Nuestra Catedral y Monasterio Franciscano aquí en Detroit están en una de las vecindades más pobres de la ciudad.Presentamos el alimento para los pobres cada miércoles por la mañana. Que Dios Omnipotente bendice Uds. Con mis plegariasEn Cristo, el Salvador del Mundo ++ KarlICEC
July 23rd, Saint Brigit of Sweden, A. D. 2011
Be blessed and be a witness of God's Kingdom!
In Christ
Junio 20, A. D. 2011
Después de la consagración aquí en nuestra catedral, el Presidente del Movimiento de sacerdote católico casado, Corpus, y tener conmigo el arzobispo católico Brennan (consagrado por el Arzobispo Milingo, ex arzobispo católico romano), y dos mujeres obispos, y cuatro mujeres sacerdotes, y otros en el altar, me sentí profundamente conmovido, y veemos mas y mas que el Espíritu Santo está haciendo un movimiento en todo el mundo, y que ha llegado el momento de que ya no se puede discriminar a las mujeres en la iglesia, al negarles los dones que han igualdad con los hombres, a predicar y para pasar los sacramentos en la pastoral. Esto nunca puede ser dominado por los medios culturales!
Las mujeres ya no serán los ciudadanos de 2 ª clase en la Iglesia.
Ya no vamos a negar a las mujeres las órdenes sagradas, porque tienen la vocación y la formación espiritual de los hombres.
Este es un tema que es tan fundamental para la existencia de la Iglesia de Cristo que, al contrario todo es pura política.
Que no dominan las cosas políticas eclesiales.
Con muchos bendiciones a todos Uds. en el Señor resucitado!
Su servidor
HANS KÜNG 15/04/2010 Estimados obispos, Joseph Ratzinger, ahora Benedicto XVI, y yo fuimos entre 1962 1965 los dos teólogos más jóvenes del concilio. Ahora, ambos somos los más ancianos y los únicos que siguen plenamente en activo. Yo siempre he entendido también mi labor teológica como un servicio a la Iglesia. Por eso, preocupado por esta nuestra Iglesia, sumida en la crisis de confianza más profunda desde la Reforma, os dirijo una carta abierta en el quinto aniversario del acceso al pontificado de Benedicto XVI. No tengo otra posibilidad de llegar a vosotros.Aprecié mucho que el papa Benedicto, al poco de su elección, me invitara a mí, su crítico, a una conversación de cuatro horas, que discurrió amistosamente. En aquel momento, eso me hizo concebir la esperanza de que Joseph Ratzinger, mi antiguo colega en la Universidad de Tubinga, encontrara a pesar de todo el camino hacia una mayor renovación de la Iglesia y el entendimiento ecuménico en el espíritu del Concilio Vaticano II.Mis esperanzas, y las de tantos católicos y católicas comprometidos, desgraciadamente no se han cumplido, cosa que he hecho saber al papa Benedicto de diversas formas en nuestra correspondencia. Sin duda, ha cumplido concienzudamente sus cotidianas obligaciones papales y nos ha obsequiado con tres útiles encíclicas sobre la fe, la esperanza y el amor. Pero en lo tocante a los grandes desafíos de nuestro tiempo, su pontificado se presenta cada vez más como el de las oportunidades desperdiciadas, no como el de las ocasiones aprovechadas: - Se ha desperdiciado la oportunidad de un entendimiento perdurable con los judíos: el Papa reintroduce la plegaria preconciliar en la que se pide por la iluminación de los judíos y readmite en la Iglesia a obispos cismáticos notoriamente antisemitas, impulsa la beatificación de Pío XII y sólo se toma en serio al judaísmo como raíz histórica del cristianismo, no como una comunidad de fe que perdura y que tiene un camino propio hacia la salvación. Los judíos de todo el mundo se han indignado con el predicador pontificio en la liturgia papal del Viernes Santo, en la que comparó las críticas al Papa con la persecución antisemita.- Se ha desperdiciado la oportunidad de un diálogo en confianza con los musulmanes; es sintomático el discurso de Benedicto en Ratisbona, en el que, mal aconsejado, caricaturizó al islam como la religión de la violencia y la inhumanidad, atrayéndose así la duradera desconfianza de los musulmanes. - Se ha desperdiciado la oportunidad de la reconciliación con los pueblos nativos colonizados de Latinoamérica: el Papa afirma con toda seriedad que estos "anhelaban" la religión de sus conquistadores europeos. - Se ha desperdiciado la oportunidad de ayudar a los pueblos africanos en la lucha contra la superpoblación, aprobando los métodos anticonceptivos, y en la lucha contra el sida, admitiendo el uso de preservativos.- Se ha desperdiciado la oportunidad de concluir la paz con las ciencias modernas: reconociendo inequívocamente la teoría de la evolución y aprobando de forma diferenciada nuevos ámbitos de investigación, como el de las células madre.- Se ha desperdiciado la oportunidad de que también el Vaticano haga, finalmente, del espíritu del Concilio Vaticano II la brújula de la Iglesia católica, impulsando sus reformas. Este último punto, estimados obispos, es especialmente grave. Una y otra vez, este Papa relativiza los textos conciliares y los interpreta de forma retrógrada contra el espíritu de los padres del concilio. Incluso se sitúa expresamente contra el concilio ecuménico, que según el derecho canónico representa la autoridad suprema de la Iglesia católica: - Ha readmitido sin condiciones en la Iglesia a los obispos de la Hermandad Sacerdotal San Pío X, ordenados ilegalmente fuera de la Iglesia católica y que rechazan el concilio en aspectos centrales.- Apoya con todos los medios la misa medieval tridentina y él mismo celebra ocasionalmente la eucaristía en latín y de espaldas a los fieles. - No lleva a efecto el entendimiento con la Iglesia anglicana, firmado en documentos ecuménicos oficiales (ARCIC), sino que intenta atraer a la Iglesia católico-romana a sacerdotes anglicanos casados renunciando a aplicarles el voto de celibato. - Ha reforzado los poderes eclesiales contrarios al concilio con el nombramiento de altos cargos anticonciliares (en la Secretaría de Estado y en la Congregación para la Liturgia, entre otros) y obispos reaccionarios en todo el mundo. El Papa Benedicto XVI parece alejarse cada vez más de la gran mayoría del pueblo de la Iglesia, que de todas formas se ocupa cada vez menos de Roma y que, en el mejor de los casos, aún se identifica con su parroquia y sus obispos locales. Sé que algunos de vosotros padecéis por el hecho de que el Papa se vea plenamente respaldado por la curia romana en su política anticonciliar. Esta intenta sofocar la crítica en el episcopado y en la Iglesia y desacreditar por todos los medios a los críticos. Con una renovada exhibición de pompa barroca y manifestaciones efectistas cara a los medios de comunicación, Roma trata de exhibir una Iglesia fuerte con un "representante de Cristo" absolutista, que reúne en su mano los poderes legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial. Sin embargo, la política de restauración de Benedicto ha fracasado. Todas sus apariciones públicas, viajes y documentos no son capaces de modificar en el sentido de la doctrina romana la postura de la mayoría de los católicos en cuestiones controvertidas, especialmente en materia de moral sexual. Ni siquiera los encuentros papales con la juventud, a los que asisten sobre todo agrupaciones conservadoras carismáticas, pueden frenar los abandonos de la Iglesia ni despertar más vocaciones sacerdotales. Precisamente vosotros, como obispos, lo lamentaréis en lo más profundo: desde el concilio, decenas de miles de obispos han abandonado su vocación, sobre todo debido a la ley del celibato. La renovación sacerdotal, aunque también la de miembros de las órdenes, de hermanas y hermanos laicos, ha caído tanto cuantitativa como cualitativamente. La resignación y la frustración se extienden en el clero, precisamente entre los miembros más activos de la Iglesia. Muchos se sienten abandonados en sus necesidades y sufren por la Iglesia. Puede que ese sea el caso en muchas de vuestras diócesis: cada vez más iglesias, seminarios y parroquias vacíos. En algunos países, debido a la carencia de sacerdotes, se finge una reforma eclesial y las parroquias se refunden, a menudo en contra de su voluntad, constituyendo gigantescas "unidades pastorales" en las que los escasos sacerdotes están completamente desbordados. Y ahora, a las muchas tendencias de crisis todavía se añaden escándalos que claman al cielo: sobre todo el abuso de miles de niños y jóvenes por clérigos -en Estados Unidos, Irlanda, Alemania y otros países- ligado todo ello a una crisis de liderazgo y confianza sin precedentes. No puede silenciarse que el sistema de ocultamiento puesto en vigor en todo el mundo ante los delitos sexuales de los clérigos fue dirigido por la Congregación para la Fe romana del cardenal Ratzinger (1981-2005), en la que ya bajo Juan Pablo II se recopilaron los casos bajo el más estricto secreto. Todavía el 18 de mayo de 2001, Ratzinger enviaba un escrito solemne sobre los delitos más graves (Epistula de delitos gravioribus) a todos los obispos. En ella, los casos de abusos se situaban bajo el secretum pontificium, cuya vulneración puede atraer severas penas canónicas. Con razón, pues, son muchos los que exigen al entonces prefecto y ahora Papa un mea culpa personal. Sin embargo, en Semana Santa ha perdido la ocasión de hacerlo. En vez de ello, el Domingo de Ramos movió al decano del colegio cardenalicio a levantar urbi et orbe testimonio de su inocencia. Las consecuencias de todos estos escándalos para la reputación de la Iglesia católica son devastadoras. Esto es algo que también confirman ya dignatarios de alto rango. Innumerables curas y educadores de jóvenes sin tacha y sumamente comprometidos padecen bajo una sospecha general. Vosotros, estimados obispos, debéis plantearos la pregunta de cómo habrán de ser en el futuro las cosas en nuestra Iglesia y en vuestras diócesis. Sin embargo, no querría bosquejaros un programa de reforma; eso ya lo he hecho en repetidas ocasiones, antes y después del concilio. Sólo querría plantearos seis propuestas que, es mi convicción, serán respaldadas por millones de católicos que carecen de voz.1. No callar: en vista de tantas y tan graves irregularidades, el silencio os hace cómplices. Allí donde consideréis que determinadas leyes, disposiciones y medidas son contraproducentes, deberíais, por el contrario, expresarlo con la mayor franqueza. ¡No enviéis a Roma declaraciones de sumisión, sino demandas de reforma! 2. Acometer reformas: en la Iglesia y en el episcopado son muchos los que se quejan de Roma, sin que ellos mismos hagan algo. Pero hoy, cuando en una diócesis o parroquia no se acude a misa, la labor pastoral es ineficaz, la apertura a las necesidades del mundo limitada, o la cooperación mínima, la culpa no puede descargarse sin más sobre Roma. Obispo, sacerdote o laico, todos y cada uno han de hacer algo para la renovación de la Iglesia en su ámbito vital, sea mayor o menor. Muchas grandes cosas en las parroquias y en la Iglesia entera se han puesto en marcha gracias a la iniciativa de individuos o de grupos pequeños. Como obispos, debéis apoyar y alentar tales iniciativas y atender, ahora mismo, las quejas justificadas de los fieles. 3. Actuar colegiadamente: tras un vivo debate y contra la sostenida oposición de la curia, el concilio decretó la colegialidad del Papa y los obispos en el sentido de los Hechos de los Apóstoles, donde Pedro tampoco actuaba sin el colegio apostólico. Sin embargo, en la época posconciliar los papas y la curia han ignorado esta decisión central del concilio. Desde que el papa Pablo VI, ya a los dos años del concilio, publicara una encíclica para la defensa de la discutida ley del celibato, volvió a ejercerse la doctrina y la política papal al antiguo estilo, no colegiado. Incluso hasta en la liturgia se presenta el Papa como autócrata, frente al que los obispos, de los que gusta rodearse, aparecen como comparsas sin voz ni voto. Por tanto, no deberíais, estimados obispos, actuar solo como individuos, sino en comunidad con los demás obispos, con los sacerdotes y con el pueblo de la Iglesia, hombres y mujeres.4. La obediencia ilimitada sólo se debe a Dios: todos vosotros, en la solemne consagración episcopal, habéis prestado ante el Papa un voto de obediencia ilimitada. Pero sabéis igualmente que jamás se debe obediencia ilimitada a una autoridad humana, solo a Dios. Por tanto, vuestro voto no os impide decir la verdad sobre la actual crisis de la Iglesia, de vuestra diócesis y de vuestros países. ¡Siguiendo en todo el ejemplo del apóstol Pablo, que se enfrentó a Pedro y tuvo que "decirle en la cara que actuaba de forma condenable" (Gal 2, 11)! Una presión sobre las autoridades romanas en el espíritu de la hermandad cristiana puede ser legítima cuando estas no concuerden con el espíritu del Evangelio y su mensaje. La utilización del lenguaje vernáculo en la liturgia, la modificación de las disposiciones sobre los matrimonios mixtos, la afirmación de la tolerancia, la democracia, los derechos humanos, el entendimiento ecuménico y tantas otras cosas sólo se han alcanzado por la tenaz presión desde abajo. 5. Aspirar a soluciones regionales: es frecuente que el Vaticano haga oídos sordos a demandas justificadas del episcopado, de los sacerdotes y de los laicos. Con tanta mayor razón se debe aspirar a conseguir de forma inteligente soluciones regionales. Un problema especialmente espinoso, como sabéis, es la ley del celibato, proveniente de la Edad Media y que se está cuestionando con razón en todo el mundo precisamente en el contexto de los escándalos por abusos sexuales. Una modificación en contra de la voluntad de Roma parece prácticamente imposible. Sin embargo, esto no nos condena a la pasividad: un sacerdote que tras madura reflexión piense en casarse no tiene que renunciar automáticamente a su estado si el obispo y la comunidad le apoyan. Algunas conferencias episcopales podrían proceder con una solución regional, aunque sería mejor aspirar a una solución para la Iglesia en su conjunto. Por tanto:6. Exigir un concilio: así como se requirió un concilio ecuménico para la realización de la reforma litúrgica, la libertad de religión, el ecumenismo y el diálogo interreligioso, lo mismo ocurre en cuanto a solucionar el problema de la reforma, que ha irrumpido ahora de forma dramática. El concilio reformista de Constanza en el siglo previo a la Reforma acordó la celebración de concilios cada cinco años, disposición que, sin embargo, burló la curia romana. Sin duda, esta hará ahora cuanto pueda para impedir un concilio del que debe temer una limitación de su poder. En todos vosotros está la responsabilidad de imponer un concilio o al menos un sínodo episcopal representativo. La apelación que os dirijo en vista de esta Iglesia en crisis, estimados obispos, es que pongáis en la balanza la autoridad episcopal, revalorizada por el concilio. En esta situación de necesidad, los ojos del mundo están puestos en vosotros. Innúmeras personas han perdido la confianza en la Iglesia católica. Para recuperarla sólo valdrá abordar de forma franca y honrada los problemas y las reformas consecuentes. Os pido, con todo el respeto, que contribuyáis con lo que os corresponda, cuando sea posible en cooperación con el resto de los obispos; pero, si es necesario, también en solitario, con "valentía" apostólica (Hechos 4, 29-31). Dad a vuestros fieles signos de esperanza y aliento y a nuestra iglesia una perspectiva.Os saluda, en la comunión de la fe cristiana, Hans Küng.A “Year of Departure”: German-speaking theologians call for reform – UPDATE 3/02/12UPDATE 3/02/11: more theologians have signed on, it is now 238 from the three German-speaking countries, and 265 including theologians from other countries.The Church in 2011: A Necessary DepartureIt is over a year since cases of sexual abuse of children and youth by priests and religious at the Canisius School in Berlin were made public. Thereupon followed a year that plunged the Catholic Church in Germany into an unequaled crisis. Today, a split image is projected. Much has been undertaken to do justice to the victims, to come to terms with the wrong done, and to search out the causes of abuse, cover-up, and double standards within the Church’s own ranks. Many responsible Christians, women and men, in office and unofficially, have come to realize, after their initial disgust, that deep-reaching reforms are necessary. The appeal for an open dialogue on structures of power and communication, the form of official church offices, and the participation of the faithful in taking responsibility for morality and sexuality have aroused expectations, but also fears. This might be the last chance for departure from paralysis and resignation. Will this chance be missed by sitting out or minimizing the crisis? Not everyone is threatened by the unrest of an open dialogue without taboos – especially since the papal visit [to Germany] will soon take place. The alternative simply cannot be accepted: the “rest of the dead” because the last hopes have been destroyed. The deep crisis of our Church demands that we address even those problems which, at first glance, do not have anything directly to do with the abuse scandal and its decades-long cover-up. As theology professors, women and men, we can keep silence no longer. We consider ourselves responsible for contributing to a true new beginning: 2011 must be a Year of Departure for the Church. In the past year, more Christians than ever before have withdrawn from the Catholic Church. They have officially terminated their legal membership, or they have privatized their spiritual life in order to protect it from the institution. The Church must understand these signs and pull itself from ossified structures in order to recover new vitality and credibility. The renewal of church structures will succeed, not with anxious withdrawal from society, but only with the courage for self-criticism and the acceptance of critical impulses – including those from the outside. This is one of the lessons of the last year: the abuse crisis would not have been dealt with so decisively without the critical accompaniment of the larger public. Only through open communication can the Church win back trust. The Church will become credible when only its image of itself is not removed so far from the image others have of the Church. We turn to all those who have not yet given up hope for a new beginning in the Church and who work for this. We build upon the signals of departure and dialogue which some bishops have given in recent months in speeches, homilies, and interviews.The Church does not exist for its own sake. The church has the mission to announce the liberating and loving God of Jesus Christ to all people. The Church can do this only when it is itself a place and a credible witness of the liberating message of the Gospel. The Church’s speaking and acting, its rules and structures – its entire engagement with people within and outside the Church – is under the standard of acknowledging and promoting the freedom of people as God’s creation. Unconditional respect for every person, regard for freedom of conscience, commitment to law and justice, solidarity with the poor and oppressed: these are the theological foundational standards which arise from the Church’s obligation to the Gospel. Through these, love of God and neighbor become tangible.Finding our orientation in the biblical message of freedom implies a differentiated relationship to modern society. When it comes to acknowledgement of each person’s freedom, maturity, and responsibility, modern society surpasses the Church in many respects. As the Second Vatican Council emphasized, the Church can learn from this. In other respects, critique of modern society from the spirit of the Gospel is indispensable, as when people are judged only by their productivity, when mutual solidarity disintegrates, or when the dignity of the person is violated.This holds true in every case: the liberating message of the Gospel is the standard for a credible Church, for its action and its presence in society. The concrete demands which the Church must face are by no means new. And yet, we see hardly any trace of reform-oriented reforms. Open dialogue on these questions must take place in the following spheres of action.1. Structures of Participation: In all areas of church life, participation of the faithful is a touchstone for the credibility of the Good News of the Gospel. According to the old legal principle “What applies to all should be decided by all,” more synodal structures are needed at all levels of the Church. The faithful should be involved in the naming of important office-holders (bishop, pastor). Whatever can be decided locally should be decided there. Decisions must be transparent.2. Community: Christian communities should be places where people share spiritual and material goods with one another. But community life is eroding presently. Under the pressure of the priesthood shortage, larger and larger administrative entities (Size “Extra Large” Parishes) are constructed in which neighborliness and sense of belonging can hardly be experienced anymore. Historical identity and built-up social networks are given up. Priests are “overheated” and burn out. The faithful stay away when they are not trusted to share responsibility and to participate in democratic structures in the leadership of their communities. Church office must serve the life of communities – not the other way around. The Church also needs married priests and women in official ministerial offices. 3. Legal culture: Acknowledgement of the dignity and freedom of every person is shown when conflicts are borne fairly and with mutual respect. Canon law deserves its name only when the faithful can truly make use of their rights. It is urgent that the protection of rights and legal culture be improved. A first step is the development of administrative justice in the Church. 4. Freedom of Conscience: Respect for individual conscience means placing trust in people’s ability to make decisions and carry responsibility. It is the task of the Church to support this capability. The Church must not revert to paternalism. Serious work needs to be done especially in the realm of personal life decisions and individual manners of life. The Church’s esteem for marriage and unmarried forms of life goes without saying. But this does not require that we exclude people who responsibly live out love, faithfulness, and mutual care in same-sex partnerships or in a remarriage after divorce. 5. Reconciliation: Solidarity with “sinners” presupposes that we take seriously the sin within our own ranks. Self-justified moral rigorism ill befits the Church. The Church cannot preach reconciliation with God if it does not create by its own actions the conditions for reconciliation with those before whom the Church is guilty: by violence, by withholding rights, by turning the biblical Good News into a rigorous morality without mercy.6. Worship: The liturgy lives from the active participation of all the faithful. Experiences and forms of expression of the present day must have their place. Worship services must not become frozen in traditionalism. Cultural diversity enriches liturgical life, but the tendency toward centralized uniformity is in tension with this. Only when the celebration of faith takes account of concrete life situations will the Church’s message reach people. The already-begun dialogue process in the Church can lead to liberation and departure when all participants are ready to take up the pressing questions. Solutions for leadingthe Church out of its crippling preoccupation with itself must be sought through a free and fair exchange of arguments. The tempest of the last year must not be followed by restful quietness! In the present situation, this could only be the “rest of the dead.” Anxiety has never been a good counselor in times of crisis. Female and male Christians are compelled by the Gospel to look to the future with courage, and walk on water like Peter as Jesus said to him, “Why do you have fear? Is your faith so weak?”
Información de agencia EFE , Feb-04-2011.Berlín, 4 feb (EFE).- La Conferencia Episcopal Alemana considera que el manifiesto crítico hacia la Iglesia Católica suscrito por un grupo de catedráticos de Teología es una aportación a la discusión sobre el futuro de la fe y la iglesia en este país y ha reaccionado positivamente a esa señal.Una serie de cuestiones del memorando de los teólogos "se encuentra en tensión" con las convicciones teológicas y los principios eclesiásticos de elevado compromiso , reconoce Langendörfer."Los distintos temas necesitan de una urgente aclaración" , señala el portavoz de la Conferencia Episcopal , quien subraya que hace falta mas que un acercamiento de los obispos para afrontar los difíciles retos de la iglesia. Los errores y fracasos del pasado deben ser tratados y reconocidos al igual que los déficit y exigencias de reformas de la actualidad , admite Langendörfer , quien reconoce que "no se pueden evitar los temas conflictivos" y anuncia que la Conferencia Episcopal hará sus propuestas durante su próxima reunión plenaria.Los firmantes del manifiesto suponen mas de un tercio de los 400 teólogos del área de habla alemana , según revela hoy el rotativo "Süddeutsche Zeitung" , que afirma que su cifra sería mayor si muchos no hubiesen negado su rúbrica por miedo a represalias. EL DOCUMENTOManifiesto de los teólogos alemanesPublicamos aquí el Manifiesto de los teólogos alemanes que tanta difusión ha tenido estos días a nivel mundial , en la traducción de su propia página web.Memorándum de profesoras y profesores universitarios de teología sobre la crisis de la Iglesia católica en Alemania. “Más de un año ha pasado , desde que se han hecho públicos los casos de abuso sexual en niños y jóvenes por sacerdotes y religiosos en el Colegio Canisius en Berlín/Alemania. Siguió un año que ha sumergido la Iglesia católica en Alemania en una crisis sin precedentes. El resultado visible que hoy se ve es ambivalente : Mucho se ha empezado para hacer justicia a las víctimas , remediar las injusticas y detectar las causas de abuso , encubrimiento y doble moral en las filas propias. En muchos cristianos y cristianas responsables con y sin ministerio ha crecido –después de la indignación al principio- el entendimiento que reformas de fondo son necesarias. El llamado a un diálogo abierto sobre las estructuras de poder y de comunicación , sobre la forma del ministerio eclesial y la participación de los y las fieles en la responsabilidad , sobre la moral y la sexualidad ha despertado expectativas , pero también temores : ¿A caso el último chance para un despertar de la paralización y resignación se está echando a perder por dejar pasar o minimizar la crisis? La incomodidad de un diálogo abierto sin tabúes da miedo , más todavía con la visita del papa en las puertas. Pero la alternativa de un silencio sepulcral , porque las últimas esperanzas se han destruidas , no puede ser la solución. 2. Comunidad : Comunidades cristianas deben ser espacios en los cuales personas comparten bienes espirituales y materiales. Pero actualmente la vida de las comunidades se deshace. Bajo la presión por la escasez de sacerdotes , se construyen cada vez unidades administrativas más grandes – „parroquias XXL“ , en las cuales ya no se puede experimentar cercanía y pertenencia. Identidades históricas y redes sociales construidas se abandonan. Se quema a sacerdotes y ellos quedan quemados. Fieles se distancian , si no se les confía corresponsabilidad en estructuras democráticas de la dirección de su comunidad. El ministerio eclesial tiene que servir a la vida de las comunidades – no al revés. La Iglesia necesita también a sacerdotes casados y mujeres en el ministerio ordenado.3. Cultura jurídica : El respeto y reconocimiento de la dignidad y libertad de cada persona se muestra especialmente cuando se resuelven los conflictos de una manera justa y respetuosa. El derecho canónigo solamente merece este nombre si los y las fieles realmente pueden reclamar sus derechos. Urge mejorar la protección de los derechos en nuestra Iglesia y una cultura jurídica : un primer paso para avanzar es la creación de un sistema eclesiástico de justicia administrativa.4. Libertad de conciencia : El respeto a la conciencia personal significa , tener confianza en la capacidad de decisión y responsabilidad de las personas. Promover esta capacidad es también tarea de la Iglesia ; pero esto no debe caer en tutela. Tomar en serio esto concierne sobre todo el área de decisiones en la vida personal y sobre estilos individuales de vida. La valoración eclesial del matrimonio y del celibato está fuera de cuestión. Pero esto no implica , excluir a personas que viven amor , fidelidad y cuidado mutuo en una relación de pareja con personas del mismo sexo o a aquellos divorciados y casados otra vez que lo viven de una manera responsable. 5. Reconciliación : La solidaridad con los „pecadores“ supone tomar en serio el pecado en las propias filas. Un rigorismo moralista ególatra no le corresponde a la Iglesia. La Iglesia no puede predicar la reconciliación con Dios sin crear en su propio actuar las condiciones de reconciliación con los y las que ella se ha hecho culpable : por violencia , por privación de justicia , por perversión del mensaje libertador de la Biblia en una moral rigorista sin misericordia. 6. Celebración : La liturgia vive de la participación activa de todos y todas las fieles. Experiencias y expresiones del presente tienen que tener su lugar. La liturgia no puede congelarse en tradicionalismo. Pluralidad cultural enriquece la vida litúrgica y no va con tendencias de una unificación centralista. Solamente cuando la celebración de la fe abarca situaciones concretas de la vida , el mensaje eclesial puede llegar a las personas. El diálogo eclesial comenzado puede llevar a liberación y resurgimiento , si todas las involucradas están dispuestas a enfrentar las preguntas urgentes. Se trata de buscar soluciones por el intercambio libre y justo de argumentos , que saquen a la iglesia de su autopreocupación paralizante. ¡Después de la tormenta del año pasado no puede seguir la calma! En este momento ésta solamente podría ser un silencio sepulcral. Miedo nunca ha sido un buen consejero en tiempos de crisis. Cristianas y cristianos son llamados por el Evangelio a mirar hacia el futuro con ánimo y –respondiendo a la palabra de Jesús – a caminar sobre el agua como Pedro : ¿Por qué tienen tanto miedo? ¿Tan pequeña es su fe?“